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. , ' �: <br /> .,.. . <br /> , � <br /> � � - <br />���v; �'�a����� ,�,;�'��'-!�. r . , . . <br /> , <br /> . <br /> �. �n �� '� ..„,. �, �r, . <br /> ,. . . <br /> . .,. , , ,: <br /> . . ,:.. <br /> . <br /> ,. <br /> , .. <br /> .,: _.. <br />.� ,., - <br /> ��� �Q��3�� <br /> ori�inal Trus±ar and Trus�.o�r's successars .in in�exest; (h1 withaut aff$c��.ng <br /> the liabili�y o� the Trustor or any other person Liable for the payment of th� <br /> abl3.gations �nd i.ndebtedne�s secuY�d. hy this �leed a� Trust, amd �rithaut <br /> sffectan� th�� J.i.en a.r charge a£ this Deed af Trust upon any portinn o£ the <br /> Praperty ne� then oz theretafore seleas�d as aecurity £oz the full amoune of <br /> all uxxr�aid oblig�t�.ons, Benef�ciary may, fram time to time and ro�a.thout natice <br /> (i) re=cense any person so 7.iable, ;iij extend thp maturity ar niter any ot' <br /> the t�rnis o� any such abligat3.on, (iii) grant other indulg�ncea. (iv) release <br /> ar recc,r.vey, ar cause t.o b� r�leased or recaa�rsp�d at any time at <br /> B�en.ef�.cirlr.y's o�tian any parcel, portion or all of the Property. (v) take or <br /> releass any rather or additional security i'or anp abJ.igatis�n or indebtedx�ess <br /> herF��.n �ent�.oned, or (-riD make compnsitione or oxher arrangeme�n�s t�ith <br /> dcabtars, in relatian th�reto; (i) �.n �sdditian tn the righ�s and paarers given <br /> r.o the Tzug�ee and �ene''iciary herein, the Beneficiarp ah��.l have all such <br /> ather rights bath in Ias�r 815.1C� equity for collect�an o£ the �debtedaests secured <br /> n.erebq as it wauld have hu'c �or this Deed o£ Trust; (,�) a�.�. covenants gnd <br /> agre�merts o£ Trustvr set �orth in this Deed of Trust shall �i� joint and <br /> SP.VL�A�.; (k> th�.s Deed a£ Trust sha11 be gaverned bp the lav�e o� the State of <br /> Nebraska; (1) in the event anq one or more or �he pravision� contained in <br /> thie IDeed oE Trust, or ths Nots or anq other eecurity inetrumank. gl.ven in <br /> cannection with. the indebt�dnese� hereby �ecured �ha11 far ax►q reaeon be held , <br /> to b� inv�lid� 311ega1 oL• un�nforc�r�ble in any resgect. such invalidi.ty, ' <br /> i�.���ality, ar unenforceability shall a.k the optian of the bene£�.c�.ary nat <br /> efxe�t an.y other provision of h,he Deed nf Trust, but this Deed of Truat shall <br /> be construed A8 if such inva�.�d, illegal or unen£�rc�able pravi�ion hafl r�ever <br /> been con��. herein ar therein. Zf the li�n o£ this Aeed nf Trust is <br /> invalid r�r unenforceable ae to anp paa:t af the indebtedness hezeby s�cured oz <br /> ev3,d�nce by the Note, or if t,h� Iien is invalid or uxze�forceable as to any <br /> part oi the Pzaperty, the unsecured or partiall.y secured por�ian of such <br /> i.ndebtedneQS sha1Z he compl�tely pa�.d pr�.az ta the payment af the remaix��.ng <br /> and secured or gart3.r;.J,y s�cured portion af such indebtednese, and al�. <br /> paymen�s made on sucn inde.btednese, whetih�r volun�ary or u.�xder �orcclosure or <br /> other �nfar^ement action or proc�dure, ehall be cr;�s�derecl to havs been firsC <br /> paid on �xnd e�pplied to the fu1.1 payznent of trat port�.vn of auch indebtednese <br /> which ie nqt secured or not fu11q secured by the lien a£ the Aeed of Trust; <br /> �nd. (m) The coven�nts nnd s�reem�nts can,tained in this Dee� o£ Truat eha11 <br /> bind, and tihe benef3�te and advant�g�� �ereo£ ehall inure to the respective <br /> h�irs, executora, administrators, succ��eare a�ld agaigne of the pa�t�ea <br /> liareto. Wh�rever uacd herein, �kae eingular numbex eha11 ixzclude the pluxal <br /> and cor►versely, and the uQe of snY gende� sha11 tre applic�ble to sl� geade��e. <br /> Wh�re�rer the ter�ns "Benefic,iary 3.s uaa� :��3in, it eh;al.l include th� legal <br /> holder or holdere ai th� Note or the indebtedness gecured he�'eby. <br /> S�Vk�7T�: Upon writtei� r�:ques� of Bez�ef�.ciary st�ting that all amou�xts <br /> and indebtedness s�cured hereby have been paid, and upon surrPn�er of khis <br /> Aee.d ��f Tru�L- and the Note to Tzustee far the cancella�ion and r�t.ent�on and <br /> upnn payment by Trustor of T�nstee's f�es, Trust�� shal�. reconveq t� Truator. <br /> ar. the per���*.� or persons le�ally entitled theseto, without orarratxty, any <br /> ;portion or �.he E�roperty then held by Trustee hereunder. The rec�.taJ.s in auch <br /> reconveyance af any mnttera ar £acts �ha11 be concl.u�ive proof of' the <br /> t.ruth£u�.ness t�herec�f. The grantee n£ any secanve;�ssncs may b� ;3eacribed an <br /> "the peroan or pereons ].egally entit;ad tner�ta." <br /> Loan I'-196835 Page 9 of ].�. �nitiala sc��.��_ <br /> �.p;.� <br /> r <br /> ♦ <br />