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<br /> - S. �zanl ap gYoperiyr Iasurunce. E3arro��er shull kezp the improvements now eaiatinII or heceafter erected on tho �•-
<br /> � property insured ogNnst loss by flre,hnzarda included wIthtu the term "e�ttended covemge' aud any other buznrda. inttuding --..
<br /> " � flooda or tlooding.for whicb l.euder requlres Insurnnce.This insurnnc�ehail b$muintnined in the amounta und for the�tertoda _-
<br /> � that Lender requires.The insurance carrier pmvld�ng the insurnnce shell be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender's upprovul �
<br /> - ethlc9 s��ll ncst i��anret+sonahly withheld. If Barrower f�ils ca mainenin covernge descrlbed ubovc. lxnder mny. at i,rendsr's �,._
<br /> ..--...° -`� opdon.obn►ia ouvernge to pmtect Lander•s rigdts in the Prnpeny�a nccordnnce wtth parugrnph 7. `_-
<br /> � ti� All insurance poltcies nnd reaewals shall be axeptablo to Lender and shnl! iaalude u ataadar0 mortgage cluuse. Lender �
<br /> � ahall heve the r�ght to hold the policies und renewats.If L,ender requires�Borrower ahaU pmanpdy Blve to Lender aU recelpts of
<br /> �� p a i d p r e m i u m s u n d z e n e w a l n o t i ce s.I a t h e e v e n t o f l o s s.B o r r o w e r s h a l l g i v e p r o m p t notia to the insumatce c�rrier and Lender. -_
<br />_ _ �: Lender may mak�proof of loss if not made promptiy by Bonower. _
<br /> ,. ,; UNess Ixnder and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng�insucartoe Pmoeeda ahall tse epplied to restoradon or repair of the `.
<br /> ,;., progerty damaged.if the resvnratiou ot repair is ecoaomicatly feasible aud I.ender's securlty is not lesssened.If the restoratlon or --.
<br /> � repair is not ecoaomicslly feasible or Leader's secur[ty wauld be lessened,the insuraace procee�is shall be applIed to the sums
<br /> �.� seaued 6y tbis Securiry Insuument.ah�Zer or aot thea due.witb any eacess paid co Borrower. If Borrower abaadons the
<br /> °" • Progecty.or dces aot answer wlthin 30 days a notice fcom Lender that the insuraare catrler has offered to seule u claim,then
<br /> . Lender may eollett the insurance ptocegds. Leader may use the pmoeeds to repair or resw:e the Property or to pay sums
<br /> securod by this Secudty Instsument.whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod wUl be$in when the aodce is glven.
<br /> _� '.• Uniess Leacter aucl 8oriower otherwisc agrce in crridng, anY egPl�alion of proceeetq to princIpal shall not extacd or .
<br /> �� postpone the due date of the montWy paymenta refr.med w in para8rapl�s 1 and 2 or change t�e aznount of the pay�ments. 1f
<br /> ��'" +�;. . uader paragraph 21 the Property�S acqutred by Lender,Bomower's r�ght to any insuraacepolicies and pmceeda i+esulttng fmm
<br /> damage to the PmPertY Prior to the acquisition ehaU pass to Leader to the extent of tlte sua�secure�by this�urlry Insuv,acent ---
<br />;-: �h�".�r. �gLClypIlol'tOlhe�U33IdoII.
<br />- ,... � 6.Ocxupaucy.P�atton.Mainteannce aad Protection of the Propeiiy,Borrowc3's I.oan Appltcetlon;L4asehoids.
<br />`"�'=`' �a;, Bormwer shall occuPY,establish�and use the Property as Bon+nwer's principal residence althin s3xsY daYs after the eaaut�on of
<br /> '::"<�' � •<<�� this S�ecu�iry Insuvment and shall continue w occupy the Property as Borrower's priacipal residence for at least oaa year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,ue�lass 1�ender otheravise aSrees�n wdtin8�which consent shaU aot be un►�sonably wlthheld,or unless
<br />..,j�-f,:�.�-;:, excenuating cira�tancea exist wfiich ate beyond�armwer's contxol. Bomnwer sriall aot destray. damage or impair the
<br />-_-'•,'�;`��,�{ Property.allow the Property to deteriorate.or c�om�nit waste on the Progeity. Borr�wer sball be Ia default if a�►forfeiture
<br /> �r *,_, �����;����{;.}Z��minal,��m rhat tn l�ender's good faith iudAment aould result in forfeiture of the
<br /> u �t�. Property or othenvise aosterially impafr the lien cc�atad by this Securiry Iasarmnent or Lender's sa�udty inserest.�orrower may
<br /> `-�rz'� ' h 18,b causing the acdon or ���s����a�8
<br />����;�, �. rure such a default and s�3nstau.as Provide�ci in patc�aF Y � P�B
<br />_�-;����� ' that, ia L,ender's good itdth determination, Precludes forfelwre of the Borcow,er s inteerest in the Prope�u�ar other mazeriat
<br />='t,��" � impattmsnc Qf the lien oreatod by thia Securiry Ins�nt or I.ender's sscu:ity interest.Boirower shall�7sa be in default if
<br /> ---=""�`-`�;,:; Bormwer.d�a8 th�loan application prooess�gave mate�iaUy•tulss or inaccurase inforimadoa or st�temeMS to L�endsr(or faited
<br /> ��+��;� w rovid2ll'+eaider with aay maurtal infamiatton)in connecdan a+iSolhe loan evidenxd by tE�z Nou.�ueluding,but no3 liooited
<br /> ^-�;;,.ti' P residenoe.rf this See.vrity Instsuwent Is on a
<br /> _�--,�°�'�.�',�l w.r�Preseatations oonoerning Boimwer•s oca�p�r of tho Pmpe�ty as a P�P�
<br /> :`s";a�=-�� leasehold. Borrower sha]I oomply wlth ail the provisions of th� lease. If Somower acquires foe Hde to the Property. the
<br /> �.:�:�� leasehold and the fee dtle ahaU not merge unless Y.eader agrces W tUe mzrger in wridag.
<br /> __ �,"r� 7.Prot�ctton ai I.ender's Rights�a the P�+opaty.If Boiro�v�r feils to p�rfoxm the aovenants aad agroem�ts oontained Ia
<br /> —_ -- this Socutity Inst�ument,ar then is a legal prooeeding thst may signifieantiy aff�t Lreader's rights in the Pcoperty(such as a
<br /> _�� piooe�ing ia banlauptcy,Probau�for condemnatton or forfeiaue or oo eaforoe iaws or ngulations).then Ix�nder may do and
<br /> —=== pay for whatever is nece.csctry w proteet the value uf the Property and Lrndea's'•dghts in the Property. Lmder's acitons may
<br /> --.�._- iuclude Paymg anY swms s� bY a Iiw whi�h �as prlority over this Sec�ttity �t, ePpear�qg in oourt� WY�B
<br /> reasonable attoraeys'fees and entering on the Pc+nperty to maice mpaies.Althou�h I.ender may taYa aa4on under tLis paragraph
<br /> ___=�-_'°,� 7,Lender does not have to Qo so. �
<br /> -- _-__,...� pny amounts d3sbwsed by I.ender w�Aer Uila pacag�'aph 9 shall beoome additional debt of Bormwer sauted ta�this _
<br /> -
<br />