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`SF ' � ^ �f.i. � . �^=-�1r-" . . .. ` .._. <br /> . ' 'N. -� •.i� I �'�'� _ 1• � <br /> � , :iS, `. '�;: ... _..... -��—_ <br /> -..M1i � a. <br /> S`.` �• "' __-�_._ . <br /> •L..,-._.._� � <br /> : � 93- io�l.,�3 � si � : <br /> � • <br /> ��- appli��hlo law m�y speciry fat rcinstuementl beforo s�le of the PropenY purswnt to�ny pawe�of ab ca�idned ln thi� <br /> Socurity InxqumaH;ar lb)a�r�ai a judgmrnt enfor�ci�g thla Securiry Inatrumrnt. 71iae coedltfan�rue thu Barower: (�1 <br /> : Wy� I.e�wler xll anta whkh d�would be due w�da w. socuriN InwrumaK and�he Nae ,u if aa ,�oaaknutan h�d <br /> occuned;lb)cwes�ny defaU ot any ad�r covenan�a a agn�r�rnu�:lc)paYs atl oxpau�ex incurted in enforoing Wir 5ecu�y <br /> ;: � 1nan�moM� includin�.but not Ilmited to.reason�ble attomeys'fas:atwf ld1 ukrs euch actiai ar Ireeder msY rea:onl�ly <br /> nquiro�o�s:u�n th�t the Uen afthis Sccurity In:uumrnt,Lcedert righta in the Prapeity wM Bamiwerl�ddiWtbn to f�y�he <br /> `�'�;— �; sum� securod by Ihis Security Inst�ument chall oominue unchan�ed. Upon rcinsutcmcnl by Barowa. thi� Secu�ity <br /> - Incmiment and Ihe ob�li�atiau sxured hereby sludl�in fully eRective s�if no�creler�tim h�d occunod Hor►�eva.�h1s <br /> -- -- - ' ri�ht to�elasltte slWl not apply fn the of uccelcratlan under psr�graph 17. _ <br /> � i 19. S�Ie d Nate;C1aa�e of Lowa 3erviee' 71ie Nae ar ap�uti�1 inu�axl in�he Note(togethe�wi�h thi�Securiry <br />_,�n' lnctrt�menq mry be aald ate or mo�Iimea wlihoul prla�noiitx to Borrower. A sala m�y rosuU in a chan�e in the ptt�ry <br /> (k n o v►m+i s t h e L w n S e rv i c e r")1 h�t ca l lxta m o n t h l Y p a y m e n ts due wider the NMe und�hi�3ecu�it y lecuument. 7frcre�Iw <br /> -=°�--�---�°•u=�: tn�y be ono ar ma�c ch�ngos of 11w i..oAn Scrvicer unrol�led to a salo of 1hc Nate. If Ihero ia�ch�nge af the I.a�a Servloer. <br /> "'�'�(��� � Bormwer will bo givcn wrluen naUco of the ch�ngo in�cc�►dance wlth parogaph 14 AMove and epplic�ble I�w. 7i�e natico <br /> �-� wlll stwto Uie�ame and addross of�he new Low�Servlcer uod�he oddr�ess w which paymeots shcwld be m�ulo. TF�o aatice wlll <br /> -_ -_—�=��A�;�;�j also con�ain any othe�inlormuuon n:quirerl by uppiicublo law. <br /> _ �=--=�-��! 2Q Hwrdaus Substaaas. Bamower shall not cuusa o�permit Iha prosance.use.dlspo��ga.or atease oi'any <br /> ------- Naeandous Substances on or in ttie Pmprrty. Borrowar siwl) not da� nar allaw anyone else Ia do, anything a(�ecting� _ <br /> —� °"J`"� �,; .� Ptoperty thot is in viulation of any Envlmnmenwl 'I1ie preceding�wo�senieoces shall nat apply ta iha presence.use.or <br /> �"•�•� �Y sto�ge ot�the Propeny of sm�ll quandUes of Hazandoua Subs�nnces Itwt aro generally roco�niud to ba�pprupriote to normW <br />-. • ; rcsidential ases and to mainten�nce oi the Property. <br /> '=�,4� 8onower ehall prompUy glve L.ender wrinen nWice of any imestigation,claim.domend.I�wsuit or othor action by any <br /> $ov:�ntw1.+►�ngulotcwy agency ar private paAy involving the Propetiv�td any Wasuuduus Su6stance or Environme�MaJ <br />�;;?t,•.�;?' ,N. � Law ot wAich Bamwa has actual knawledge. If Borrower leams.or is notiGed by any governmental or regutwory <br /> „ 1 "�� I� uutUoriry.that any removrwl or dhar�+emcdiadon of any Hwandous SubstAn��c aUecting�he F'ropertr i�nxescwy.Harower <br />"';�' � `�,;�`� shall pramptly take all ne��essaty temedial actions in aecoNence with EnvlronmentAl Lww. — <br /> .(• � •�n;:� os ° <br />-:;,1eg: `a;�.':;�, '; As used in lhis par.�xr;,+m 20."Hazudous Sub�swum�es"ure those subsiances deGned as toxic or haxnrdouc aubstanoes by •,, f <br /> -� �,,i ' Environrn�al law wtd tP�e folbwing subsuuices: gasoline,kerosene.other flummable or toxic petroleum pmducts.lwt�ic . �', , __� <br /> �'��_'"`�� ' sticidc�s arrf hefiicidea, volalile �al�ents,muterials caMainin asbestos or forntuldeh de. w�d mdionctive materials. e�►s '� •�;�. <br />":;;4r;+;�". W`• �•,:,c.,r;lv , Pe R Y <br /> -��'�t+7.,:�.t :�,, used in thi��,uugraph 20�"Environmenia9"mexa�federnl lawx;�d laws as�jurisdiction whete Wo Pmoperty is locaracl ,�._ <br /> ;':��". ;'���.r;`F`• : '•, ` tiwt rclate to Aealth,safca�r or environmentat ptcnection. � ' ' —= <br />.-:��� :�1,*'��i•��'�� '% NON-UNIFORM CUVENAN7'S. �om�wer Awd l.rnder funher covennn�u�i3 agree as follows: ' <br /> _�.:ti �:`,{��n....•,,,. '�;• 21. Accekmdon;Remedle.v. Lewder slwl�give notice to Borrower pr7+�r to qccelernNoa idbwi�g 73flr,rawer's <br />'`°'��"> " `�'�` ; '^� breacb o�any rnvenant or Agreemc��bn 10�is Securily Instrument(bul not Hor to accelerz�tion under puca�r�� �7 <br /> - ,,�� p;, �.:A. . , ...�. <br /> _. . . <br /> ..,,. . ,.. f r� � <br /> �;,, •..>` unkssa lica <br />_:�.;;� , �..,, ; , � pp We IAw provldes olhe�wl.��1. 71ie notice shAfl specif�: Iw)the elhult;lbl 16e astion reyuire tp cure f�e � <br /> �`' _. defautt:(cl a date.not les�ti�n iP1f Qa�s Yraa Ihe�3�nte the notice Is Rivea ta� whkh Ihe deP�a�11•�uurt bt <br /> ' �;'Y:�P"� r cund;and(d)th�f faila�rc a�,Ture tbe detuu9!a�er�betore the dpte specified iw the notice mvy rcswtt ion a�ocrleratba ot <br /> .y' ,.,�t���,:h� ,;.���,,'r — <br /> , ',.,� ;..,��; t6e sum4 secured by Ih�.s SecuriVy lnstrumenf A�d snle of the Property. '1'fm n�11re shall fuHlier Mfot�a�3oriro�rer ot _ <br /> °���;�• Ihe right b reinstwte An��c��oelar�Y7�n and lhe right la bring A cw�rt aclion 7u assert the non-exialence oi'a de��qlt ar <br />__1'�"=+ '� �',�.�;� ;-4_j , uny othe��Aefense of Borrower t�o areel�ratlon und a�le. If tihe��ult ix not cured on or befare the date specifiedl ip <br /> _:,:..�•�:.q . �.z;,--�.. �.,�r�`:.• �. <br /> ti ,,;:. .•r,r Ihe noNce,2.ender at its optbn mqy rt�ulre immediwte paymeet ia+Uull of all sums secured by 14is Secur(ty Inst�ument <br />::`�:;:,,?� �.�'� a t ,,, <br /> _ ;�;'�".;:..� �� ,+,� } � wilhout further dempad And m�y invokc the power of,w�le and nny othcr remedies permilted by appltcable IPw. <br /> , :° . . , � � Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred in punsuips the remedies prov(ded in thts pAraQ�ph 21. . <br /> -" ,���+�d-��•,��� ` including�but not limited la,reasonpble wttorneys'fees and cos�.g ot tilk evidence. <br /> :�• • �. ,,: ••„;�,;��i� j If the power of sale is invoked.7lruslee shAll rernrd w notice ot defAUll in each county b whkh pny ptut of the •• <br /> ,�•.n �; ;� ..� �� f�� Property is lacated and slwll mail copi�of Ruch notice in the mAnner prescribed by Applicahle aw to Borrower Nnd tu <br /> 'hr•� s,. m <br /> � � ; �� ' ��i�� the other persons prescrlbed by applicnble low Alter the tlrpe required by appllcAble law. 71�ustee shdl glve publtc <br /> ','�' �•. �s nolke o�sale b Ihe persons and in the mwnner�rescribed by pppllcable I�w. 'I�ustee.withaul demaad on Borrower. <br /> _--.:- - shaii seii the Property ot pubiic aac�ion to the h�R6es�bid�er a�t6e time ana piace Ana under�be�erms cieaignoted in , �y <br /> �.:,"' `��'���"� " the notke of ssde In one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determinea, 'll�ustee mpy postpone sak uif all or any � � <br /> 1j�� r""""a• ' ;�,. parcel oF tbe Properly by public announcement at fUe fime and pl�ce of an��prevlously scliednted eale. Ixnder or(t.v ` <br /> °'"�,1:.' r� __ <br /> _�r ,ti?'�!,` r�;�+ , desl�nee m�y purchase the Property at any xalc. <br /> ".':y� '•�. . ,� � R� Upon receipt oi paymenl of the price bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the purch�.ser Trustee's deed conveying 4�e <br />--,',�-;;i ,,•. ,:• .'+;.E{j�'':' . Properly. The recltals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima fpeie evidence of Ihe truth of Ihe slatements mAde lhere{n. <br />'"�_�-° �:~.�. =S�k�r�~� 71ru�tee s6a11 opply the proceeds of the�le In the Pollowin�order: (a1 to all caBts and expen.ges oP excrcisin�the power - <br />��A��� T��r..7��� _ <br /> �;�•�-. �.s:�;y���•h;;� _ <br />�_r��:��'Y �11°.,`�11�.►`V' = <br />-•:�. ":l�y .: . ' _° <br /> `3 •�: � �, <br /> C;fi�.� °°�j�?l:° . d. �' <br />-�:i�;,�., :.�:.:a..�_v�' �; <br /> ic:��� : r��i��� ,.�•., r:�• MiKm JO=!i 9I90 Ip�Rr i afn��xr.� �i <br /> .. I,�r4,. .�/i�,. •• F.. <br /> :. . `�. 7:.� <br /> . � �':: <br /> �i., ' :.y' o�.-. <br /> �� � ;Sk� - <br /> ";`;l;. •�• . ,{:.:g, <br /> l �': <br />'.?�;',' ('[+°,: . . `i.,,if�}�(ti�•A�1![� �1.��11tir�n e�i j�J�j <br /> Yn'y�• { .��b� -., (;�T��'7..\.i.. � ' •r:'i"'t',1�. _�,'l.: 't'� i�,.�l !��:'•`•"'�� .'-�'�-�il.��'�;'. <br />.,'eC � 1 �rf�•1 j'��� ��1� <.. �;���Yi.'•..��t (� ,11• _ � . ,'� � �• u�.+.-. r ..w-. " '�{�r�t���r'Y!�.�i .�` .u'f /!'4 _ <br /> . ' •f, 't5��i(� {�,i�}':� !t',° ����,��.11r.� . (�./ - . , •�.�;1�a'. - �r�. . '.�::.�� ` :n-v1- �II�r �+�R�.� i< � �(C� <br /> I ,, , i��� .��'s,�} !: <br /> �:'r, /, � -� .i�. 1 . �'�5 _�i,.. �' r,'�•�� . '�iS:. '� �t ��� ' l�I��'�I..t;t�:'�°��iR�� <br /> �diil..t, ':A�k.rn�;= ..,...Y. .�:4,� '�d� .�� .�._:i:.!`t\_ tr�4:_' w�d -- <br /> . _ <br /> � - _ , . . , . . . ' <br /> __ ,�- ..1�' iJ ' _ 1 ' T'` T l� �'. . ' "�pii� . - . .v�c <br /> � , �iA SF���t�cl ��—• • �.1l�,�� t1�� . - ��'},�'� �_ 1 , t ,. �,�� �{ i <br /> ._ _ _ _ <br /> _ <br /> � <br /> . ,� . <br /> ' � " � ' � � u .. �� . 11� ` � l� . �i�� . � ���'r. . . J:4�� �� . <br /> ;� , ,+•� a <br /> ^ ',"�" � �� µ•.�� ,, . '�: � <br /> y , .� , .. . . , ' d; ''fi, '��• ;.,� , ,�r _ . ,'.i, � � <br /> , '„�', . , , , (, <br />, ,� �(�' • yt, (`� i '� ��,.•� .. . . . .• . ' �' y, : <br /> • . ; t ��t�i�, �.�'�� , '. . '� . �'S:,-: <br /> . �.. a h „ .,..�..:� , .. ;y;',., : . ,,;� . �,�;,, . . .. <br /> 4��/f ,1� -�� �ti�'�''I '• .� . � . . �5 � '�,(� ���� . .�j•. � . � �, <br /> 1���' � ( ' ;""�:�;i�• '� ` .. ','�"'•. _ _i` . (��'..,, ;,� . <br />� �.�' �;� � }'f.�. . .� „ ,y". tii�r�r . , . � �` <br /> ;� �,F, . :�,;. ,� _ ��' ` � . <br /> �t, �;��Y�+," ��,;�• ,. �1Y, �� ,� , •.�;?� ,' , . ' ..� . , ;` <br /> �. ,� � ; �:� , .�, ,,.,�. . _ ,' '� : . � �. � � . <br /> . �-.��j �, � � " �:�:,� .� �. ;: �„ _, <br /> �ti" .�. � . , „ ,. 1���t';:;'.��G i'r•�,., ; ,, ,,��,� .'.r`.C.�',,. ,,;rn,a�.._... <br /> .;; ;.F� _ .� ':;,.� _ - �r' i.;•;��i���,�,,�r,�:�����,� �'ci , . �,1'•,.►`, ;,, . . :;.::� . . . _._ . _ . <br /> .� '�} .�:4 � ,, . '�.� . <br /> . . .� „ . <br /> „ .. <br /> _ .� y � � 1 <br /> • .. <br /> , . � <br /> , � . � •, i <br /> ,,, � <br /> . � . � <br /> q ,► , <br />