1��� � a ti S.Fwm f4���'z`�3 �j�ii�i`t>�17tV1 1'1 t1 ' � �j r T� .. .�. , ! � lG,f�,�nS � _ _._ __--...
<br /> ��� � � ..5 t `�
<br /> - ,c;r_. r.(cM�„Qa,c, t ir ���~,�-f.. 1�A t v '� �� +r h � I, �`i � � �JA r
<br /> ' ' _ r ��L��t..���1.�� 7 ��.IJ t h _
<br /> � ° • ' � ,• + C 1 } � . ••�J•� '�h.� � 11• p �( �
<br /> .1`{� � i � .. I� -+ �I� �y :�{� ' fy� . . � �_ _. �. . _ .,.�_ . ....
<br /> �yl:t'� � . ..' � r.. p• ij. d� �'��)��;���.:t,� �,'t�`� .�i�?X+..�:;r' , - �. .. . .. . ... .. . . ,
<br /> h ��`tn11�+ti 1!`,'�:-'._.... !..
<br /> i
<br /> �1 y ��... • .
<br /> 4.,:_: .5J41
<br /> .� , 9�,�„ 10i75� �-- �-.
<br /> �
<br /> __ —° {�La�teqnie�ed moreg�ge insusaace as e�oondidon of makin�tba faan secured bY tAis Seau�fty taet�umeat� __--------,.---
<br /> ^ ��,��!�y��u��to melatain the itautaece le aHhat until eu�b tUne as the requlraaent far the _
<br /> _ _,z- � insunu�ee cerminata in aaordanoe tb Aarrowe�'s and Lender'4 wtitten agteement ar appllaable law. �''Y,��,f�a -
<br /> �--�_ � x�qp. Le�Gpr ar its ageat may make reao�ebto eotrias upon and iaspccdo�u of the PropenY,i.endar � , ��+a,�.�.;.:�., `. ' .
<br />~�=��°� sbalt gtve,8orcowa�notioe a!'tha timme ator pdar to an inspeotion epeoifying reaeonabio oauee fbr the inspestion. ,��t�`,,,��:..�---
<br />_��:�_ � �. CoademaaHon� The ptaceada af any awaM ar cleim�'or damaga�.diroat or caneequen�iai�in amneedon witb ��°;.`'._,-�:«;����:;M1:;,;=
<br /> '�'`�;�C�n any cwtdarmstion or other takiag af aay pan oP the Ptoperty�or for conveyat�ae in lieu af condannation�are hwabY �� � F,, �,b��
<br /> � ' �^u ase igned an d a h a l i b e p a i d t o L e n d e r. i�� �,r r t � �`1 -
<br /> y.; y yr . i^•he avcnt of a total taking oP the Property�the praceede sheU be appiiad ta tbe suntt aeoutad by t h i s 9 e e u dty _ � . ,,�
<br /> �+'.,'�i�1F 4 :_ • iy + s�1 �( �� l tf�..
<br /> �• ,,�;� y ; lnetrument,whettwr or not thea due,aith any excess paid to Horrowe�. In the ovent of a panlal taking of the PrapertY �,t ` ri''„ j =
<br /> �•,�Y�'9�'r�. + i:� u�i�s 8orraae�end LBUdet othot�Wse agres in wdthlg.the awns seauted by this 8eaudty Instrument abait be reducaf by
<br /> 8a a the twal arn�nt of the eums seeut+e�iramediately +�,�r � F tf5 +a��
<br /> �,. ,,.r,�;.,,� eR�e sa�o,waR of the mu1tiplied by the faAowa��•( ) ,�� ,.,j,?��,�.,,��'•�,�'�..{•�,.�
<br /> �` �,"`.0 `� ��t��g. vided by(b)the fldr market vatueof tlm Pro�ertY immediately�etare the taking.Aoy ba�anc�ebap be ., i ';t, ,, ,;
<br /> �i��, •. � ' � � i�. •}�
<br /> .:° •``��` � �I�faAe 1�or�4►is abandoned by�arrowec,ar i f„i 1 R@[i 1 0 t i C C b Y L@ R d�1 0&1 L f O W l f t h 9 i t l t 0 C O II l I C Q 1 t 1 O�0�6 t0 ` i. '.
<br /> + : n�alce an ac�aM.q��e¢a4e A cloim fbr damagaa,8otrower Pail�to�espond to Lender afthin a0 days after the date the natice is ;:�'�J t",, ,_
<br /> ` e¢a
<br /> ' � ` given�Laidet is autha�ail to celleet and apPly tix pr�edg.at lta o}+tlan.either to re�toration or oep�i�of the PrapertY or _ E -
<br /> �; �
<br /> ," {` ,1 to the swas aecured ti�r�his�ecudty Inatrument.whkaher a�r aot ti�n dua. . - �.;
<br /> '�- �, t �� Unless t.ender and Horrower otherwlse agr�e�wdtii�.,�e►F�PPlication qf Proceeda ta�pcincipal sbatl not extand or l��!�;t s�iy� , ;,,� ,'
<br /> 3i�1�J��t��tefx,iU1Ja.vi
<br /> p o s t p one the due date of the monthly paymants retened to�i+pata8rnPl�s 1 end 2 or change t9�e amaunt af auch paymaits. ! ��� � r��{n?��9 �r��
<br /> �.:., ; ..,,:;' tit� ,
<br /> �:`:.�. ;. ,..:,.,:.�r�;, 10. Aorrowee Not Rele�tedi Fo:batranee 0Y �l e� N o t A W a t r e r. B a t e n s i o n o f t h e t i m e f o r p a y m e n t o r .:�;r� ryr Y� �:�;,:
<br /> � t: m o d i flca t ion of amortitatian of the eums eecueed i�y this 8caudty Instrument g�ented by Lendar ta any succeaeor in :,.t'1'k�1���ty�� �
<br /> , rn.i%•'.�:....;;;, . .::;r .11.t�d y;'���_;.
<br /> �:.{.:,,� intenst o f H orrower s h a t{no t o p a�a t e t o r e l e e s e�h e�i a b i l i t y o i t h e o r i g i n a l 8 o nower or Borrower s aaccessora in interest. .� r�F �
<br /> . �: ,.. ,,�,
<br /> h
<br /> ;:.'�'',;c:,.;,;�+ '� Lendee abaU not be requited to commence proceeQiags a�ainat,any sucassor in inteteat or ret�ee ta eatend dme for ?;�t'. �(�,..��,:��y
<br /> � payment or otherwlse modify amortizedon of the sism�s���3'tteis Security Instrument by rcason of any demand made '���� �j��-�a ;`;.,_
<br /> y , "! � '� by the ariginat Borrower a�Burrower's saoceseors ia,intetest.Any farbearance by Lendcr in exerciaing any right or remedy ' i' ,�j��=54
<br /> � � r ,.,
<br /> �." '`, ' '''.�'�`. shall not be a weiver pt'ar prealude the exeroise of any tig�t ar temedy.
<br /> � Li�b Co�st 'I'he �' � '�;�o 's
<br /> � `t" �����tE f•;t Joiat a t e�S e t e a t l i l i t Y+ �� c o v e n a n t s a n d a g r e e m e n t s of � � 4 y t�61�{':, LL
<br /> ���{�d�� ��''1'f.�;t this SecuritY i����il b�ind�an�flt the suooeasors and asaigas of Lender and Borroww.aubject ta the pmvisians ��,, �s�1'< i�;, x ,�c_.
<br />_`'�"s;i,,r,f��f`;� , � of paragraph 17.8orrower's covenanta and a �ment�aHeil be joini and�cral.AaY BnsroW�whc+cMSigna ehis Seou[itV b�4 n�_'�r � �� __.
<br /> ;�;�,�;';.^} � ,��Y:�. �Iristniment.but daes not executt tbe'lVott:(a)is aasigning thia Sxurtty inetrument an3 to mort e.grant and convey �'''`^r'��'`�' ��`
<br /> �JIG'��1 i.�'IF. 1 • � }� Y tC_-y[�_;-_.:
<br /> ; ,,;,;,,�>,. that Hqr�awsr a interest in the Praperty under thoterms of thia Secu�ity Inatrument•(b)is�nat per��onaily obligated ta pay ,;;���;+��4f'��"��si` —
<br /> -l�r��;.�.,, ,, .
<br /> �� ::,::'�,'.��:�;�,•,i ehe s{�ms agcured by thr��Securlty'Inatrumani;ai�d<c)agnMa that I.ettdor and any othcr Borrawer atey agta to extend. '• ��'i�:'���'�t��:�y�.:
<br /> ��ih+�'�;,;�'�a:c� ," �iwiiify�fotbear or make aqy accommddr►tiona W+th reSa�d�p the terms af thla Security�Iiixtrument or the Note without 4,;� ,�;;�,��•�,. ��ox
<br /> St ��. A
<br /> ��l_:c; ;' {�;'fi• . that.�arrowePs¢on�ent. , ' � '
<br /> If the'loaa sccured by thie Security Instntment is sub' to a 1aw whlch sat�inaadmun�laat► ��;! " ° t �� �a " '`5''
<br /> ;;,!i...:., .'id'.�• ;}'. ' 1Z. I.OYAChAtSeB• � ��. fA;���}n �tty�ia ,-
<br /> i�q- '� 'r �'���„'�t' ' �hatg�sa. and that law ia flnally inurpreta! eo that the intereat or othar toan ahar�tea collected or to be�calketed in u�yt� �r; �r 4�ty.��,.��a��-
<br /> ,:;.r+.:-"_. +et:r�' ;�Y�:q;yti ���
<br /> :,,; ;.��;� '''+� connecdon wirh ehe loan aaceed the permitted timits� then:(a)any such loan ohacge shall bc reduced by the at�aunt � ,,���t,:,J�,��+ ��,,, �,;.;,Y__`�
<br />-; . .,,,.: neeeasary to aduce the charge to the pertnitted limit;and(b)any sums afready colkcted iram Borrowor whwb exeeaded, :;,;S,y.,�f;Y'r�'�� 'S�' �,.,..
<br /> t. +-� ,1�,`
<br /> `�� ;.,. �•.
<br /> ,� '�: :;,�.� •, ,«w
<br />��.,f::�,_�;;`;;;!' permitta!limits wjil be retlmded to Borrower.i.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pri�ocipa!owed '. ,,+r�•;'` ,' �ys;i!;.;,i�' ��;�:
<br />.,�u,�.,-, ��. , .
<br /> 4x�,,,:si '."I��, undar the Note or by making a dtrect paYment ta Borrower.If a refund reduce�priaci�l.ahe reduction will be tireated a�a a`,i'�`t.`';::,,.��;;.���,:,
<br />��„`'';;,.��' �s;,�i partial PrepaYment without any prepayie�eet charge under the Nate. �.,.,t.'•,�;?Y��, f��,�,"' � ..."
<br /> ��t.7���� ��� 13. I�isiatton AAeetiag I.endePa Rigbtx. If enactment or ezpiradon�P applicable laws hax the effect of, .,,�,;,,L��.�.r,..:�-"�"
<br /> ..l_;�,r, p , ;.1;1� ';,�;t,!��;;,'.-
<br />_�u-s?:•::'.,a'-t��'� rendering eny pmvision of the Note or thts Security lnstrument uncnfarceabte nccardinR to��s terrn�.Lrnder,ai its o tion. 7 rc .::
<br /> �� � Q `��' � `6 mey requi�e immediate peymcnt in futl of a11 4ums secured by thix Secudty instrument ond may invoice any romedies , ��„ 1 '
<br />�''pl;;�;°''���'°'��'''' permitted by peragraph 19.!f Lender eaercises this apa�on,Lender shait take the steps specified in the secand�►aragraph of
<br /> 1 �.. � � ' � '� ;
<br /> r ��,'� , '���t�, peragraph 17. �� •, �,`
<br />_.:'�•f•,-+� �•r�►%i� 14. Nodces. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in thia Security[nstrumcnt shall t+e siven by delivering it ar t+y 't �`,
<br /> :,.,t•....�_... ,.,�r,. �::..� •" : _. . . .
<br />�r;•:;;:::� ,,�• ,:�S,, maiting it by titst class meii unless appliceble!aw requires use��f anather methad.'I'he nutice shal!be directed to tfie �,.;�;�_ -,
<br /> �`> �j ��a 1�;; ' Praperty Addresa or any other address Bonower designates by naticr ta Lradc�. Any notice to Lender ahali be givm by �, ; ti ��•
<br /> �, ''' �_ > >,'>>. Arat cless mail to i.enckr's address stated herein or any other addr�.s Lcnder designatcs by noticc to Borrower.Any notice h ,
<br />_�r,.;•.a�:,t. .,.. ,�. .
<br /> l:;;a-•,:.�:�.��� , • pmvided for in thia Security tnatrument shnll be deemed to have becn given to t�orrawer or i.endet when givan es provided ��M1 ' , t e
<br /> �.`''r�, ;}�'" •}�' ittthispeTegraph. ' '``� .'�•
<br /> ` � :Y...
<br /> ,��4 �,i a�ca This Security Instrument shall be governed hy federot Inw a�d the!aw af'the � � �';:�,�F' 'v4:1:; '"
<br /> :,�;,;,::,,�,c i;.��+t:. iS. CoveminB�eNiSererabitity. . ,1���;�z••:f .•.
<br /> ..;,y,:,:�t;,;:;,� �,•"�}'� jurisd{etion in which the Propeay is tocated•In the event tbat uny provision or cluuse nf thi�Security Instrurnent ar the �
<br /> �s t
<br /> ���`�:1a.:,x; ` ���� Note conflicts with applicable 1aw.such conflict shaNi�n'o�na�o tl�is end t�e p�c+v�xi mhof this Seeun"ty nst�umcnt and hc f � ''�f��.�.�'
<br />�;�;���,,,;�; �1;�p�, which can be given effect without tfie conflictiag p , �
<br /> G� ;�u '�14F�k,( Note aa declared ro be aevernbla ' .,
<br />?�1i.�� r h����. i
<br />�s�'•':,;}Si. �r�a"':��� 16. Horrower'eCopy. &►rrowershallbeg�vennneconformedcopyc,f�hrN�teandofthisSnurnylnstrument. �,. ;�: .' �': ,.,
<br />����;+,;`•yitli,r����F?'.1 17. Traneler of the Propeny or a SeneHeial Interest ia lbrrowe�. It all�r um ry�n of the Property or any �
<br /> �:�":'.'�• �-'�::�.;L�;'�. • ieterest in it is soid or tro:�sferred(or if u ixne8cial interest in Horrc�wer�ti•nld or transfcrred nnd tbrrowcr ix not a naturel l,�
<br /> `•° � '�;�>-i:'f�'�'' persan)without Lender's prior written concent,Lender mny.At itx c►ption,reyu�rc immeJiate pnymcnt in fult of alt sums
<br /> `;�y?�dy�?5?;-i`.',�.':: ., ; secut�ed by thia Sccurity intitrument.Hawever,this cipticm�Nail nut l+c cxerc��d by I.cndcr if exeecise is prohibited by � ..
<br /> }. . u,., _. ..d' .
<br /> E,!�!' • • � ' federel faw ac of the date of this Se�:urity Instntment.
<br /> •• "' ' '`'• ,� � If I.ender eaercises this option,Lendrr shal!gi�•r&nrower nonce of ncrelerauon.The nntice sfiail pmvide a periad
<br /> i :,;,�::,. .�:,., , .,
<br /> of not less than 30days Pre�m the date the natice i.deitvrrcd or muiled��ith�n w•hirh&�rr�Nrr mu+t pay alt�ums s�ur y
<br /> • � ' _......... re ,.�,...f..it�m nnv th�we suma rnor tn the ra �rauan af t hi� n�xi,l.ender ma invoke any
<br /> .:�,— :: ,, ti�i,��rty Ir�st�,...........�.. ._ . P � y �
<br /> " �'••°��"'• ren►ediest permitted by this Security Inst rument wit haut fucther n��ncc or demund on t3e�rrower.
<br /> ' ,•, ��y.�;y.�;j��•,`' 1g.8orrower's Ri�tht to Retnetate. if ge>rrower mects certu�n condihonti,ge>rmwer chail h��e the right tu have
<br /> ��'""'�•�� '� enforcement of this Sccurity I�strument d�srcmtinued at nm tienc priar to the rurl�er af:lul S dny+(or such other period os .
<br /> . ,,,..�• . �.
<br /> �' � ��.�•� • , applicabie iaw mey specify for ainstat4ment 1 bcfare snle of�h�F'mpc�ty punuont tc�Any power��f sale rnntuined in thib
<br /> '�`��''��` " �' ` 5ecurity lnstrument:or(b)enuy��f a judgment enforcing�hn Security lnstrument.Thcne condihon.are thut Borrc►wer:
<br />=•t:�:�
<br /> � � �'�'' ' (a)pays Lendet at0�ums which then would t�e due under this 5ecurity lnstrument und tfie N��te had no a��celeratinn
<br /> � ��•�� ''�•�" � occurr�:lb)cures any default<.1'an� other c��•enants ar agreements:(rl puyt a11 �apemes incurnd in c�nfore�ng this •
<br /> �' � � `.��#�'�'' Se�ucit} lnstrament,mcludia�R.hut n�st limued to.reasonable attorneys fre.:and(d 1 take�.uch actton ns Lrnder mey
<br /> �� .�. .
<br /> '�' �}��� '� rasuwabDy requia to assute thaa the 1cm of this Srcunty tmtrument.Lender's nghi.�en�he E'ropeny nnd �rmr►er'<
<br /> ,. �r.,i•!«�,��..: �
<br /> obLgation to pay the sums sccurrd by th�s Secuntv tnarumeot �hall cc�nunue us�ch:tnged. t'pnn rnnstat�t by
<br /> ::;,��� •' Borrower.this Security tnstrument an�the obligat�ons securcd hereby rhall temam fu68}eRr.�e��e ax d�o occelerauon had
<br /> ,�::,r��.,,;;� • occurnd.Hov►erer.thn nght to aimtate shall ndt apply tn the caie of accelrn��on undaer par�gtaph.l S at l7.
<br /> �"i;!:i.
<br />-:�'; 'i.�'}'.`., � . �
<br /> , ' � __ - .i. ._ . _ . _ . . _ _ ._. _._ ..- - -- - .. . _ ._. . ._.. . . _. _ _. _.
<br />