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202305141 <br />pay, through the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center, for the support of the <br />two minor children of the parties hereto, the sum of $458.00 per month. Such <br />amount shall be paid by the Plaintiff until the 1st day of the month following the <br />month in which one of the minor children marries, reaches the age of majority, <br />dies, or is emancipated, whichever occurs first. When only one minor child <br />remains, the Plaintiff shall pay $347.00 per month. Such amount shall be paid by <br />the Plaintiff until the 1st day of the month following the month in which the minor <br />child marries, reaches the age of majority, dies, or is emancipated, whichever <br />occurs first. <br />Attached to the Financial Plan, incorporated herein, is a child support <br />calculation consistent with the earnings and earning capacity of each party and the <br />Nebraska Child Support Guidelines. <br />Payments shall be made to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center, <br />P.O. Box 82600, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501-2208. All payments must include the <br />name and Social Security Number of the payor and the court case number and <br />county. <br />Plaintiffs obligation to pay child support shall be subject to income <br />withholding pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-1718.02, and the Plaintiff shall be <br />ordered to prepare immediately following the entry of the Decree of Dissolution <br />herein a Notice to Withhold Income and deliver the same Notice to the <br />Defendant's employer and provide a copy to the Clerk of the Hall County District <br />Court and to the Defendant. <br />All child support payments shall become delinquent the day after they are <br />due and owing, and interest shall not accrue until thirty (30) days after the <br />payments are delinquent and said interest shall be computed as simple interest, <br />except that for so long as child support payments are being withheld from the <br />Plaintiff's income, the Plaintiff shall not be regarded or reported as being <br />delinquent or in arrears if (a) any delinquency or arrearage is solely caused by a <br />disparity between the schedule of the Plaintiff's regular pay dates and the <br />schedule date the child support is due; (b) the total amount of child support to be <br />withheld from the Plaintiffs paycheck and the ordered amount of support are the <br />same on an annual basis; and (c) the income withholding is continuous and <br />occurring. Delinquent child support shall accrue interest at the rate of 5.981 <br />percent per annum. <br />Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-364.13, the Plaintiff is advised that under <br />Nebraska law, any person ordered to pay a judgment for child, medical, as part of <br />3 <br />Page /Oof36 <br />