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<br />-�'-���,��y;�' or otherwlse tranafera+ed(other then by devIse or desceatt).aad `__
<br />;=z�� (ii)The Propeny fs not acxupied by the putchaser or grantee as his or her principa� residence. or the __
<br /> ---°-- purchaser or graatee does so axupy the Progzrty but his or her credit has ttot bcen appraved in
<br />=-_�$� accordnuce with t6e cequiremeats of the Seceetucy.
<br /> -� (c)No Waiver.If clrcumstances occur that would permit I.ender to require imrnediate payment in full►but
<br /> =::����. Lender does not require such payments,I�ender does not waive ita rlghts vv�th resgact to subsequent events.
<br />"�'°�` : (t�Regulattons oi HUD Srcr�ary. In many circumstnncea re�uladons issued by the Secretary �vill IlruIt
<br /> ��-�1"� Lender's dghts.ia tDe case of payment defaults.to require immediate payment in fWl aud foreclose if not -
<br /> =�����%-�'� pa�d.Tbia Security Instivment does aot authorize acceleration or foreclasu:e if aot permitted by regulations
<br /> �' �:'A�■ of the Secretary.
<br /> --=`�'� (e)Mcrtgege Nat Insured.Bosower agtees that if thia Securlry Insnument aad the Note are aot determined
<br /> _-----= to be ellgible for insurance under the Nasional Hausing Act witt�in 60 deys from the date hereof, I.cnder
<br /> .�._� may. at its o�tton, cequire fmmediate payment ia full of all sums secured by tbis Securlty Insuumeat. A
<br /> -�°�n-�� t��-rittea statement of any authorl7ied ageat of the Sect�euvcy dated subseciuent to 60 dt►ya fmm the date hereof,
<br />_}�1��.--- �clining co insure this Security Instmment aad thE Note, shall be deemed waclnsive proof of sueh
<br />=�.r-.-:;.� ee�'� iaeligibility. Notwltvsstandin� the fo:+egoing. this opiion may not be exercised by L$ader whea the nR--
<br />- --_= unavailability of insuance is solely due to Leuder's failure to remit a raortgage insuran�se premiwn to the
<br /> --��,=�,� Secretery.
<br /> - .;.� 10.Retastatement. Barrovsrer 3�au a right to be reinstated if I.ender Qt� required it�amediate payment in full
<br />--�".:":`t� because of Bormwer's failurtr us p�y an amount due under the Note or this Security Jnstn�ment. This eight uAPlies
<br /> - even at�er fon�closute pmc�eediags are{asdtuted. To reinstate the Serurtty insuument. Bortower shall tender in a
<br /> � --- lump sum all amounts requircd to bring Borrower's account current includ�ng,•w the extent they are obligations of
<br /> = Bomower under this Securlty(nstiumen6 fareclosn�e costs aud ceasonable;anti customary atwmeys'fees aad expeases
<br /> —= properby associated wIth the foreclosure p:nc�ding.Upon reiastatement by Borrower�tbis S�cudty Iastrument and •
<br /> [he otr�gattons that it secures sball remain in effect as if Lender had aot required imm,ediate payment in iuin. �.
<br /> =,t''� However, Lender is not required co germit reinstatement �f: (i) Leuder has accepte� reinstatesnent aRer tLe. �
<br /> comm�encemeat of foreclosun ps+oaed3ugs witLiu Rwo years immediately prec�Sing the cbmmencement of�.a',�urnnt •,
<br /> , forecIosure proaod�nB. (ii)re�instatemr.a4 will preclude foroclosure on different graunds in the futur�e� or (111)
<br /> _- ninstatement will adversely atfect the priorIty of the lien created by tbis Secudty lnsuvraem3:.
<br /> - "�"�`� 11.Bormwer Nd Release�;�iorbe�raace By Lfader Not a Waivu. Bxtension qS ti�e time of pa}rment or .
<br /> _"``:`'�", modification of amortizadon of the siama secured by this Security Insuume,nt granted by lkais4r to a�r sucassor in.
<br /> - intenst of Borrower sball not operaz�e w release the liability of the originbl Borrowcr or Bomower's sucr�essor ia
<br /> —= iaunst.Leader ahall not be nquited to com�ce procadings against any suooessor in intarest or cefuEe w extend
<br /> time for payment or otherw�ae mvdify amordzatibn of the sums secured by t6is Sesurlty Insuumeut by t+eason of any
<br /> demand made by the originat Bozmwer or Bon+nwer's successnrs in intec+est.Any forbearance by Lendc.7 in exercising �_
<br /> � any rIght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerclse of anyr r�ght or remoiiyy. � .
<br /> 12.Sao�ssora and�asi�s Bouad:doint and Severnt LYabilityt��ers.The wvenants aad agceements �
<br /> ; of thia Security lnsnvmeat shell bind and beaefit the suooesso�s and assigns of L.ender and Barr�wer,subject to the _
<br /> � pravIsions of paragraph 9{b).Bosrowa's aovenants and agccements ahall be juint and severrl.Any Bomower who =
<br /> .::,�� ca-signg this SecurIry Inshromt�t but doss not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this S�ciuity Iastrument only to
<br /> ::=;� mortgaga.grant aad convey that Bori�ow�r's interest in the�c�petcy imder the terms of this Securlty Iustrument:(b)
<br /> ---- .,.f6 is not pezsonaUy obligazed to gay the sums secuted by thia Secudry Insttument:aud(c)agree.s tLat Leader and any
<br /> other Bornow-er may agrx to c�xtend. modit�� fa:bear or make any�commodattoas wish regard to t�e tet�ns of this
<br /> � Searrlty Insuumeat or the Noi�wIthout that Eanuwer's oonsent. .
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