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<br /> - �r' I$the�snounta he?d by l.ender for Escrow Iteins e�c�d the aniovnta peraaittad to h�held by ItHSPA. l.eader i_
<br />:=��:�� s,�uU sc;oo;aat to SbrtowcP fae the excess funds es tcq�ire�bY RFSpA. If the amountx of funds�eld�y Lender at nr�y ���
<br /> ,.�,,� time are not aufftcient w pay the B�cmw Items whea due.Len der may no t i f y t he B orrow e a e a d r e quire Bormwer to
<br /> make up tha shoYtege as peYUnitted by RESPA.
<br />-�� 'Y'he Escrow fiuids are pleclged as addidoaal secouity for all sums s�by this Seavrlty Insm�meat. If
<br />-.� Borr�wer ceIIders to Lender the fiill payment of all such sums.Borrower's accouat shall be aeclited with the balanc�
<br />.�� remainin8 for all instailment itsms(s).(b).aad(c)and any mortgage insnrance premiwn instaUmenc that Leuder has
<br /> -==-= not beco�te obfigate� to p�y to the Sxre�tary. and I.cnder shall prompdy refimd aqy excess lUads to Eorrower. .
<br />�'�t� Immediately prior to a for�losure sale of the Pmpetty or its acquisidon by Lender.BOlIOWCI'8 �CCOUAt Bh8U bC
<br /> -_ � crodited with aay balauce remaining for all installments for Items(a).(b),an.d(�)• �b �nder as follotvs:
<br />-�—n=— 3.Appllcatton of�yment�.All paya�nta under paragraphs 1 aud 2 shall be aPP Y
<br /> _ _� �t,to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Sesretary or to tLe monthly ch2a�e by the _
<br /> — Secresary instead of the ax�nthly mortgage insurnnce premIum;
<br /> ���to any ta�tes,special assessments.leasehoid payments or ground s+ents�and fire,Qood and other hazar�I
<br /> _� insurance premiums.as roquired: �
<br /> �,to int�rest due under the Note;
<br /> ,,,,�� nn h,to amartizadan of the princIpsl of the Note;aud
<br /> _ -- �+j$�,to late charges due unde�-4he Note.
<br /> ' 4.Flrx.kloo�l and Other H�rd Insutnace.Bon+ower shall insure ail impmvemeats on the Property.aheth�
<br />_-- = now in oxistence or su�asoquently erected,againse any hazards.casualties�aad wntingencies,i¢�luding 6re.for which
<br /> Le�tder nquices Ins�rt►�os. This iasurance shaU be maintainsd in ths amotmts aad for the pec�lods that Lender
<br /> re�uires. Barrower sfiaxl also insure all ia►Pmvements on the Pmperty. ru8��'►.'�er now in existenoe or subsequently —
<br /> erecte�,zt�st loss by�Qooda to the eactent�ecNired bY the Secretary.AU Idsuranoe shall be carrled wtth compsates _
<br /> appmti�3 by Leader.The insuranoe policies aw1 any renewaLs shnll be held by I,euder and ahaU tnclude loss payabl�
<br /> clauses in favar af,aud in a form acceptable to.L,ender.
<br /> ` ia the eveat oi Ivss�Sv���-�a32 gtvc Is��is����y +�, t ender may make proof of loss if noE � ,
<br /> made promptiy by Borrower.Fach insuranx aom�any ooncerned is�ereby authorized end direcud w make T�Ymeat
<br /> for such loss dlrectly to Lender. iffitead of to Hormwer tmd tm�.ender jointly. Ail ar any pars of the inaurenc�
<br /> pmoeeds maY be EPPlied by Lendca.at its opflon.either(a)t�the�zeduction of the indebtedness under the Note an�l.'.:�'
<br /> this SavrItY inst�ument�fust to any delinquent amounts eppliefl i�n�the order in paragraph 3�and then to prepaymeat :
<br /> of prIne�pat,ur N)t��tha nsw�an or repair of the dan�tged Prop�ct�.►. AnY aPD�c�on of the pmaeds to the
<br /> pr�ncipal shatl not e�d�uEl�ar postpone the due date of the monthly paymea�ts whtch are refcrrzd w in paragraph 2�or =
<br /> ch�;nge tLe amauns of sy�h Paym�nta.AnY excess insuraa°�Praoads over an tumouat nqnired to pap all outsmndiag ,
<br /> indebtalness uncier the Nate and Y�a�Sxurity Insuuu►ent shall be paid to the entity le�lly endtled thereto.
<br /> In ths evtnt of fcroclosure of tt�is Securiry Instcument or othr,r cransfer of title w tfle Pmrpert3,•thai exdaguieh�s �'
<br /> the iadebtedness. aU rlght.citle aad interest of Borrower in and to insucance PollcIes in force shall p�tss to th�
<br /> Purcbaser.
<br /> S.Ocatp�xacy Prescrvation,Ma6nten�nce and Protecflon of��Prop'aty:Bore�oRer'residenoe wi�� .
<br /> � Lea�eholds. Borrower shall accupy,establish.and use the Property P �
<br /> ����= dqys after the execution of this Seaxuity Insuu�at(or aithin sixty da3►s of a later sale arusnsfer of ths Pmpeny) .-.',
<br /> --- and slull coatinue ta oocupY tlee PmPertY as Bozcower's prindpal nsidence for at least one y�ar oftcr the dau of �, .
<br /> oocupancy,�ess L�tier determines tl�su requinement wU]cause undue hardsl�ip for Bon+4wer.or unless extenuaHag -
<br /> —_ circumstanoes exist tuhidi aze bryoml Bo:m�ver's oontrol. Bornower stiaS� notify l..eader of �Y or all wu the
<br /> dncu�a�es.Borroarer shali nat oommit wagu or desuoy►damn8e or substantially c�en8e the Pc�a�peri3'
<br /> pro�►e��r�to deurlorate,reasonable weaz a�tear excepted.Leader may insPect the PmPertY i8 tho Property#s wac�ans �
<br /> or abai�onesi or the loan is ia default. Ltader maY take reasanable acdoa to protax and pnserve such vacant ot �
<br /> ---= �R��6��.0, P�g�,e �:�,�.��a.
<br /> a. _ --
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