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202305141 <br />parenting time (the Mother will have the children during this time in even - <br />numbered years): <br />1. Easter: This holiday shall include that period of time <br />during which the children are excused from school before the Easter holiday, <br />including Easter Sunday, and shall commence at the time the children are released <br />from school and conclude on the day and time the children return to school. <br />2. Thanksgiving: This holiday shall be defined as that period <br />of time during which the children are excused from school for the Thanksgiving <br />holiday, including Thanksgiving Day, and shall commence on the day and at the <br />time the children are released from school and conclude on the day before the <br />children return to school. <br />3. Second Half of Christmas/Winter Break: This time <br />would commence on December 27`x' at 12:00 p.m. (noon) and shall conclude on <br />the day the children return to school. <br />4. Fourth of July: This time would commence on July 4t" at <br />9:00 a.m. and conclude on July 5th at 12:00 p.m. <br />b. In oven -numbered years, the Father would have the following <br />parenting time (the Mother will have the children during this time in odd - <br />numbered years): <br />1. Memorial Day: This holiday shall include only that <br />weekend when Memorial Day is nationally recognized and shall commence on <br />Friday at such time the children are released from school and conclude at 7:00 <br />p.m. on Monday, Memorial Day. <br />2. Labor Day; This holiday shall include only that weekend <br />on which Labor Day is nationally recognized and shall commence on Friday at <br />such time the children are released from school and conclude at 7:00 p.m. on <br />Monday, Labor Day. <br />3. First Half of Christmas/Winter Break: This time would <br />commence on the day and time the minor children are released from school for <br />the Christmas holiday and conclude December 27th at 12:00 p.m. (noon). <br />c. Each year: <br />1. Father's/Mother's Day: Every year the Father shall have <br />the children on Father's Day and the Mother shall have the children on Mother's <br />Day. This holiday shall commence at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 7:00 p.m. on the <br />Sunday on which such holiday is nationally observed. Neither party shall be <br />given any substitution therefore. <br />2 <br />