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<br /> ---—----- ---�-��_� - ggo s�,���s
<br /> � pny��„ta�;,ay ao 1apQcr iss 4eqeired.nt ths c+ption���d�ftd magan becoma avcit�c andiiatobt�i►edn�fwcr ehall�sy --
<br /> that Lcndcr ecquiecs)�tovidcd by nn i�surer upN Y
<br /> thc�rsttiinms ccquircA to malntnin�itoetgnIIo inwurn�tcc in cffcct,or to ppovide c+los:s reserve.untii tlto requlrement far mortaage
<br /> inhi�rt►ncc�nds In urcordn�ico with iiny writtcn ngrccnient bet�vc:cn B�rroivcr und Isndcr or applicnble la�v.
<br /> 9.inspectiou�l.cndcr c�r ite csgcnt �ainy niuko rca�unublo entrfcs a►pon nt�d tnspcctimis�f the Pro�seny. Lcndcr�hnll�ivo
<br /> �oeeowcr notic9 at ths tintc af c�r prinP ta an inapcction e�ccflj�ing rcasonablo cuu�c for tho inspcctinn.
<br /> 14. �uiic:::�:��satt..a. '�'he p�vnt��iy nf nny nwurcl or cl�aim fot domat;cs, dlrect or cansequential. in canne6don with uny
<br /> condemnation ar other taking nf nny purt of the Property.ar fbr convcyanre in licu of wnderu�zatEon, aec.h�t.by assigeteEl�n�9 '
<br /> shull be paid to Lendar. Iled to tha sums securod by this SecuRty Ir•strument.
<br /> in thc event of n total taking of the Property►.the prace�cls ehalt be app � which the fnir
<br /> whether or not then due, with anY cxcess Paid to Borrower. In the event of a p�i�l taking of the Property ,
<br /> market vafue of the Pcoperty immediately before the teking is equal to or greater thuc►ehe amount of the sutns sQCUred by this
<br /> Secudty Insnument immediately befo���e�ounBof theepmce�t smuldP ie�ibYBwe�ollawtng fcaction�(a) th�� �
<br /> this Seturlry Insttum�nt shatl be tiedu Y Imraetllatel
<br /> amount of the suans secured ZmmediaulY before tlne taking, divided by(b}the fair market v fue�c p e���'�ch the fair
<br /> before the taking. My balance st�all be paid to Borrower. In che event of a partial tsking
<br /> market value of the Property lunmed�ately,before the takln$is less than the a�uuc�t of the sums secure�immediately before the
<br /> talung,unless Borrower and Lender otherwtse agree in wrltln8 or un1 ess 4P�A��Ie laav o�envise pr�rides..the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Secwlty Insuucr►ent whe't!¢2r or aiot eR�e stws are et►en daae.
<br /> If We Properry is abandone�l by I3ormwer.or if,after a►olioe by 1Lea�er Qo Barrower that the oon�i¢mn�r offffers¢o make an
<br /> award or settle a ciaim for damages.BorroWer falls to resgrs►m�!to��@r�►�in 30 days after the �te ¢d�e cno�T p���SV�
<br /> Lender is autharized to collect aad apply the proceeds.at ita opNon.either 40�storation or repair of the PnID�tY
<br /> 5��by�s gearity Inauutnent,whether or not then due.
<br /> Uynl�ys I,ender and Borro�ver otherwise agree in writi�!�, a�►Y ePP��o� of prooEada to principsl shalIl n�A,�xYend or
<br /> postpona;he due dats of the�o�nthiy�ayments referred to in p��r�grapl�s 1 aud 2 or chrange�a�n►ount of such paYat��n•
<br /> �f;Borrower l�at Release�;�orbearance BY��uu�n ot a�by Lend� to�any successor ln�nt izs of Borrower�shall
<br /> of amartization of the s�ms secured by this Secunty b'�
<br /> aot ap�tate to release the liability off the origim�►!;E�orrower or Borrower's successors in inte�or otherwir ke modifY �°
<br /> omm,in�F��gs aga[nst�u►y suGCessor ix�imtCrest or ffe�use to extend time for guyaze
<br /> ;og.+�p�z°swns secure� bY this S�arSty Yushv�,�i�At by reaSa��t,any dema�made by ehe original Bomower or l�arrower's
<br /> .sui��in iniec�s's.R�y �s ,:.K e�; r_�adr in ezeccnsiaa anY riP,ht or remedy shaU not tse a waiver of or�clude the
<br /> , . ' �is:��as�of any right or remedy. �:. . , •: . .� �, ' of ttns
<br /> '�.: .; �,, ��:�-D2. 5uooer�sor� and�s�3�s'.�afi�;�►m3���i� SeY.�'I.tabtUty.'��C4sTi�ers.'Phe oovenaaaus anii ag�+eementa
<br /> �' 5ecuriey Tnstnu��ent shall bind��4 i�e�aefit the successots�,unS asaigns of i..eader aacd Tdotxawer, subJeot to the provtsions of
<br /> P�Ph 17. Borrower's cov�n�n�a and agreements st�all be joint and Instniment onlffi to utottg ge,$rant and ce�lvey Wstty
<br /> Ia�uumeut but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this SP�cudty y
<br /> Bormwer's iaiemst in the PropertY wider We terms of this Seaulry L►s�t; N)is aot personally obligaud ta�ay the sums
<br /> secuKd by thls Security Insaument:and(c)asrees that Lender and any other porrower may a�ree to exteud,rn�odifY,forbear or
<br /> ` make any ecoommodations with regard w the terms of this Security Inst�ment or the Note without thai Barrower's conseut.
<br /> 13.'Loan �rRes.If t�►e loan secured by t6is Security Insnun►ent is subject ta a law wtuch sds tna�cl►num toan cliurges�
<br /> and Wat law is finalSy intsrpreted so that the interesc or oiher loan charges colleded or to be oollccted in aonnxtion wlth the
<br /> n
<br /> loan eaceed the peraoittad Iimits,then: (a)a�►Y such loan charge shaU be radnced by the amo���Y�wili be re lfnnded to
<br /> to the permitted lMit�and(b)enY sums al�eady aollecte�from Borrower which eac000ded pe
<br /> Borcower. Lea�er may choose w make this nfund by W radud"son pwW be �treated es a Partial PrePay�ettt�wjtttout�y
<br /> Paymeut w Borrower. If a refund reduces p ' P�•
<br /> pr�paymcnt charge under the Note_
<br /> l4.Notices.Any notioe to Borrower pmvided for in this SecuritY Insunment shaU be givcn by delivering it or by mailit►8
<br /> it by first class�i!�mlcs�agplisable law requues use of another nnethod. `!he not�ce shall be directed to the Pro�ertY A,ddress
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates bp'nbtioe to 3 ender. Any b n ti'oe to Bowe�rl. An��ttre provlded':for�t6is
<br /> Iaender's add�+e.ss stated 8erein bir any other addrrss I.ender.designa4es Y
<br /> Sesurity Ins�shall be deeall�d to have been given w.1Borrowe nt s�l� 6e gove�raed by pfedetra�aw and t1�e��law of the
<br /> 15.Gaverni�3 Law; �everabfitty. This SecuritY 1n�Wme
<br /> jorisdiction in which the Propert3+is located.in the evettt tbat any pra�+isas�n or clause of this Secursty InsuutmeRt nr the Nata
<br /> eon7liets vrritb applfcuble law.soeh oonflicx sball not affect other pravisions of this Security Insm�men4 or ti�Note vyhieh ean be
<br /> given�ifect without the conflicxin�pro�sion.To this eat�th�•provisions of this Securlty'Insm�ment end the Note;t►ra declarad
<br /> , ' „ ,....
<br /> — to be seveiable.
<br /> - 16.BorroRe�'s Copy.B��wer shaU be�iven one oonformed capy of the Note and of this Sec�uitl'Inst�nt.
<br /> Fcm�30Z8 9l8D
<br /> rope�or e .
<br /> w to
<br />