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<br /> Y8.�rorrecis�u;a F:�uc:.:�o.IIt E�.:.�:r az�••..�e�lmrn��}A3e�!9yc*_�e�t in fu➢8 u�tdc�Ss«.���g��`����y �-
<br /> t ._
<br /> invo�s the po�rer of sale Qad any other nentdtes permitted by appllca6ie law.I.rader sfwll be wtitled to coflect _
<br /> ell ex�pensxs [ncws�l in pmsving the e�cmedtes under thts paragraPb ig+ iasluding, bint dot limttcd to�
<br /> t�easoaabie nttorn�s'[us aad�sts o!ifUe ev[dake.
<br /> Ii the power of sstle t�invaked�Teutteo chaU reoord a not[ce oi detault in eac6 wunty In wht�auY �P�`o --
<br /> the ProperSy Is loattal and eh�ll meil coptes of sutb notice in the manaer pnesciibed bY aPP
<br /> Borroweri and Qo the�t�hcr �Sa9�s�tslbe�l6Y epp➢isuble taw.Atrer tfie t[me eeqWa�by oppltcable law, .
<br /> T�ro,ase sLall give pnbllc notice of sa[e to the peasoa9 and in ths m�nner press�'lbed bY aPPUcaele Iaw.'nY�cst¢e.
<br /> witb�out demattal om Borrowa. shall sdl the Properiy nt pulslic Qudton to the htglhest bldder at the ttme�nd
<br /> pl�ce and uadex E�terms desf�ted In tbe aotice of snl�In oa�or mvre p�ctfs nnd dn nny orde� ltustee
<br /> determtnes.Tnstee mmy Post�Oae sale of sll or ony psu'cel ot the Pe+nperiy by pubfic anuouncesnt�t at tl�e time
<br /> and plaoe at�ny prevtously schedWed sale.Lsnder or its dastgnee aaqy purchase the Pe+npetty at tny+s�e.
<br /> �f t6e Lender's Interest tn t6tg Securlty Ym�trume�at Qs hdd by the�rY and the S�rr�ey' �'e4�
<br /> imntal�te PaYanwt in it�U usder ��rxPb 9, i�e �:�Y �.Y fssease tLs �!��e�!c�tl�Rer d s�1$ .
<br /> prov(ded tn the Single Fnmlly Mortgs�ge Foreclnsus'e Ad oi 199�("Act'�(12 3J.3•C.3751 et seq.)by�S
<br /> s forecIosure oommLs.�ioner d�signnted uader thsen4a�e shmll dd�i�i e�the 3ocr�ta�of suy righ�o�,�
<br /> pmviEled in th�Ad. Noffiing in the pnxed[ng eP
<br /> aveitable to a Lender omder W9q P�ragraPh 10 or appltcablo law.
<br /> Yl�an ra�eSpY af PaYme�o�the prtce bid,Trustee shall deUver to the purcbaser 7'rustee's deed oonvay'in� _
<br /> We Pc+aiKrts'.'�ihe ¢teciWs in the Teuue�'s dad s�ll be prima facie evidenoe oi tbe trutb ot t6e�aRa
<br /> � ntade thercin.'�ca�stee shail�pP19 the Proax�s of the sale in the foAovr�mg order:(a�to�11 ousts ead expenses of
<br /> excr�ing Ehe pow�ot sate,and the sale,inclndin�the paymen4 oi the Tnasta's tas�lly in�utred+uot to
<br /> exoare�l 'b of the �fpal�mount oi the note s�t the tfa�e ai the dedarAtion ot ddault.
<br /> r�l t�easunabte attomeys'[ces sss permitted by law;(b)to�11 sams secur�by this Savr[h'Ia�ent�And(cD
<br /> ; '�, aegr cic�ss to the pasun or pa��'��e�:al:. ' �
<br /> ' ' ' `. .I9.Rwonvey�nce.Upon laayme.nt of all sums sxured by th�s 5ecwrlty Insbnu�nt,I.endar sLaU req�Cest Trusue
<br /> to�ecomey the Pr�pertY and s�[aZt surander this Securtty I�osavaient amd ali nous avlu��aeing debt sccurod by thi.s
<br /> SecurltY tnstnu�t co'['n�sue. 7lustet sl�ail reconvay the pe+opertY with4���f�aad without charge[fl th�
<br /> , ptrson or pe��.a 1e�t�y entitted w it.Sucb person or persons shall puy a�q/x�+datton oosts.
<br /> . ;�,,
<br /> Z0.Substitufe�'rasYee.Leader, at its option, maY from time w timfa�remove Trustee and appaunt a suaxssar
<br /> unstee to any Taustee apPointed hereunder by an instmment recorded in the county ia ahich this Saurity Irs�tam�t
<br /> is reoorded.Without conveyanoe of the Property.the sucsx�sor nustee sball suc�eed to all the tltl�.Power and dudes
<br /> �onftmcd upou Tcostee herein and by applicablo law. .
<br /> 21.1Regusst[ar Noticcs.Borrower requesta that oopies of the nottoes of default aad sale be sen;t'w Bacmwer's
<br /> adtltesg which is the Pmpeny A�tdcess- .,.�
<br /> , ' • . ,
<br /> 2�.Rfders fo.thiv SecurEtY I�um�nt.Tt,One or moi+e riders ue�xa;uccd by Boitow�ct and recardtd together
<br /> with tiils Security:insuun�tnt. the covaiamta a�f each sy�ah dder sball.�e iaoo:poratat iato az��l:s'l�nil amemd and
<br /> supplsment the mvenants c+nd agnements of th�s 3ecuclty SInsuument as if the rtder(s)were a psrt,yalFthia Security
<br /> In�e (Chxk ap�licable box(es)l• ���tY Rider ❑ Ather Ispr.city] � ..
<br /> LJ �Condoa�in�um Rifler ;:
<br /> (� PlannedUnit DevelopmdentRida � Grafluated Yayment R�der :;.•�
<br /> . ,, .
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