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2023051 41 <br />2. Miscellaneous: <br />a. Google Calendar: All activities, appointments and events <br />shall be placed on a shared Google calendar within 24 hours of a parent being <br />aware of the same. Both parents shall have access to and editing capabilities of <br />the calendar, Activities shall be scheduled in a manner that allows both parties to <br />participate when at all possible. Both parties shall have the right to attend and <br />participate in all activities, events and appointments involving the children, <br />regardless of on whose time they fall. Both parents have an obligation to place on <br />the calendar all appointments, games, practices, clinics, performances, events, or <br />other activities regardless of whose time the event may fall. Entries shall be <br />placed on the calendar as soon as reasonably possible by the parent becoming <br />aware of the same. All nonemergency medical, dental, or mental health <br />appointments shall be placed on the calendar at least 14 days in advance of the <br />same. Entries onto the calendar shall include no less than the following: a) Name <br />of child participating; b) date time and location of the event; e) detailed <br />explanation of the event; d) name and contact information of the director, coach, <br />director, or coordinator of said event. These provisions do not excuse either <br />parent's obligation to be aware of the children's school, church, or other <br />accessible calendars. <br />b. Any reference to school: Any reference to the children's <br />release from school or return to school shall be governed by the school calendar <br />of the school where the minor children are attending. If the children are home <br />schooled or a child does not attend a school with a defined calendar, the Public <br />Schools elementary school calendar shall govern for the purposes of <br />commencement and conclusion references as though the same had remained in <br />full for the entire school year. <br />c. The children shall continue to attend school at their present <br />schools, absent a mutual or joint agreement of the parties to make a change in <br />their school or educational curriculum. <br />d. Each will keep one another advised as to their phone <br />number, address, and email address at all times. <br />e. Neither parent shall consume drugs or alcohol during his or <br />her parenting time. <br />f. To the extent either parent intends to take the children out <br />of the State of Nebraska for a period of greater than 24 hours, said parent shall <br />provide the other with a written itinerary, including dates of travel, methods of <br />3 <br />Pageaa of 34 <br />
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