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<br /> � ,•1':..q ,i�k�.. S�- � �' „'C�r .... ...._.....--�.: - -- .
<br />. ..�,�:t ti�u�'i� '• � ' . . ,
<br /> ..,.� , . �1.-� L��J1754 . �..
<br /> Nart.v�tMCovaN�t�e.sor�a+�.aal�ea�Po�b�rwraWnt�na.peearoaowu �
<br /> � • l�,Aep1wNldN4;$aMiala.LaN�r�iqiU�aoaa to. p�lar ta�on tollada�9on�h
<br /> �o�.�q►�� t�e�ase�q►��at�ar�►�e6eb�w�ar�ia..a» �- ------ — _--_
<br /> � ,!��bw�1��o11►�rt«).71i.�Ice,au q�+t w�h1+aet�niq Ib)tbe,�ta nldred ta con1.4M
<br /> dltAOlp toI�'dae.pot IeN tlain s0 d�q►�Ilra�!re d�1!M�lae ie�[ta�b t�orl'o�eT:b�►�kb�he deliadt en�t be cw�i
<br /> � oid�d!lla�hq�re ro�an!M�tbnit a cr OKa�e tM O�t�M�ba�aW'�esalt i�acatenqae ot Nro aam�
<br /> M4on+d b!►f W SeeortlY I�e�t�aad ale o!e�Pe�ty.'�e�e i�r tatbem�o�s�e o!Na el�t�b --
<br /> ..�.-.._._,.�._,.._� ���r�aod tAe�t W bMa��t eoort astton tn aaert dte aon�eubtence ot�d�halt or aay o�r �;�s��rp..,--R--, ---
<br /> ��g�� �¢ pte.UN�ed�t tb�t�daaer6etorot�adtt�spedAedl�tbeaattcal�r
<br /> tt Ib o�a AW �p 1�Oq��te iW!o!�11�a�t�ed 6�tb�Beearth I�a��►t M�a!!� _-
<br /> — a�a�aa���°�ae�ot.�a�a.��►o�r�a�a �r�+��e u�.��.0 ee�aaaea w _:���
<br /> boitaDt All eupe�i�ered ia p�W�tAe �e�W'bN ip tht� {ar�gnph 14� iaeladtaY� bqt aat Iitnited to. ;;;..�-
<br /> -. �:_�:°=,.N.
<br /> _ �b10�ltOfltOY����I�lt�Nt�Ob�d0A00. ,'1 t:,ir.-P_
<br /> ..._�-,�- . ._ lt�10�Il11101'Ot i�E a u1�P#�r��t�)f'OlOM A A01I00 Qt AO�Al1i�IA�OI100qAty ta Nbiob�ay p�e at We �&4, � � - -
<br />- _= Propeety it loo�ted t�d�b�il��mMfl'b�of a�eh aWtae ia the aa�aaer pt�e�oribed bY+g�plto�b1e I�w ta"Horroeer�ad ta tbe �L '� ;� -__.._.._
<br /> AlI�IQOOZ' 'f"cs, �iy�i,h�;•��._:-
<br /> — aber per�on4 prosorlbad by�pplitd�le lsw.Ahat tUe lGlae reqWrod by tpplia�bte l�w,'hmtee obwtl e��p� ':, ?�ti:�;;-:�_—
<br />�_--�;_.;. aite to Nro peeeo�s+�d ta tbe en�naer Oro�tbed br�pPik�We l�w,TwKee,wtthout demaM oa Aot�o+rer.s�tl aetl tUe . �'+a5�,y:�;r-�i,r_-=--,_
<br /> -;��?! P!'pjl0t�y�t �R110A�0�!0�b�OT alh0�11101tA���M�1��18�TIM d��1R iM@�01�0@Ot q�011! ;t�y� �:��''' �,.
<br /> — � oae cr atoro�p�a�d W�ny prder Trmt�e determiner.7'�wtee��a��e�ale of dl or�e�r'PwoelotRl�e P�ropert9 bY „; �+' � '�fi;', t,��-
<br /> -._"�"„�`�� �o�u�aweMt at NO�e IaM Obwe ot ao�►yre�lowebr ade. Y.eadet 4t its desi6�ra��� n,r.�;L'���;,k.,-�i..,�,�.
<br /> �> >��
<br /> ��, ,�t,Nqisale. ' �'y�`'4`'1"��;;'y`�f w� =-
<br /> �'s�c,�.'•� u�����,�ot Ihe prtoe b!�71r�ee elw�il QeN*er to the�ee1�Tenste�'� deed ouareyine t� ' .�� ..- -
<br /> } r�� � ___
<br /> Propeety.Y'he ndWe in tMe 1Ynstee's dad�htlt be o�aa hcte eHdenoe of tAe Mnb ot the st�te�enta msde therein. :. , +�'��', ; "'� -�.,,�.
<br /> y ���=»5(t�; '�!Q�II��f�!PT00!!�0��!0 WO ID'�1l0�OIIO�NIAB_,O�f�`'O_fi�t0�Il�!!�0�QIO fi�@�jA�il�b11t AOt IGAI!!d ��f�� . __
<br /> /� Qp��y �.n>y��' , ,x ,
<br /> ,a ,'��1p �Q��B�!!5 Yf�1Erp1I�M�aPP�IL'id18 Ii1r tAd�4R�4�V�y�\ti��0������r��—°�"'+ `�'� r��t+�/��. Ar J C�"-�...
<br /> ,';� � `� py t�umena Wd(C)atW OYCesB to the�Or per�0tq lOgally eatitledlo ii. �, '�
<br /> ` ' '"�" 20.Lender ia Pos�doa.Upon acoeleration undee h�D� ��; �bai�lonment of the Property� Lender(in .� C , ,�„ ,{��,
<br /> �r oP and mana8e the :t, ,��•�;�
<br /> `��4; , pe�soM bY ageat or by jwlicialty aPPuinted receiver)eh�al)be en tied to cnter upcw�.�ake possesalon ,
<br /> :�,� ,�,;. . �
<br /> ` q� �;:�.,�, pro aad to collect the rente of the Property Inotudirg those past due.My ants wlixted by Lender or tbe e+�xiver „ _- __
<br /> f - �-t�} i� s h !b e a p p l i e d fl r a t t o p a y m a nt of the c�.ats of mana g e m e nt of the Pro p e r t y aad collection of reata inciuding�but not ���t ' -�_
<br />-.i�_';•;�j+�:�i+��{.;+, limited ta rocxiver's fees,premiums on e�xeivee's bonds and reasonable uttomeys'fae.and t hen to t b e suma sec u r e d b y ,,�, j�{Y =___
<br /> ,�'� �' tu' t h i s S O¢U t i t y I t l e t r u R l e t l t. 1��1 u =-
<br /> '`�n;�,•�,, ��. .
<br /> _.�,,;,f�,�,'�aQ�, Zl.Reeop�eysaee.Upan payment of all eume socuted by this Security Instrument.I.ender shali request Truatea to �`,� �, ;: , ,,,�_...
<br /> r �'°.�f t'� reWnvey the Pro and shali surrendor this 9ecurity Iustrument and aIt auten u�idenalog dcbt sxssstd by tbis Secarity -_ e ,_ t/�
<br /> qr4f'k ,,�i �n :�' � --
<br /> ,�f��:;�>.�� Insttument to 7Yus�ree Trustee shal!reconvey the Property withouc warcanty and without charge to t lie pecaon ar penona ;�h�;' :"',s�va;T _ :
<br /> �ri��1t:'���� ' 1 ly entitteil to it.Siwb pecson or pecsona sha11 pay aay recordation costs. «�`S' ,; �'��5 N .
<br /> '°��"""�'-;� � ��'��,Subi�itqts R�wC��:�Lcnder.at its option.may f'rom ttme to time cemove Trwtee and appoiat e su c c e s s a r t r u s t e a �;�; �,y�����r.{ -
<br /> ��•���� � to aoy'frustee appolnted hbreunder by an iastrument rxorded in the cou�ty in which this Seaurtty InstNmont is recorded• �[': ,��' ,� �,o�:'� �-
<br />-_�M'u�'x�•-�-`s���'_ Without conveyance of the�P�qperty�the successor truatee shell suc,ceed to all the tiale,power and d�tie�confen�ed upon ' „ ; '�.'�'.:.
<br /> ��t•�`'� _._�:=
<br /> ;,;,'rit���" . , Truata herain and by ePPlieable lew. . ,:"'�,j� 'c' �..
<br /> N fi.�c.�r �� a�?? �_
<br /> �``�'i#►��y" � � � ' , Z3.Re�aest foe Noticea HOrrower requests that copiea of the nvtk� af defavlt and s�iC be s�t to AOrrower's ^ ` ;� '� ,
<br /> } '����k 6ylu.r'`� . . _:
<br />;-,;,.,,' '��h�":: . ;address which is the Propaty Add�ess. '`:A�`,r �
<br /> �'��'.:• 14.Ridas to thts b�vrlty t�strumeat. one or mors�iders are eaecuted b 8orrnwer and recorded together with '� q, . °. ` ,Q t :� -
<br /> If y d'., �
<br /> u s' t���•�`','• t h i s S e c�t y.t a a t t u m e n t.t h e c o v e n a n t s a n d a g r a m e nts a f eaah such rider ahali be inco r p�rated into and shati amend aed ,, "k - _
<br /> ;,,�,K _1
<br /> ,;�,r;��d;�Y,t:{S,;..Q,: qupplement'the dove�tants and agreements c�t this Secut{ty Instcument as if the rideKa) were� of this Secudty .
<br /> P� • � ,
<br /> � 'r,�• k :. Instrummt.(Check applicable box�ea)J ': � ''•� ���� 'F�°
<br /> `�?� '1i�s' � []Ac�ustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider '��, 2�FamUy Rider ._ 1 �:, �, '�����
<br /> �r'1 ,,, ': �-
<br /> . S ,.
<br /> C]Ciraduated Payment Rider 0 Plaaned Ur.tt Devetopma�t ltider °'" J Q'
<br /> -�'� '' ` ' '`��t:..
<br /> 7a'tRY"S'�t r� . _ �� l-i r .
<br /> y f�{lf : . �l � ' 7� �:� �.'.
<br /> ,�n-'�t:°,��:s, :� �Otharls) ISP��] 1-4 Family Rider ,. . , t, L, :
<br /> `frsl-�, s•
<br /> �„ t,;�' ;'�' ; BY SIQNINd S840W, Sorrower accepts and agrees to the terr�u and covenents conteined in this Security � �� �{p{�� ,
<br /> ' '�� `'°��� Tastru�nent and te sny rideKs)axxuted by 8orrower and recorded with it. '' 0 4��!1�S�'�`J�+,�", �'
<br /> ��x.r.wr:•��f, - _ �'` �j� !'` � 7 - '
<br /> u�';..`� 1 t�. ��l� 4 k '1_
<br /> �,���i�� �„�;, ��'��:,; � '_-�.--- _
<br /> � y� ,, . +_�,,y J// /�/� �.. c,,,� ;���ft!�rt,�r�d f}�� �r`° -
<br /> p K �l�iy�'Y�r.. ..... ...................................................... ..�*:l�7��'+:1r..•.i . ..................•.. �.li��� .\��r 7�51f11 IYl1l�'{�1�'7�Y.
<br /> �v'�,. ..��.... ....................... �fl8�.l� �. �Ut'tA "Bon°we► . .��� .��fr Efil_."r,
<br /> � + . ,. , ii,.. 3;
<br /> �.. 't' R,.. <`�
<br /> + �� �_�y t �� d./r � 't���'`��f��',I �1 i•� �_
<br /> M�ie; ,� 1{;J � ..................•......•..............•............................................... „,:�,,,,,,��'.�.:4....,Pl.'.::.�...............�..•............. �.7i81� {�� � �I ' '_
<br /> --=.j`` �„ .�� ��8etty R. Butts "'s°"°�' `r;,�rf ,��;
<br />�M1��r��r:�n t`nti{�I�; - (�.�f�t.•�(ll' . -
<br /> ,� ��,, f, e+S' , :.:
<br /> rti1���,�`S`��'�'};,�'. .
<br />_kmzcr�ku=, s';,:��)}. Srnr���N�:at�ns*n, Ha ll caimry..• ,� .
<br /> +k r)l�4.: .`1 • t rs�� �' � (t t:..
<br /> a�<t���);;. � �n this a5th da>� of March .1991 , tx(orc�te�, tl�c under,i�na�l. .� �k��a�� Pubik 1�� 4��4;,,,� ,
<br /> "" `�'l�fi��r�i;�; dufy commissioned and qaalified for tia�d mumy,�xr,onall�•ramr p ona ld L. Butt S &►d tLy R.
<br /> ..��_�;��` . x ,� � ( j}.,...�.,;,:.,
<br /> ``�;� �°' �� Butts, e�ch in his and her own right, end as spouse of/ .���h�� ��'�����
<br /> S
<br /> ��'r,�,�'•�;�s,�+; ,` identical �x�r,aeeQ�) whosr nume(s1 arr .ud+;.rihrd u, tl�e C�,�ru�+an� imtremrtu and ucl��ao�Red�cd th� r���uti�,u f • � � �
<br /> •�+�:.����'��:�;�.�;r�, thereof to be theiT ��nluntar>�a;t and decd. � _ ..
<br /> ;�.;'�y?�"',���`•;�;•�! Witness my hnnd and naturiai+ent a� 6rsnd Island� Nebraska in .u�u ruun�y,ci�r � � �
<br /> ;�;;�, ..;`'`. dace eforesaid. > � . .
<br />- ,_�'1,;'j�::,'. : . � �• " •
<br /> ',v' y;���{' ' M � �`�� r� i r � C ;�y . .
<br /> �1 R�;�SSS1.�y(��11,�! W d.� ._ ..7:..�.:�.�.•.. . .. . �... .? �.rs�:�L7.:. .............. ; . , .
<br /> :I �1",-_f' ^I����� '�'. ••til��dt\ ��11�1�1� ' ..
<br /> f .`�. °�':" ,,:;':� ItEQUf�5T FOR tt�C(7NVfiYANC'l
<br /> �,
<br /> �;:,t,•:.. .�� +,�, .
<br /> �•" • ' "' • � • T�Teusit�: •
<br /> �,rc., ..�:: ,;""� •;
<br /> �; �, : . The urtdetsignrc!is thr huldct ut'thr n��tr��r nntr.��r:urc�!h� thi�th�c,l�T►ei,�. ti:srd n.ne�,� na��..���8erlti�r �
<br /> °_��- �•,L��'��"°� �, with ail oeRer it►debtrdne►s�rcured by thi�Ihrc!oC�'�u+t.hu�c PkYn pa�J rn Cull•. 1 oit ar�Ih�^mch� Jire�ted tu runcd,a�d' E
<br />„---:��scsf;•'�;,G� '•• ,
<br /> •�;.��•�}��<�..c*�, . :. n�a or nec�rs aecd chi.U�d uf t'ruct. ��•hirh arc dcli�«rd hrrcby,anJn� r��:.m��},w�tN�►uc��:vrarn�•. ulf thc e,tUtr
<br /> ''' �""` ' ' rnro►lceld @►y gou��rnter rhi�c Ur��e1�f Tru.t tu ti�r pen�m ut per�.,n� 1'��:elli cnu�ird thrrct.�. �
<br /> ��;a.i=` ' �- �
<br /> '.�'. .�._. .; ( I>rite: ......... . ..... ..... . ... ........... .... ... . ... ... . .... . . + . . -
<br /> ... � � • _. .- ._ . .
<br />