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2023051 41 <br />through her place of employment or otherwise maintained in her name, whether <br />said plans are vested or unvested. <br />Except as specifically set forth below, Defendant shall be awarded as his <br />sole and separate property, free and clear of any further interest of the Plaintiff <br />any pension plans, 401k or other retirement plans provided through his place of <br />employment, or otherwise maintained in his name, whether said plans are vested <br />or unvested. <br />Plaintiff shall receive one-half of the value of, and Defendant shall receive <br />one-half of the value of the following retirement/investment accounts, as said <br />value existed as of the close of business on the date of filing, August 2, 2021, <br />together with any and all market gains and losses since said date of filing pursuant <br />to a Qualified Domestic Relations Order ("QDRO"), specifically: <br />a. ROTH IRA (7257); <br />b. Savings Deposit Sweep Program (0183); <br />c. Savings (Ivy Small Cap) (0183); <br />d. Savings (New Insights) (0183); <br />e. Savings (Global) (0183); and <br />f. Savings (Putnam Focused) (0183). <br />Each party shall cooperate in any and all manners necessary to effectuate <br />the preparation and execution of any and all QDROs necessary to divide the <br />above accounts, including but not limited to providing account statements, <br />account numbers, contact information for HR and other necessary departments <br />and obtaining sample language if available through the account administrator. <br />Each party shall be responsible for one-half of any administrative costs or <br />fees associated with the division of the accounts listed above. <br />Each party specifically waives any interest they may have in the other's <br />investment, retirement, or pension asset(s), except as expressly set forth herein, <br />and each party specifically consents to the revocation of any beneficiary <br />designation which names the other spouse as a beneficiary. Should either party <br />fail to remove the other spouse as a beneficiary from any such investment, <br />retirement or pension account(s), this Agreement and the Decree of Dissolution <br />approving it shall constitute an actual modification of the investment, retirement, <br />or pension account(s) consistent with the intent of this paragraph in order to <br />eliminate the other spouse as a designated beneficiary. <br />13. SPOUSAL SUPPORT: Plaintiff shall not pay alimony to the <br />Defendant, and Defendant shall not pay alimony to the Plaintiff. The parties <br />6 <br />pagef <br />