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•'.w..,m......,... � . <br /> . .,. <br /> .L'"� n ���� w .�x . . .,w, �, nm��_ . �� . � �� . .... , � . . .. .. ,, . . , . . , . �., .. <br /> C� ., . .. _ ,. , ,,. . . , '`' .. . . . . ' . . . � . <br />� . � �� ������ � <br />�. (1) Cos t nf anp evidence of Li�1�s pracurerT �:.n connec�3.on with su�h <br />'�, sale and af any revenue ret�uir�d ta be pai��: <br />* (2} AlI then secured k�erebq; <br />� (3) The re�ainder, if a�y. to the person or persons le�allq enti.tled <br /> thereto. <br /> F�ach af the parties to thie Deed of Trust herebq requ+�s�s that a cvpy af any <br /> i�otice bf De£suJ.t and a capy of any Notice o£ Ssle Provide�d £or here3nabone be <br /> m,�31ed to each such partq at his post affic� address aet forth l��rein. Upon <br /> the occuren.ce df gny default hez�usxder, Benefieiary ahail have the �ptivn to <br /> f�raclose �his Deed o� Trust in �he manner provided by law for the forecloaure <br /> o� martgages on real property. <br /> SIXT�: Truetor specificallq �gresa that (a) Trustor� �.t j.ts expense, <br /> wi'•.1. execut� and deliver to Bene�iciary� prom�tl.y upon re�uest, su��h sec+xrity <br /> insrru�aents ra.s map b� required bq Hene£3.c�.ary, in a �arm and �ubatc+�:� <br /> sati��actory �a Benefic.�.a�q, cover3.�g any of the Pxnperty conrreyed by th <br /> bezd nf Txuat oahich aecuzit7 3natsume�.ts aha�.1 be sc�d'i�ional aecurity � <br /> Trastor's fai�hful perfarmance a£ a17. of t�e terms caven.ants and conditiaa� u: <br /> this Deed of Trust, the Note and indebtedne�s aecured herebq� and �ny ather <br /> security insxrumPats exs��*ed in cox�nection with the 3nd�btedn�ss secured b}� <br /> this Deed nf Trus��; anu �.xl cuch inat��.a*_zts shaXl. be filed and recorded at <br /> 'Trustor'� expen,s�; (b) �enefici�rq may, from time to t�.me, by wr�tter, , <br /> �.nstrument execat;�d an.d acknovrledged by Ben�£iciarq, mailed to Trustar an�3 . <br /> recc�rfled ir� th.e counry or countieA �n which the Property is Located and by <br /> otherwise complying wj.�h the provisians af the appiicable ].avrs of the State o£ <br /> z�ebraska, substit.ute �. successor or successors to the Trustee named herein ar <br /> acting hereunder; (c; z�?*_hou�h the Trustec, ax his succes�ar i�x 9:1CC@Sf3QZ99 <br /> may be a� p�ent of, or attorney �ar, ar ntherwise connected with �he <br /> Beneficiary, such �ac� =�yn1' nat be corts�.rued to d�,squalify h3m to acG ae auch <br /> Trustee, nor ahaYl au�ch fact prevent �he Trustee or Seneficiazy £rom bidding <br /> �t a sale end buyin� e�ny part ar a].J. o� the �'rapertq at anq sa].e he�eund�r; <br /> (d) that if �.t ahould be nec�asary or �ppropriate far the protection oL� tt�e <br /> security hereby conveyed or en£orcem�nt of �he deht hereby secured, £or the <br /> Trtxstee or the Beneficiary to ine�,itute cr become a �Sartq to any proceeding oz <br /> s�iti in s caurt of bankruptcy or probate ar other caurt af general. or limited <br /> jurisdicti.or., al.�, expenses �nd casta prapetly incurred bq said Trustee s�r said <br /> Bene��ciary (fncluding zeaaanable �ttorneye' fe�e} pa�,d or incurred t;y said <br /> Ts•�s.stee or Beneficiary in main�ainirig� or de£ending t�uch <br /> -�rnceeding c�r p�otecting their respec;tive righte hereuader ehal]. be an <br /> adclitinna7. debt secured by thig beed o£ Tru�t in l�.lce manner with the <br /> pzinc�pal, debt heze�.n deacri6ed; (e) HeneE:ici�r.y� or i�s agenta, <br /> representati.ves ox wnrirn�en, are autharized to euter at any r.easanable time <br /> +apan nr in anq part of the Proper�.y �nx the purpo�e of inepecting the same and <br /> far th� pur�ose of pe�forming any nf the acte it is autharized to pe�•form <br /> under the terms af this �e�d �� Truet; (f) a:aq £orbearanca by Benefic3�ry or <br /> Trustee in exerc�.sing any right ar remedy i sreux►der, or othexwise a£�arded by <br /> �pplicabl.e law, sha11 not be o, waiver of or preclude the exe�cise af any aur.h <br /> ri�ht or remedy hereunder; eimilerly, the wai�ver by Benc�ficiary ar Truetee o£ <br /> ai�y d�fault af Tr;i�tar under this D�Pd oi� Trust ehell nat be deemed s waiver <br /> c�� any other or sint?lar defaalte subr�equentlq accurring; (�) extension o£ the <br /> tirn� foa� F�:�yu:sxit ar modificati�,. or amortiz�xtion af the euma s�cur�d by this <br /> Dee+l af Trust �r�nted by',y ta any aucceseor J.n interest o£ T:rustar <br /> sh�J.� nat aperate tt� release. in any me.nnar the litt�iiJ.itq ca£ the origina? <br /> Tru�tar mnd 'Sru�tor's succ�'s�snx' in interest. Ben�fir.iary sh,a�.�. nqt be <br /> requi�e; �.� commericc. �rnceaed�.nge agr�ins� sach aucceagor or re�'use to extend <br /> hi�e time £ar p�ymer', cr otha��aisE� madify amox��izatian of et�e auma and <br /> indehr,ecln.�aoe s�cure�d by thie beed ox ii'uMt �+y re�s�n qf sny demand mada by the <br /> Lo�n P-].96835 Page 8 a£ 11 I�nitals s� �/,����'��l <br /> ��� <br /> r <br /> i <br />