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<br /> • -z 6216465 03/2�/1999 �-`=-
<br /> .. „�� 8'�[`�Vf4N�P LAMB KY�lND1B M Icf�MB ----
<br /> r•� , N Len�ez's ecceleration af the sums �ecur�d by tl�s Deed of
<br /> _ . 18. Bo:za.,��o P�t to P�al���r. otwtthst�ndln8 �^-:_,
<br /> � �*�` Tn!�s.dtse to Barro�vea's bre�s6�,�ormwPr shall havo the dght ro 6ave any proceedtnSs be8w►by I.ender to enforce this =
<br /> "°• ,• De�d cP Tcu�i dis�c�atin�d ut enY��1a3 tn rh�eulier to acur of(i)the Hflh day befo�a the �1e oi th�1�e�:�y E .-�-
<br />' • ,�� pursuant to tl�c pmvet of sale contniaed in this D�d oY Tcust or(U)entry uf u judgment enforcin�thla Deed of TnrSt if:(a) `�._
<br /> "�; Soerawe�pays I�ender all sums whicb would be then due uader ttds Deecl of Tn�st aad the Note hz� no acceleradon _
<br /> ,, z.,.,•. uccurnA: (bD Botrower cureg a11 bt�eaches of Any oiher c�ve�n� ar ogteements of Borrower conmined in this Deed of �.-_
<br /> .'" T:.�. '�cust: (c) leomawer pays ait e�►sanable expenses irtcurred 6y L4nder and Teustee in enforcin8 the covenacis aad --
<br /> 8$eE2fule71i8 Uf Bu'a�uPi�T CBa�ft��t�s�.►�!of��!±��nd in enffo�cisag Lender's nad Tnsstez's renaed�es us provided in �----:_.
<br /> '��;`��� P�B�b 17 hereot iucludia8, but nos ltmlte� to. reasonable attotneys' fees: and (d) Horc�wer aikea sucn tccaon r�s =-
<br /> �' � uire to assvte that ths lien of tLls D� of Tnist. Lead�'s iaterest in the Propeity and
<br />,:'."��� Lender may tra�on�ly r�
<br />_. „B_ Bonow�a's abUgadon to p�y the tums secured by thta Deed of Tcust sbaU con�nue unimpaired.Upan s�:ch payn�nt and
<br />_:-. ,- - cure by Borrower.tbis Deed of Tcust aud the obUgadons se6urei!hereby sb�aU remain in fu11 force and effe�t as if no
<br /> ; . ...� sccele�sttion 6ad occucrEd.
<br /> .''"�,;��•. 19. As�.-a�s't a!�ia�ba �FQi�►�ment oY Reaeivai 1��' in Pbs�siou. As addttional se�auity hereunder. ..
<br />:'s��h`. 4 rovlded that Bomower sbaU,Paior W aaxleration u�er
<br /> -.�;,-��� Bomawer hereby ass�gns to L�nder the renia of th„PcopenY•P
<br />-_=',`x:� P�►S�PL 17 hereof or abandonment of the Pmperty.LzYVe th� �ight ro collett and retain s�ch mnts as they�due and �
<br />�`,::�:_..�: a
<br /> : �--.z� pagable.
<br />`�'�=�..�� Upon$ceefleradon w�er pamgc�Ph 17 hereof or�candonment of the P�+openy. Lender. in Person, by a,gent or by
<br /> inted neceiver smaU be entided to enter upon.mke posses.�ion of and maaage the Propeny aad�o collea thE�
<br />-��:.z:� JudlciallY ePPo
<br />_ __��, renta of the Property► tncluding those pasc due. AU rents colixted by Lender ar the receiver shall be applied ficst m
<br />._��.�:'.� payment of the c�sts of n�nagement of tue Fio�rsty and coltecdosa of rents.iasltuling,but mt 1Lnited to.rx�ivrr's fees, .
<br /> premiums on receiver's bands aad reasonable sutomeYs� fees. and then w the sums secured bY d�s Deed of Tznsc. E.ender
<br /> '°"'''�'�;.-- �vd the rxeiver stwll be lisble to axount only for tho�rent�aqually received. P..
<br /> �;�''��''.� nt of aU sum4 s�bi► this Daed of Trust, Lend�r�hall reclues3 'IYustae co _-.
<br /> .-- Z0.I3+eoonvey�x�oe. Upon PAyme �"
<br />^.�_,�,,� recomey the PropertY and staU surre�r this Deod owEthout waraanrij aud wi�char8e��Pe��v �.
<br /> - F.w�,� Tmse to T�.Tn�stee sbali zecomey the FmpertY
<br /> - - - emlded ti�o.Such pecson or persons si�11 PaY aU casts of recordadap,if any.
<br />����'�� 21. Substitate Teustee.Leader.at Lender's optian.maY from time w dme semove Tmscez and appoint s succ�sor
<br />__-- tcuscoe W a�r Tnistee apPointed here�mdsr by un in�uu�ent c�ecorded in the couniy in wlii�;h dils Dee� of Tiust is
<br /> ---- R�.i� ieooided. WitYiout comeyance of dte P�opeth++ the suc�a.sat t:ustee s6a11 suocee� to all the dtle. Puwer a� dudes
<br /> _--';;-� ltcable law.
<br /> oonfernd uIIan the T�ustee hecein a�d bY�PP
<br /> - -�_i"� ZZ,Reqt�st fur Natte�s. Bomower ran�s that copies of che noiicc ui�-�uti as�! �of� !r_ �� m ,
<br /> �;"::��.; BomuwePs addnss wLich is dte PruPertY Address• . ��ge.or release of aqY
<br /> �� ?3.H�rdous Suf�ttnoe�•Bosower sbatl not cause or permit the prese�e.nse.d�SPosa1, _
<br /> __-- - Har�rdoos Subs�oes on or in tlte Pmperi�►• Borrower sL�U not do. �t allow smyone else to do. anytbiog a'f�f`ccdn8 t�f -
<br /> --- --;.,� pmpertY tgaas is ln vial�don of suy Bnvixon�rnmt Law. 'fie pcosedin,g tw�o�sLaU n�t apply w the preaena.use. .
<br /> ,.' or sto�ge on th¢PropertY of sm�119naudHes of H�r.irdaas 51�bs�pu�ces d�at an SenerallY reoo8n3med�°���riate W..
<br /> no�1 residential t�s aad to�roe of the Pirop�sY.
<br />��=� Nom�x�er st►�ll pmmptly glve Le�er arduen�ce of aay imesdgs��n,clatm.demand.lawsnit or othSubsta� oi
<br /> --- any Suvernme�al or regulatory sS�Y � P�vate party iwolvlug the Broperty and nny Na�ardons
<br /> Bml�onaoental Iaw of wl�ich Hormwer 6�s scWa1 kQOwledga If Bonower Icarns,or is msl5ed by aaY 8ovem�e�D or
<br /> regWstory nuthocity. that an7► �'�.or other zemedistHon of any Iia�acdons Substanc�e affectin8 the P[openY �
<br /> aettssary,Botrower sh�tl pmmAtiY tuke all neoe�Y�actions in a000rdance whh Bmimnmera�l Iaw.
<br /> As�sed in thLs P�S�Ph�• ��S� ace ¢hOSe snbstanoos de6nod as t�dc or hazarclaua snbstances
<br /> by Bavimnmeiri�l Iaw antl.4ite�ollowing sibsma�s: g�lin, Ice�osenc. ot6er 9�ble ar toxtc petml�m pmduCts, -
<br /> = toxic pesddQes and heibicid�s,vofatile solvdlts,�retertals oomunin8 asl�stos or fomaaldeh9�,u►d�adiaasdve m�aurints.
<br /> --:�.;_� Aa used in tbis par�tgtaph 23. "Hnvkonme�tal I�w'means faderrl ih*bs and t�ws of the judsciicdion where the PrnpertY is., ._
<br />- � -- `- lQCated th�t�elate w he�h�sate�►or eavIrom�mental protecdan
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