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��..a, .. <br /> �'¢���t7s .a'�'kr _ �� �j{,i �• e� t-t, 'c•i. }�,, .r�rt.. . .... . . . . . . <br /> �.��kdT;r3�w t�,_ I t•>_ . .-(i� yy� ��• r �f"..- �i� � i �{l/rt,��.,.UR� i'<<4; �_,- 4t{� <br /> �4'� l �,/ ��t�y� �1�l !'[ Sr�37 -- e }i 1 at � hsr 9'! . .:l-�sf�.- ,,�„ �yc � n i,� .�ta <br /> :�I , 'TF,ryr�:%?��T'}+.�,.��n i F�ni R� k�f ' � � Ftl.�ti:l;.i`:"te '+V, }F� <br /> , ;�lt y, ,;. ,�f Zi . ;';� f . � `:. <br /> - � ti .%rD. ,.�n,{5�;�:� . ... � . - �� ,• � - .•r'ri 5+ <br /> . '�fj;,�;�,�.� �`.i:� ,t�. . �� -.y. <br /> , � .. ..� �•'�`' . � � � --. <br /> ;I •'nAa.� �..,..,,- . ....... � . .. ' <br /> �N . . - n .. ♦ . <br /> . � -�.dPre. - .� / " . , . ., . . ,� .. ° � ^-- <br /> .i � .. �1,� '•�Fly" ,. •� . ^ . .. .. � ., . ' " n ., . ._ -'��T . <br /> . <br /> �.rat-.,v+Ww�:•�o4.�au.'i.'JcW':: . �. � � .. , , - . .��cv�i�.. <br /> � <br /> .. . -� "' .. _'_'_"...._.._ '"'_._-��,_ <br /> . � . . -� - - � ..,___'�....'_._.'__�_ ... _"""'_' _ _""""" '.. _ . _.......'_ <br /> �._. ._.._'_'�'�__.. ..._ . <br /> n .. . � 99Q �o���� �: <br /> � � �17.'A'ransfer ot tlie Procerty or a�Qne�dclel Hnter¢at In Borrower. If all or any part of the PtaPertY oT any i�rterest in it <br /> f�- <br /> t <br /> is sold or uansferred(or if a lieneficial interest ia Eorrower ia sold or transfereed and Borrower ia not a�etural person}w;tt-.out �.._ <br /> . ,� Lc�sder's prior wrltten consent, Lender may. at its option, require i�unediate payment in fiill of aU suma sec�ued by tlris ___ <br /> Securiry Inspwnent.However,thia option shail aot be exercise8 by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the datr a <br /> � of thia SecvrIty Iristrument — <br /> If L,ender exercises th�s uPtlon+ Lender ehal�brive Baaower notice of acceleratton The no4ice shall provide a perlod of aot , <br /> � : lesa thaa 30 days fi'ora the date the notice is delivered or cnailed wlthin which Bonov�er must pay all setms secur�d by this �, <br /> -,� ' -_ gecurity Tastrument.If Horrowei faiis ta gay th�e��prior to the expiration of this period, I.ender maY invoke any remedies � <br /> permitted by thia Securtty Tnstrumeat wIthout gu�ther nodce or demaad on Borrower. �. <br /> _�--� 18. Hosrower's R1ght to Y3ei�ostate. If Aorrowes meets certaia condidons� Borrower ahall have the right W have �� <br /> �-r'"�"� enforcement of thie Secudty Inatrument discondnued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or suah other g�slod as <br /> ..,,,�` for rein�nent)before eale of the Property pursuant to at►y power of sele contained in tl�is �_? <br /> applicable law may apeclfY <br />_ Securlty Iasq�umen�or(b)entry of a judgene�n8 euforang ihis Security Instrum�n�Those conditions are that Borrowa:(a)Pa�ye -- <br /> L,ender all sums which then would be due unda thie Security jnstrument aad the Note as if an accslerad�on had occurrecl; (b) �_ <br /> - ^'� au+�s any default of any other covenents or ageanneata. (a)Pa�a e11�Ses incurred in enforcing this SECUrIty Iastnmasnt, <br /> - . - `- iacle:din�,but not limited to. reasonable attorneys� fas: and(d)takes auch acdon as Leader may reasonably r�quire to assure <br /> ° ' � t�at tite lien of thia Secudty Insbument,I.enders ng fn ch=��na�ent b��Borrowetb�tfiie�Securlty Instrumen4 aad th <br /> d hts <br /> this Secyrity Instrmnent shall oontiaua uncl�enged Upon Y <br /> obligattons sec�tred hereby a1�a11 remain ti�Uy e�'acriva es if ns acceleratioa had occurred. However. this dght ts reinstate shall <br /> uotapply in the case of acceleratioa�wder pa�agraph 11. ��� o� <br /> .. - ' 19. Sate o! Note;Change ot Losn Bavlcer.TEso Note ar a pardal iaterest in tho Note (together wlth this Se�urlry <br /> Instcument)may be eold one or more times without ptlor nodce to Bonower. A sale mey rEault ia a chunge ia ty(kn <br />� as the"Loaa Servica")that colle�ts montiilY puYa�ena dua wtder tha Note and ttds SecurIry InatruraenG There also may ba one <br /> ara <br /> or:aore ch�anges of the Loan Servicer unrelete,�to a sele ef the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicar�Borrower wW bo <br /> .. gtvea written notice of tha chauge ia accordeaca wFth paragraph 14 abovo audapplicable law. 'The not[ce wUl state tha na�ne aad � <br /> � eddraas of the aaw Loam 3erv[cer aad tise eddress to which payments should be made. Tho no8ca will elso contain any other - <br /> � �� iaformation requiredby applicable law. <br /> � �� TA. Haurdous Snbat�nces. Bonower shdl not cause or germit the presence� ttse, disPosal. eWrage, or release of any <br /> Hazerdous 5ubstances oa or in the Yrogerty.Borrower shall aot do, nor ellow enyone else to do. enythtag at�ectjag the <br /> � property that is ia vIolation of aay Envisomt�atal Law. The pre�in8 two sentences shaU not epply to tho presence, use� or <br /> ., . � reco w be appro to norn�el <br /> � � swrage on the Propaty of small quandties of Hazardoua Substences ti�at are geaerallY �ized 1�� <br /> ' S.':::'.•: residea4ial uses and w meiatenence of the Propaty. <br /> x�.:�-,.."� ve I.ender writteu uodce of auy investigation, claim, demaad,lawauit or other action b aay <br /> _ .. r, Borrower shall prowPUY� <br />�; �„��,ral er regulawry a8encf+or P��P�Y involvIug the Property aad aay He�ardous Substance or Enviromaeu , <br />�;�,"'��.;�.= of wAieh Borrower hes ectual lmowlodge If Boaowa leams, or is aodfied by cmy g�v�-n�t ar r�gu2stx�;s�tharii�. +�+?t <br />-:�e:.;.,:,. any remuval or otver remediation of aay Hazazdous Substeace affecting ihe ProPertY is ne�sary,Borcower ahaU prompt�y take <br />'�-��u�w•�� all necessary remedial adions in accordaace with Enviromn�ental Law. <br />_�;,�'����=;: As�sed in ttiis �ep h 20, "He�rdous Subnaaces are those substances clefiaed as wxic or l�rdous sub�taaces bY <br />=�;�r�__�•:_ Eavironmentel Law and tha following substances: 8asoline� kemseae. other flammable or wxic petroleum�roducts. toxic <br />�•=f �.-T ades end herbicides,volatile solvents,m�erials conisining asbeatos or formaldei►Yde,and redioactive nnaten�located that <br /> :_�.�� ��'S paragspfl 20, "Environmental I,aw" me,ana federal lawa and laws of the urjsdiction whera tha Prop�riy► <br />�•''�-.'`�"'� h e a lth,sef�y►or eaviromneu t a l pro t e c don- °' <br /> --,.��w;.-_ ralate to - <br />-���-� NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3.Brnrowcr aad Leader fi�rther covenant and agcce as followa: <br /> -�"'"�`'"� ' 21.Accelerntioa;Remedtea LenoYer eh�ll gRve aotice bo Borrower prlor W acceleratlon following Borrower's bresch <br /> _=�?_� ��,�,� oi any oovenant or sgreement in this Seeudty Tnstrament Nut eot prlor to scceleratton mader guagrsP�h 19 �Leas <br />�:„�:_,=,�. a the defaul�N)the asHon reqWred to¢nre the defaala <br /> h�:s�_L.�� applfatble law pmvides otherwlse�The noflce�laall apecify: ( ) <br />---��`�"� (e)a dat�aot leus tWa 30 days fmm t6e d�te tl►enottce 1�g[ven W Bon�ower,by which the defautt mn�t be cm+ed:�ad <br /> --�:'�,�,� ('�I t6at fdlnn to care the defaWt on or betore t6e date BP�The o�cee sLail fur her jnform Bore+n�we.r oi tQtehrlg�t to <br />=�F,i„�.�� aecarea by tess sccnrtty rm�trument ana s�le o8 t6e rroperiy. <br /> x�srite n�ter�calention nnd the rtght to br�ing s conrt actlon to essert the noa�edatence of s defa�elt or�ny offier <br /> -=—= deicase of Boreower to soceLeratlon swd salc. I!'tl�defadt Qs not cured an or 6etore ihe date apedtitrameni wttDon <br /> I.ender, at ita optton,may reqWre imm� �yuu�ent in fnit ot all sams secnred by thfs Secnrih' <br /> -- further dem�nd and mey invoke ffie powcr ot sale�and nny other re�aedtes perm[tbed by tppHceble law Leader eIW!Ire <br />=__ �tiilai to collcct sll espensea incurred in puteuIIvB t4e remerlLes provided tn Wis paragrsE�h 21.iaciudin�,ltat aot l[m[ted <br /> ^'�°'�°�'� to,reasonable sttorneys'fees and costs oi tltle evideace. <br />="-- Tt the pow+er oi ede ts im�olced, 1Yaate� slWl reoord a nolice ot default in b� �II�� ls�v to B�srower u�d e <br /> - -- property ts located and sh�ll mati oopies of eacl►notice In the manaer pressribed Y PP�b u <br /> — the otLer persoas pr�cacribed bp aPPlicable Lw. After We dme requtr�ed by app�tc�ble Isvy,lYnatee ehall give publt¢�ottoe <br />>= oi s�le to the persons and tn the mwnner prescr�bed by agplicable Isw. 'lY�nabee,wilhont demand on Borrower,absU ee11 <br />--.� the Properiy at pnbllc aueBon to the highest bfidder at the ttme rnd place and ander fhee����F�of the <br /> _- _y"� eale in one or mon puoels and ln ony or+der Tru�tee determinea. Trastee�Ysche�dNed ssle. IFatder or i�desigm��msy <br />_���,�..--.<:� p�pe�tY b Y P n b ll c anaoun o e m e!a t a t t h e dme and p i a c e of aiW P� �Y <br />=�:,_,�__;,.._� pnrchaae the Prmperty at any ssle. <br />�n�i�:�.� <br /> ;;,<.r.�=�:�:." i Fonu 802;v,�L�f�0 <br />_""__ .: :�j r.o�ema �m.��1r-�- <br />__�"i` ��OB(NE) ��Q• <br /> �:y,�,. .. ... ,1 <br /> _-''. �! ._ .. .. <br /> i <br /> i .Y�TW'�_s - _-- _— ___. r:.i.�..«��_- - -. ._. <br /> _ .. •• :.�- .. __.____—___—_.—��—�__—_. _.__' . —._----T--,T,� _,._ _�:-- -r"`s^�r..r �....�. .k: _ _—__..- �,�,,, ��7 l'�` <br /> .... --a i � ,� ' .. . ' rR:'�1.FE k' . . • ' � - ' •.�.•a: <br /> . ( '� �_V�+ti;� <br /> - ' ' ..}.� .. - . _... . . � .. . ��- <br /> z .. . ..... ^l"___ <br />�� 1, , ,. . . . . u • '� n ,. ,� . "`i.: <br />_'. . .. . .. ' .. .. .. ,'. <br /> .. o � . . �:�1:`;'_: <br />_ .. . � „ � . n . -. . ..; �r� <br /> ' ?�- � .. . . � . ' . ' ! i . 'r�., '• - ' ' ..��:' <br /> ' . • _ . �'. . . J . . �. '��., <br /> � . <br />- = • ', o i��r - <br /> _ . . .!__. .'- . _ - . . . . . . . ,:.. '. :.' . . _. .. . .. ..-_.. _ , �y h .- `-� � <br /> ♦' ai;� ;.�. - .: <br /> , __ .. . . . _ ' '".. . . b . +L 4'`_ rg'-� r- <br /> . . , . .. . { ' . `f �3 .A •i �.. <br /> „ ti � ' ' .. - . .. .t .r`-k ��.�.'iN�.``t -• >1: . rd� .� i., <br /> .. •� , � . •`t •4 ;��`}ye'�"� ��. � '.ti�, <br /> t . � �.� � q � - , . � <br /> ���. �. � .. .. . , y... . • 4 _ <br /> . . .� . . .. . _ .��b�.. .'�1��1�� ___' <br /> � � : <br />