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<br /> = �, •� S. A�+zaed op Pro�t2riy �urauce. Bonower ehall keep the improvementa aow exieting or bareaRer erected on the [.:
<br /> zae
<br /> , . Properry insueed agai�st lass by firc. ha�srds Inclu�ed wichin the term"exteaded coverase" and eay other hazards. including �_
<br /> ., flaods or floodiug, for which I.ender requires iz�aurance. '1`his inautenc�ehall be mai�tained in tho�mounta snd for the per�ods E:
<br /> �� that Lender requirea. The inxurance carrier providing tha�surance ehall he chosen by Boaower subject w Lender's approvel �`�`-_
<br /> which ehall not ba�mseasonably withheld if Bormwer faUs W maintain coverage descrlbed above, Lenda may. at Lender's -
<br /> .. � apifon.obtain coverage w protect Leader's dghts in the Properry in accordance witb paragraPh 7. � -
<br /> —., p����p����� ��yha11 bs�tat►le W Laider and alutll include a standard raortgage clausc. Lcnder F
<br /> _. r�� shall lwve the rIght w hold tha policies and reaewals. If Lender requires,Honower shall promPUY Sivo w Lender ali receigts of �
<br /> ,.,.�. -
<br /> i� pffid premiums and renewal nodces.In the event of loss�Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insittance�rrier and Lender. _
<br />_ - �,ettder nnay make prcof of loss if not made promptly by Bonower. _
<br /> _ Unless L,ender and Bonower othera+Iae agree in writing, insurmica proceeda ahail be applied w restoradon or repair of the _
<br /> ,..
<br /> � Property dsmaged. if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and I.ender's securIty is not lesseaed if the reseoratian or =
<br /> repalr is not economicaUy feasll�le or Lender's security would be lessened. the iasurance proceeda shell be apptied to the a�as
<br /> ---�� seaa'.�d by this Security Insfimicnt, whether or not then due, a+ith any excass paid to Borrower. 1f Hmrower abandons the __
<br />�.::r: , •.., pruperty, or doas not easwer witbin 30 days a notice&um I.ender that tho insurance carri�hss o�fercd to se,ttle a clnim, th� -._
<br />-...;�.,�t.;..`•�y".
<br /> L.ender maY collect tha inisurauca proceada. Lender may use tha praceeds W repair or restore the PrAperty ar to pay awns �w�
<br /> ;.,�,.�
<br />',.;;':�i;.: :, s�cured by this Szaurlty Instrumxnt.whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod w1U 6esin when ttte nodce ia given. ��"
<br /> ������,`;: llcation of roceads to principal sbaU aot extend or
<br /> �:�;:;��. Unless Lender and Honowet ottterwiae agree in writing, azry ePP p --
<br />„����:'�:.',�:,Yd.�, oy the due date of the montbly payments referred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of tha paymenta. If _
<br /> �.,�...,a � P �
<br />,.�;�_;,�: under paragceph 21 the Propeny ie acquired by I.ender, Borrower's rIght to any inawa�tce policies and procee�ls resulting from
<br /> '�, damage to tke Property prior w the acquieidon shall pasa to Lender to tha extent of the sums seaved by this Sec�uIty Inatr�anem
<br /> -� i�iately prior W the scq�isition. _
<br /> �' "� , �on+nwer'6 Loan A lleaUon;
<br />':;3:,�;, 6. Occapancy. PreservsHofl, Matntenance utd Protectlon o! the Property PP
<br /> -�_:� Leaseholde.Borrowee shall occupy�establ3ah, and use the Praperty as Borrowet a prIncIpal residancs wlthin sixry days aRer tho
<br /> ��;"�=�� exocution of tl�is Secudty Iastrument ead ahall contlaue to occupy the Property as Horrowe�s prinaipat resldence for at leest ene
<br /> :II�.-�---- year after the date of occupancy►unless Lender otherwise agrces W writiag,which consrnt shell not bo�nra�sonnbly vrlthtteld�
<br />,--'°'�`� or yaless extaaunting�ircumatauces ex{at which ere beyoad Borrower's conuol. Baaowtr shs�ll aot deatroy. denu�8e or lmpair
<br /> ---- t3�o Property�altow the Ptoperty ta deuriorato� or commit waste on t h o P ropa t y.B o r rower ehell be in defsult if any forfott�ue
<br /> _ ~� acdon or proceeding. whether civil or crGwinel.is bogun tdat in L.eredei's good faith Judgmesit could result ia forfoiture of the
<br />--- =*ia-�iy ar aYhxx4�s�i�i�!Y i.ftn�sir the Uea crmied by this Security I�stnuneat or Lender's secucity �nures�Borrower may .
<br /> ------- curo such a default aiad reinatato.es provided in paragaph 18�bY cavsiag the actioa or procaodin8 to be dianissod aitb a ruling
<br /> — that. in L.eader's gocd Satth determiaation� Precludes forfeiture of the Borrowec's iaoerest �n the Progerty or mher materisl
<br /> n�
<br /> �.� i�airaamt of the lien crea�ed by this Security Instnunent or Lande�s secudty intens� Borrower shaU also bo in default if
<br /> go�rowcr�during the loaa epplication prmcas.Save materlellY false or Iaacciuete infomnation or stataaents w Leada(or failod
<br /> ! to provIde I.ender with aay material iafo:mation)in connoction wlth the lotui evidc�ad by the NoLe,inaludu►8�but aot liadtod
<br /> . W�represe�stions concerning�orrawer's occupaacy of the Preperty as a principal resideQCe. If tbis 9ecurtty Instru�ait is on a
<br /> ---- lease}�old. Borrower shall oomP1Y with all the provlsions of the lease. If Bonower acquires fee Htle to the Property. the
<br /> � leasehold and the fee dtle shsll not merge unless Lender agrees w the merger in wrlting.
<br /> --- 7.Ptotectioa oi Lender's Rtg,hta tn the Properly.If Borrower Eails w perform tha covena►►ts and agcoements contained in
<br /> this Socurity Instcwnent+ or there ia a legal proceedin8 that m�Y���Y affect L�eude�s rIghta la the Property(such as a
<br /> pmoeeding in banlQUptcy.Prabate. for condomnation or forfeiture or w enforce laws or segulatiema)�t�en Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary w protect tlie value of the Property and Lender's rlghts ia the Propetty.I.ende�'s acNona mey
<br />_ include Paying airy�sums secured by a Hen ahich has priority over ���L.euder yma teke acpi�on uader this P p�h =
<br /> _ ----- reasonabie attoraeys fees ead entering on tha Proparty w make repaire. --
<br /> ;�� 7,Leacier does aot have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts 83sbursed by Lender uada ttds gaiagraph 7 sball baoome addittonal debt of�oaower seaued by thia
<br />--.,____�. gp�ry�, tJnless Borrower end Leader agoe to other terma of paymeanotica from Le.ad� m Bonower requesd�8 -
<br /> date of diabursement at the Nota rate and sball be payable� wtth iaterest, upon =..
<br /> snt.
<br /> �&Mordgage L�sw�nce. If LQnder reguired mortS88a insuranc�ea a oondition of making the laaa secured bY thia Secunity
<br /> voat�ent, Batrower sbaU pay the premiuma requincl to maiutain the mortgage inaura�tce ia eSoct. I� for aay season. the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverAge required by I.ender Zapses or oeasss to.bo in effect,Bomower stmll pay tlxe premiums required to
<br /> — oMain coveraSe substant3ally equlvelent w the mortgage insuranoa Previously in aff'ect.at a cost substandally equivalem to the _
<br /> 4 cost to Bo:mwer of the mortgage inswrance PreviouslY in e�oCt, 4'rom en alternate awrtgaga insucer approved by Leader. If
<br /> —
<br />