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__•� r .. .::;�::� .__. <br /> - � : ^ ."i7 J ,r'�''w 1.�L..F';,�: <br /> . �• -• , •� _. - ' �SV <br /> , .. ; ;_ _._____�::,:-_-_-___—___—_—_ � <br /> 1�I <br /> _. _ ..1 �.�.�rY�YI�. . <br /> .�..� .93• 10�.:�� � �R:��. � <br /> .� <br /> _ - periada dat lawicr roquin�. The i�wuanoe cvticr provl�11�s inunanoo sluil be chacot�by Honnwer aubject to L.aMiwL <br /> �pp►ov�l which th�ll not be unreuaaably withheld. IP 8arrorxr fiils to m�inuin cavan�o darribod above.l.eader m�y.u <br /> Let�derl�oplian.drtdn covcr�ge to prota.K I.a�derY d�hu in Ibe Properl ty in�►cco�d�x with pwm�ph 7, <br /> All in�unhce paUcka+u�d rcrawds rlu�ll bo�capu�ble w Letde +n�!chdl incN�de e:u�ncl�nd mortg�e cl�use. I..a�de� <br /> .:, . �ull havo Iho dght ro hold�he policks and�aiew�ls. lf I.ender roqui�a.Bornnwcr shall prompllY�ive to l.tnder dl�+ecaipl� <br /> '.��,� of paid praniwnu aid nnewd notkea. In the event of locc.BaROwer rh�ll glve prompt ootka ta�he incur�oe e+urler and <br /> ` -- -��der.�der m�y mike proof of law!f nat m�de prompUy by Borrower. <br /> -�: Unlers Lrnde�and 8ortower otherwlce�gee ia writLig.lnwr�nce ryoceeds sh�116e�pplied to roswr�ulon or rep�ir of <br /> `d,�— ---- - ------ thap�p�ity d�nu►god. if tho �esta�tlan o�repiir i�aconomically feasible and Leodcrl�zecurity la not lassened. U the <br /> -�h rostorsticm or ropair ie not economically fe�ible or Lenderh security would be lescened.the in�unu�ee proeeeda sh�ll bo <br /> ---��� i apppad ta�he sumc socurod by this Soeudry Incuumen�whether or not then due,wUh any excess poid ta Barower. If <br /> Bomnwer abendor�the Piroper�y.or does not �ncwa wlthir�30 dRys a notico fiom Lender that tlrce ipcuraaoe cu�ier iu4 <br /> -- — ' of�ered ta santo a clsim,then I.ender m�q r.�►Ilect Ute inwrance pmcoodc. Lender may use the pmcaod4 ta repair a•resta�e <br /> "�3i�� � the M or la sumc seeumd b thio Securit Inrtrun�ent.whether ot aot lhep due. 71�e 3(I�da <br /> - � Y WY Y Y Y PQ���i�� <br /> _ _-_ �� the�auce io given. - <br /> _ __ Unless l.ender and Barrowar otherwlso agae in writin�.any npplicaliom of praceeds to principal ahdl not exeood ar <br /> __-- Pastpone the dao dNe of tha monthly I�YmeMs raferrcd W in parag�phs 1 Aad 2 w cha�a��ho atnar�t of dia p�ymecw.,lf <br />---�• � under puagrnPh 21 1he Prope�t,y is�cqui�ed by Lender.ilorrowerk rigiu tw any iavurance polic�es x�d <br /> -� `' i fmm damaga�a the Propa�ty prior to the acqui�ilion thall pa�to l.endar to ttu extent crt'the uum�t secasRd�S� <br /> - � � Inehument immediately prior to theacquisiNon. <br /> �'�° b. Oocup�ao}� Pe+eservation, Mdote�nce ond PrnteNon o� the Prope ; Sorrovver's l.o�a A <br /> ��_,, <br /> i <br /> __- `.-'S -- I.eaieelw�Ml�. Rnrnnur'r ah�ll em�py,rat�b!!9!►,end ax 1!!t 4*t�ojterty ea Bc+rri+wrrk�inr�,Al nmirknn�wJthi��i+tt}•d�±+�s eRrr • _. <br /> "°- - thc ezecution of thi�Secwity Inwrurr�ent and chall continua to occupy the Pmpe�ty as Bam�werI�princ(pal r+eaidaiais for at <br /> . leau one year �Fter the date of occupancy. unless Lender othonvise s�rees in ��ricing. which caisent WuU not ba , <br /> � un�easanably withheld.or unless extenwting cireumuwncea exist which are beyonii 8a�rrowerl�control. Botmwer�tull not < <br /> � <br /> :^'' destro dam� e•ur im r Ihe Pro <br /> ;.; Y• 8 P� perty.allow the Pmperty to detcrforate,or caieQaoit waste on�hc Property. Borrower shaU <br /> be in default if any forfdture nctiun or procoal�ng.wi�ether civil or c�iminal.�s bega� �,at in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> could r�esult in fodeiture of the R�erty or otherwise matedally impair tP�e liea�cireate,d by this Security lnswment a <br /> Lender�secw�Uy interrs�. Bomower may cw�e such a default and�inetate�As pro�ac�rer�in�aragraph cau�in�Ihe�on <br /> or pracaeding to bc dismfssed with a ruling that,ln L.enderk gad faith deterrnination;prccludea f�+r'�'ei:ure of the Bomowerl� <br /> , �.;�< ", �?�,, �•� intercst in �lie Propeity or other matedal lmpaimxnt of the Ifen created by Ihis Securlry lnstrua�enII or Lender�i security <br /> ` 't•' - interest. Borrower sh�ll also be in default if Bormwer. du�ng the Ic�un application pmceas, ga��e meterially fAlce or <br /> �' inaccurate infartnation or statements w l.ender(ar faikd to provide Lender with any materiallnfo�nAt�on)in connatlan with <br /> �'.^ �• the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representAtions conierning Borrowerk uccup�y of the <br /> ':;� ; �rty es a ptincipuG�rsidcnce. If this Security I�sttume�3 is on a kasCF►a1d,Borrowcr shnl�com�ply with all the provisiona <br />_ � ;;" _ f� of iease. Ii Hortower acqui�ex fee�itie to d�e�opnty.the Icasehold ae+ai the Cee tltle shAll not mPrge unleas Lander a�roe� <br /> q .�-?�: �ti w the merger in wuiaing. • <br /> ` •,,�;,� ��6.,_.°� '�"" •. ' Q roperty. If'Bonow cr fails to perfom� the covenants and agrecmenta <br /> �t� ,.f..,�i,r•..-�' 7. PrWecU�ia of l.ender s Ri hts in the P <br />,l._ , ,:. • �,•., conlained in t�ris S�ruriry Insln�ment, or ther+e is a leg�l proceeding thut may significantly affect Lender�rights !n the <br /> • .,.�4�ifr� �at., <br /> �11 <br /> ;"�r�LJ��r��is�''^.;�;•; �nderyma c1 And�� fur whete�ver is aecessrob�to f mtec�lhe value o'f tfic e�re or to enfarce laws or rcgulations),then <br />�'��. . ' � > � �• Y paY pr9 P IxnY and L.cndcr's reghts in the F'mperty. <br />�` , �+�Mr=��,�;Y; 'Lender�s acdcyns n�ay�includa paying any sums secured by a lien which ha.priority over this Security Instrument.pppearing <br /> .•f�� . �,�„j,,;,:.,i;�,:�; , in coutt,poying reusonable uttameya feea and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althou�h Lendu may ��Ice action <br /> �� � � ,�'�' • under Ihis purstgruph 7.l.ender dces not have to do iso. <br />� � �'�' '��`i����� Any umourds dlsburr,ed by Lender under this puugruph 7 shull become additional debt of Bomawer securcd by this <br /> ���p- `'��r��'r�``'sr�� ' � Srcuriry lnetrument. Unless�orrower und Lender Agrce to other temis of payment.these amoun�s shall beu interest from the <br /> Yi ti" . y.� ��f`rt f�yfr{�� . <br /> ;�,� ��i��,;i, . ,• date of disbursement at the Note rate and�hvll be payable,with nodce from L.ender to Borrower requeuing <br /> _ -= � ��. payment. <br /> ��,. �.��.,;�� �� 8. MorlgAgc Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of moking the lan secut�by this <br /> r �. ;: . ,� Security 1n�trumen�,Bortower shall pay 1he premiums reqaircd to muintain the mortRa�e insurance in effect. If. for any <br /> ��`•. •�:•' • - <br />{ .�p�f,;4{.�,: rcasnn, the mo�gage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses ar cea.ces to he in effect. Borrower shail Qay the <br /> ' �• prcr�iums requlred�o obtain coverage substantially equiv,�lent to Ihe mongage lnsurnnce p�viously in efFect,At u cost <br />�':rr� -a..��:��� `' sut�vtantlully�yu)volent to the cost to Bomower of tlx mortguge lnsurance previoualy in effect,from an altemate mortgage <br /> •::.a.v�..�+. <br /> '- � :�- ,,,��_:�---��*.,a;:-1i•�,:; ioKUrer npproved by Lender. li substantially equivalent mortgage insu�ance coverage is nut nvailabt�:,Barrower shell pay to - <br />�i..' .� �.Y:. �.. r Lender each rnon th o swn equal ta one-twclfth of the yesuly mongege insurance premium being paid by Bornower when the <br /> "'�?�' :�Q�� inauronce coverngc lapsed or ccased to be in effect. Lende�will accept,use und retuin these pnyments as a loss reserve in lieu <br />,�','`'�,;. � ���' of mortgage inaurun�e. Loss reservc payment4 muy no bnger be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance = <br /> 1 h`�...': <br /> i�t,�• - _ �? _..;,�: .coverage(in the amount and for the period thut Lender reyulres)provided by un insurer apprnved by Lender again 6ecomes — <br />;�;,s;; ���!;��� :`' ovailnble and is ob�ained.Borrower shall puy the premiums required to malntnin mortgage insurnnce m effect,or tu provide n <br /> ,1F3,,?��.L'! 7•�,��i.�t:r, ,° loss reserve,until the rcquirement for mortgnge insurwice ends In uccorda��ce with uny wrinen ugreement l+etween Borrower - <br /> ��t,;4��, r{,,. �r;:,r�p �; and Lender or Applicuble law. _ <br /> "�.,.'. <br /> �,x,f��;,, �.f t�r ���l�;�; 9. Inspectlon. L.ender or its ogent may muke musonnble en�ries upon und inspec�ions of the Propeny. Lender shull _. <br /> �[{��•r, ��....i'd5'r.i � __ <br />:_R�„ ,,.1,.., � T�i' give Rormwer notice ut 1hr eime of or prior to,m iec�x•rti�,n v�cifying ren�onehlr rnusr for the inspection, - <br /> � n•,� ��•. � ��;1r�;''s; '� 16. CondemnAtlop. The proceeds of any uwuni or claim for damages,din�ct or c�msequemial,in cannection with uny = <br /> :.�-.�+1,5�� ..�,tll�f��i;si�z�,. _ <br /> vr.•i'<<i;:. ,.���1.��'.� '� . " •, 5inple Famlly.•N�npp MaNFYe�Wk Mac I�qFOR171NS99tUH�TNT••Unifnrm Cmriiem• 9��p / ¢t 3 n b - <br /> ';• P�+ I ly+xes! <br /> �,:'-. . . , .�;.,,....; r <br /> :f�-,d. y� s�.,,,, ., ,'��;:4 x <br />.�c��t l��j- t�,m...,�• + . Oral Lata ti�.u�bre�VpM.he.■ <br /> �x�a�l.f/ " i�(i S�� � ���' • ToUrderGll t•8�'Ar:L;qiOOCIQYA1lNi1/t•�191 - <br /> �'.°�' �•�: .i���'{���?;l�i���4 . _ <br /> z;�,. :�. ��# 1 r��'�"h�► `�,+ . <br /> .t ,.�t:• <br /> ��'' � + •;rti:;c� d� 1 �, <br /> � . :.�!�,� l�1� t-:,?t,zr`4tf`,�} .��3 <br /> ;i." 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