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<br /> •'T03ETHEF�4I1TH ai!the 4sr.�rot•em�ts uo�or hFr�erestod on the PropertY,aad�ll easementa,appurtensutces. and � --
<br /> _ fixque.v aow or hereaRer a part of the properiy. All repleceiacl►ts amd ad�itlons ehell also be covered by thia Scx:u�-ity �
<br /> . � Iastrument.All of the foregoing ta referred to in thie Security Iasuument as the"Progerty."
<br /> � BORROWER QOVLNANT3 that HoROwer is lawAilly aeised of the estate hereby conveyed and has t�►e rigbt ta g�ant aud f -
<br /> c o n v e y the Pro p e r t y and that the Propercy Ia uaencwnbared. except for encumbraaces of record. Honower watrants and wtll
<br /> .. � i� defead geaeraUy the tltte w tke Prop�ty agaiU:st ull daims Lnd demands. su b ject to any encum b r c�n c e s o f r e c o r d. L.__
<br /> THI3 SECUFtI'TY INS'I`RUMENT�°mbines uniforra covenants for national use aad noa-uaiform covenea�ts'witb 13mfted _
<br /> ";;:�'f�� �
<br /> varIationa by JurIsdiction w conatitute a uuiform security iasmtment cove�ing real pruperty.
<br />`%'� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment o!Principsl and Interes� Pr'ePBYment t►nd Late Chsrges. Bonower ahall prompdy pay whea due the _
<br /> � �` pr(acipal of and intFrest on the debt evIdenced bJ+the Note and azry prepayment aad late charges due uader the Nota.
<br /> . . � 2. Funds for Tazes and Inaurance. Subject to appHcable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrawer aha11 paY to .
<br /> Leader on thc day raonthly gayments ere due under the Note,undl the Nou ia paid in full,a sum("Fw�ds")for: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> �; L a earl leasehold a euts
<br /> ancJ asse,ysments which may attain PrIority over this 3ecurity Insuument as a lien on the Progerly; (b)Y Y P Y'� u
<br /> or ground rents oa the Property�if any�, (c)YearlY h�'d or property inaurence prennituns+(d)Yearly flood insurance premiuma.
<br /> �. if aay;(e)Y�rty mortgage ia4urancs prem�ums, if any,and(�any suma payable by Boirower to Lender, in axordance with —
<br /> `;r:, •`: tha provlsions of paragcaph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage iasuraaca premiums. These items are called "Eecrow Items.°
<br /> :• ,,, .r, .
<br /> ":� -`� Leader may, at any 8rae. coUe�t and bold Funds in an amotmt not ta exceed the maxlmum amatmt a Iender for a y _
<br /> ";�';;��' .,' related mortgage loan:nay require for Horrower's escrow accouut under t�e fed�ei Real�autte 3ettlement Prooed��res Act of _._
<br /> .,.,., --
<br /> ;. �`r;"` 1974 as amended from time to t�ma, 12 U.3.C. Section 2601 et seq.(°RBSPA"),unless another 1aw that applies to tha Fimds
<br /> �� . s�ts a lesser amounx If ao, Lencler may,at any dme. eolleet and hold Funds in nn amount not w wceeed the lesset aznotm� `.
<br />:_r4..�Li_.-sy _.
<br /> :••�— L�nder may eatimata the amount of Fwids due on the basis of current data an�reasonable estimates of expeaditures of future _
<br /> ' ��� ._: Fscrow Items or othervvtse in accordence wlth applieable lav. �
<br /> .:rf�
<br /> �tllt8�ty OI Clltit}I
<br /> Tha Fuuds shall be held in an instituaon vrhose deposits are is�aiued by a federat agenay, •
<br /> ti%.;d�'� (iacluding Leader.if L.ender is such an inatitudon)or in aay Federal Homa Laan Baak.I.eadar shall ePPly�e�cm acxouvt�ar
<br /> :"=��� Bscrow Iuma.LeadeP may aot charga Borrower for holdiag aad applying the Funds,am�vaUY�Y�+B
<br /> ��"'`{� veri$r[ng the Eecrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrow�r interest on the Funds aad applicable law penNta I.end�x W malce such
<br /> -= a ch�ge.Howaver,Leader may re4',dre Bo1TOwer w pay a ono-timo cherge for an iadepeadent real astate m�c repor�n�a
<br /> h
<br /> vaed by Leader in conaoction �vith this loan, unlesa ePPlicable law provides othexwise. Unless an a�
<br /> ------- applicablo law requires iaurest to be pai�, Lender ehall uii����y-t�rs�ta�y Easra•���y i+�+�±+��r�on the Funds. .
<br />- -- Borroara a�td Lenda may agreo in writing. however. that interest shall be paid on tiae Fuada� I.ander ehe11�for wh{ch each
<br /> without eharge. ea aanual aocountinp� of the Funda� ehowIng credits aad debita w tke Funda end the Purpo
<br /> debit to tha Fwida was msdo.The Funda ere pledgod ea sdditional sxurity for al!suma sxuredI.ender sl�all eccouat��irower
<br /> If the Fnnds held by L.ender exc�d che sm°unts P��tO b°held by epplicablo lsw�
<br /> for the eacess Fuuds izt acc°rda��`���e i0q�0II�of applicable law. If the amount of the F�ads held by Leflder at aay
<br /> dmo ia sot eu�cieat W paY tha Escrow Items���the deficlemcy+. Bo ower shall make��dafl�aa�ao more tt�en
<br /> — aha11 pay to Leader tho amount necessaTY
<br />-------- twelve monthlY P�Ym�+at I.astder's eole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all su�aas savred by thia Scauity Inad�vment+ I.e°de�'sha11 Promptly refimd to Bo:rower aay
<br /> . Ftmds held by Leader.I�undec Pa�'�4h 21,Lender shall acquire or sell tha Property�I.ender.Prlor w th��tio�n��+Y
<br /> � of tho ProFertY. shall aPP1Y�Y Funds held by Lender at tho ttme of acquiaidon or sale as a credit aga�nst .
<br /> . . � 3,ppp����yqtente.Unless appHcable law provIdes otheralse,all payaa�s raxived by Len�d���
<br /> t cl�arges due uac�er the Note; socon.d,to emounta PaYab fl 2�
<br /> ---� 1 end 2 abell be applied:fitst,to aaY PrepaYm� er
<br /> third���t due; fourth,to PrinclP��%�d last,to anY lsta cl�arges due under the Note.
<br /> � 4. ChsrBes,Idene.Honower shall pay sll m�ces,esaeasmente,cl�rSes,fines aad imposItions attrlbutable w tho Property
<br /> - — �vhich may attain PrloritY mer thie Securlty Inst�ent, and teasd�old paymeuu+or grouad c+eats. if sny. Hormwe�r shall pay —
<br /> the.ga obligations ia the manner l�mrided'n ParaS�Ph 2�or if not paid in that manaer.Hoaower ehell pay thcm on timo directly
<br /> to the person owcd payu�ea�Borrower shall premptly furnish to Leader ell notices of amouate to be p�fd uada thts pare8raph.
<br /> :�"�� If Bonower makes thase paYmenta directlY,Borrower eh�ll promptiy furniah W Leader receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> •„-s��
<br /> — Borroarer ehall PmmPUY��'88�Y lien which has prlority over shia Security Inatrumtat unless Bonower. (e)agas
<br /> --- writing w tho paymant of the obligation escured bY the Hen in a manaer acceptabla to Lender;(b)contesta in good faith the liea
<br /> --_ by. or deSeetds against enforcement of the tien ia. legal Amceedin8s which ia the Leader's opinion operate ta prevent the
<br /> enforcemeat of tha li�n;or(c)secure�from the hoider of the Uen an agcoemeat eatisfactory w Lender eubordinating the lien W
<br /> __- —='' thia SscuritY Instrume°t If I.ender determines tl�at any part of the Property ia subject to a llen which may attein psiority over
<br />=���: ihis Sacurity t„ „�ne„� I.ender maY g(ve Bonower a notice Idendfying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the llea or tske oae or .
<br /> -` -��''°�'n.�` snore of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the gtvIng of no4ica _
<br /> __ --_—� F�en��02t/ySI!
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