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<br />_ �v��� c�.��.-..�___-.G3�" ��7i� ��i����' _.- -
<br /> � - �rt oe A Deneflti�l Intcres3 in�9rrowcr.If nll oe an pt�tt of the Praperty ar any interest in it
<br /> i9.Ti�6e��?tii�:PI'ia�r y =
<br /> iK sold ar trnasfcte�sl(or if a benefle�ui intercii ii►:�srra::er iR sold ur trnn�fencd und orm�vcr iH sot n nnturnl�rsnn?e�lthaut ___,
<br /> I..cndor`s �rtar wdtt���cYernithi option hnli nat�bo exerciscd byrL.cnder Ifiexe ciho is proisibtticd by federul inw u of tho daato
<br /> gccurity instrumcnt
<br /> af thie Srcurtty Inwtrument,
<br /> If Lender oxercises this optinn.Lender ehcll gtvo IIarro�ver notisc�af accelerntlon.'�he nottee ehnll pF�m9�eeutred b� thle
<br /> tess than 30 dny� fcom the�ae�fPit.g ott�i th s0 sums Prlor ol th efxpientlon f hix}ze tud.uLcnder mtiy invoke any rcmedi�s ;
<br /> 3ecui3ly inspuiiicnt. If�orro P Y ,
<br /> permttted by thla Securlty Instruinent withoat tlirthcr notice or demand on Bornower.
<br /> 18. �OPPOWC�'�fi RI�IIt t0 idet►�stt►Be. If Borrower meeta certnin condidons,
<br /> Borrower shall have the dght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Ser.unty Ingtnunent discontinued ut nny time prior to the earlier of: (�)s �e e Qf sute contuine.Rd itn thfs
<br /> applicable law maY spetlfy far reiastatement) before sate of the Property pursuant to any po
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument;or (b)�.ncry of a judgment enforcing this Secudty Instcument. Those wnditions are that Borrower:(a)pa s
<br /> L.ender all sums which tLen would be du�r ade e�menta�()P Y8�xpenses incurred a jenforci g�this Security Instcum;e�)
<br /> cures any defs�ult of any other covenants gr
<br /> inctudiag. but not li�nited eo,reasonatsle eteomeys'fees;and(d)talces such action ea 1.Qnder rtu►y re�tsonably t�equire to a�.sun .
<br /> that the lien of this Sece�rity Iustrument,I.ender's dghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the suras.secured by
<br /> this Seturiry Instrum2mt s�aall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonuwer, this Security Inst�ument aad the
<br /> obligations securerl her�by slh�ll remain fu11Y effective ta.s if no accelerution had occurre�l•However,this dght to rcinstate shaD
<br /> ,.,�ot apply in the casz of aoceIleratlon under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sul�of Note;C9ntu►ge of Loan Servlter• 'AY►e Note or a partlal interest in the Note (together with this Securlry
<br /> Instnrment)may be sold one or more tim�s without nt�,sodue nndert�N te ared this Sec ty I er+�mentn The ai a n y he a
<br /> as the"Loau Servicer"2 that coUecu mont9ilY PaY� •
<br /> or more changes of the Loaa�Serv�cer wmelated to a sale of the�N 4���diappl cabge Iaw�ThY e n a�will state the nama aud
<br /> �iven wrltten nodce of tLe�Htange in accordance with paragrap ents should be made. T'he notice will also eontain any other
<br /> address of the new t.osn�ervlcer and the eddress to wtuch puym
<br /> information required bY epp�icable law�.
<br /> Bp. H�rdous Subst�nces.�arr�wer shaU aot cause or pesariit she prrsence, use, dispnsal, stomge.or release af su►y
<br /> ous Sabstances oa.or in tha &'rApertY• Borrower shall na� dc�. nor al�ov�ar►Yon� elsa to do, anything affeNili� the
<br /> � . operty that 9s in viola4otte of any Epvironmental I.a�v. The prec�ling pvo sen4�nces shall not ap aybe ah�p�a'te to ac►razl
<br /> storage on the Proper3y of �mall quantitles of 1Hauta�flaus Substences that are�e�e�ally �o�aized i�F�
<br /> rasidentfal u$as and w tt�'�zeaance of the PropertY. . .
<br /> BoreowEi shall pmmpuy give Lender writtea�o o�In t�he Pro�u��and y Ha�srd�bstance or Bnv mnment�l:�.aw
<br /> governmenta3 or regWaury agency ar rivate PartY � PertY y ovemmemal or re ato authorlty,'t�at
<br /> of which Borrower has ectual icnowl�ge. If Borrawer learas, or is not�fied b any g � �'
<br /> auy temvr�i ui�ttt�r rca�.�?�sls�a Qf sn�:Hasarcin�s Snbstanoe afftc3ing the Pm�y is necessaiy,Borrower shatl prompdy telce
<br /> all necessat5+remedial a��*i�ms ln accoadance with Bn,Varonmemal Law.
<br /> /�,s used tn th�s p��.�P�20+ "��ous Substances" are those subS4a�.s defined as toxic or ha�i►rdaus�ubstances by
<br /> EnvimnmEntal Law add tY�a followda� substances: gesollne, kerosene.othcr �i�nmablg or toxic,pettbleum �rod4ds., w�i�
<br /> pestisldes and herbicldes,volatlle wlvents,materials contatnin$es�st°s or formatdehyde.and rudioaative tnaten�lsi���
<br /> this ph 20, 'Eflvironmental Law" mxans federal laws and,taws of tke jurisdiction where the Property
<br /> relate w�h�alth.safety or environmental protecHon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS•Borro�n'er end I,ender further oovenant aad agree as foAows:
<br /> 21.Aoceteratton;Remeatcs.I.ender stoaU give nottce w Sorroww'prior to aooeleratton following Borrowea'1? unt�•s
<br /> uf aiyy coveanne or a�+�ment in thls Secudty Insanuner►t (but not prfor to aocelera4�on uudea parngraP
<br /> 9pplkuble!sw provides otheralse).The nottce shAU speclfy: (a)the default;
<br /> (b)the sett�n�+eqailred to cure the deia�it;
<br /> (c)a da4e,not less than 30 duys from the date We nottce�s given w Boreowea��by which tne detault must be cured+�l
<br /> (�tl�at tailure to cure tt�e detaWt on or befare the d�te SP��The no�ce shstU tiirther inform Borro�wer ot th righums
<br /> securpl by this Sect�dty lnstrument and sale oi the Progerty.
<br /> rei�state aRer aocet�t[on and the►i8ht to bring a cQUrt adton W assert the non�adstence ot a ddaWt or any other
<br /> defe.nse af Borrnwer to accelention and sata U the�f����I��p�by this Securl��tnstrur��t w��t
<br />— Lender,at it�option,tnfty 1'e�luie+e[mmed[�tte paym [cabk I�w.I.eader sba�ll be
<br /> ' tE�dhcr de�nd and may invo����'M���S�d�3'othPr remesltes permittcd by ap��includin�,but not limiteiD
<br /> entitled to coilect elt�pc� the r�edies pmvided in thfs paragreP]►
<br /> to,rtasonable sttorneys' fces and oosts of t�tte evidenoe. of the
<br /> If tlee power at sale is iavokesl,Tr�stee st�all reoord a �otice o4 detau4t tn eacL cn�ty�������
<br /> prop�rty is located snd sLaU mai!oopies of such notice in the manner P��bte law�Trustee sf�uU gtve pubftc notf�
<br /> the other Persons PrescrTibed b3'�Pi��ble taw.Aiter the time eequired bY aPP�
<br /> at sate to the persons aad in the manaer Pmscdbed by agpl[cs�We taw.'Peustee.wtthout�nAnd on Barrower,shaU sefl
<br /> the P�ropez't�'at P�b�ic sucNon to the highest bidder at the time and place and nnder t m sale oi��ro mny� ot the
<br /> sale in one or more par�cels and in any order Trustee dete�mines. �Tn�t�e��P���� ��,or its designee may
<br /> pi+opetty by publlc anuounoement at t6e lime aad p1a�e of apy p
<br /> ,.nurrh�.se the F�roperty t�any sale.
<br /> 'pii�
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