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2023051 41 <br />the event meaningful discussions are unsuccessful, the parties shall engage in <br />mediation with a court -approved domestic mediator. Nothing in this paragraph <br />deemed to prohibit either party from seeking Court assistance in the event of an <br />emergency or from filing a contempt of Court action in the event either party fails <br />to comply with the terms of this Parenting Plan. <br />F. PROVISION FOR FUTURE MODIFICATIONS <br />In the event of a material change in circumstances not in the <br />contemplation of the parties at the time of the entry of this parenting plan, either <br />party may petition the Court for modification of this plan at any time in the future. <br />G. MAXIMIZATION OF THE SAFETY OF ALL PARTIES AND THE <br />CHILDREN <br />The children's best interests require the utmost cooperation between <br />Mother and Father. To this end, neither party shall disparage the other or in any <br />way denigrate the other party, in any activity or communication involving their <br />children. Neither party will inquire of the other's personal affairs through the <br />children. Each party shall cooperate with the other to the fullest extent necessary <br />in order to foster and promote a safe, secure, and loving environment for the <br />children. <br />H. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS <br />Both parties shall notify the other party when either party plans to change <br />the residence of the children for more than 30 days and this change would affect <br />the other party's custody, parenting time, visitation, or access to the children <br />(except that the address or return address shall only include the county and state <br />for the party who is living or moved to an undisclosed location because of safety <br />concern). A parent may not move a child from Nebraska without court <br />permission. <br />I. ACCESS TO RECORDS AND EMERGENCY DECISION MAKING <br />Each parent shall continue to have full and equal access to the education <br />and medical records of his or her children. Both parents are authorized to make <br />emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of the children. <br />5 <br />Page c:;?4) of 3& <br />
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