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Y . . . <br />;<� � • 1U�.394 <br /> consRnt o� Ben.�-r''iciar.y; (d? to mairitain and d'e�iv��r to Benefic3ar�• po�.�.cies c�f <br />,�- insurance cgainst such hazards on 4he buil.d.itig.s and isnpravezaents no� vx <br />� hereaf*�r located on or cpnstitut3ng a psrt of the Property as the Beneficiary <br /> sh�iT r�quire, �xa such �qmpanies �nd atnounta pnd w�.th e�ucb, losa paqable <br /> clause� as sha11 be a,atisfactaz-y ta tha B�ne£ic:L�r�; that in the event of <br /> 1.oes, B�ne�:i.,,iary �.s expresBlp authoriaed to settl�a a�° compremise claians under <br /> saici �e�icies and the proc�eds thereqf shall be pa,id ra the Beneficiary orha <br /> ma� apply the same ar any parti thereof on th� indeb�ednesa secured herebq or <br /> toward ti�e recon,truction o� arepair of said bui,tdiaga and improvements or <br /> rel��ase same to *he Tru�tox'; (E) Tn pa� any l�en, claim or charge against the <br /> Pr.op�:r�y which mlght zake precedence over �h� ].:Len herebf; (f) �o paq on <br /> cleucand all iegal ex:pens�s, �itile seazchea� app:raisal or sttorneys' feeg <br /> �easonably incurr�d or paid l�y Benefiriarq ta �o"l.lec� the Note or £oreclose or <br /> px•otect the �ien nf the Aeed of Tru�t,; (gy in thP everxt Trus�or shall <br /> fa3.1 to c.omply with �.he prpvws.ions o£ (a) �hrr�ugh (f) abave, the Ben�ficiar�► <br /> �y ex.p�nc. such £unde and take such action as �.E� necessarq tp remedy such <br /> faiAure and a11 sums pai,i by th� Beneficiasy pursnar�t hereta �r�.t�a interest at <br /> tl�e rste hereina��.er provided sk:�l]. Gonstitut� � �.i�en upan the PropPZ�y, sha�l <br /> 6e s�cured by tha.s Deed �� Truat, and ahall be �ied�.atel� flue and repayable <br /> �o the Benef�; (h) nat to sell the praperty c�r anp poztion tk�er�d£; or, <br /> �.f tihe Trustoi: is a corpoza�.ion, not mnre than ��_`X .o£ its corporate s�oc'� <br /> shall be sol�, �r�zded, os dispnsed o� to pereans a�,ller thar� tkte present ovmera � <br /> a� such stock pz�.ior to the time �he indebtedness secured hereby sh�tll hawe <br /> Ueen rc�duced (��xclusive of pzegaymente Qther than as provided in the eaid <br /> Nvte? to $ .-p- _; and �n the even� of any eale he:rein prohibit�d, then the <br /> ent�.re 3ndebtedness secusPd by the b�ed af Trast sl�all. at the opti,dn of the <br /> Benefic�ary brico;me due and payable; (i) thaC if the Property or any part vs <br /> parceJ. theraaf shaJ.l �,� t�ken o� dama�ed under the po;aes of em3nent dpmain� . <br /> the award for an3r Pzoperty so taken nr damng�d ( •severance datt�ages to <br /> the prFam�.ses) shall �e paid to the Berneficiary and applied in full <br /> or in part at �h� option of the Bene£iciarp in zeduct3on af ihe 3.ndebtedness <br /> her�by secured; (j) t?�at the Ben,eficiary ehall hane the right to inspect thQ <br /> Pr.oper.ty at auch reaso�nable..times as th? Benef,ici.ary �ay desire to d�term�.ne <br /> Tru�tor's compliance with e.he cov�nants con,tained in this beed a� Trust; (k) <br /> that the Benefic3nry may reTeas� from the ].ien he�eof any part or pascel of <br /> the Praperty without requiring any cansideratinn X$erefor, and (1) that <br /> Trustor is seized pf sa3ri premiees and Propertp in fae aimple� that <br /> the snme are £ree fram all liens and enr_umbrances except as may otherurise be <br /> speci�icallq noted herein oz waived in writing by the Benefic:iary; t�hat <br /> '1'rusror w�.11 execute or prqcur� any £urthez necescary assurancea pf ti�le and <br /> daea h�r�by wArrant generalJ.y the ti�.le to said Pzopertp and w�.11 fa�rever <br /> de£Fnd the same a��ins�. the cl.aixn� and de�mands o£ all persana whamsaever, P..:.d <br /> tha� Trustqr's sepaza�e estate, whether vested, contingent ar in expectancy� <br /> i� herelay canveyed �nd Trustor doea herebq expres�l,y wa3ve, release all rights <br /> and benefit;s af any hvmester�d, dower, courtesy� appraisement, �xemp�3on and <br /> stay lr•sws oE th�.s state. It is agreed that the �.ntereat pzovided £or in <br /> subsect�.on (g) abave shall be at �he same rate as apacified in th� Note <br /> s�cured hereby on tihe pr�.ncipal thereo£ a£t�r defaul� and tnaturity�. <br /> SECOND: In the event Trustox•, without Y,he pr�.or wri��e�n cpnsent o£ <br /> Aenp£a.riary shall se7.�, �rane£er or cnnveq ar contraGt to se11, trans£er or <br /> convey the property, or any part thereot ar any interest ther��_x7, the entire <br /> bnlunce af the indebtedne�a hereby secured shall becom� and be i:mmediatelq due <br /> And payatale r�t the optinn of Beneficiary; provided, however� Beneficis,ry may <br /> wa�.v� 9L1Cr1 c�ptinn to accelert�te if, pz.�or to such saXe, �r�nsfer or conveqance <br /> or cpz.k.ract �here�or, Deneficiary and the p�raon to wh,om the prppartq is to be <br /> Lo�n F-].96t335 Pa�e 5 a£ 1J. �nitinls���A��� <br /> v <br />- p <br />� . _ <br />� .. . <br /> u� <br />