., .� . .. i
<br /> �, .�m.� ..
<br /> .. - . �:
<br /> , .. a ., _ N, � . . ,......ti]Y't31PfQ'q•
<br /> <a.�f�m"4" . r ..._....._.___""_'...._.—__
<br /> . ..._ ..._ . ..�__��._'__
<br /> ��._.._..��.-_ ---_.•--- '--.-' °'--•- . ..... . . . b
<br /> , S�BVBN 8 Y.i1t� RYALJNB M LRI�'�
<br /> 6ai6465 o3/aa/i999 -
<br /> direce or conse4ueniintat.in connection wlth any �:•._
<br /> 9.Cond�n�tioia.'[Yz�prace�ds of at►y award or claim for dawages, - --
<br />_ �� coude�o sha11 bees wl�i��the Prop�ertY•W��of anq aw$AIIBpd�Of aUSt 0 other�ry�agreement vdth a --_.-;
<br /> asslgaed � �.
<br /> lien which hos prlority aver this Bee�l of Tnist. �-
<br /> 1�. ��w�����; F�se By I�der Nai u W�I��r. Bxtenslon of the dme for pay�ent or ::�
<br /> modiacation of aatortlatdon of the sums�curefl by tWs Deed of Tne�s granted by Leuder to any successor ia interest of '`,�:-.
<br /> Bornower s6$11 aot ape�ate w release,in a°y manner�die tiabitity of tbs original Borrower and Borrowzr's succe5sors in .`"`
<br /> �. iucerest. Lender sb�ll�ot�t:,seqWre�to comr���groceee�ingg again�t such successor ar t�fuss to eAtend dtne for payment �..'.`_;:
<br /> or otteeiv►3se modify asnort�tion of the sums secured by this Deed of Tnass by�eason of auy demsud made b3+the ori�wal r .�.--
<br /> -� ` Borrawer and Hormwer's sucoessors in int�esest.Any forbearance by Lea�r in exerclsing any dght or remedY hereunder. �_.L--
<br /> �..---�
<br /> n
<br /> ;.�.+� ar otherwlse afforded by appiicable law.sb�11 aot be a waiver of or pr�clude the exercise of any sucb r�ghc or reme�lY• �=�
<br /> -,�.. �'► � lY.Sucocssors and AsslSng�ound3 dolnt artd 3everal Y.tabili8yt Ce-s�aers. 'The covenants aad agceements herein �
<br /> contained shall bind.aad the rlghts hereunster sb�ll fnure to.t t te r e s g e c dve su c c e s s ors sud s�ssi g n s of I.ender and Borrower. �__
<br /> subjFxt to the prov�sions of paragraPh 16 hereof. All covenants aud a�ceements of Borrower shall be joint and several. -
<br /> � Aay Bonower who co�si8as this Deed of Trust,but dces aot execute tl�se Naoe.(a)is oo-sigadng this Dee�of Tcust only w �
<br /> grant and comey that BorrowQr's interest in the Pmperty to Tmstec undar the terms of this Deed of Tmst.(b)is not fO --
<br /> persanally liable on t�e Note or under this Dged of Tcas�and t�?a��Lender aud anY oiher Borrower hereunder
<br /> may agree to extend, wodify,fotbear,or rml�e any other acxommodadons cvith re8ard w the te�rnoSSD��f�n�sc�as m hthat � -_-
<br /> a �
<br /> the Note.vv�thout that Borrower's consem nnd without mlessln8 t1�t Borcow�er or modifyiu8 �
<br />_ � Bornower's interest ia tke Prol�ertY• --
<br /> :.�_: 12.Atottce. Bxcept gor any �odcc cealuired�der appli�ble law ao 1��en in anothe�r man�rce(bY�fi��ma�tl � _
<br /> ��*. .� Borrower pmvlded fot{a tWs Dced of Ttust s6a11 be given by deliverinig ie or by�� �flce to Lender as
<br /> addressed w Bon+ow�r� the PcoPertY Add�s or at such o t her a d d r e s s as�a n�o w e r m a y dest g n a t e b Y
<br /> pm�ided lierein. s�1 (b)anY nodce to Le�x shn11 be givea by cecdfled a�to Leader's addre.ss stat�!hec�eiu or to sich —
<br /> b notice to Borrower as provtd0d E�tein.AnY notice provided for in this Deed of
<br /> other address as Letu3a maY de�8� Y
<br /> � �s ' Tmst sl�ll be dcemed to 7mve 1�glven w Bornn�ver or L.eu�Er when�iven in the manner designsced herein.
<br />-'. ��;;it,`:? , � 13.Governin8 Iawi Se9ersibility.The stat�e and tocai flaws applla�ble ro tWs Deed of Tiusc sLatl be the taws of the
<br /> ' '''�� . J�risdicdon in which the Pcoperty is loc�ted. 'The foregoiu�acutan�sbafl�t limit the appHcability of Foderal law to this
<br /> Dced of'IYvst. In tLe event that anY PrnvLsTon or claiue of tt►is Deed of'Pknst or the Note co�icls with BPPl�cable law.
<br /> at
<br />-' � �,�:. ." sach cantlict sball not affect other Pi'nvlslons of this Deed of Tiust ot t�n Note which can be given effect wtthoui the
<br />_.::,;;£E;����'; conflicdng pimr�slon.end to this ead the provisions of this Deed of Tnrst tu�the Piote are declared w be�law or
<br /> �1. ,�,:,a , �� .� .�p�•��• �•en�*�eys' �es" iuclude al!sums tm she e�ent aot pxohibited by app
<br /> ;;;�,:�;;;.:�..:,
<br /> . ��;i�;�'� Iimitedheieln.
<br />-."` '�� 14.Borruwes`s Copy. Borrow�r sLall be fivaished a wnformed co�9 of the Note aad of this Dced of Tcust at the
<br /> _....�.., .
<br /> ;'': �i:.�•`.' dme of exaudon or after ceeordadoa hezeof.
<br /> ., , ...,,;
<br /> ,�� .
<br /> _- ,r.. -�. eat. Borcower sha11 fiil8ll atl�of Bomower's obligadons uader aay ome
<br /> _ .�',p�..., �. R�abWtatlon Loan A�n► which Boraow�r eatece into with LenQet.T.ender.at Let�''s
<br /> -:,.:.� .= cehalsilitadan.imFrove�eut, repair or other loan agreE�ut le to I.ender.an assi8ament ag nay
<br />,'"�r':.A,TC•
<br /> -`a1T.i.i-.. ���1r �y��e''��W�j��{1QC azd delivse oo Le�er� �a�S'5�13
<br /> acdes vuh0�pP1Y�t•materlals or seYVices in connecdon
<br />- �.�;,,►�r.� r�ghts,claims or dx�a�es which Bormwer may have against P
<br /> widi impmvemF�rs�mde ro the Propetty. of the FropertY ar any interest
<br /> l=�'�.--�,• . 16.Tru�er of the Properiy or a Benetidal iaterest in Bornnvver. If aU or anY P�
<br />'�'�'�•�:- �"`.� ia it is sold or uan�erred(or if a ben�eficial[n�rest in Bomawer is sold or����nt ia fiilt of�
<br /> y°'�'���"�-- pe�on�wUhoiet Lender's Prlor vvdtoen ooasent.L�ender may.at its optlana�1�
<br /> - ---�u^�� secured by this Deed of Tzust.I�owever.tbis opdon si�aall not be exerds�d by Lenidsr if exercise is pmhibited by federal
<br />���-��'�•� law as of the date of thts Doed of Trnst. mvIde a pe�iod
<br />�� If Lender exe�ises this optton.Lender shall gtve Boimwer nodce off acxele�adon.The notice sball p
<br /> j''=�'"� of not less thaan 30 dtYs fiom dn�date the aaaice is delivered or m�iled wtdrin which Borrower must PaY a11 sums socured
<br /> on of d�is Period+Lender maY irnoke aaY
<br /> ,,:�;; by this Deed of Tru�. If Boaovvec fails to pay these svms prlor to the enp3�ad
<br />=�.: ra
<br />" --' ;. ` renmodtes pecmitted bp tWs Deod of Tmat without further nottce or demtwsl au Bomower�follows: --
<br />��Y�::�� NoN-Uiv�oRntt CovSNAN78. Brnm�ver�d I�eader fiuther covena3et and agree n Bore+ower's breacA of any
<br /> ' �-�'"-�y 17. Aocelant[on; H�►e�• 1�� � Pmvtded tn pAraSral� fl6 6eceof, tq�o ��nd oT 10 ,
<br /> ._ ot Botsovre�in t61s Deed ot Trnst,includim$$otiro�vet's fallttre to pl�s�1Y
<br />_:on�a wvmant or� �by tt�ts Dea!o����d�r prlor W AooderatMn sha118�ve
<br /> �=-�a-:'�:� p►�r d�s attert6�'aie�us.suy s�ms
<br /> �-.��..�'�:� h 12 6e�+w!spedt'yi�e8:C�) tbe bre��h; (2)t6�adton re�f►dY'ed to ixnre
<br />- = aotta to Borrnwer as prvetded in pmac�up whirh sach breach
<br />'4:�"',�=f.. sueh breachi t3)�dmt�►�le5s ttma ZO deys fir�m tbe d�te t6e no�lxre Cs uWlesl to Borrnwer��atloe mas'e�1t ia
<br />".°�-=..�':��.. mt�be c�z�ed3 a�ad(4�that faWu�e to cue+e stuh braich on or befoge thx d�te spe�n�iee�ll fint6cs infdren
<br /> _ -- � stoode�atian of thes�s�aure� bq tbi�De¢d oi Teust and safe oP th�t PeopatY•
<br /> - - ..- , garrowrx of t6e rl�t 4o e�te altar na�lrratton�d the cigi�t 4o baUcg e auurt ad[on to a.ssert the���
<br />' .• . ; - a deiantt or aqy dher deferc;e of Bo�+owves to a�oeie�ratto��NI�?t�s�ns secured by thlson�beto��� _
<br /> � spectfied[n tE�e a�otta�.l.end�'•at 3�tt�r s optEon.may wer oi smle anil any other emie�ties
<br />_ ' �;, �y ,�e � pAy�bl��vdthou't tktz4�her deupnfl end may hss�a�oe tUe po .
<br /> k
<br />_ .� � dy eppl�able law. I.e�nas� shsu be mNttea to ooued ffiU reasoffibls aoats aua exp� � 4° _
<br /> - p�ersutng the rmneNts provtded tn thb para�'apl�17,tndndin8,b�not iimtted Qo.e�asor+�ble attorneys'fees. _
<br /> ��;:f,:�;' ' V t6e Pow�r ci sate is involce�,'i�ee shaU i+ecord a nottce ot sk�wlt in��so�i�n wUt�llcab4�to _
<br /> y �aaae psut t6ereof is located an��S m�U aopics of sucD not�se d�m t�e maumer p __
<br /> ,�"�"�-- s �....�.auo..,o,snffi nnescrtbed 6y aDD��le 1�►w.AR�'t4re IApse of such ttme��Y De�e4uir��Y -:
<br /> -�n..o..n::.��
<br />_. . -; m���..a.�._ ... ��--- . �in me m�[„W...,..,--� -�------
<br /> ,;� � aPFltc�le law,Tcustee sB�il g[v�pubfic natia oi saie w the p¢�� bidde�r at the tlme =
<br /> f<�'�� � luw.Tnutee.w[t��on Borreu-er.shn11 sdl the Progaty a8 p�c a�ctlon 40��su�rh order a9 Te�tstee
<br /> - and plaae and uuder the te�ms d��W tNe nWtae oi sste in o�eu more l�s]!c�nuo�mt at the time _
<br /> - may det�•7'��9 p�P�BWe of All or any pxe+�el of tt�s&'lmpeety by i� � at sale.
<br /> - and plaae mf aqy p� 19 E �u+ci�ase the {�Y �
<br /> ous s�tuS�sale.d�der or I.ender s d� �Y E� �,���s de�d oonveytu�g tite
<br /> ° ppon,re�cipt of paymc�t oi the pdae bld,'�tec sball deit�er to¢Le p�' _
<br />= prop�y so1d.'a'6e redtals in the'flYustee's dced si�U be pdma fecEe evideaae o!t6e tav�h af the�e�is matde
<br /> i- � u t6ercla.Te�ustee sha11 apply tde pn►eee�of the sal$in the folla�S�ap�s��ore than Sb of�grass�ce+ -
<br /> _ ., tke sa�e,lasiudin�+6ut not�BmtiEd to•'�'re�i�x�s fess t�dua►19 _
<br /> d -
<br />_� � e+�soaabfe attor�xys'fees and eosts oi�itle evtdaxei tb)to all scmm secwned Dy this De�of 3'n�ti and(c) t� _
<br /> � � e=ces4.it e�r��P�'�n or peesaas 1�1Y ea�tled thwreto• -.
<br /> � Poge 3 of S
<br /> ' • Neu�aexs 2sa�6-a iiss Osigiaai tRsaordadl Copy(nraach) Co�y lCu�tomms) -
<br />