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<br /> of Borrower's coveuaats and agreements under this 5�,.'�vrity lastrument und tite Note. For this p�upose, Borcowe� -
<br /> l�vocably IIean�s und c9uveys to tlta Tsustee.�uust.erith potver of an]e.the foiio�ving descrtbed peoperiy located �
<br /> in H811 Caunty.Nebs�2ca: � -
<br /> Lot E1ght (8), in �lock Twenty-eight (28) in Charles l�asmer's Additlon to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> wl�ch has�he address of 1412 W Loui se Street,Grand I sl and tsuea.cuy�, �
<br /> Nebraska 66801 [��v�1 �"p��'��g">�
<br /> TOt3BTHBR WITHI �t [he imprneemants aow or hereaRer ereeted on ttee pxopertY� aad aU easements.
<br /> appurtenancrss ead 6:aues noa+or henafte�c a part of the property. All replacements �.nd a�dittoas �halt also be
<br /> cavered by this Securlty Insaument.All of the foregoins is refen+ed to Lu this�ecurlty Insuuntent as the"Prog::�;y."
<br /> BORROlNER COVSNANTS thaz�nYrower is lawfiilly sei7ed of the estate kereby comeyed and has the rig�t to
<br /> grant and canvey the Pmpetty and thaY c'��Pmperty is uneaa�mbeted.excePt for encumbrances of�eoord.Borrower
<br /> warrants aad will defead generally the title to the Property against elt clatms smd de�ands. subjoct to eny
<br /> encambrances of rocorfl.
<br /> T'aaZ.i��. �i uti�i32` .� aamb�xs uaifa�!���++tA f�r nation-d use and non-unfform ooveaanss ,
<br /> with IImited vs�r3r#ions by�m9sdict[on w caustitute a wdfomn security insuument covecing real piopzrtY•
<br /> Bormwer and I.endax oovcnaat and agoee as foIIa�vs:.
<br /> 1. P�eymn�oi �tinclpAl. Inteeest and La� C6arge.Bomowxr shaU p�y when dus the g�3ncipal o� aad , .
<br /> interesc on,the�1ebt evidenoed by tiae Note aad late charges due uader the Nate. - � �
<br /> 2. Mo�61y Payment of Tatxes. Insurance�� Othtr C6arges. 8omower shail iacluda ia eash�csr�►thly
<br /> paymtat,wgether with ttae g►riadpal and inunst as set fotth in the Nou and any latc chatges, a sum for(a�t�s and
<br /> spxial assessments levfeof�vr to be levied against the Properiy. (b) leasehold pay�ients or gmnad rents on the
<br /> Pmperty,aad(c)Premiu�s far insnranae�equit+ed under paragraph 4: In any year in arhirh the Lsnder must pay a
<br /> mortgage insura�e piemium w the Sert�taay of Housing and ilzbaa�hvelopment("Secretary').or in any year in
<br /> wLich such preminm would have been�quired if Lender sdll held the Securlty Insuument, exh monthlY 1�Y�em
<br /> shail aiso include eithsr:(i)a sum for the annual mortgage insurance premium w be Fazd bY L�end�r to the Sc�xetaty.
<br /> or(ii)a monthly c�ar8e instqd of a mortgage in�suraabe yremium if this SauritY Insuument is held by the Sxiet�ry,
<br /> in a naaonable amount to be determined by the Secretary. EuoeBi for the montWy charge Ly 3ae Secretary;�these
<br /> items are c�lIIcd'Escmw Items'aad the sums paicl to Lendes are ca7Il�'Fscrow F�mds." �
<br /> Lender may.at�ny s�me,oollect aad hold amounts for Escroa►Ytems ia an aggregate amount noi ta euceed the ,
<br /> maximum amouat that a�,y be e+equircd for Borrower's escrow aocou�t under ct�e,Real Estate Settiemsnt Pmocdures
<br /> act of 14T4. 12 U.S.C. 5axion 2601 a s�q. and implementing re�lations. �0:CFIt Put 3500,as thsy maY ix
<br /> amrnded from time to time(��ESPA'). wcaPi that the cushion or mserve per�aiued by RFSPA for nnaniictpatcd ,
<br /> , : disbnrsemeatn or disbuesemrats befora the Borrower's payments are available in�t�e acmunt may nat be basod on
<br /> amouNs due for the mortgage insaraasx pnmivm. .
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