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� ..� ' . • �. <br /> � , n , <br /> . (4� ..u� f� .�'. <br /> n .� <br /> �� M1`�'in.' ^ . . <br /> � ' <br /> O �._.���._. ___�.�.����__���1_...�_.�_..�..._�_�� •�. <br /> STIi1iBN 8 L1� KIA1�iV8 M Y+Btl� 6216465 03/24/1999 � <br /> • UNIFORR+I COdENAP3T9, Bonmwei end Lender covenaut and agree as follows: } " <br /> 1. P e y r r t e� of Ptlasi pe! tt�td Y�ntere�. Borrower shaU promptty pay v�►hen due the prluclpal auct inierest ; <br /> -- �- �-- ladebtedness evlde�ed by the Nat� and late charg�s a�pmvided in thc Mote. � <br /> ° �.F�.tnds for Taxes and Imu�uto�• Subject to appllcuble invl ar a tveltten�vuiver by Lender,�onawer sh�tl pay to = <br /> ' Le�tlet on the duy uaonthly paymenta o8 pduclpal nruf i nterest nre paya b le un der t he No te. u n d l t h e N o t e i s p�i d i a f W l.a � <br /> sum(ker$in"Fnnnds")e4ua1 ro ane-nveltth of the yearly mxes aad asscssmenta(lncluding cottdaminivau and pinaued�anit <br /> development assessments. if aay)wLkh a�ay attain priortry over tWs Deed of Tmst.n�gmund rents on che Pcoperty.lf �: ' <br /> --�ot�-�:elRh of y�+-�1y preg±�ltm in.�mliments for huzurd iasvaut�cee.Ptus one-twelNa of yasrly prea�ium installmeats <br /> a <br /> �,� fmr mortgage insurance, if auY.all es reasonably estimated iatdaUy and from time ro time by Lender on�he basis of =— <br /> .: assessmeats aud bi11s aad reasonable estimates theceof. Borrower shaU aot be obligf►ted ta make such payraents of Funds <br /> r;`;� w L�der to tice eateat that Horrower makes snch FaYatents to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed of trust if such holder <br /> � �.:- <br /> ...,�,.,.wd[± ls an iagdtutional lender. �_ <br /> � If BonowPr pays Fwtds to Lender.the Funds shati be held in en Insdtudon the deposlts or accounts of widch are a = <br /> � iosured or guacanteed by u Pc�eta!ar ssate agerzsy(including I.ender if Lender is sucb am insdtudon).Leader slu�ll apply ` <br /> �, the Funds to pay sflid taxes.ess�xnts.insurunse premiums and gmund rems.Leraler may not charBe for so!nolding and � <br /> applylag the Funds. aaalyain6 said eccount or verlfying aad oompiling said ass�nts and bWe. unless Lender pays �11 _ <br /> Horrower interest on the Fus�s end eppllcable law peruaits Lender to make snch a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree � — <br /> in wrtdng at the dme of execudon of tbfs Deed of Tmst that interest an the Funds shall be paid to Borrower.and untess _ � <br /> .. � such agree�neat is made or applicabk law requit+es such intecest to be paid.Lender shall uot be eequized to pay Bortower � <br /> anyr iarerest or earoibgs on tke Funds. Lender shaU gtve w Bonower.wlthout annual axoundng of the Funds <br /> w showing credits and deblts ro the Fuads aud tite purpose far which e.:ch debit to the F�.tn�s was made. The Fuuds are . <br /> - pledged as addidonal securtty for Nie sums secured by this Deed of Tzus� <br /> . If the amount of the Fuuds heid by Leader.together wtth tite Poture momhly ins�allmems of Funds payable prior ro <br /> � � the dice dates of ta�ces.asscssraents,lns�ance Premiu�and gmund renis.shaU�ceed the amount required w pny said <br />-� ., . taxes.�ms. insurance pre�oulums and gcound rents as they fall due. s�ch excess shall be. at Borrower's option. <br /> either promptly repaid to Bomower ar ccedtted to Aomower on montiily iastallmeuts�of��Iund rents as they fall dne. <br /> � held by L�nder shaU �t be sufficlent to pay taxes.ass�ments. �asuteuce Pr�i es L.ender may — <br /> . Borrower shaU pay oo Lender any amnunt n�sary w make up che de8clency in one or more paYmeate <br />_ . .. reqttire. <br /> ` ` Upon payment in t�ll of all�s secured by td►is Deod of Tmst.Lender shall pmmpdy refund w Bo���Yl.ender <br /> .•,.•�aR jceid by Lender.If under paragcaAb 17 hereof the propeny is sold or the Pmperty is otLerarise acqu�red Y <br /> - `';�` r i sfi� Iater tUan immedia�ty prlor w the saie of the Frc�perijr u�I�at�qu���'t L�,r-�;F"'-'�!!e1d by . <br />_, :•�:�:: <br />�',':�:q =. Leader at the time of applicadon as a c�dit against the snms secured by this Doed of TnLSt. �ved b Le�ter w�der tlie <br />--�•:...�._�.�: 3. AppitcAtton oi Pgyments. Unless applicable law provldes otherwlse,all payments Y <br /> �''-,`:, hs 1 and 2 her�ishall be applled by Lender fuss in payment of amovats payable to Lender by Boirower <br />��i�,�k��;�:, NoE�and paragrap of the Note. <br />-'t �`'.�y.,.�° �m6zc paragraPh 2 hereof,then to intec�st payable on tb.�Note,aud then to the prineipal _ <br /> %'-'"�y�� 4. Prtor Ma�aBes Ant�� oi Tn�st;Cha�cB� I�ens. Bmmwer s h a t l pe r f oYm a l l of Boaower's obligation4 <br />—`'.`.;'�: uader aay mo�qage, deed of mast or other s e e u r ity agree�nt a i t h a Uen which has prIoiity over this Detd of TcusK. _ <br /> '�`���`.;=.. • �vhen due.Borrower st�all pay or c�m be psd�a11 taxes�ass�sments <br /> �'-�,''"_.:.� includtng Borm�vet s coveffinss to make pt►►yn�eats which may att�in a priorlty wec tbis Deed of Tmst, <br />=�,.����:.: and oiher chargos�S�s a�lmposidoa4�table to the ProP�rtY <br /> -.�... . <br /> 3�^..�%:' ` : and iease6old payments or gcvund�euts.if any. or herPaRer eroctdd on the Property <br /> *.4,...}.���� S. He:ard Insuranoe. Aarmw�r stiall keep the impmvemems now existi4Q <br />_t `'"+.L`�i�::%: <br /> `:7���..'� insurod against loss bY fue,haz�=ds tnclude�withtn the te:m"estended coverage",an�sluh other haTalds as I�ender maY <br />=_.��r.��� <br /> .,�.;y��;:,,�,� t�qui�e a�l in such amounts and for such periods as 1.ender may require. <br /> �.T�:�� The insuraace caater pr�oviding the insura�e shall be chosen by Boirower subJect to appmval by Lender:Provtded, <br /> -,: c�at sucL approvat s�all not be un[easonably wltt�held. Ali�tra�e Policies and�enewals theraof sball be In a form <br /> ii`�: 4� <br /> nc�table w Le�er and sha9�11ndude a standard mort8a8e c,lause ia favor of and in a foxm accepmisle to Le�a. Le <br /> '';.:' - s4�all have the rtght to hold the paDcies and renewals chereof,subject to the tem�s af u�y mortSaSe,deed of taust or other - <br /> ;.:r: -�::.a <br />_,y '..��� securit3►agreement with a lica which has prtortty over this Deed of Tcun. <br /> r'''' ��- Ia the event of loss,Borrower sLaU Stve Pmmpt uodce to th�imurance caraier and Leucler.i.ender may make pm�f <br /> �:a':.r_I�.�hM�• <br />�i,' `�, of loss if�t made pmmpfly by Bortowcr. <br /> '; :,x� If the Pmpecty is aha�oned by Borrower.or if Ho:rower faiLs W r�ond Lo Leader witbiu 30 days f�m the dare <br /> ���...�(;;` notice is maaled by Lender to Borrower that the insutaace r�arc�ernffets to senle a claim for im�saran�ber�eflts,Lender is <br />_�`°"+�:'�':i: author�ed w oollect a�i apply the inmmnce pmceeds at Le�er's optlon either to cestoradon or nepair of the PmpertY or <br />-:��u. <br /> �--. . -"'�-: to the sums seeurod by this Deed of Ttust. <br /> -�=... . _ <br /> -- _"• � 6. Pres�rvatton and M�intena�ee ot P1+opert� I.easeholdsi Condominiwnsi Plam�ed Unit Developmmta. <br /> �; Borcower sballlceep the Pro�tY in 800d�and sfiall�t cAmmit waste or germit�m�pairment or deterioiadon of the <br /> . property and sha11 comPly vu3th dre pmvisio�of any lease if this Deed of Tcust is on a leacehold. If dds Deeil of Tcnst is <br /> « on a unit in a oondominiwm or a plannet+l unit d���•�inium or plaaaed unit devel�opmeuBomower'�s-laws and tegulatians <br /> : �:>. declaration or aovenants creattag ar goeeruiug � <br /> r� �� of the oon�domiaium or planued unit developasent.and consdtnsnt documems. co�ained in ttus ;: <br /> � '' 7. Pratectton of I.�fl�r's Secsmtty. If Borrowee fails w perfo:m the coveffints aad ag�eements <br /> ' Deed of Tn�st,or t f a�aaion ar p r o ce e d i n 8 i s c o m m e�e e d w h i c h m a t e r F a U y affects Iantder's interesc in the Property,then r_:. <br /> '. ' Lendsr. at Ixader's opiion. W�an m�ce to Homnwsr. tnaY make �ch appea�cances. disb�nse sach sums. incladin$ _ <br /> .l-�": � .�...s��e�,�,�evs� se�s.and take s�&oct�on os is n�asY�F����s iimerest. If I.euder requited mrntSage - <br /> --�--=... <br /> '� �anuan�e av a coadidon of maldqg tht la�senuod by dds Deeci of Tnut,����7���°�°••^�••......" <br /> mai�iu suct►iusucance in e�uutil such dme as the rey�irement for sitch snsntance terminates in axoidance widi _ <br /> Botrower's sid Lender's wciuea ag�ement or applicable law. - <br /> - u Any amuunts dtsburaed by Lender p�uevu�u to t6is paragraph 7.v�th iuterest ttre Note cate.sLaU become <br /> addIdonal indebteda�ss of Honower se�ued by this Deed of T�ust. Udess Bomotiyer aad Le�der ag�e m other terms of - <br /> ' p�ym�nt� s�ch amouats sha11 be payable upoa �otice from L�ender to Boimwer requesdn�g PaYment the�°f. Nosh�ng <br /> � wutained in tLis patagea�ph 7 shall require I.eader to inau any expeme or take any acdon hereunder. <br /> : 8. Ia4pectfou. Leader may make or c�use eo be made zeaso�ble enuies upoa and iasp�cnons of the PropertY, <br /> . psov�dod that Lender shali give �or.�wer nottce p�ior to auy si!sh inspecdon speeifying reasonable c�use thec�ee�or related to <br /> ' Ixndet's imerest in the PropPrty. <br /> � Neonsge 2a8Tba t�98 Origia,sl(gteaordsd) Copy(8raaak) Copy(Custoner) Pesa 2 ots <br /> � ,�--� tii �- <br /> . ._ ,- ---�---- -- _. . _ _ ,�....�,,.,_.,.,...,...,..,..�_-: -- --- <br />