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'`��iR ."' .�.. ; ..t=' . .. � .; �T.._.._..--. <br /> , . ��.• � . {1 r..1.. � �_ _".- _ <br />_�.. . . J....'.I ' ' . . ... .. . � " <br />. . . � `—__ _ -- "- ... . - . <br /> .�....__� . . . ..� ___.. _ <br /> . 93' so�.qoa ���1 <br /> a�demn�tion«otl�er wdas p�t of Ibe Propaty,ar ror oanveyn,oe ia�ku af candem� I�nby�c.l� <br /> �11 ba pRid a t.ender. � <br /> In tha event d�wW uk1n�o��he Prapeny. �he pacoed� �11 60�pplied ro the �wra�ecurod by�his Seaurity <br /> r�w��.Wna�,�a na u�en a�.w��n any axaw p�td�o swrov�e�. In�ho ovent of�pwtW alcin�of�he�in <br /> which the f�fr iqNicel vdue ot tho PropeAy immadWcly bcfao tAe tdc{n41�eqwl to or p�ealer th�tho amouM of' wm� <br /> �ecuted by�hi:Security Incttument immedl�tel befaro tha uki�g�unlecs Borrowo�nnd l.eMfe�othenvise��nea ln writin�. <br /> 1he iw�u�ou�od by Ihi�Secu�iry (a�aument �11 be roducod by the�mount af Iho�xocoed�mul�iptied by�he fdbwin� . <br /> - iFactian: (�l the Iatd Mmaunl of�ho cunu Rocu�od immedl�tely I+ofi►�Ihe t�kln��divided by lbl tla fiir mrrka v�1ue af Iho <br /> ;� ��`"�-� PropeAy imn�odiately befo��Iw wkin�. Any bulw�ce chall be puid ta �atmwer, ln the event of a pmtial ��kin af�ha <br /> = Propetty in which the fifr nwlcat value ot the Prapohy immodi��aly befon�ho t�lting ia lecc Ih�n�he+u�aunt of�pua�c <br /> �curcd immodGuoly beforo the laking, unles�Bon�wer�nd Lendor ahenviso���eo in wrilin�or unle� applicable I�w <br /> othe�wlce provides.the proceodc�11 be rpplied ta Iha wmo iecw�ed by thio Socudty Inadumorn whether ot not t4e wms Mo <br /> Ihen due. <br /> li tho Pmperty is�ndaxd by Qorrowcr,or if.aller�wtice by Lender ta Bormwcr that the candomnar ot�o�s�o m�ke <br /> . _-__.. �n aw�rd er aetlb a aldm f�r d�m�ges.Born►war f�ilR w rcspund to l.ender within 30 dwyr aQer tho dne 1ho naica i�Riven. <br /> Lender is awhoriud to rnllec�and�pply the its option.either w rastoration or repai�of Iha Propetty or to the <br /> wms sxwed by this Socurity Instn�rrknt.whether or not tt�en due. <br /> . - Unless 4eader u�d 8onower otltetwise sigrce in writln8. anY appliculMn of pa.�ceds to principd slWl aot eaknd ar <br /> postpone the due dote of�bo m�wuhly P�Yments referted to in puqQraphr 1 and 2 ar chango�he autwunt oi sucb puymcnW. <br /> ' 11. Norrawe�r Not Reks�ed: Forba�+woe �a I.endar Not a Wiiv�nr. Exten�ion of the dme for psyaaedt ar <br />' awditicado�of�unatiziuio�oi�Ae suma secand by tNs Security Incpument�rauted by Lrender w any suceessar in intereat <br /> of Borr�ow�et sNall not operato w rcle�se the liability of tho arigfiwl Borrower or Barrower'§� in intaest.Lender <br /> shaii uvi ao�cyuircJ tu..,n�iu�r�wu y.w�c.iiiige aQainst ats�au:c�scr in Intetrss os ref4sr s+a eutessd t�e for�rss�ox , <br />.-.�T _ � otf�wis�morify amoTtiza�on of the wms secwod by this Securiry Insuument by rcasan of any dertwnd m�de by the ari�ieal . <br />- Bcx�awer or Botrower�ruccescara in�ntercsu Any forbearmce by l.ender in exerci�in��ny ri�ht or rcmedy�hall not be• <br />---_ -----_- _= waivor of or pteclude the exer�ise of eny dght or rnmody. <br />--_ __=`= --= lB, Succacon and Assi�a9 Bouad:Joint aad Several Liablltty;Co-ci�aer�. Tlie rnvenonts and agreements oi tfils <br />--" � Se�aity i�smnnent ahall bind and bane8l the successors wd assigns of L.ender wid Bamwec;cubJect to�he provlsfons uf <br />_������ para gr�p� 17. Bortowerk covenants and agrcemenla slwll be joint and severnl.Any Bar�vr�x who co-�igns tbis Socurity <br /> ;:y�;, ni swument but does not aaecute ihe!�{ote: (a)is co-sigt�ing this Securiry Instrument only ta u+u�9gage.grant and convcy t�at <br />��--'��:'-- -- Bamwerk i�te�est in the Property under thc terma of this Secu�ity Instmment; (b)is not pe�ronally obligatod to pay Ihe�uma <br />`_u„�:r��',�"j'� secwed by thls Secu�ity lostiument;and(c)agroes lhat Lender and any other Barmwer may agnx to extend,modify.fatbeor <br />=J�+��= -a or make�ny �ccumawdationc v�fth n�urd to the�erms of this Secu�ity IasUument ar tho Tlae without th�t Barovixi's <br /> _ __ i',^ <br /> '°�""�f"��! �13. l.oan Cluu�e9. 16 the foan securcd by this 3ecuritg Insaument is eubjeci ta a luw which seu maximum Bowi <br /> -''—�....° l�• � <br /> __�.� - ---y'Y� <br />.-1�_,__=- char�es.end ttl�!!�w�•fna44y i9►fr�r}+�rrv�:d+?�►thet lhs intere.0�ir o�her Inan cAaaeas coliectcd ur to bo collocted in conne�sUan <br /> '�i�� � with the Icwn eaceed the permin�d limiis,then: la)any Kuch loAn chorge shefl be reduced by IAe am�wnt necessuy to reduoe <br /> , Ihe charge to tlte pe�+nit�ed limit;and(b)eny Kums u'lready�allecud from Bnrrower which exceededpernoittac!Nmits will be <br />_- refunded to Borrower. 9.ender may ch.�ose to molce�his r�aiund fiy reducing the principal owed under the Not�or by mp{ctng u <br /> � '� ' � di�+ea pa��m�cnt to Bornower. If u rr5und r+educes principal.the reducdon will be treated as a psutial�rcpayment wilhout any <br /> .� , prcpayrn�:nt chorge under the No�e. <br /> �� - 14. Notlees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument xhall he given by delivering It or by _ <br /> -��a•• ���"'�;'i, meiling it by fi�st oluss mail unleas applicable law myuires use of onaher melhod.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> , .:'�• Address or any other uddre.cs Borrower designoles by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by firot cUus <br /> � � � :�f , mail to Lender5�addre�s atated hercin ar any other uddregK Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any ndicc provided for <br /> -r.� in this Socur�ty Insnument shall be decmed ta have been given to Bo�rower or L.ender when given Ac provided ia lhis <br />