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�L�,�'•���� `n ,,'t .S/� �.. . . ' . _ �'I__j_ <br /> v... . <br /> . • _ <br /> , � .� _. <br /> c� "`_"-. � _.____. ' . .�.a .'. <br /> -- . 93• so�..�s <br /> Toc�wr,H.0�ne�n�or ne�a�a�u�e p�ny.�a.�i��•.•�w+c�. <br /> +na fi�are.oow an c�rartet.p.n oi�p�ap�xty. AI��rya.amaW�Ana,iaai�ian.slwl�aw bo oov�a by Ws secnritr <br /> �uon�aaM. /UI af tbe ta�oia�i�nfonod W in IM�5ecutity Inwwae�N a tho"Prapeny.« <br /> BORROW6'Jt C�)VBNAM'S�t Bormwet i�I�wiwlly�clied of�ho esuue henrby 000voyod and Iw the d�ht w�raat <br /> and convey 1hop�p�ty and th�t�he P�ty i�wnencumbaed.escep�fix akumbnnoes ot rocord. Ramnaer v►•�aad <br /> � wi11 ddend�p�etdiy Uie Utb la tho Pimpaty�inq dl cl�im�aid dcm�ndc.�ubject to any cn�uml�nccs of ratixd. <br /> THiS SBCIJRII'Y INSTRUMENT combines unifiNm cavenant� for ouiond uce and aa�waifam wve�u� wNb <br /> -- ---- -- — ltmited vari�t8ans by jurisdictian ta canstitute a uniknm�cn��i�y i��uumcnt cavMng real�opmty. ..- <br /> . UNIfaORM C�OVBNANTS. Bonow+a and l.cndcr covcn�nt u�d�grce as followc: <br />:�,� /. Rpn�t ot P�iadpd�u�d letenati PreP�ya�at�ad CM�er. Rarowcr sh�l!promp�Y P�Y w�hai due�ha <br /> �oi u�d intemst an the debt evidenced by�he Nde u�d anY prcpaymeot and I��o chiugcs due undcr the Note. <br /> I�ndp Nor 11�us wl lawraaa. SubJoct to applicablc I�W oR q a witirn waiver by I.cnder.Baiowa shall piy Ia <br /> I.eoder on Ihe d�y awnd�iY pap�Rnenta uc due unde�the Nou.untii the[Yaae iis�aid in full.a sum l"R�nds"1 far.l�l Y�Y <br /> —_ taxen+�nd acoessmeciu wNich n�rWo piaily ovcr thic Secu�iiy la�ucnet�as a Ikn on�he Propchy:lbl Y�Y kasehold <br /> pay�� a � naus m ui�e nuprn�r.i("w�y: icl yrwiy �,.�.:N �::�.r� :�.�.cc �ucmtums: (d1 Yearly Qood E_- <br /> oi cuau�oe premEums.i(any:le)yearl�r mon,�aBe i�uunuMx pmniuuna.ii aaqr +�M t�anY sunos payabk by &xrower ta <br /> -.—s._ l.ender,in�card�wiih tBe pavisia►s of p�r�gtaph licu oi 1l�e pai�ment oi'mo�tgage i�uarancc premiumR. Thcsc _ <br />_. itcm�aie called'Esc�ow I�ems." l.ender may.ot any taoe.collcct and Nold�in�n uutiwunt nw�o exceod t�re maxitnum <br /> �unowM a lender for a fednaily rclsted moAgsge loan a�ay�oquine iar Barowert esctaw�ecuunt umkK tbc federal Re�l _ <br /> S F,state Seplanent Pnnadwrs Act of 1974 as amended fran pme to Wae.12 US.C.¢2601 er srq.l'RESPA"1.unless anotler <br /> `}:, I�w 11W applies b tha fi�nd�set�a laser amount. If so.La�de� my time,collect and hold Hu�ds in an�mowN nou w <br /> _ .__ c�.::.i i0i:1���iiaiiiii. l.Cii�i iiiZ'j L'�ftYlSlt t!!t e!tl�7�sAt Nf�i��Ww n� �!w Mcis�f� data and tiaeoafblt <br /> l atimates of expa�diwnes of futurc Esc�ow Items ar otherwise in acoordwn�.�e v►iih aippli�abk law. ` <br /> The Fiu�ds sl�all be held in�n inctiation wlase depocits arc insun�d dy a feder�l agency.lnstcumenta� enlity <br /> n,� (includbig Le�der.ii l.a�de�is such an institutlon)a in my Fede�al Hame i.onn Ba�nk, l.cnder shall apply the fiu�ds to p�Y <br /> the Esc�ow Items. Lender may not charge Bonower far holding and applyine thr Wunds.annually analyzing the escrow �+:�'; <br /> awoun4 or verifying the Escmw Items. unkss L.ender pays Baaawe�irttemst ua ttrc Fimds and applicable I�w pemnia =�-- <br /> - Lx�da to rtwke such a charge. However, Lender may rcquirc Bonowcv[o pp��a ane•dme charge far an indepe�dcnt�ral �_ <br /> tsutt wt npo�ting savia used by I.ender in camKCtion widi this low�.unless applicn'ble law provldes otherwise. Unless�n _ <br /> �''' ag�eement ir eiade a appllcable law rvquirca intercst to be paid,Leader shall not br ntquircd to pay Bomower any interest a _ <br />�,:'�.,�• earnings an t1�Ru�ds. Bomower and l.ender may ag�oe in writing.lawever.that interest shall be p�id an the 1'wids. L.ender — <br /> ., � I shall give�o�ortower.withow cha� annua!accaundng of�he Fundg.rhuwing crodits and debits w�he f�u�ds�nd tlrc <br />,`'�;a;�� j purpose for which each deblt w�he Fundc was made. 7he FuMs are pledgad as addiUonal sxuriry for all wms ucurcd by <br />`tt•�'•� thi:Securiry InstrumenG - <br /> s«,.�t <br /> - -.: .1g If slse� !x!d!�y l.tsscks excm� ltse esnounts�cnni!!td 1n �w he�td by apQlicable law. l.ender shall acoount a _ . <br /> !. Sorrower far the ezcess Flmds in axordance with the mguirements af applicable law. Ii the amount of 1he RinQ,held by <br /> ''•7;., �.+' �., •- '.� Q.ender at any tima is nd suflicient to pay the Esrrowr It�Yns when�der may so notify Borrower in wriling.w� '-;.s= <br /> :�<:r� .� �� <br /> •:;,:n ;!'� :���i`% ; .,�;' such pse Bormwer slwll pay to I.ender the umount ne��essary to make up�he ck:liciency. Bortvwer slwll m�lce up tbe ,�,�; <br /> #°�: ;:�'�s- d e f i c u��o mor+e 1 h a n twe lve mont h l n�s.a 1 I.e n d er�s s o le u d s c�+e t i a n. '` <br /> s;4 �i;•, i�� 3�l�Y� � . <br /> Sf� ;,�l; Uponpayment in full of all suma srce�d by Ihis Securiry I�au�aasen�l.ender stwll prompUy reWnd to Borrower any . <br /> `.��' � � Fw�ds held by l..ender. IP,under paragrap't�21.I.ender shull ucqui�e uc utllhe Property.L.ender,prior to 1he acyui�ition or �k,�-.' <br />-=_''i- (;� salc of Ihc Pmperty,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time nf acquisit�on or sale as a credit against the sums �� <br />--+ii` �t`' securcdby�his Secudty Instrumen�. �= <br />��Y.!): � .� � 3. A (catlon ot Pa menla Unless a licabk !aw rovides aherwise,all meMs received b Lender under <br /> �.r;• . pP� 3' PP P P�Y Y <br />-''"�-�`. '''�`"�' paragrophs 1 and 2 shull be upplied:6�•any preps+yment charges due under the Nae;second,to amoun�a payable w�de� �,` <br /> ,:'rr7�, ��f�', . <br />_'.�.°?:�� ��''' °rf,��' h 2;third,ro intercst due;four,th,c�a p n:«i p u l due;and last,tu ar+y late charges due under the Note. �r <br /> -�,.:. i#.,;>;, �� P�B�P �- <br />.;y-�� ! ,. �' , �,`�' 4. Cb�es; Ltens. Bomower ah�➢pay all luzes, assessmena�,charges. 6nes and impositions anribu�able to the <br />- '�`','. ' • 1'r a p:.r i y u h E c h m a y�i t a t a p x i a r l r;o v e r t�4s S e c u r.t;l n s m e m e n t.�d t��s e h o l d p s}'t!!t!!!4 4!a R 0 1!!!S�!�!!!4.4f:+n� H�xrrwrr =_ <br /> ,�� <br /> s` �{ ��'tfk;':' �, '�'� ,�all pay these obligations iac the manner provided i��ar�~caph 2,or if nat paid ia thaa manne�.Barrower shull�:+y them on �,En;�•. <br /> '.�,,;, }"`i�����, time dfrecUy to the person awed paymeo�. Bomower sPudE gxomptly furnish to Lenc�er u91 notices of amounts�o be paid under E <br /> ��; ���,•:�� ,�,r <br />�+;;;:{� ,r : ; ;, ..t�� . this paragraph. If Borrower makes thesr paymems directly,Barower shall prompt9y tumish to lxnder receipts evidencing —.:._ <br /> ..', ' the payments. ��:' <br /> :a I� �c:�# ,,, 8orrower shall promptly disch�rge any licn which has priority over�hi�5ecu�+tv losuument unless Barower.(a)agrees <br /> �"� � :�x � �t�t„ ln writing to the payment of�he obligxtiun xwureJ by the Ilco in e manner accept:►hle se►Lender.(bl contests in good faith the <br /> �_�.., � lien by,or defends agaitna enforcemcnt of the lien in,lepa`;praeediogs whirh in the ILender's opinion operute to prevent the �%�,y:, <br />-- �+�: , enforcemem of lhe Hen;or t�D secures from the holder of t�he lien an agreement�a�isfnctory to Lender subordinudng the lien tr,:r <br /> °"` ', to�his Se�:uri¢y Iruaumeni. If Lender detemiines thut any pan of the�'ropPrty is subject to a lien which may atwin priority '-°= <br /> . � � �'• over lhis Secupiup lnstaument,l.ender may give Borrower u notice ide��a�dying the lien. Bomower shdl satisfy the lien or taJce ° <br /> - • + , "" ane or more of the actian�set forth above within 10 days of the giving oi notice. ��' <br />_ ' � :��r,��, .,,� 5. Hnzord or PtoperRry Insuraace. Borrower shnll keep the improvernKnl��w existing on c�rcaRcr crected on the ���::'� <br /> ' �.,i ' ■_r.:,:... <br /> . ,� i',�•���:,' Pnvperty insured against loss by firc.hazurds includeJ witt�in t'he tetm"extended c���•erage"nnd uny other hazarcls,including mr; <br /> ' � �l'�"•�: r.•� iiaoda or flooding. for which Lender requires insurance. '1'hic ia�uraace sholl be moinwined in the amounts and for 1he __ <br /> ' ' �.,.+i:� - <br />-:. ��pr�1! J�.:';���i''' _ <br /> „ , 7�_';�,. . lbrW J0li 91l0 (paR�2 nj6 pagerl �(,,;. <br /> � i�;i',�l�s. . .;' . � � <br /> ` �.'+11 ,�i, <br /> .� ' .Ir�'!, . ', , �,'. <br /> 'Y �• �' �"• <br /> i y �,`yr•< � .. <br />:i�i�.i{ ��`'';'�'. . _ � �(114�`�u�'MdtL.l•.}11 , �f�,��r���`�'�' . ���'':: '�'i,,.?`�������1�;'1 '�'T^`�'�� <br /> ',,; ,�fi� y,''° ��. �'�' �, � �'',� �r;;. t , ;� ,V <br />•.�. ii��•�1K^'�"�F';�;,�;} ��}�.,4'!t'.,��a(ii�'S�4�t i�q � [;1}.I � 'd��"'�' . t . '��f'.�i 'v�1 �!S!�!}ti�i�• - ( . ti`�{:�b.�ti�j���y��}'�;�,4�a '���r+�- <br /> �,�.��•�Vfa � ' � `. } . <br /> T .•.i....�'� . . , . ' ... v7�`���"S�;r! 1�Gu. <br /> .. c l� �:_� ' 4_ :%.�1_ �* ` � _i��`:y::,v. .� �,��`,� � �{i..t!� •;\ , N.S\•'_�lr �- .Jt A^''t�. <br /> : , . <br /> . . . . , . .., � , <br /> . � . <br /> , � t. <br /> ,,,�� �lfi� i ; '� � ,f. 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