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:,uF•r����C'�S`G'�" , .� • ,. :. :, . . �IaT�TM:ss?��'�%�,'ans�r�''��,:,, .'+�. . , ,.. . , ti. „ <br /> „. v <br /> . � 93�- ���.3�� <br /> A11 0� the ren�.s, issues and pro£iCs, includ?ng all zonta, royalties. <br /> b�+nus�s, and benefitia under any exi.sCtng or fu�.ure oil,, ga� or min�ral or <br /> oCher Zeases; all easemen�s and rights o� way; a3.1 rights of homest,ead and <br /> ham�atead exemption and anq survivi�g spouae's marital or distributive <br /> share, and a11 arher con� rig�ts i.n and to sxid prem�.ses; a17. water, <br /> wat�r rights, wna*her r�parian, appropriate or otiherwise and whath�r ar <br /> nat appv.r�enaiat, a11 ditch rig�.�s, and any shazes o� stock ev3dencing anq <br /> such Yaater nr ditch rzgl�t; and <br /> All af the for� estate, prnperty and int�rest hereby coaveyed to the said <br /> xrustee i5 hereinr�fter collectively refEZred to aa the "Prvpertq". <br /> Tb HAVE Atr'A TO i��LD �he sa�e unto tt�e said Trustiee, his succesgo�'� and <br /> ass! forev�r, IN 'CRUST HOWEVER, and WIT'H P�WEIt OP SALE hereby expreasly <br /> granted untn the eh��t Trust��, his succeaear�. and aasigns far the purpose of <br /> securingz <br /> (a) '�he pa�nen� of Trus�or's jue� inde�btadnQSS t� Bene�f3.ciary in the <br /> principal sum a£ Tw� Hundred Tavent -Five '►�oueand a d T?QI10� Dolle�re <br /> ($2�;5.0_Oq,�00) for maney bvrrowed. m�th interest the�eon. all e�s evidenced bq� <br /> rsr.d in stric�. accordance with the tez7ns of that certa3n pzvmisaarq note� <br /> h�:re�nafter called t�e "Na�.E", bearing even date �erewith made papabl.� to �ha <br /> or�r�r n� �enefic�.ary, executed bq arr e�na n d D nna .T. . <br /> H�rreneCp3.n husband and wi�e and Gaii M. . Harretxat�3n and Dosoth M. <br /> �iarrenstnin husband and wi,fe. and pron3d�.ng for the payment nf said <br /> indeb�edness in insta7.lments, the Zasw of t+rh�.ch is due and payabl,e .7anuazv_l,_ <br /> 2ooe, subject ta acceJ.erutiori v� maturity on defr�ult in the payment of a�y <br /> installmsnt of pri.ncipal or interest ar 3.n the pez�formance of anq cavenant. <br /> r��re�menr. ar warranty cantained �n the D�ed of Trust; <br /> (b) The performance of each agreement, covenan� and warrant�y af Trustor <br /> herein con�.m�.ned or set fori' in the �Iote or any agzeement or instrument <br /> executed by T'rustoz in conrG�ctyc,,: with thP 3.ndebtedness hereby secured; and <br /> (c) 7'he paqment of any sum o� swms u°' mvney *aith, interest thereon wh�.ch <br /> may be Y:ere��'ter pa�.d or advanced undez �Y�c: terms of this Deed af Tru�t. <br /> Nt7W, 'I'H�R�FpRF, TO PRO'TECT THE SECURITY' OF Tfix5 DEED Oi� TRUSx� Truator does <br /> fpr himsel�� and for Trus�ur'e heirs, �epresen�ativ'es, vendees� succesaors and <br /> assi�ns, the owners of Frr�pe:-L'y, hereby expresfl�.q covenan�� a�ree and <br /> warr�nt ta and x�rith the Trustee and Beneficiary, and their successors. vendees <br /> and ass�.gns. <br /> PI�tsT: Ti1at the lrustar hereby cavenants axld Flg�ee!sy to the extent <br /> perm�.tted by �a.v, as fo].1.ows; (a) to pay prnmptly when due the p.rinc:ipal and <br /> in�eresta an� axY��r stuns a£ maney provided f�r �.�, the Note and �.n this I7eed nf <br /> Trust; (b) to prom�t�.y pay be£oxe delinquency all taxeay asi�psements and nthar <br /> charges impoaed by iaw, upon the Propextq, the '�rustor's interset therein, o:r <br /> upor., this L�eed of �' or the Note; provid��d� how�ever. that 3.r� the evsnt ��f <br /> any eh�nge of the law �rovicling £dz �he �a�cat�.an of deeds of 'eruat or debks <br /> thereby �ecu�ed ao as tc' affect t11is Deed. of xzust, �he entire :�mdebtedn�:ss <br /> secured h�reby sha1Y at �he� option o� the Sen�ficiarq ber.ame due and paqablr�; <br /> (c) to lceep th� above-descrihed Pr�p�rty and the improvemente th�reor. in �oo� <br /> condition and repaiz and not tcs cammi� or suffer waste thereo�, and �xcept aa <br /> author.iz�d �.n any achedule annexe:? hereta and forming a part hereo�, nerther <br /> ta remave nar pexmit the zemoval a£ vi.y t�..mber, buildings, oi]., �as��a�e, <br /> stoxie, rock, c1ay, fer�iJ.�xer, gravel c�r. to� aoil without �he pricar wx�.tten <br /> Lo�n P'-J.9�B35 l?A�e 4 nf �l "Laitie�l.s: f ,� '' • <br /> �.� <br /> e <br /> � <br /> S <br /> C <br />