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202305141 <br />travel, (i.e. (light numbers, bus numbers, train schedules), anticipated locations of <br />travel and an address and phone number where the children can be reached at all <br />times. <br />g. The parent with the children in his or her custody shall <br />have an obligation to get the children to and from all appointments, in a timely <br />manner. Timely manner means that the parent shall have the children present and <br />ready for his or her appointment, activity, or event at least 10 minutes in advance <br />of the commencement time. <br />h. Right of First Refusal (1..QFR): Each party shall have a <br />right of first refusal (ROFR) for providing childcare for the children if the party <br />with the children in his or her care will be unable to provide personal care for the <br />minor children for a period of greater than two (2) hours. The party unable to <br />provide care shall notify the other party, in writing, and provide the party that <br />does not have the children in his or her care, a right of first refusal, or a first <br />opportunity to provide care for the children as soon as the parent becomes aware <br />of the potential conflict or inability to provide care. <br />D. TRANSITION PLAN <br />The parent concluding his or her parenting time shall be responsible for <br />returning the children to school on Friday morning, or in the event school is not in <br />session, then the parent shall keep the children in his or her care until 5:00 p.m. or <br />such time as the parent commencing his or her time can be available to take the <br />children into his or her care. The parent commencing his or her time shall pick <br />the children up on Friday afternoon at the time they are released from school, or if <br />school was not in session, picking the children up from the other parent at 5:00 <br />p.m. or as soon as the parent commencing his or her time can be available on said <br />Friday. <br />E. DAY TO DAY DECISION MAKING <br />The parties shall work together to reach joint decisions in the choices <br />regarding the children's education, religious upbringing, and medical needs. <br />Recognizing the importance that mutual participation and cooperation play in <br />nurturing the children in a stable and loving environment, the parents shall freely <br />discuss these issues with each other in an effort to reach a consensus of these <br />issues at a meaningful time in advance of such decision. In the event the parties <br />cannot reach an agreement, they shall first engage in meaningful discussions. In <br />4 <br />Page &3of �C,Q <br />