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. . . � .ti�. • . <br /> ��y� ����3n�5'P�'��ki ,r:., .... .. . , , .. �� . .. „x "�:".;,. ...a .. . M� ,. . . .. . � .. .. . Y .... .. <br /> r�+� . .... .. . ,, . . . . . . . . , . � . <br /> . . . . �.�.� �� ., .. . .. .... ., y;. �., . , . . .... . .. <br /> x 93� -1�a..3�4 <br />:ti, <br />�*.; FIPTH: Upon def�uZt by Trustor ir� the psyuient af ar perfoxmance of tre <br /> te�ns and. cond.�w3.�ns of the No�e, ar anq r�newals. mvdific�t�,ons o:r executians <br /> Mhereo£, the pgyment of a�zy ather indebtedneas secured hereby or in th� <br /> F�Z�t.`L'It1&t10E o£ any �greement, covenent �r tvarr�ntp herein contained ar aet <br /> forth in any agreeme'.�t of iztstr.ument executed by Truetar in �annect�.on with <br /> the indec�tedness hereby secured, Benef:iciary ,may declare a1Z sums �ecured <br /> hereby ixnmediately due and payable snd the sams shall �hereupon became du� and <br /> pay�ble withaut presentment, demanci, pratest ar natice of sny kind. <br /> Thereaft�r, �3anef3.ciarp may deliver ta Trustee a wri.tcen declaration of <br /> c�ef�ult �nd deznand for sale. Truatee sha�l have the paaver of sal� o£ �he <br /> Prap�:rty and if B�nef3.c3e.ry decid�s th�e Pzoper�y i� ta be eold i9-. shall <br /> depns�_t wi�h '�ru4te� this �eed vf Trus� and the No+ce or noteu and an;� �s4��:e: <br /> documents evidencing expendituree secured hereby. and aha11 d�1l�.ver t�s T'xu�t�e <br /> a written notice of defaul.t and e1.�ction to caus� the Property A.a be s��:l.d, and <br /> Trustee. in turn, ahal�. prepare a aim,�.ltsr notice �.a�, the �orm �:��q��.t'ed ��y lam, <br /> which. shaJ�l 4�e dulp f�.led for r�cord �y Truste�. <br /> (a) Aft�r the lapse of such time as may be required by lra+�r �o�.lowing the <br /> x�ecozdatiun af Notice of D�fault, and r►atice af 17e�ault and Not�.ce of Sale <br /> having been �iven as required by law, Tzustee, aithaixx de�^iand on Trustnr� <br /> sha11,. sell the Property herein befare �'.escrib�d, antt anq and everq part <br />, in s�parate par.cels ar �: u�sse as the Truatee may e1QCt and in , <br /> order as Trustee rn�,y determine an the date and et the time end place <br /> des�.�;n�ted in eaid NoCice of eale, at publi.c �,uGtion to the h3.ghast <br /> k�, th.e purchase price payable in ccah in law£ul manep o� tne United <br /> staces ��t_ �he tim� �,u �r�iu. i'i.�, �er�oT� cnndu.ct�.ng the sale anF:y, fnr anq <br /> cauce he or she deems expedien.�, pvstpon� �lxe ea�le fr�am time tc� t�.me un'Gil <br /> 1.t sha.l7. be cdmpleted and, in every �uch c��e. notice o�' �ostpanement <br /> gr�mii be �iven by public declat�atiox� ther�of bg* such person at tihe time <br /> and place l��t appoint�d for the sale; provided, a.£ 'the �A�.e is �oatpor�ed <br /> fnr lcn�er than ane (1) day beqond the day designated in the Notice of <br /> S�le, nnt�.c,e tre��of sha�.]. be given ia the same mannex as the nriginal <br /> NoLice of sale. TMustee shz�ll eacecute and d�3.iver to the purchaser it� <br /> I7eed convaying the prop�rty so ep�.d, but mithout any cov2nant ar maxrexaty, <br /> express ar 3mpXied. She �er,3taie in. the beed of any mattera or facts <br /> sha1.7. be conciczsive �raa£ o� the truthfulness thereof. Any persan, <br /> ,inr..lud�n� w�_thau� limitat.�on. Beneficiti,ry or irufltee may puz'chase at the <br /> ��.�e. Sa�1-1 ,;ale shall be canducted a� the real estate farming a part of <br /> �hc. Pzoper2,y or at the cour� hauae i.n tE�e cortnty ir� avhich the Property ta <br /> ue sold, or some part i:hereof. .is situated. <br /> �a� When Trustee se�xs pursuant to �.he pc+a�ers hec�ein, Truetee shal� applq <br /> �ne pror.eeds af t1�e s�le ta paymeatti of the c��s;:s and expenaes of <br /> �xercising the pawe:r of sule and a£ the sale� �.ncluding, withaut <br /> :i�ir:at,i.otx, the pay�n�nt nf Trustise's fees in�urred, which Trustee's fees <br /> Aha7.J, not in the aggregate exceed �he �um vf Five Hundred� and no/100�ha <br /> DvlJ.a�� �SSqQ.GO) plus ll2 a£ ].X of the amount secured hereby and <br /> r�mFaining�.d �nd then ta th� �.tems set f'o�th i� subpi;ragruph (c) oF <br /> this p�ra�rsph �'IFT�i in tk�e �.�rder therein s�a4ed. <br /> (c) A£�er paqing the 3.tems specified in eubpara�raph (b) o£ this <br /> pc�ra�;raph 3�TFTH, if the sale �.� lay Trustee, or ehe pz�per court and other <br /> cost.s of �orecla�u�e nnd s�.le if sale is ptxrsuant to ,jt�d'�.Gaa1 foreclosure, <br /> the prvice�ds a£ �ale shall la� appi�.pd �.n tt�e ordsr e�atad below to the <br /> p�ytaenk, of: <br /> �'-I96635 Aage 7 af �.1' � <br /> ������ <br /> i I <br />� <br /> r: <br />