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, <br /> .. � , . - �«. <br />��t��. . �, . . <br /> . .�'�;�t,������`"�'°�`- �;� . _. . �. -,-., ,., w��;,; , . <br /> ,�_. .�.�... <br /> - '93� ���..394 <br /> snld nr transferred reach an agreezaent in writ3ng that the czedit of such <br /> person �.s satas��xr�ory to Ben�riciary and that the intezest payable on the <br /> sums secured by th3.a 17eed nf Trus� aha�.l be ak. auch ra�e as Bena�iciary ahs7.1 <br /> sequest. <br /> �HIRD: That as £urther securitq for the payment ot the Nate and th� <br /> ind�btedn�ss ther�by evidenced and the pex':Eartr.e.xtce of a11 of th� terms, <br /> cove�ant� and canditions herea£, Trustor agre�s that Aeneficiary ehall �nd <br /> aoes hereby have th� right, power and authar�.ty the. continuance of thia <br /> Deed c� 'Trust to callac�. the rente, issues a�,d profits o£ the Property and o£ <br /> anq persc.a�a]. prapertq located therean witYt or w.i.thout taking poaeesaior► of th� <br /> praperty ��£ected thereby; and Tr�xstor herebq absal,utely anc� uncanditionallp <br /> assigns all such renits, issues and profits to Bemefici:s�y. B�nef3.ciary. <br /> hawever, here�y consezata to Trustor'e collertion and rete�tt�.an of auch rente, <br /> �.ssu�� and psofit� as they accrue �nd bscvma payab].e sa l.�zag as '�ruetor ia n�t <br /> ar. such time in defau].t w�.th reapect to g�a�rmers� vf any indebtednese secured <br /> hereby or �r. the per£az�u�nca o£ any agr�ement her�unde�. IIpon any such <br /> de�au�.to Be�e£�c3.ary mxy a� anq time, either in pers�n� by agent� or bq <br /> receiver to be appointed by a cour�� with�ut notice snd ovithout regard tp the <br /> adequncy of any security for the 3.r►debtedner�s hereby secured (a) enter upon <br /> and take �osaes�ion o� the Prapezty or �ny pazt thereof and in �.ta o�an name <br /> sue for nr otherwise col.lect such rents. issuea azid prafits, ine].ud3ng those � <br /> pa�� du� �nd unpaid, and apply the sgm,e, lese costs, and expens� af aperatia�n ' <br /> nnd co�lection, includi�g reasan�l�l� attarnejr's fees� upon any 3.z�debtedness <br /> securec? here�y gnd in such arder as Beneficiary maq determine; (b) lease the <br /> �ame or any part �.herep� £or ruch r�sntal, tc:� artd upan such conditiona ae <br /> Eenc��iciary's judgement xnaq dirtA�� 'or �erminate or ad,just �he terme and <br /> rnnd�tioA6 0� sny lease pr leases. Unless Trus�or and 8eneficiary <br /> ��ree atherw�.se ix� wra.t�.z�g, any applic�.tian of rents, iss.ues or prc�f3ts to anq <br /> incl�t�tednPSS secured hezeby �ha11 n�t �xten.d nr. pastpane the due dat�e af the <br /> 3.nstaJ.l,ment �c�ymenta as prov3.ded 3.n the Note or chaatge the amount of auch <br /> insta7.lmen�.�. The enter�.n� upvn an�. taki�,� of the Propertq, the <br /> collection �f such rents, iasues and profiCs, and �.he applicat3on thereof as <br /> afores�id, shA.11 r.ot waive or cvxre any c�efault or not�,�.� af defsult hereunder. <br /> or invalidnt� any act done pursunnl: t�a suc�i notice. Txustor aasigns to <br /> Beneficiary. as further security £o� the perfc�rman�� af +the indebtedness and <br /> nbl3.gat�.ons secured hereby, all prepaid r�nts and all monepe which may h�ve <br /> been or may hereaftez he depas3.ted w�.th Trustnr by any ,Lessee a£ the Property, <br /> �o sec.ure th� payment nf eny ren� vr dama�,es, and upan de�ault in the <br /> pez£or�ance a£ zany af the pr�v�aione hereof, Trustor ngrPes ta deliver euch <br /> rents and drposita to Beneficia�ry. Deliverq o� wri�ten n�tice af <br /> Beneficinry'� exercise af the r3.ghta �rsnted hy tilia paragraph third to any <br /> tenant o�cupying thw Pre�p�zty nr any postian thereof sha]:l b� su�ficient to <br /> require sa:ld tenant eo pay said rent to Benefic�,arq unt�.7. �urther notice. <br /> PRUItTi�: If there sha11 be fileci by ar aga3nat the Truetar any petiti�n <br /> or proce�ding seeking ran arrangement or compoA�.tion or exteneion or any other <br /> re13.e£ urider pr pursu��zit to t.he �'ederal �,ankruptcq Cvde ar anq ather similar <br /> statixr_e a� now ar hereafter in eff�ct, or i£ the T�'us�nr ehaX7. be adjudicated <br /> b�nkr�x�t az �.nsolvent, ar anq oE Truator's praperty sha1:� have been aequsetered <br /> and such decree eha11 have continued und�.scharged and unotayed �'or 9p dmye <br /> , after the ex��zy �hereof, tihen the whnle o£ the N'ate and �ndebtedx�ess hereby <br /> secured shnll, withvut notice, at �h� option o£ the Ben�ficiary. become due <br /> �snd p�.y�bl�. <br /> Lor�n F-196835 Page 6 af �.l InitialesaG�� <br /> .C�?d��. <br /> r <br /> M <br />