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�� �.-.:....R, .-� � - r . -_. _ <br /> .� . � .., ,r� ,��:�_ <br /> �� ..-.. , ��'�1. 5' �r' .. . ... .. ... ..._'�' . <br /> ��-_ . •y -o - _��6N•.i�l�i�l . .. _.-_—_.—._.._...—._——__._ _ _ <br /> - -� g3_ �.0�..40� 9�►�s�. <br /> . �roo677�81t wmd dl�he hnpmvar�en�Q�w or n.rranor arected on�no pnQerfy.ana.0 eacemon�o,.ppunen,u�cer. <br /> and QKluna now ar haratYe��p�ut ot�ho p�v�nty. All rcpiwoemcnto and wWitions sl�ll�Iw bo coveoai by WIa SaurUy <br /> Inwwnaa. /UI of the fa+e�ofn4 i�afemed to in Ihfa 3ocudry Inwument ac Iho"f4�oQeny." <br /> BORROW6R COVBNAM'S Itw Raaowcr is I�wfully ceicaf ai Ihe esqte he�by oonveyed and ha��he ri�l►t ta�ant <br /> and caavey the Prnpaty and Qwt the Property is unencumberod.exoep�for encumbrance+of nocad. Botrower wurmt��qd <br /> _ wW defa�d Aa�aally the titb�a the Ptope�ty+igainu dl cldms u�d demuids.�ubjoct to�ny encumbrancen d'rocad. <br /> _` , THIS SECIIRiTY INSTRUMHNT c�ombines unifomt covenpnt� far national use and nan•unifam ouv�� wilb <br /> litai�pd vul�tions by juri�dktlan to constitute a unifam socurily insuument cavering real pmpetly <br /> -- - -- - - --- UNIFORM COVBI�fAhTS. Aamwer t�nd Lender rnven�nt�nd sg�oo as folbws: �� wl�en due Ihe = <br /> �,n:: ' l. f'�ymeat ot P�I�CIpd a�d Iate�at;Preps�ooe�t aad I.wte Cb��s. Bormwcr stuill �Y P�Y <br /> -_` � priia�ci of�nd inte�est o�the debt evldenced by the Nae and+►nY prcpsymem wd late chwrga dua under the Nde. <br /> - - � FiiuiW�for 7luces aod Insunaee. Subjoct to appUpWe law or to a wrllten waiver by Lender.Barower sh�ll p�y lo <br /> L,pKier on the day monthly payments ace due under the Nate.until the Nde is paid in futl.a sum("F�dc")for.(a)yearly <br /> — tues and�u wh(ch may attain priority over lhis Security Insttument�s a lien on the f'nnpeAy:(b)Y�y I��Id <br /> _____�_� -- _—__ <br /> -_ - -,-----��,_: payments ar ground raus an the Property. if any: (c) YeulY Iwzwd ar prnperty insptw�ce prenuw��a: W) y�+�=!' � . <br /> inurrutce ptemiums.if any: (o) Y�9 �Sage insuramxx premiums, if any: wtd (�any sut.�a payabk by Bwruwer to - <br />___ i �,ender,jn�ccoidancc with tho provisions of paragraph lieu of�he payment ot mongage inw�pmmiums. Thera <br /> i Itans�re c+llod'F.scruw Itemc." l.ender any Iime.collect and hold Fimds in an wrwunt not to eacood Iho mwtimam -- <br /> —= amaunt a Irnder for a foderally related mongage Iwn may roquire for BoROwe��escrow account under Ihe fabml Real <br /> _= Fsute Settkment Praxdures Act of 1974 as wr�endod fmm time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless snother <br /> -° ` law thu applks to the Funds sets a lesser amou�t. If so.I.ender any 1ime,collect and hold Funds in�n anount oot to <br /> �..--_ _ _ _ ; <br /> �...t � exceed�he Iesser amount. i.ender mey e�linwic ttic acitiaunt aF Tund:, due aa thc b�ls �i onme�►t dia��nd�aacon�blo <br /> -- - . -- esdmates of expatiditunes of future Escruw ltems or dherwlse in AccarAnnce wi�h npplicable law. <br /> • The Funds shall be held in an institutlon whose deposits tuc insurM by e federnl agency,insuumentAlfty. ar entiry <br /> _ (includL�g Lender.if I.ender is such ao instiludon)or in any Federul Home Loan Bank. Lender shall ppply Ihe FLods to paY <br /> tf�e Fscrow Items. Leoder may not charge Bamnwer fi►r holding and applying the Funds.onnually analyzing the escrow <br /> � �counti ar vedfying tho Esaow Items� unless I.ender pays Borrower intenesl on the Funds and appdcabla law pemtits - <br />_ � Lxmkx to make such a charge. However.I.ender may�equira Borrower to pey a one:-time charge for an indepe�dent rcal <br /> a <br /> ` esutte Iox reporting servlce used by l.ender in connection with Ihis loan,unless applicnble law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> . � agrocment is made or applicabla law t�equires inte�st to be paid,l.endcr shall not be requit�to pay Bomnwer aay inte�st or <br /> � eamings un the Punds. Bcxrower and l.ender may agree ia wr�dng,however.that inte�est shall bc paid on ihe Funds. [.ender <br /> `�;..,. shall�ive to Bortuwer.wilhaut charge,an onnunl accounting of the Punda,showing credlts and clebits to tha fi�nds and tha <br /> - � purpose fa which each cieeit to the Funds was mude• The hlmds are PIedBM os Additiawl seCUrity for�II�ums secund by <br /> i thia Secw'ity lnstrutnent. <br /> .,.�. . If the F�nds hC7d by I.ender exceed the nmounta permiaed ta be•held by upplicuble law. Lender shall ucoounl to <br /> , ,��•e�•;;-, Bomnwar for�he excess Fvads in accordar�ce with ti�e�cyuiia+iien�s�f appf9cabtc law. l::;ss a.:to�n!of i!x F�!�!�!�; <br />_ - � tti¢�.�,' Lrnder at any dme is not sufticient ta pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy su notiiy�orrower in wridng,w�d.ia� <br /> ;,,��, , such case Banawer shall pay to Lender the amounl necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Barn�v�er shal� rtwke �P the <br /> _;��" •� "� s� . ��;. I deRciency in no mare�han twelve monthly puyments,at l.ender s sole dlscre�ian. � _ <br /> ��:' ' : + `� ' Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by Ihls Securiry Insuument,Lender 4fw11 pxoai�tly r�efund Yo Horrower any _ <br /> ; FUnds held by Lender. If.under parnga+ph 21.L.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,4e�ncle�.prior to the acquiaition or <br /> 1 '� ~ -�f ��� sale of the Pmperty,shall apply uny Funds held by l.ender at ttie dma of acquisition ar s�0e as a credit a�ainst the cums <br /> ^ t� - secured by Q�is Secu�ity Inswment. <br /> �,� � "`'`"' 3. Applla�tlon ot Paymenla Unless applicable luw provides otherwise. all payments received by I.ender under _ <br /> �,-���h;r.��,y - <br /> �•�, „�„� , ►a hs 1 ond 2 shall be n lied:first,to nn r+e u menl chor es Jue under�he Note;second,to umounts p�yabk under <br /> ,�.,. P�8 p PP Y P P Y 8 <br />=- •T� �'.i�� p�ragraph 2;thiM,ro interest due;fourth.�a prineipal due;and last,to any latc chuges due under the Note. <br />".:z. � � 4� Chprges; Liene. Bomower shall pny all tuxes, ossessments, charges, Pnes and impositions atuibuwblc to the <br /> �--` •r, --;::�:.�.•;,;;" 1�mperty which muy uuuin priu�ity uvm Uiis Srcu�lty iastrumc�t,�nd lcaschald p�,ments or ground sents.if eny. Rrxn►wer <br />:.r y •� � * �a shall pay these obligations in the manner provided In puragraph 2.�c�r if not psiid in thnt manner,Borrower shall pay them on <br /> �� �� ° time directl to lhe rson owed a ment. Bornowe�ahall rom l turnish ta Lender all notices of amounts ta 6e aid under <br /> ��r- ,��,� E r.�.,.. ',�f�•-�• y pe � P Y p 4�y � p <br /> ,;v�` ' ;t�;�;;,r +�y v��_..-�+. .. t h i a p u a g n p h. l i B o m o w e r m a k e s t h e s e p u y m e n t s�di�rectl y.Borrowcr shall p a n ptl y fumich lo Lender aceipts evidencing = <br /> ,'�j��� tlR�,, . ,.',.,l.. the payments. :. <br />�'!; � _�1^r,��.�r;�"".'.:�c�',�Sti1�` • Bomower xhall pmmptly dischuge any lieo w�ich has priority over Ihis Security Inswment unless Borrower.(a)egrees <br /> �ti ' � "� "''' '`'��l;f�r"`'�� �• , in writing to the paymeat of the obligation secu�!by the lien in o munner acceptable to Lender.4b)cnnte�ts fn good tai�h U�e - <br /> �H1�'=��,ly'�'�'a�� . <br />'�"'�•;_ • lien by,or defends agait�st enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the L.ender's o�inion operate to prevenl the <br />-���' � • ,�� ' • enforcement ot the lie�e:or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an ngreement sutisfncwry to Lender subordinating the lien <br />=�"�'}• ' �•, � to this 5eeurity Insv�ca�ent. If Lender dete�mines tha�any��t of the Properry is�cubject to u lien which may altain priority - <br /> �,:,�-:, - <br /> __,,.��, .,-. . over lhis Secudty InArrument,Lender muy give Bonower u notice identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take _ <br /> __• =F=t.,_ • ' a�e a more of the uctions set fonh aMo�•e within 10 daya of the�S+ving of notice. _ <br /> � '" ,� IHa�rd or Propetty Insu�nce. Borrower sh�ll kec�the improvements now existing or herruftcr erected on the <br /> �.r;r {+��:;f�, a' - <br /> rt�:�• ', ,.__.� �► ,•, Propeny i�uurtd agains�loss by firc,hazurds included wilhin the ierrr�"extended covernge"And any other hnzards.including _ <br />-.a;'�� flootis vr(looding.far which L.ender rcquires insurance. 'fbis insurance shall be maintained in the nmounls and for the _. <br /> _- _� ;•„ <br /> U���''��t "•yli7,�� � '•'n � Fb1W D02/ 9f9D IA�R[T.of 6 prlgpJl <br /> .;',/,;; U �CJ� <",�":,i - <br /> '. r. ��:t;{; ,J.:. ,.,�`r�, - <br /> .�r1� y� Z���� 'Y: %'�t�:��' - <br /> a� �r <br /> ��`If• �;>� . ,•���;'1,� , • �. <br /> .��.5 �r��;i, � ,.: F��,l,.,.. - <br /> •:r�<<f. -���'��Y:w. ,: ,.•�.":,;.: �. <br /> - r��/ i ,.t�f � ( ��(f� <br />��T'J/( ` -�i. ..� 's � r 7. . �6t7�1yp,��'�;y�l-'1�"'-i•.� .�. t� �y•^�f7 �,- <br /> i �� 7 �.,!� �� �, ,yy Y '�•t..�'.(. �. , .. . !!.. ' '�� i' � "�Vi1,i.�, :S• �•ii! ' ��l�fi�� �"''_' �1y1 ' <br /> ., r, i .�..�.�. . i r � 3r � 7�'''��,ti;� <br /> � f t� f 'v•y� ���5�� ti il • i, ,�� fti���'�?. �� �. :��: ; �.� 1�t. s. 1� � . ��1�F �..� , . �. �,'t�: <br /> ica��� . .e tj� d1t�Y}!. }�ti! tt 5; :f��l' � i � � �y�i 1• . 1' � l[, <br /> C�.�iS� � '}�iJ��fP.V�r ,t����fi;. . 1.����!ii/,i�.�����ti�4t�li ' �� ';l• iiyl i. �� S:. f _ 1 � �.t�:,�..,; :���� ' . <br /> 1 I ;t .- ( ��. t ( ��! y 1 � ��/ 11 A��' �.4�)1 i+ � ��•.r. <br /> � i.:l.� t�����}_ . p�� •�"?! �IL . � �R.' �5�,�,t! � {('�,{� �� +�X F. 1 Y'��i?.; <br /> - vLv._.JLRO�.�ni'i�M'�'titi �!.' '!. II.Ius� � ��'��'l. � SI]• .�C�[,• _ R(• <br /> . <br /> � . .i. <br /> :t .. " __1"+ ��:� } _ <br /> --.i`— .:z. _– . ._...•—_ ,�7.,; _ _ – _; __ '.._e__.. __.. . . ;`��.'. . . .' ' r_ ����.:--_1j4 L , y�PT+���y!S �s,Q.,�f.�TJI' ,!'�,_ ., :.�*:�: t '� <br /> - .�. '_r �'. ...)�Ir_. ' ��t3►,� . . .�'Ir.i� , �{� lPr,. ���'� '/�\S���1� ! �:..: +f , _.. .. __ '. <br /> ; � <br /> , ,� � � .• � t' } t ' ���,Y y , kh <br /> . ..... <br /> 'u n �.�, . ._ . „ _ . `�tY'�)it�`Y�Z�;yF�w�1�:i';C� YY!p �at t .i)�..-P';.Sr,`st'14-�� - <br /> t � � t�+'t!1 J 'i 1C14 '• ' i 3 > �"���A�c�tr <br /> ', .. ., �i- ,,,, . .� � .. . . . . � . � .� - � ' .. ,.l�(r��S�f���tt ' .i��l�AI(r��Tk-1 '�:u i,t,.. . ''a'rr��'; _fl _ '_. <br /> .Y.� . . , _ � �.I�..f1 �,i t� - � �;, , ... �r <br />. 'i1 .r ,� .. . � 1 f•ti, �nr: °e �;,��,p�i�.�4v�;:°Li?� .a�tr.'i:%}�:.h��Y�a �tA-�- <br /> '_ . � � .. •:, ��: ,• . . �, • „ .i4'���i'. .t.' '�::�:�". .. _� �s. �� <br /> ,�,�,. <br /> , '� .i` ,i�h}.�;•��4,?'.=��.,•• ,ti '�: ,. �• <br />_�'�': ',�'k y .�• �F' • .. , ., . . ', .. • ,�:�'ta��� - � . , .. , � <br />� 1 i ( �; `�''�+.,. , , . ._,. ��� . � . • ., : r ' <br /> ��. 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