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ia.191� - ,.,s�,'R.,:"•.,7t air�v�ar ��a��1b.�w, ���.,.� ,,...�,., w, <br /> �r��ea�nr` ��'�i�'l� q. -.z+v ]'t � r y.. . . 'i1 f - <br /> � <br /> -K�'�'3X4PrF7T� �:�i71 1�� �•,�a i . i •1 � 1J r� - `�' � / ��' ' 1 ef ._ <br /> . ..�t_ _ . _t t�y, u . n - . . — '� _ " ._--.... .. .... <br /> '-. .. '' -ti.ts�J-v^-- � .'1l•.F.'r= -�.- - .. � ; �� . � � _; -.j <br /> � � o � � �•i .,� � ';, , �,.. f��' . Y' ,�� ,.y! � - <br /> „ <br /> 1' . ' •., r....V- r ��,111 �1� y��1.1t� <br /> + .fr.l .� <br /> �1-y-�1 . �: ��� •i: i� i . <br /> �' ,� E. ' )]�� <br /> 1 �'�,!,�!�)uY1q ' •!: IY.I.L.n�wrrrMNAw�A`1Y �caM•••• � � . -_ — �• �"�. -. <br /> _:.1J`rLSiLl�k�� � ��x��,� —_ <br /> � g�,.�.� �� <br /> ° fJNIFORM Cc�veNAt�t$. 8arrowet�d Laadet aavan��t�nd �s tbllow�s <br /> -�-�- �. P�t o!PetaetD4�ud tate�ti and t.�tt� Borrower�ha!!promM�Y P�Y wbe�duo <br /> ehe prtnot�of�na ie��eres�on�he aee�eviaeaa�P�ate and any Prap�!►monl and tata oMr�as due ander�he Nato. <br /> - —_ !. P�tar T�aid t�tpr�an� $ub�eot to rpptiwibk iRw or la a written w�iver by I.ohdar�Banaarcr shol! y _-=- <br />�,.,.r„�-�� w l,ander an the ay mon�hly p�ymante ue due under the Nota untU the Atate i��wW in/bli�a sum("FW�")�p _ _ __ <br />�� �.�J� �(�1 Y�ly nxes u►d�e�aamenu wbioh may alt�in priadey ove� thi�&ourity imtn�ment;(b)Yenrly ��--:.�. <br /> laaeitaidp��nnena ar ground rona!� eho 1�mpen!►� if anyt(o)Yea�JY ltiwM inaumnce pretnlumet And(d)Ye��Y � <br />��'� tnprt insu�anoe pramiums,U�y.These items ero aeiled••eeorow itcme.•'l.ender may a�timato tho Fund�due on the � :, ..-, ..' . <br /> gaga �a <br /> � ba�idoPtat�entd�diitndr�e�eot�tbkesNnata�l4turoesarowiteme. �• .;.�-x,> — <br /> `�-_ <br /> `�� i The Fuade�fiall be held in an imtitutian the depnsite or a¢aounts ntwhiah aro ineurod ar guaranteed by a f isd�al ar �l:�;•;.:�:;:;:,_ <br /> �. �fP�.,r,,�, <br />��,.•,�.;.4: state age�oy(inciudieg I.andar i!Lende�ie such an inetitutlon).Leoda��halt apply ehe Fund�ta pay the eeorow iteme. ';,.;?,;.;,n;�.�a=�,.� <br /> � �, -�� � – <br />`���°",�;�;� Lender t�tay not ohASge tb�holding and applyi�g the Funde,a�aly�ing the�ovount or verityin the eecrow iteme,uakse , <br /> � ��, �. <br /> ',�;:{3�,;a_�+�,�;.�! Lander peya Borrower intaraat on the Funde and app!loable!aw permiu Landar ta make wc a oharge. Borrowe�and �; .,,,�.,`;;.;;�:.::;.,..�-- <br /> a,,�ti t;���,�,��;� Land�r may agra in writing thnt interost shsl!be gaid on tbe Funda. Uniess an age�aamam i�made or spplioabto law 7 :N� ar z� f- <br /> �,i ti? , ,�K` raluice�interost to be paid� n4 Pa F. t <br /> t,snder ahaii not be uicad ta Horrower sny intet�eat or earnings on tha Funda.Lender ,�,, s <br /> sl r u-�ti i�- K_'_"r <br /> sh�11 give to 8orrow�r.wltuout aherge�an annuet accounting o ths Funds showing credita and debite to ehe Funds aad the .� } �ty,:a � . <br /> ''P = �.:•. ,�y� .t= ° . ,., y <br /> . •.�,:,,,,;,..,� :,•,�,; Pur�uelbi'whicD�ch debit ta the Funda wa�tnado.T h e F u a d s a r e pledged a s additionat aeau�It y fot the sumseeauted by ��o ' ,.'r ,� <br /> `' r . tblsSeaurityla�tu�a� , ;'' <br /> _ � . <br /> `�t,�f(:`` ;� 1�;` i!the an�ouat oi the Funds hetd by I.endet.togethe�aith the iWture monthlY P�f�te oF Funda paYable prbr to � � '" �� <br /> , . � k.� tbe due d�tes a�'the aacrow iteaa,ahap axoeed the amo►u�t requind to pay the asctow ltems whea due.the eacesa�hall be. ����{��Yhk�,,�.��#�'.'j,k�ry ' w:, <br /> • ?, ta of Funds.If the ,. � D ����� <br /> � •�� � at 8ozrowesb optbn dtbet p r o m Q 1 t9 rep�id w Borrower or croditcd to Horrower on monlhiY P�Y� - <br />�=�..=-.�.-�,.',��' eeaoua t d t l�F u n ds h e l d b y i.e n d e s i s r a t s u l R c i e n e t o p a y t h e e s c m w i t a m a w h o n d u e.8 o m o w e r s M a U p a Y to i.ender an y ,'�� ;�_'s�` %Y , <br /> `;<<,,.." amount neoesaery to zaalce up the d�flda�cy ia one or more payments as required b Leadeu "'.. .,,,� �„��°,,.. <br /> afl 9 �� �++ <br /> � - �r,�;� UP�paf�t ia tt�ll af all staas securcd by this Security Instrummf,Lende�ahall promptly rett�nd to Horc�wer ' „ T ��*�, ��, �� �': <br /> ,. i t f� �:'��A"'q Y at►y Funds heki b y I.ender.If under p aregra ph 19 the Property is soW ar ecqui�ed by t.e�der.Lender ahall later � ,'�� „ 1''�� � <br />�;����s;�;y;�?��,j,:k;,t':', tban imniediately prlor to tha sale of the PropMty or its aoqu isition by I.a i der.any F u n d s h e l d b y L e n d e r a t t h e N m e a f "� ; i; .:,..;�y' .•.�.- <br /> �.Yh ��t+�� A d n f.. � p.• �nd � . r �� <br /> r n..,,�,,, , . applieation ae a aedit against the sums secured by ehis Secudty inatrument. ; : <br /> � � Px <br />_��,?t:°'.r.: . � 3. Apyliation oi P�ymeote. Unless applicable 1aw provides athenvise,all payments raceived by i.ander under � t ; . ��r�, - <br /> ; '" �,�� `.;t p�eg�e phs 1 and 1 ahaU be a Iate charges due under the ptepayment chs�ges due under tha ; � �' ;? ,�;i��y�, „�- <br /> , y ."�� � • ��,,,.1�,�,t�,:Y;; <br /> ���:_ ;�,i;��,;:...h,, o N t� amounts payab le under paragraph 2;fourth�to intereat du�an d 1 e e t�to p r in c i p a t d u e. ��' ,„ <br /> ..� �r,'�, : �. � Lieaa. Horrower shall pay a11 taxos,assessments.oharges�flnes end impositians attributable to the �` �f' �� _.��' � <br /> °?'��`��°`^ ,;n'1��; property a A ic h may et t a in p r i o r�ty,ove� t h i s S e c o r f t ys t n s t r u m e n t. a n d l e s e e h o ld p a yments or g�aund nuts.if any. � � , � <br />��a �;���,; ,}`, ''" Bormwee sbali pay theae obligations in the mae+ne�r providai in peragrapb 2.or if not peid in that mannc�,�arrower shatl �„ ,��' ��t�, 7,�,;; <br /> Jt , .lrl� C • ��,�.�,..� <br /> e�r t� .�._�6�r..r �E.:, pay them on time dinctly to the person owed•payment.Aorrawer shali pror�ptty tLrnieh to I.endar a11:i�ntices of amounts f ,, , ,���,,4;. � p ,, <br /> �i i�� � ts di�ectfy Horrower si�ali prompdy fuFhlsh to i,e�er �I�� � , � � �� st��-� .� <br /> U�,i� ;; ,�,' • to be;paod under this i�B�Ph,If 8arrowar enakes these,Pay�xn � ' . '����t`�J'r%r I�i}l�{i��i t�„"; <br /> 3�;J4�����: {r i ', re¢eipt�rvidmciagthepaymenta. � <br />,,,;;,.,,... ,��� �, •.Bor�ower aba11 PromPtly di�charge any Hen which�has prtority over this Socurity instrament unlesn Homower.ta) '�}��;�,���,yx�141��,,.?� �;,` <br />�..;.,_,,: :,'., :rr.:.��� �. .��+1�' ] t �, <br />�1.,,.. . ,, agrc�s in wthing to rtLe payment of the obiigatia�secpra!by the Ilen in a msnner acceptable to I.ander;(b)contests in good �,;,;,���;� ��;�.:.��;;, <br />�R;::����`. i"��;r .or.dafcnds a nat enforcemeeit of the llen in.legai proceMbinga which in the LMtder's opinian aperate to �:ti• ���� #,. �:•' ;:v} <br /> -, � �,r-.., faith the�lien by S�i �:.., �:;>.,,- <br /> �.'.',,1�,. <br />�,�,-:',�;,.;�.,.,.�:.:.�:� prevent ehe enforcement of the Ifen or forfeiture o#any.part of the Prc�pacty:or(c)secures from the holder of the 1len ae ,�f r',��,'1;;:�;,t,..� i;>,;,':(', <br /> �� � '; ement aatlsfacto to I.ender aubordinat{n the Jiea to tM:a Security Inetrument.If Lender determinea that any pan Af , ,. ,���ti,. .. �_�� ; .�• <br /> �� ,,,;::, , v.�ii'°�� tt�ie Property is aubjxt to a 1{en which may auaih priarity�over thia Securiry Irretrument.i.ender may give Borrower�a � 4 `��,r'. u'o�t+..j' t <br /> '� "" '����'�`i � fioti�id�ndfying the lien.Borrower shall sntisty tl�e liea ar take one or mare of the actiona sct forth above within 10 days ' ��..• ., <br />..� . ,; �. <br /> � ' �t.,�i, oft)fegivingofnotice. L^ ' <br /> � �� ,t,c.t ;l5. ii�tatd iasneance. Horrower sha11`keep�he'impravements rtaw existing or hereaRer erected an the Property , ; ��*'� <br />-�'s���,=:�� ` '��°r����' iriaural againat losa by ftre. azards included witliin•tlie terjn"extended coverage"and an other hazarda Par which I.ender ��•-� ` <br /> ,r �� h Y .',. -�`=-"-° <br /> .•,,.., �t� �,�fl.;; . � '„�� ',,', ,;�;. ,.. <br /> ;,,� �; �����rr��t„Z . �te�iuires insuratua. This insurancc shal!be maintained in ihe amounta and far the periods that i.ender requires. The ..y�, „ �� <br /> ` 'a��� ���`� �d�surarrce carrier, rovidin the insurame shali be chosen by Aorrower subJect ta I.rnder'a approvai whlch ahall�nu�be . , �:� <br /> �a,,���,� y ��.,,;,•� , p S . , ,�-- <br /> ', ,'".;5��f,:�!,? ' une�eaao�ably withheid. „ ' �R M� <br /> ' �,„ , i,,. pll lnsurence poiicies end renewals phall be acceptable to l.eader aod�6ha11 include a standard martgage cladse. , ,,,�• <br />� ��"�'Y''�` ' `" 's��`` i.ender shaU have the right to hoid the policiea and rcnewats.If Lender rcc�uiaw,Borrowec sfiall promptly give to Lende� {� , . �".'�` <br /> ' '1 ` '' 't° :�;�� � � a11 receipts of paid premiums and renewal the event of loss. Nonower shaH give prompt notice to the inaurnnce � . �;, +"+T,'`#,"'�' <br /> �" `•n t'-���� carrier and i.ender.Lender mey make praaf of toas iinot made pramptly by Borrower. � ' _ _ � '� � <br />- ',"';F,•.:�i;.'�•.�"'' roceeds shall ba a lied ro restoretion or repair � • . . '�;;�' <br />-:'�::,i;„';;'_;,��;,'`.';� Unlessl.enderand8orrowerotherwise.agrainwriting,insurnncep � PP ., ..�; •:s�_.. <br /> °'`-�: °��°' � � of the Property dumaged.if the restoration o�r alr is ecanomicail feasibfe and Lender s secu�ty is not lessened.If the � ;..' <br /> .. ,��.•.:.�;1',;S'�. � Y �� __ , �.�,sr.iiv[k'- <br /> ;� 1 , �� testoration or repair ia not econom{celly feasifile or Lender'F security would bc lea4ened,the insurance procceda ahall be �: � r���Y�A�� <br /> '{, ,�, „ �'�;_'� applied to the sums sccurcd by this Secunty l�a�rument,whether or not then due,with eny eacess�►uid ta Bc+rrower.IP , ��L�jp... <br /> ��'�."�"' ��� Borrow�er abandona the Propeny,or daca�tat answer within 30 days a notice f[nm Lender that the inaurance�art+er ha.a ,.�,` .`�`:t, <br /> ..:,a,a.� '`:r f�����t:. Y � � .,• • . , - <br /> q� � �� offered to setde a claim.then l.ende�may coil�ct the inautance praceecis.Lcnder ma use the proceeds to re r ar restore �,�• .•,�'•''.' <br />-'ir(ll'���.ye..��.;fd�_.;�•: , , .., �. <br /> :.,:''�•;,t;:,.. �,;�:,,•,Y•, the Pratx�tY or ta.p ay sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or oat then due.The 30�duy period will tre�in .,,., :., , ,�1,. ._• <br /> :;, ,.; ,. ,;..�:;ti�.},: when ttee twtice is given. •�r,�,,`�- <br /> '��>};.,r�c•��•.:`+.'•'j;��''��°. tiaks�Lender and Borrrnve�otherwice agree in writing,uny nppiication af pru�:eeds ta principnl shall not cxtend or • .. • <br /> ... '.d.'.t.. - , . . <br /> ;::,r:;..,;.c.. po�sttpone the duednte of the manehly{+ayments referred to in parugrnphs t nnd 2 ar change the nmouot of the payments.lf ,�� .; <br />'�r.:'� �ir'''; �.'.;, : �ndcr paragraph{9 the Property is acquircd by i.ender.Sormwer'x right to any insurnnce policies and praceed�a:�ulting ; � � .};,,;�'�� <br /> .,{t��:,�:� _.� . , , <br /> `�; �'� -,��,r�•� � from damage tothe prayxny pnor ta the acquisition shai!pass tu Lender tc�the extcnt��rthr�umt a�rured by this Securier i ,.,. <br /> `'`'�` ��� • ' �' � � Instrument immcdiately prior to the ncquisition. � .���. •.. <br />. .� .)'�1571\''.... . ` � • <br />�_ �� ;+;�r;;�;�, 6. PreaenaHo»and Maintenanee of Propeny:I.easehoids. Ik►rrc�wer�hull nat dr+truy.dxmage c�rsubstantialiy . _ <br /> �:•?;��±�..� � • change the Property,nllow thr I'roperry to deteriornte��r commit wus�c. If th��Scrurit� Instrument is cm a leaeehuld, I . _ <br /> !' •' ��'�'�'' 8orrower shnll compiy with the pravisions of the leace.und if&�rrc�wcr u�qu�tc�fce title ta t hc!'rc.{+erty,the leaisehoid and � ' �� � <br />` ,; ;r,�•.•. ��� <br /> �� °° `;t�'•,:�,;�.. � fce title shatl not merge unless Lender ugrees tu the merger m w ntit�g. �, •- <br /> a -� ,� i4`�' � 7. Protacttnn ot I.ender's Rights in the PropeKy; �lurtpnRe inaurance. [f 4ic�trawer fatl+ to prrfi►rm the ',a <br /> .�•..•L:_C..�....�..t«.�«....w.� ..e�hwn���n l..o��t nr,r•.kKi�no�hae muv xiamtkuntlY uReCt i. <br /> . -°° - covenanis ann mEieniieiite c.�iitafi�i„i��.o�,.........�....,................._._.__._ <br /> r-•.• <br /> - ' I.ender's rights in the !'roprrty(such as a prck��ding in Mankruptr�•,prc�bute,fur condemnotum ar to entorce{awz i�r �s <br /> ' �� �� •• regulations).thm Lender may dn u�xt poy firc whutc�rr s.nccc�wry tu protect the�aluc��f thr Praperty nnd Lender'c right� <br />� � , in�!x propeny.Lendar's actinns muy inriude paying uny�um�ve�unrf!+y u t�en a•htch hu�prionty ewer this Secutity <br />�°'• , � • � ina�nrment,appearing in rourt,poying rcux�mabte nttarney�feea und ente�ing c�n ehr Ptt��x�t�tu mokr re}+oin. Altleough _ <br /> ?�`�• .� �' . l.e�der may takeaction nnder this paragrnph 7,Lrnder does nat hu�•r t�►do u►. , <br /> , " ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnragr�+ph 7 xhall uddu�onui Jrbt�►f Borraa•cr+ecured�}�hi+ <br /> �' , S�cuflry Instrument.Unless E3�rrower nnd Lendcr ngree to W her terms of pu�ment,these um�wnts�ha{t Near meercst fra+m <br />-`t ''�•.• • ti�e date nf disbursement at the Note rate uttd rhnfl Ne payuble, a•ith interr+t, u{xm nc�tiee frc�m Lender to 8n�rcw•er <br />: ,..;ti:� . rerluesain8 PaYment. <br /> . 1 � <br /> � � •� . � <br /> '�'�:� ' � „' �I• <br /> �.� . ! . � � ____.1 <br /> ' � �� �' — -- _ <br />