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<br />--- D3.I�ta�cces.Any noti�io�,.�cv:.r provlQ=s!foa in this S��urity ittsteZUaent ahali be given by deliv�it or ,
<br /> ;.,�� by mailing!t by first eloss m.uil untess upplieubls�uw e�yuires use of anathcrc r��thod.The noticc shaU be direeted to �
<br /> � tha Property Address or twy other address Ba�rmwa designutes by notia to Lsnder. Auy aotice to L�tder shali be
<br /> — given by firat class mail to Lender's addtesa euue�herein or nny address l.ender designates by aodce to Bomower.
<br /> y1�� Any nodoe providrd for in this Secur3ty Insuument ahell be damed w mave bcen given to Borrower or I.eader�vIlen
<br /> .,,��,s:;, 81ven as provldcd in this paragraph.
<br />. -:-A.�"' id.Gover�tng E.aw; Severabll[ty.This Seauriry Iasuument eha11 be goverued by Federal law amd tks tmw of
<br /> ,,,;,; the jurisdiction in which the�coprr�y ia loeaeed.Ya the�vent that any provislon or eluuse of this�CUrfity Ims��t .
<br /> ,;���' or the Note conflicts wiU►appJicabla law,such oonflfct sltall aot affECt othet provislons of this Se�uriry Instnu�ent or
<br /> �-�''. tho Nou which cam be$iven effeci without ths eontticdng provision. To this ead the providons of this SecurIry
<br />_ ;:,-.
<br /> ``�� . Insnur,�ent and¢�u Not$s�re declused to be severable.
<br /> W.�.
<br /> -'-'�,',': iS. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given onQ conformed copy of the Nate azcd of this S�udry
<br />��ii� ImSttu�bCAt.
<br />.,�.� 16. H�rdous Subst�ncc4. Borcower shaU nat cause or pepnnit t�e preseace.use.disposat, stora8e.or release
<br />�;�;;+,�g� of a�y Ha7ardous Substeaas an or in the Property.Borrower shaU not do. nor allow a�roae else tw do.anytt�iing
<br />--- affecting tbe Prnperty that is in violation of any Envlronmental I.aw. The pneading two sentences shaU aat apply to
<br />�y:,� tha pres�ace� use. or storage oa the Prnpeity► of small quantiaies of Ha�ardous Substant�s thet are geneiaUy
<br /> ----� reoognizcd to be appmpriate w aom�al residendal uses and w maiatenance of t�e Pmp�rty.
<br /> -�� -'+� gurc�owor shall promptly give Leader wrIttea notice of aay inves�on,clt�,damand,lawsuit orother actIon
<br />.^�, bY ar►Y 8avemmsntal or t�egulatoiY a8eacy or private gatty involving the Property aad sny Haza�dous S�bstaase ar -
<br />:���� Envirnnmental Law of which Bomower has actua! lmowledge. If Borrower teams.or is notified by aay govemnaantal
<br />_-_�"� or regulatory suthorIty.Wat nny removstl or other nmediatton of auy Hawrdoua Substances eifaxing the PropertS►is
<br />:,.� nexssary�Somowca shall prompdy talce ali neaessary remedial a�tions in axoxdaa�e wttlt Bnvitottmeasal Law.
<br /> As �sed in this paragraph 16. "Hazarctous �bstancas• are those substenas defined as coaic or 6azardous
<br /> ��— �ubstanoes by Envimnmental Law aad the followiag substaaces: gasollae. kerosene. other flammable or wxta
<br /> petroleum pratucts.toaic pesricfdes and he�icicies�voiac�e soivems.�ferials i�r�,ta�,LzB.a�"�ar�or�Qrar;�. ,
<br /> � and radioactiva materlals. As usod in this garagraph 16�"Envlrnnmantal Lsw• mesns federal lawa and lawa of We
<br /> jurLsdic�tlon where the Progerty is located that relau to health.safety or envit+onmental pm�oction.
<br />_ - NON-UNIFORM COVB1�tAN1'S.Borrower and L�x thrcher covenant and�a�foAows:
<br /> -- 1T.Asstgnment oi 7[tmts.Borrower uacoadiflonally assigas and tiansfera to I�ender all t�;ndtts and n�venues ;
<br /> of the Property.Bormwer suthorlus I�2���or Tiread�r'a agents to ooAcct the rents and cevenue��11d hEreby directs �
<br /> each unant of the F�a�rty w pay the ren�ro I.en�lzs or Irender's agents.However,prlor to Le�tder's aotix to
<br /> -= �.Bomnwer of Born�wer's bnach of any covenant or agreement ia tho Secue�ty Inssnjment,Bo:rower shaU aoUect and
<br />`�'�'= reoeive all rtnts end r�veaues of the Property as tmsue tor the benafit of L�ler and Bomower. 7'his assignment of
<br />::;a'�O
<br /> rents constituus an absoluu asslgnment amd not an assignment for additionat seautty oaly.
<br /> ' If Leo�daC 8��aotic�of breach co Bomower.(a)ali rems ree�iv�by Ban+owcar shall be b�ld�by Bortowar as
<br /> � ,. trusue foa beneSt of Lender only,to be applled w the sums secured by the Secudty insmiment;,:N)Ls�tdtr sbs11 be
<br />'�?'��� � entitled w collax and t�axive all of the rents of the P�operty:and(c)each tenant af the Property ahall pay all ients
<br /> '^'� �c;ue and unpaid w Lender or Lander's agent on L�ender'�wtlaen demand to the oenaut. .
<br /> �� Borrowa Las net execatod eny priar assignioncnt of the rents aud hes nat and wW aot perfe�i4s�y act tEat would
<br /> pr�vt�u Leuc�c��rom exercisin,g its rights�tnder this paragraph 17. .. '.
<br /> ----- L�ndat aha11 not be r�uirad to enur upon,take oontrol of oY m�imaia the Propeaty befon bt at�es giving nottx
<br />'�':� :•.:aY breach to Bomower.H�i`vever,Lender or a judiciu�l3y appointM reoeiver may da so at any time then is a breach.
<br /> � ',��Y aPPlicatton of�ghaDl�aot cure or waive any ct�fnult or iavattdate any os��r�3'ght or nm�3y of�tnder.This
<br /> ' �''nssignment of nente of the t�+bperty shall tessQiaatc ahen the d�bt sxured by the Seeairity insuumcnt is paid in full.
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