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<br /> " S.Haa�rd or Property Insurance. Bo:rower shail kecp the Improvesnenta now oxisUng or hereafcer erectcd on tha Progcrty Y�
<br /> lnsuced sguinst loss by fire,bt�zorda lncluded within tha tarm "oxtended covemgo"and any other hazards. inciuding tloods ar �;
<br /> tlooQiag,for which L�ender requires ir►sumi►ca•'mis insur�u►�°$hult be maicttained 1��s e�ounts and for the perlods tt►ut Lendcr
<br /> ., requirey.Tfao Lnsurance cc�rrtU Boxro�c8 f�ils t�o�m ntnin coveraga dbescribed above.bLender may�at aLende s apidon h btaln _
<br /> be w�re�sonably withh �:.:.
<br /> cuverage t�protect Lender's rights in ttee Property in accardance with ParagtaPh 7. . _
<br /> p111nsursace pc�llcies snd renewuls shail bo acxeptabla to Lend$r and shaU include a standacd mortgage clau�o.I.emder sheU ;_
<br /> '�'' ���� have the sight t,o hold the pollcies nnd renew�is. If Lender requues,Horrower shall promptly give to Lender ali reccipts of paid
<br /> pse,miwns and renewal not�es.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt nodce to the�nsurauce cerrier end Lender.L.ender ��`
<br /> ,;.,,s�,,�� may ma1c�proo f o f loss i f ao i m a d e p ro m p t l y b y B o t r o w e r. ��_
<br /> _ .. - Unless Lender and Borro��,er oiheiwise aBree in wrlung.insarance pmceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of tbe c
<br /> r
<br /> propeity dap►aged,if the reswradon or repair is economfc�lly feasible aad Lender's se�urity i s not lessen e d. I f t h e r e storation or �-
<br /> m
<br /> rcpair is not ecoaomic�lly feasible or L.ender's securlty would be lessened,the insurance procee�ls shall be applied to ihe sums
<br /> .; secured by this Security Insuun►ent, whether or nai then due. witb any eacess pa�d to Borrower. If Borrowes abandons the
<br /> . °z Pcopeity. or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender diat the insurauce c�es has offered co settle a clai�n,then
<br /> Lender may colleet the insutauce p:ocexds.Lender may nse the proceeds w repair or cestore the Property or w pay sunas securetl
<br /> u aa
<br /> . by this Security Inst�me�►t,whetha or not then due.'ihe 30-daY Perlod wiU b�i n w hen t t►e notice is g iven. --
<br /> '�� .. �;. Unless I.ender and Borrowe,r otheawlse e�gcee in writia8.anY sFFlic�tion of pmceeds co principal sliaU not extend or postpone _
<br />` • �'� the due date of the monthlY 1�Y�eats referred to in paragiaPbs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under para8reph -
<br /> 21 ttee Properey is acquired by Lender,Bosrower s eight to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from deraage to ihe !-
<br /> �P�Y Prios to the scqutsition shall pass w Lender w die eatsnt of the sums securetl by this Security Insuurnent immediatelY
<br /> � ��:�.� priortotheacq�isidon. __
<br />_ �.p�p�nc�,,preserr,atlon,Ninintenauce and Protedton of t6e ProperiYi Borrower's Loan App�icatton;Leaer.holds.
<br /> �.;,' �omower shall occupy,establisb.and use the Property as Borrower's priacipal residence within sixry days after tha executton o�
<br /> d�is Security Insuurnent and ahall wntiaue o0 occapy the PropatY as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the
<br /> • � ,';, date of acc�anc5►,unless Lea�der oth�se agcees �n w�n8, which wnsent shaU not be unreasonably aIthheld,or unless --
<br /> � rV�},'y� �n�g circ�msmnces exist which ate beyond Boaower's controL Borrower sbaU not destroy.damage or impair the 1'roPenY.
<br /> T'� allow the Prqpen.Y to deterlorate.or commit waste on the Property. Bomower shall b�e ia default if anY forfeinue action or _
<br /> ....ri`=��.�, .
<br />�=��'��'� P��B,wicc�i'ici ci��,i�r esiatins2,3S t��!t►��n L,ender's good faith lud8a►ent eould result in forFeittue of the PmpertY or ,
<br /> -,.',�' CI
<br /> - othernise maLaigltY itt►Pair the lien created by tbis Securlry Insuument ar Lender's security interest.Borrowet may cuTe su u . ,
<br /> d yv.�;.��__ default and t�einstate.as provlded in parag�apb 18.by causing the acdon or proceedin8 0�be dismissed with a coling that.ia
<br /> �---�s� Leader's good faith detenaination,Prectudes forfeiaae of the Borrower's iaterest ia the ProPertY or other matedal impair�neut of
<br />=�.zy
<br /> - the lieu created by this Sec�rIty►Iustn�ment or Lertdeac's securlty intaest Boizowa shall also be ia default if Hon�ower,d�ng the
<br /> --=—��'°� loan application process.Save mateaially false or inaccucate infomuatioa or statements w I.ender(or failed w provide Lead�r w1th
<br /> ;--°�:iFg�,.� any material infaimation) in cannocdon with the loan evidenced by the Notc,iacluding► but not llmited to.rePresentadons
<br /> im
<br />_ "�`91�'��� cohc�csin8 Bomower's occupancy of We Propeny as a princiPal residence.If this Securtty Insuuaaent is oa a leaseimld, oirower
<br />--��„u+��.?�■ sdali comply with all the provisions of the lc�se.If Boimwex eccluires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee fltla sl►aaU
<br /> -�;�'�;:�;4�,�,,.� not merge unless Irender agrees w the merger In writing.
<br />.. _--_-= 7.Protect6oa of Lender's Rights tn the Property. If Boirower fails to perform the coventuus and e�neats contained ia
<br /> - that msy signiflcantiy affe�t Lendc�'s rights in the Property(such as a
<br />--—_ __= this Securiry Instrument,or there is a legat Pro�edtng �
<br /> -_-.- - proc,ee�iing in banlQUptcY.Pmbate.fo:condemnaHon or forfeiwre or w enforoe laws or regalasions).thea LenQer may do and PaY
<br /> ---::�� for what�ver ls n�sry to pmL�c4 the vnlue of the PcoPertY and L�der's rlghts ia the Propefty.Leceder's actions may includa
<br /> _ - - PaY�B �Y, su�as secured by a l�an wl�ich has prto:ity over this Securlty Insacument, aPP�T�B in court,PaYL�B m,usonable
<br /> euorneys't'e,es and entering on the Pcol'�stY w make rePafcs.Although Lender may ffiDce action under this paragraph 7.I.�d�
<br /> -_ _ does not have to do so. h�s���e�,��debt of Bomowea secured by this��tY
<br /> - Aay funawus disb�sed by Lender uiader tbis Dara�CaD
<br /> -- - Insuurnent Unless Bo:rower end Lender agree m other Lerms of paymenb Wese amounts shall bear interest fro�n ihe date of
<br /> —� disb�usement ai the 1Vote raui and shall be payable,with in�erest,upon nodce from Lender to Borrower reguesUng paY�enG
<br /> 8.Mortg�ge Insurance. If 1.ender re4��0�0 iA�ce as a condidon of mak�n�the loan secuced by this Security
<br /> - -- - Iusimnaent, Boaower shall PaY t�e P�miums resluired w maintaii► the masSgeSe instuance ia e�ect I€,for eay reason,the
<br /> ----- - mo�ge insu�ance cove�age re4ui�ed bY Lsnder laPses or ceases ro be in ef�e�i,Bamower shall paY the Premiums ra4uired to
<br /> --- -= obtaia�vBraSe substandalty e9uivaleat oo the mortgage Insurmica•prevtously in effect,at a cost substantiall vcd by Lentder�If
<br /> - — - - cost w Borrower of the moitgege insurarice previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage insurer appra
<br />-=��.�,:.._°-''� subslandaily e4uivalent mottgagc I�as�uanoe cov�e is not available.Hoaower shall paY w I.ender each month a swn equal to
<br /> --=--"°�� one�ta►elnh of dee yearly mortgage ins�a�ance pmanium beiag paid by Bonrower when the insutance coverage Iapsed or c�ased to
<br /> -°"°:'��4 � be in effea.I.endsr will axepL ase and cetain these paymeats as a loss resave in lteu of mortgage insuranoe. Loss rese:ve
<br /> ='��:;,•"��"�:�
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