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<br /> ^ .'�,a , payt�nta may no longer be require0.at the opdon of I.ender. if mortgaga iastua»cs cov�raga(in tho u�ttount and for the perlod ��• -
<br />_-_-- t1a�t I�adcr requlr€�)pravid�by sa insurer a�proved by Lender aAuGi b�coraes availnbie and is obwined. Sorr�wer ehall pay _
<br /> � tho premiupns requlred to maiatein mortgaBe lasutancs{a effect,or to provlde a loas reserve,undl the reguirement for mortgage -.v_v
<br /> T IAt3UT8t1C0 C11d8�A flCC01�AtiCB WItI181t)I WfI�2CA 8$If2iriCAt�fEtWHCA HOIfOWE!8II�LRIld6f OT S�I�Ci1�11818W. �der shall give _..__.
<br /> A A oas of the Properiy
<br /> i� �?� 9. In�peedoni. Lender or ita agent may mAka reasoaable eatries upon and inspecti
<br /> ;�� �arrotiv�aotic.$at tke dms of or prior to am insgection s�ocifying reasonable cause fos the insgecdon. �_-
<br /> . 10. �sESlem�attoa. The proc�da of ea}+ award or claim for damagzs. direct or consequential, in'connection with saay �` _
<br /> m
<br /> �."'^�;� condemnstion or other taldng of aay part of the Property.or for conveyance ia lieu of conde�a�neiion. ate hereby e�siL'� �
<br /> etiail ba paid to I.ender.
<br /> -- It�the event of a total tekiag of the Ptoperts'.the praceeda ehaU be applied w the eums secured by thia SecurItY Insuumeut.
<br />—'� - whether or not thea due, with any excesa paid to Eosower. Ia the event of a partial taking of tl:e PropertY in wbich tlie fair
<br /> •T:�; market value of th�Ptoperiy immediately before the tAlung ia equal to or greater than the a�nount of the sums secured by tbia -
<br /> �,. 3ecurity Ynstrument immediately b$fore th�taldng,uatess Bonower and Lander otheralse agrea in writta��tl�sums secwod by
<br /> tr,,.,�;� t}�is gec�vity Inaa�u�mem shall be reduced by the amowrt of the ptocasds multiplied by the fo]lowing &actioa (a) tba total
<br /> aawuat af tha sums a�ued immediately before the taking. dividect by(b)thu foir saark:�value of ths I'mperty immediatelY .
<br /> before the tak�►g. Any balanoe ahaU ba psid to Boaower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fatr
<br /> n
<br /> �g�:�:�.�� m�rket value of th�Property immediately before the taking ia less thaa the aawunt of the sums ee�c�ue�t immediately Uefore the
<br /> :._`�c�z, ��,unlesa Borrower and L�ender otherwlse�gree in writing os ualess applic�ble lew othervvlae provides, the procceds sball
<br /> -:�:;;:.>;:
<br /> w'n�" ��PPliod to the sums axured by thie 3ecurity Ia9trumeat whether or not the sums ere thea�duo. .
<br />"-==� If the Property ts abandonod by Borrower. or 3f�aR�notice by Lender w Horrower that tbo condemaor off�t w meke aA
<br /> ---'`-"'{' award ar settle a oleim for damnBeg� Borrower faiis to respond to Leader withia 30 days aRc�r she date the noiico is givea,
<br /> ;,,�`� Lendet ie authorize�d ro colloct and npply eho proceeds�at ita optlon,either W r�estoratlon or repair of tka Property or to the aums
<br />,`=� eocured by thts 8ecwity Tnstnunenb wheshcr or not then 6uo.
<br /> lication of rocada to princlPal ehall aot exteted or
<br /> Unlecs Lrndet and Ba�rrowe� otherwieo ogroe in writing, any apP P
<br /> -�•_��•_� postpono t ho duo d ato o f t ho montht y pa y m c nts rafcrrod to in paragraphs 1 and Z or chango tho amount of auch paymenta
<br /> .�-._;�.; 11.Borro+�ir Not Relea�edi Forb�anace S�Leadsr Not�Wdva:B�ccenaion af�he timo for payment or modiflcation
<br /> ' oY emord�adoa�of ehe sums eocuted hy thia Securtty lnauument g�anted by L.ender to errY auccesao:in lnurest of Borrowa sl�all _
<br /> —_7 aot operate to rol�c,ase the liatsility of the orlginat Boaower or Bonowe�a eucc�ssora in intaes�I.eadar ahall not be required to
<br /> __ coaunence procaedi�p agaiaet any suc�cessor in iatacest or reiUsa w extead time for paymeat or othe�vIse mod�fY e�0T�0II
<br /> -- ° of tho au�; �,-�ad hy s�sio �rii;Lslr!�nt by reason of any demaad made by the or{ginat Borcower ar Bonoaver's
<br /> - - ��ra in iaterest. Any forbearance by Leuder ia�ercisiaS eny rl8bt or remedy at�ail not be a waiver oi or preciude 6ic
<br /> _—�-�- exercise of aay dght ar semedY• 'Tha cavenants aad ageemente of thia
<br /> --- 1Z. Succeasors�nd�eastgns Bound;Joint utd Sievent Lt�bWty;Co-signers.
<br /> �ccurity Instrumeat shall bind and bene8t the sucoessors and asgigna of Lender and Honower, subjecx to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants aad agceementa sball be joini aud several. A�► Bcamver wtio co-signa this SccuritY
<br /> -- Instru�e¢t but dces not wc�cute th�Note:(a)in co-aigning this Securiry lnstcu�ent only to mortgage. graat and convey that
<br /> -".-.�,�'� Bo�owe�'s iaterest in the Property under the tenns of this Socurity Insuumen�(b)is aot pessonally obligated w pay the s��ma
<br /> =�"'� secured by tbis Security lnscrumen�end(c)agees t�at Leadea and any other Borrowar maY a8rao w e�ctend,modifY►fosbear er
<br /> _-- make any axommodaHons with regard to the te�rns of this Security Instruman or the Noto vrithout that Borrowd s oonaeatt.
<br /> 13.Loan Ch�rges.If tha loam socured by this 5ocurity Instrumem ia subject W a law which sete naa�[imum loatt al�arges.
<br /> aad that law is Snally interPreted so that the intere�t or othea loan ct�arBes ooUected or to t�e collected ia��°the chasge .
<br /> loan po�cad the permitted limite�then:(a)m►Y snch loau cbarge aLall ba reduc�d by the amount neoesstuY ,
<br /> to ths pennitted ludt; ead(b)aaY sums a1�Y collect�fru�m Borrower which exoeedcd gemiitrod limits wW bo rafimded to ..
<br /> Borrower. I.eader may choosa w make this refi.md by reduaing the prfucipal awal �mder the Note ar by making a direci
<br /> PaY�t w Bonower. If a refimd reduces �rrinciPal. the reduaron w�l be treatod as a pardal prepaymaat witho�tt euy .
<br /> pnpayment cLerge under the Nota de� it or
<br /> - 14.Nottoes.Any aoHce w Borrower provided fer in ti�is Securlty Iastrument shall be given bY variag� t►Y�$
<br /> it by firat class noail w�less applicable Iaw requires use of another method. The ao4ice shaU i�e dirxted to tho Frope�y Address
<br /> — or an}+other address Borrower designates by aotioe w Lender. AnY aotice to Lencier shall be gtven by 6rst class mail w
<br /> I.eader's address amied herdn or any other eddress I.ender designates bY notico W Boaowa. A�►noflce psovided for in this
<br /> Soa.uitY 1nst�um�t ehaU be deemed to have been givea to Horrower or Lender whe�Sivea as provIded ii►this paragraph
<br /> 15.Goveraing Law; Severabil[ty. This 3ecurit7+ Instrument ahall be goveraed by federal law snd theor the Nota
<br /> ;'�e� jurissticdon in which tfle PmpertY ia locatod. In the event that any provision or cleuse of tl�ie Sec�uity Insonnneat
<br /> - conflisKS vrith applicabte law,such conflict ahaU not affect other provisiona of this Security Inst��t or the Nota which c.en be
<br /> _�� 8iven effect wtthout the oonflicting Provision.To t6is ead the provieions of this 3ocuriry Iasmiment and the Note are�aclared
<br />-�--���,�a� to be severable. � of the Note as�d o�this Seeurtty Insavmsat.
<br />._ �°,�.�� 16.Borro�ver s Copy.Borrowa sha11 be giv�one oonfoYmod coPY
<br /> Fenn BotY�ni�/10,,//0�J
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