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<br /> �, a� 'POtiBTI�R WITH iill the improvements n��n c�lacerrtents and edditlans�shall also be covcrcd by this�Securlry InsuumenG
<br /> - BxtuYes now or here�t'ter a part of Ute property. p � _�
<br /> �".:.
<br /> A ll o f t h e f o r e g a i n B i s r efeaed a in ihis Securl ty Inawment ns tha"Property."
<br />� �ORROWBR COVBNANPS thnt Harrower is luwfully seEsed of the estuus hereby wnveyed an d h a s 1 he rig ln to gran t an d t.--
<br /> ,, convey tiie Propr,rty and that�►e Froperty is unencumbcrcd,oxcept for encumbrances of re�ard. Borroa+er wanents and wW -
<br /> , � � defend generally ths tlQe to the Pc+operty aBatnst all cleims and demands.subject a any cricumbmnces of rc.curd. �'
<br /> T HI S S H C U R I T Y W S T RllMENT combines untfonn wvenants for national use and non•uaifurrn coirenanta with limited
<br /> . ��` varludons by jwlsdict[on�consttwte a uniform scxurIt,►insavment covering real property. �.�:;
<br /> UNaORM COVENANTS,gomower and Lender covenant and agree as followa: �:.
<br /> � 1.Payment of Pr[ndpai mtd Interesti Prepayment snd Lete Churges. Botrower shaU pmmPtlY PaY when due tha �,
<br /> ."�"`''"� prtnr�pal of and interest on the debt evidenced by tho Nata and any prepayment and lane charges dua wder the Note. r-_
<br />- ., �� 2.Fimds ta;Tax�aeca3 Jos�rause. Subject W appliceble Is.tw or to a written waivcr by L�ettder.Boarower shall pay w `_
<br /> '� Lender on the day montl�lly payn►ents are due ander the Note,untll We Note is paid in full,a sum("Fnnds')for.(a)yearly taaes
<br /> � and assess�nents whtch may aaain PrioritS'over this Securlty Usa�umeat as a Hen on the Property: N)Y�ly leasehold payments
<br /> ,' � • �6 ot ground renis on the Firapesty�if any:(c)Yearly ba�ard or property insurance premlums:(d)Yearly Aood ins�rance premiums�if
<br /> i, any:(e)Yearly raortgage insureuce premlurr►s,if any; and(�any sams payable by Borrower to Lender.in accordance w�d►ths
<br />_ ..':� provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiuma 'lhese items are caUed "Hnxow Items."
<br /> � Lender may,at any eLne,collect and hold Funds in an amount aat to oaceed tke maximum aiuount a lender for a federally related
<br />�'',.y , mortgage loan may reciw�e for Borrower's escrow account under t�e federal Real Bstate Seulement Fiocedures Act of l974 u� �
<br /> �_.' -'�:�'.,_-� ainended from dme to tima. 12 U.S.C.Section 26U1 et seq. ("RBSPA'�.unless another law that applles w the Fuads sets a lesser _
<br /> araoun� If so,Lsnder may.at any time�coAect and hold Funds in an amouat not w e�cceEd the lesser araoun�Lcnder may _
<br /> :,;�,,G_;�,�� estim�te tR$�nouat of Funds due on the basis of cument data and reasonable e�imaLes of eapendiuues of fuaue Sscxo�Y Ite�ets or
<br /> '. ,�. • othernLse in axotdmice with appllcable law.
<br />;.=�,'::•.•�. Tt�e Funds shsll be held in an instltutton whose deposits are iusured by a federal agency,instr�mentality.nr endty(including
<br /> _. I,enda, if I�ender is such an Instltution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the F�cmw
<br /> <;°i:'•,.�=:�:�� :
<br />�,. . Itema.L.ender msy not charge Bo�rower for hoiding and applying the F�nds.ennuelly analyzing the escrow account,or verjfYi�►B
<br /> .�--.r- �' �e g��,I��,up�s Lender pays Bonower interest on the Funds aad applicable Iaw germits L,�►der to mak�such a charge.
<br />`W�'`:�� uice Borrowcr to gay a one�dme chatga for an iadependent real esmte tax reporting setvtce used by
<br /> _ -°"`""" ._-- However.Lender maY�I
<br />�_=��-.��� LEnder in connect�on wtth this loan,uni2ss aPPllcable iaw provides otlienvise. Unless an agreement is made or upplicable law
<br />-„'"�:�2=��,� requires interest to be patn.Lender shaU uot ba nyuua[tu�y Botrawc�'a�ty itstr,r�i Ot�aiags a�t!he Fnn�!s.R�rmwer aad ,
<br /> -_
<br />