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, , <br />�,,, ��fi�� � , . .. � .K. -� .,, w �`Y t � , -` ` <br /> , . . . <br /> ._ .�.-:.�:�".. <br /> �+7� ��.��...��� <br /> FOT2 VALUASL� CQI�'/STD�,ATxON, receipt of which 3s aclr;�ey�aledged, T;:ustor� as <br /> debtor, 3r.revacably grazats and assigns t� Beneficiarp, as aecured party, a <br /> securitq i.n.teresr. in aI.1 of the fol.low�ng col].atera�. ie personal <br /> property now ar, hereaf�er. awned hy Tzustar aar in �h�.ch Truetvr naw or <br /> her�a�ter has Nny ri�hte and vahich �.s nc�w or k�ezeafter located on ar at� pr <br /> aff3.xed or at�ached to. or produced fram, or uaed in conxx�eat�.on oaith s�id resi <br /> prop�r�y, nnd all subatitut�.o�s, re��acem�nts, �dd3tions, accessions, prnducta <br /> and prnc�eds of vr to said collateral, tp-v�it:. <br /> 7. 3.275' V8�L1.237 F_tvot 5prinkler S�rial # U�knc�n <br /> i S" Turbina WL'rt Pump Serial # Unknown <br /> 1 1.q0 H.P. Eleczrie CT,S. Matars Motor Serial # Un�Cno�z <br /> 1. a" TGtrbine 'riL�Tt �ump Ser�.al � 871�05 <br /> 1 60 H.k�. E1�ctric U.S. Mo�ora Motn� Serial � G�lOpa528 <br /> 5?80' of 8^ T:zrigar,ion Pipe <br /> `Togather w�ith.: aA1 equipment, �arm �zoduc�s, crops growir►� ar to be <br /> gzown, timfier, a11 fixture�, improv�ements, b�.ild�.r��a� and the �lumbing, <br /> heuting ventila.tzn� and li�h, systP:.^_s and equi��nent ther�i�: all. barxt <br /> equipment; an� all pumps, pnmg�.ng �tations, mntd:�.� engines, mach�nerp� <br /> res�zvoirs, pipes, flumesT fences� and ather machinery or equipment, .' <br /> ux�epx trac�ore, uaed for the produc�i�n af watsr �n eaid prew'.ses or for <br /> the �rrigaxian or drainage ther�of, all of wh�,c�h sk�a1]. Ue�rued ar�d <br /> cansidered as affixed �.o and p�rx of the re�,�. es�ate. <br /> This .is a �irity agreemenr pursuant to tkie T�T;n3.£oz'aa Cammex�cia7. Code ae <br /> by State of Neb.'aska an,d Aensficiary sha11 have all rights and <br /> remedies �f � aecured partq with respect t� sai.d col].atarak ux�der the T3r►i�orm <br /> Comme�cial Code as enac�ed. by rhe State af N'ebraska. Truetor warrants ta <br /> Berae.£iciary i:hat, except for the eecu,r�ty inter�st created h��eby� Trustor <br /> awns good tit�.e to aaid collateral and, as to eaid co].].ateraZ hereafte:r <br /> acqui�ed, Trus�or will ovm �good tit7.� ta said callateral, �ree and clear o£ <br /> �.11. l�f.cna, securii:_y ir_tc:restg, +encumbrsnces and adver�e e]_aime of any k�nd <br /> whatsoPVer. No fix*ures ar equi.pmen,t (in,clud:LngID wi.�hout limitat�on� <br /> wn;cering, irrigation andl frost prptect�.on equipment an.d npparatue) eha11 be <br /> removed f rpm said real prc�perty or�,thaut the prior �arritten conesnt of <br /> Benef.ici�ry, e�:cept that Tzustqr etzall hava the right, w�.thout euch c.oneent, <br /> to remnv� �nd d�,�pose of free froyn the secur�.ky S.r►tsreat hereaf such £�.xtures <br /> ttnd equipuient as maq frpm time �o time became arorn r+ut ar absaler.e, prov.ided <br /> thak Tzusta� ahall, aimultsneously w�.th or pripr to auch remnval, repl�ce suckt <br /> zemnved fixturee or equipment with replacement ��.x�uzea qr equ�.pment hav�ag a <br /> va.lue, quality and ut�.li�y at leaat equaJ. to the removed fixtures or <br /> equipment. Trustot shall, at Trugtor's expens�. execute and de�iver tQ <br /> Bene£icin.ry such f3nanca,ag and cnntinuation s�atements covering said <br /> col.7.a�.era1 as�iciazy maq from tia�i� t� t��.me re�quest. All agreements oE <br /> Tru��ar herein, and a11. rights af Beaeficiar� hezein, kn �aa�d real <br /> estate �hA7.], a.pply to eeid cp1].ateral whethez or n,qt expreasly referanced <br /> herein. <br /> T.OGETHER raitt; and �.ncJ.uding �11 snc( air►gular xhe te�emente, hered�.tamenta� <br /> appurtiennnces and privi7.Pges thezeunto belon��ing or in anywise appertaining, <br /> wheth�r now vr hezeafter acqu�,red, which a:�all i,ncl.u�e. without limiting the <br /> general•.�ty o£ the f_•�regoing, the �dllawing: <br /> Lom:� F-1�GE33a Page ] o� ].l Init�.alg s �C1 ' � <br /> y�,���. <br /> s . <br /> i <br />