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� <br /> a� <br /> f <br /> . �� <br /> TT�LTSTO�'S �T�EH ACSH� ' �' � 1��,�r9t� � <br /> x g�� � <br /> 1�he unders�.gned, Larr M. Harrenstein and Ti�nna J- Harret�i�tei.n, huaband & � <br /> wife and Ga31 M. Harrenskein and Doro�h M. Iiarrrnetein hu9ba�d and wife, ,; <br /> hereby �ertify and acknnwl.edge that, before eigning and executing the belo�v " <br /> Deed o� Trusti, t.heq did read and eign this tiTritten Acknaaledg�sextt and, bp ; <br /> vir.tue hereo�, the unders�gned understand, and und�sre�ood be�ore signing aaid <br /> Deed of �'rust, that sai.d Deea af Truet is s Trust Dsed end xsot a m,crtgage and <br /> that the power o� s�le prnvided �.n �aid Desd a£ Truat provide� substanti.allq � <br /> d�tferent rights and vbligatians to the undersigned than a znortgage �.n the <br /> event of a default or breach o£ obJ.�.gati�n u:nder the said Trus�. Deed, <br /> includzng, but not limited to, the Beneficiary's righ't to h�swe wh� lteal <br /> Prnper�.y sold by the Trustee withaut any judicial praceeding or forec:].oRUre. <br /> The undersigned sepresent and warxant that th�s Wr3.kten Ackno�a�ledgme�t was <br /> executed by them before the execution of the �ruat Deed. Th�.Fi 1�Tr�.tren <br /> Acknaw].edgment ie appended as a preface ta and made � part o£ t;�e be�.ow De�d <br /> o� 7'rust. <br /> ' � �M �.f�1�'llw�.1� _ � .,,(��•„'.�i <br /> i,a M. �iazzenstein TRUSTOR Gr�il M. srrenst�in TR'USTOR .� <br /> � �� � f <br /> � � �E'/�'�,°c.`�L��/�/i.•[��.w,rG�.r.t�� <br /> Donna J. rensteir_ �RUSTOR Dorothy�°f. Iiarre:��tein TRC,rS��R <br /> NT:B�ASIC�P�. D� OT� TRIIST <br /> AND 5BCUR�TY AGR��T � <br /> THIS DEED o�' Z'RUST� raade this �d, daq af �,� A.A. 1?93, l�y end <br /> betw�en Larrv M. Harr.en.ste�.n, snd Donna J. Ha�renatein hu��?and & �aif,�e�,_stad <br /> �ail M. H�rrwnstein and Dorath M. Harrensteir. husband & �vi£��r of th.� Caunty <br /> �f Ha11 �n� Stat� of �ebraska, hereina£ter called "Ta:u�tor" , �nd Ja�.�e� T. <br /> Shamberr� of Hr�].J. Caunty� I�@��g81CA, a meanber of �he Net�raekb State Bar <br /> Assacia�ion, here3.nafter called "Truste�", t�nd THE � UxTABLE LxPy ASSURA,vCE <br /> SoCIET'I oF THE [JNIT�A STAT�S, a New Yorrk Corporation, han�ng its �rincipat <br /> a£��ce and post office address s� 79? Seventh Ave.,,�„_,,,,Ne�_YnrkL N�m York �.Op�.9, <br /> hereinafter call�d "Ben?ficiar.q" ; <br /> WITNESSETH, that the Trustar, for good and valuable cons�derat�.e.�n. <br /> including the deb� and trust heretnafzer ment:Laned and created, and the sum o� <br /> one dallar to him paid riy the said Trustes, the receipt and auf�ic3ency of <br /> which �s hereby acknowledged, dass by these preaents� 3rre�ocablp grantY <br /> bar�,ain and se].�., canvey, assign and can£irm unto the said �rus�e., TN TR�JS�,. <br /> WITH POWER Q�' SAL�,fa� tlle benefit and security o£ Benef3ciary, under anc� <br /> sub ject ta t,he terma and cot�ditinri of the Aeed o£ Trust, the i:al].owin� <br /> deacribed �eu]. prapezty ni�uated in Hall County , Nebraska, to-wits <br /> TOWMSCiII' 9 tdORTH ItANyE 9 W�S'� o£ the 6th P.M. <br /> Sectian 2�: W/2 NWJ4 l�ss HWX; NE/4 NW�4 <br /> �eGt�.on 22: NE�4 <br /> conta�.-�in� 7,80.�0 acrea, mnre or lesa. <br /> T.oan F-�.9bt335 Page 2 of 11 Initials:� � , <br /> �� <br /> � s. <br /> � �_ . H!. ��" <br /> . i�;;,. <br /> p,`,:i;. <br />�;�,.. . <br />