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. .� , � <br /> , ., <br /> �, . .-n�'r ' <br /> , . <br /> r, . �-�rtr� . <br /> � .. :.a� � . . ... <br /> . .. <br /> � � <br /> - �WCFw.wr��... .. � ....,-:p:A�if�wq•,.�,.e•. <br /> -.v . ..._ ., �.. ' . .. � .a �.. .. . ...a.r��. .� i • /� .--_.....�._..�..-..�•. <br /> . ____.,.'.. _ �..�. __ .. . ....n-�:.-�v: ,..,...r._ <br /> --,a•n�,:.m�um'+srma���rx�u�:�' ' . - .. _ - ,, p.. . _.. .:�':-�..�_ . <br /> , <br /> . . .erw.._..- , . .,. ..:� . �. .. .. _ ' �4__" _ __ —_ <br /> . . y „ ^ ``' . <br /> ._. ._ �v. <br /> . <br /> � . . . .s•.r- _,__....___ _.._._.__.._____-.... � �: <br />.. ............ -'al�S�ara�� ._....�.....--'-.._� , .__.___"'----_."�_-__�ti._ _-.- <br /> Q'."' <br /> !'. <br /> 99� �C��� - <br /> rbandon�d Peaperry. Boxtot��er sAnll ulsp be ,In Qef�utt iY Eano�ver� durinQ the loau ep�licntion pracess. Save �__ <br /> material;y falso or iasc�urute infornuulon or stuteraents to l.ender (or failed to provlde L,�:nctcr wlth uuY materinl '_- <br /> infosiaation) in catinectton with the loan evtdenoed by the Note. including. but aot limited to, representntions <br /> ronce�ing gotrowcr�s occup�tecy of the Pmpeny as a prineip2l restdence. If this Securiry Insuument is on u <br /> l�usehold�Hormwer shnll comply with the pmvisions of the lesise.If Bomower ucquires fee dde eo the Property. the <br /> leasehold and fee title shall not be merged wiless 1.en�er ngcees to tke merger in wtitinII• <br /> 6.CaademnaUon.The pmceeda of any award or claim for damages,direct or cunscquendut. in connecdon wlth <br /> any coademnadon or other tekin8 of any part of the Prmpeny.or for cenveyauce in pSacc�of canQem�wtien. aro . - <br /> hereby assigired aad ehall be paid to Lender to the e�tent of the i�U amouat af the indebtodness that remaina unpaid <br /> uud�r the Noto and ti�!!s Secur�ty Instrument,Lendea'shall aPply sucL proce�t°�8��on of the indebtes�tes.a <br /> ua3es the l�tote and thia Se�iarity Inatniment. � ���an of tha pmoeeda to pth principal ahaU ot�Vextead or <br /> P�Pb 3.and then to PT�P&Y�nt of paincipal.AnY ePP <br /> postpnna ths due dau of the monthly payments,which are nfernd to ia paraBraPh 2.or change the amount of such <br /> ps,ym,,-ats, pny tatoess gmooesls over en a�mount req�ited to pay all outatandInB indebted�tess�auder the Noto and thia <br /> Sec�rity Inst�ument ehWl bc pai�to the entiey 1e8ai►Y endtled theieto. <br /> Bornower shall all <br /> 7. Charges to Barrower an� Fimtedton�f I cnder's Rtg�ts in We lr'�+operty. p&Y <br /> govemmental or municipal charges. Snes and imposl�ans that are aot included in paragraph 2. Borrower ahell pay <br /> these obligations on d m s d i r x t ly to t h e en t i ry w h i c h is owod the pa y m e nt. If failure to pa}r would adversety sffect <br /> Lender's iaterest in the Pte"Pe�sY. upon Leader's request Borrower shall promptly tiunish to i�tder r�celpts <br /> evideacing Ehese paymants. <br /> If Borc+owor fails to make these pay�enta or the pny�enents re�uired bY Paragraph 2.or fails to perform a�+�zhar <br /> oovenants aad agreet�ents contained in this Secudcy InstrumenY.or there is a legal pmcxedin8 that maY�S���Y <br /> affect Lender's dghta ia the Propercy(sucta es a pro�ding in baakruptcy. far coademnation or w enforce laws ar <br /> regulattons),�►en Larder may do and p�►y whatever is aecessary to pmtect the vatue of the Property and Lead�er's <br /> _ �tn�,-v�nnercy,includin�a pavment of taxe��ha�and insuranc�aad other items mantioncd in Faragaph 2. <br /> Any amouata dIsbursed by Ixader under this para�h sh�ll bocome an aciditional dd�i vi&xiii,�i�tt t� <br /> sewred by this Saudty Insuumeat.These amowits shaU bear Interest from the date of dlsbutsement� at the Note <br /> � rate.aad a2 the optton af Lender,shall ba im�lately due and paYable. <br /> � Borcower shall promPtlY dIschuSe�uY l�ien which has prioriay over this SecudtY Insuument unless Borrower: <br /> � ,�a�ag�in�vriting w the paymeni of the abllgation secured by the liea in a manner aoceptable t��d��e <br /> .�contests it1 �ood faith the lien by. or defends a8aiast et�Yoreement of the lien in. legab Pro�din88 <br /> ' ;�1�ender's opinion operate to p:event the enforcement af tae liese; or (c) �� from tha holder of the liQn an <br /> agreement sat[afaccory to Lender subordinating the lien w•ttiis Sec�rtty Iasnument.If Lender desermines ths�t enY P� <br /> of the PropertY is subjoct to a lien which map attain Priority dver this Securtry Iast�meat, Lender maY gtve <br /> . . Borrower a n�t[oe identifying thB lien. Bomower shell sat[sfy the lien or take one or more of the acdons set forth <br /> .. abave wI�hin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> . '. � 8.Fas.Lender ataY wllea fges and�harga authorized by the Sxretazy►. <br /> 9.aa+onncls for�locderatton of Debt. <br /> . (oD Iktaul�Leader may.except�aa�l9mited bY �+eguladons Issued by the t�he case of gayment <br /> � defaults.mluire immedIate PaYmant im tull of aU spms sectu�d by tbL4 Security Insuum�t if: , . <br /> � • (i)Bomnwer defnulta by failing to pay iut tis3I m►y monthiY PaY.nent re4ui�d bY this Sxurity Ins�rumcat <br /> ��. � prior w oz ea 6��i4ue date of the next naontbDy paymeat.or S orm any other abli ons am�uned <br /> (ii)Bormwer defgnita by failing, foc a patiad of tbirtY daY .to perf 8� <br /> �A���ty��� a licable law(including Saxion 341(d) <br /> ' (b)Ssle Wft�hout Credtt Agrprov�l. Lender shall,if pa'miued bY PP <br /> of the Gara-St. <3ermajn Depos�tmY I�itut�o�Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d�)and with the prior <br /> appmval of dte Secretary.r�uire�a�P�y�t ia full of all sums stcured by tbis SecttdCy Inssava�ent <br /> � <br /> , i.. <br /> �4RINE1196WS).Ot �,�.of e �,�,�s.a. <br /> - -= <br /> _ � .i � +.... ._ - . -�..� — _ _'____ T _._ —-.—__... <br /> �r.. • � ,r�ae.����•'1� — -- �_ <br /> ..1�-.. . . <br /> . <br /> ""'� � " , j T� 'p �° . __ . _ . _•. ..._ _ _.. _. . _ _ ..__. --- <br /> T--.� . . �. _ :..• _• . � ��ry �,� �s➢Y _ _.._.�� e-- �. - :._— <br /> IF � � Y: <br /> , . ��. � �T �`, . � -.—. x�wa.yw . � <br /> . �•....• :.� . _. __' ,� . . .,.. « ..-'s �f.. 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