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<br /> , � gayments may no longer be required,at tho option of I.endee.if mactguge insuraace mvcrage(in the cunount and for the perlod i
<br /> � that i.ender rcquhe.g)pmvided by aa lnsums approved by I.ende*agaia becomes availabl�and la obtaIr►ed.Borrower shaU pay the E
<br /> premlums requlred to maints�n ma�stgage insura.nce in effect, or w provtde a bss mse�ve. until the requirement gor mortgage -
<br /> .. • insurance ends in accordance with any wrluen agre�ment between Barrowa and Lend¢r or appllcab181aw. '
<br /> � Si.Yaspe�itora. Len�ar oP in �gent may make rcason�ble cnules upan �nd inspections of tha Property. l.ender s�►ell give
<br /> , �, Bozro�ver no�ce at the Wne of or priot to an inspection specix'ying reasonablo cause for the inspe�tbn. _ �,
<br /> 10.Coudemnntton. The proceeds of eny award or cletm for damages,direct or consequendal,in connecaon wi�h any �.
<br /> � condssnnatton or other taking af eny part of the Property,or for wnveyanc�la lieu of wndemnadon.are hemby assigned and �
<br /> �, shaU be paid to I.cnder.
<br /> _ � In the event of s totel teking of the Property,the procceds shall be aAplied a tho sums sec�red by this Securicy Insuwnene,
<br /> --- whether or not thea due,with any eacess pafd w Bormwer.ln the eveui of a paidel tal6ng of the Property in which the fair market =
<br />� _. v�luQ of tRts Prop�rty imm�di�cely befoze the mkiug is equa!ta or�ater than the amouat of the sums s�cured by this Sacurity °
<br /> `�; Inson�ment immediately before the mking, unless Borrower and Lender othecwLse a�grea in wrlting, the sums secured by this _.
<br /> � Security Instn�ment s6all be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldpHed by the foAowing&action:(a)the total amounc of
<br /> '. �, the sums sec� immediately befo�e the taidng,divIded bY (b) the fetr market value of the Property jmraediately bafare the
<br /> taking.Any balaace shall be patd to Borrower.In the event of a patdat takIr►g of the Property in which We fair market value of the
<br /> Property lmmediately befora the teldr►g �S l�ss d�an the amouat of the sums sccured Mmediately before tho taking,unless
<br /> " .. Borrower and L.ender othe�rlse a�r�ee in writiag or unless appllc;able law otheaalse provides.the pmceeds shali be applied to the _
<br /> � swns sec�red by this Securiry Instrument whether or not ttce sums are then due. _
<br />�_�i_;,,,.n,� " If the Propealy is 6b�ndoraed by Borcower,or if.after aotice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> �� award or seule a claim for damages,Bo:rowea fails w respond w Lender witbiia 30 days efter the dete the nodcei is given.L�dar =
<br /> ,:;;;;;,,,- is suthorized w coltect and apply t�te proceeds,at its option,either w restoration or mpair of tbe Propa�ty or W the suais socured
<br /> `+ by this Security Insuument,wheade�or not thea due. -
<br /> ;,:����: Unl�ss 1.ender and Bo:rowa otherw�s agree in writing�enY ePPUcailan of procecds w principal shaU not extend aI Postpona _
<br /> ��', � the due date of the montGly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage the maount of such payments.
<br /> -� ��' 11.Borrawer Mat Released{Forbearance By Leadcr Not a�Vaiver. ExtensEan of the dme for payment ar modiRcatIon
<br /> ' of amor�ation of tbe sums secured by t4ts Sec�uIty Insavment granted by Lender W any's4ccessor in interest of Borrowa sbaU
<br />_�'=�� aot operates to release the IieAilIry of the originel Boirowea or Borrower's successon la inte�re,st.LBnder shaU aot bv requhed to
<br />;,�.w'�`��' wmutea�ce pr�ce�iin8s egainst any snccessor ia interest or refuse w extead tima for payment or othawIse modify amortizadon of
<br />;� the suens secured by this Se�uiiry Inslnimeat by reason of any demand made by the orlgfnal t3ocrower or�3omower's successors .
<br /> in interest Any farbearence by Lender ia exeacLsIng any right os remedy shaU not ba a waiver of or preclude the ex¢rcise of any .
<br />_:-",-� rlght or re�cedy. '
<br /> .��_;�'`;,;;��� 12.Suaxssors aad Ass(gns Bauad;Joiat ead Several Liabiltty; Co-slgQera. The covenants and agreernents of thls
<br /> — Se�urlty Iasuurmmeat shal! bind ani�benefit the successors and a�signs of Leudea and Borrower,subject to tbe p�suv�sions of
<br /> _�_.—`. p�ph 17. Bomewer•s cavenants and agreemeats s6aIl be joint and sevetai. Any Bomowet who casi�as Y3►is Se�urity
<br /> `�=�=-��' ', &uuument but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-sigaing this Sec�uity Ic�sCUaient only to mortgage,g�ant aad convey thai
<br /> :�:'`� Bosrower's iateaest in the Propaty ander the terrns of this Security Ins�ume.nx(6)is not personaUy o6ligated w pay the sums
<br /> .._�",.`� � secumd by d�Ls Security InsCumea�a�ed(c)egrees t6at LEader and eny oiher Borrower may agc�ee to extend,modify�fas6ear ar
<br />_-__� � make any aocoinmodations witb regard Lo the tccros of diis Security Insoniment or the Nots wIIthout t6at Bomower's consent
<br /> -y- 13.�.oau Charges. If the loan secured by tbis Sesurity Instrument is subJoct�a Iaw which setv maximum loan charges.
<br /> �-� and t6at law Ls fmalty i�te:pceted sa that the interESt or other loau chargas collected ar oo ba colleeted ia cannecKion w[th tAa loan
<br /> -'"`""`� ` excee�i dee pamitsed iimits.thea:(a)eny suc6 foan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ihe cl�aarge to tha
<br /> -:m�::1 peeaiittod Iitni�and�)any aums alreasly collected trom Barrowe,r which�acceeded pc�aaittad llrtuts will be mfiutded to Ham�wer.
<br /> ''�':�"�'•':���'y Lender may choose ro make dus refUnd by reducing the principal owed under We Note or by A�lcing a d'uect payment to
<br /> _ Borrower. If a refi�nd reduoes pciadpal,the ceducflon wiU bc treated ac a pa�dal p�epayuzent wtthout any pm�ayment cl�arge
<br /> under the Note.
<br /> �� 14.Noltoes. Any notice to Bomower pmvided for in this Securiry U�siru�nent st�all be given by delivering h or by mailing it
<br /> — by fast class mail unless applic�blc law req�rises use of another mqhod.The notice s4all be di�ected ta sha Property Addcess or
<br /> �---- � any other�ddc�ss Bonowed designates by noflce W I.eader.Any notice to Leadea shal!be given by fhst clssg mail to I.ender's
<br /> — � addr�ss staLed ha�eIt►or any other addc+ess Leader designate�by nmice to Bmrower.Any notice provided for in th�s Sacuriry
<br /> �� � IASDauuent shaU be deemed w bave been g�n w Boimwer or Lender when given as providecl in this paragtaph.
<br /> _--_-`°_''°� t 15.Governia�a.aw; Severability. This Security Ins�uument sh�11 be govemed by federal law end the taw of 1ho _
<br /> - = � jutisd�caon in which the Propeay is loc�fed.In thc event tl�aat any provisFon or clause of this Security Instiument or the Note
<br />—==-_ oonfl{cts with applicabla Iaw, such wnflict sha�.aot affect othes provisions of t63s Security Insuument or the Note w6ich ca�6e
<br /> -- � giver►effect a+Ithout the cenflicang prnv�sion.T'o this end ths pro�lsians of tl�is Secu�ity lustniment and the Note are decla�ed w
<br />_„"''���' , be sc.wssable.
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