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<br /> , . �,�/1f�r.,, _ . � .. , � .>w,H�s,.r+bfb..
<br /> " �+�I����a-.� ..Q. / . , _�:: . ....v. .. .-,,..,_ ._,_. __..."'.
<br /> ., .. , � � �_...._ .v...�_. ' - . _.._�..�� ._,. _ . _- -------- -_-- _ - �
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<br /> puymenta mny no longer l�e required.at the option of Ixader, if martgnge insuraace covc�e(in ths amount nnd for tho��rlad _
<br /> . , �s 6,ender r�q�y)pa�ovidsd t.y an insurer appraved by Lender agaia beromss avnilable atsd is o�tained. Bomawer ahall pay �
<br /> the premiun�s rcquired to mai�atniu tuortgaIIe insurance in effect,or to prov[de u loss reearve.u�dl ths requirement for mortgage �_
<br /> � . inaurancs ends in ar.cor�anoe with eny wrlttea ageemeut bet�veen Boreower and Lender or appaic�bl$la►v.
<br /> ----,__�' 9. �K;�etia�.Lender or its agent maY make reusonable eutries upan und inspections af thE Prop:ny+.Lender shall give L.
<br /> ,;� Bormwer aotice at the time of or p�lor to an inspection specifying reasonabie cn�for t&c ins�CtioA. _
<br /> � .^�;� 10. Coa��adon.The p�ds of any atvard or claim for damages.di�+�ct or conse�gtuntial� in ooanection with any _
<br /> ��:;;�^t oondemnaston ar oEtter taking of any psut of the Propany,or for coaveyance in Itou of coad�m*.s�timn,�ra hereby assfgued sud __
<br /> ry� sLall be paid to 1Rttder. -
<br /> ---- �-...�, In the event of a total caking of the PmgertY.the proaceds ehnll be sppUad to the sums s�ca,ued by this S�curity Wsuumeeat. _
<br /> whether or nos then dwa,with a�r eaeess Paid w Bomower. In che event of a partial taldn� of th�Pr�pertY i�►whis�the fair
<br /> `"'''�"�: martcet value of the Propert7►imm�ediately before ths tatdng is egual w or greuter�han the an�uns of the sums secured by tlils �
<br /> .��•�� ��` S�cudry Iast�u�ment im�sdiately beforc the taking. unless Borrower and I.eader athemrIse agreo in�vdting�tha sums ses�red by
<br /> �,:��„;'`' tWs S�rIty Insuument ehsll be reduced by We amflunt of the pmceeds multiplled by tha foU�tv�ng fracdon: (a) the total
<br /> W"`"'`-s"' amaunt of the sums socured tmmediately before t�e taldng� divlded by N).the fair mazket v�us ot the Praperty i�iatelY
<br /> "� :;' before the taldng. A�r balznoe shall be paid w Bonmb►er. In the event og a puNal takiq� 08 thm Property in whis�►the fair
<br /> ��?��'! mark�value of the Piopetty ImmediatelY before the taking is less Woa the mannnt of the�so�ured imsaodinuty hefore the
<br />�'=_�-.=:,� �g.w�tess Carrawc�;�d Leader othetr�Is�a,�+ee in wrIting or unless�pplleable law a*.,�2zivise providss.the pror.�s shall
<br />_=�-�'=��.:.e be appllod to t�e sumg secua+ed bY this�udtY Instsument whether or aot tite sums are then dmcx.
<br /> ��•�; � If tha property is:�baadoae�l by Boteower,or If�aRer uattoe by Lender w Bosowes that tha oond�maar offers to mai�e an
<br /> "�.� aw�w:sd or settle a clatm for damages.Bomewer fails ta res�ond w Lendcr within 30 days afttr the clsie the a�ui[sx is glven, _
<br /> ���g� I,endu is authoriud to collect and apply the prooeeda,at ita opdon,either to reswradon or repair o8 the Pruperty or w tlte sums
<br /> -��`,��k`,� s�by this Secur(ry Inst�ument�ahether or not thea due.
<br /> --- Unless Irender and Bomower otheisvlse ag�ia writing,anY 8PPlication of pmceeds to paincipai sLall not extead or
<br /> —R—f{� passpune ttte due dau of the montblY Payments�efermd t°in pacagraPhs 1 aad 2 or chemge th�amonmt of such paym�ta.
<br />-- — IlIl.Borroxer Naat Released:Forbxarsnce By Leader Not a 6Vuiver.Extension of th�tlme for paymont oi mnclificatioa
<br /> a. __ of aa�ort�tton of the sums secured by thia Security Insuun►ent�antod bp Lender to azry suoc¢asor i�interest of Bomower shaU
<br /> v=` uoi operaie to nleas�ti�e liability o�the original Bomnwer or Bomower's successors in iqterest.Lender shall aot 6e t+e�uired to
<br /> - ��� p,.�tncr ar�r s�u�ssar in iaate►est or retiva to extaud e3me for paymemE or oalu�vsrIse modify amorti�on ,
<br /> of the sum9 sxutnd bY this Secatrlt3► ?+� �ment by reasoa of a� d�d made by t�a o�igiatai Bon�vrer or 8onawer's .�
<br /> _= suo�sors ia {nur�t. Acry fo�a by I.ender in e�escisinB�Y�°T��Y��� a waivu of or pre�lude ttie
<br />_�-�;:� sxentise oieny eght or nmedy-
<br /> 12.Suoasso�s and Assfgn9 Bouad: Jtdnt and Scve�t Liabiitt�Co�fSnes. 71►e oove�ants and agreemLnta of this
<br /> -- SoAUtty Ins�nu�nt shall bind and benefit th$s��oesso�s and assigas of[�ender an�Bomu�rea. suS�w th�provlslons o8 -
<br />---_.., paragraph 17. Boirower's oovenanta anA agrettw�ats si�all be joim�and several. A� BaYrawer a'�co-signs d�s S� ,
<br /> — Iasttvment but does aot e�ccute the Note: (a)ia eo�signing tbls Socurdty Insttument only tm mostpge.8rnnt and oonvzy that
<br /> __— • gm�ma,ds tauresi in tlte P[openy uader tl�e teims of tLia Sacurity insttument:(b)is not personallY obligated to pay the sums
<br /> _,. secured by thia Security Instn�-t.'and tc)agrees+1iai L�ader and a�►other Borcower maY agra to e�ad.modif�'.foibeu or
<br />__ -- maYe a�,a000mnsoEa�ons wlth ngard to the t�s of t�is Sac+nity insscument or the Nou wu3�nt tLat Bormvrer•s consen�
<br /> 13.Lo�a C�srBes.If tha laan seaued bY this SeauitY�nmem is subjca to a 1aw�rh scts maximu��Dnnn charges, •� ., .
<br /> and that lew u finally iateip�ed so that the interest or othes loaa cb�uge.s oolleexed or to!aa aoL'loaed ia oon�on wlth the `
<br /> — � Ic�n ex,oetd she peimiaod li�its.iha►:(a)anY s�loam cha=ge s�uil be reduoed by the a�o+act�w codiuse the cl�rge
<br /> ���': w ths pemdtud limit; and(b)a�'sums alreadY oollaxed 6�m Hemativar wLtc�acooeded�rmitud limits wiU ba nefaaded to
<br /> �� Borrowa.L,e�der maY choase w mafce thia nfund!ry rednan��►e Pri�iPal owed�md�r•ct�e Nou or by IIszdcing a dInct
<br /> --- paymeat ro �omow�. if a teflmd tedaoes prindPal, tha zeduaton wlll be mated as a partiai prepaymem aiWout aqy
<br /> --—� PRP�Y�t�TBe�nder the Nou. _
<br /> �-} Y$.PIO[�R.9. �1uy uus�Gc tcii°aG�8�i�7 j�f0�fC!�it fh13 S""�.!!!n/� �mS?rt C•hall 6e�V¢II D}��' YCIIII$�1 OI��II}►,.
<br /> `:'s�� it by fiist clags mafl unlas a�plicable laa re9idres nse of anntU�methoQ.The aotiee ahlll bo diroctod w the R�opelty Add,nss
<br /> � or any other � Bormwu desigaates bq notIce to Loandcr. A�►nofloe to I.enaer stnaifl.6e givan by�st cd�us mail to
<br /> � Lender's sdclress stat�d herein ar auy►other address I.�eadrr ai�igactes by notioa w Boimwer.Aay r�tice pravtded far in this �
<br /> � Sopulty Ina�nt shall be damed to 6ave bem givea to 8artoovar or Laider whea giv�as�ovidad In this pardgraph.
<br /> .� � 1S.Go�eenfiag Y�aa; ��'abil�j'. This SeauitY I�tmt sha11 ba sove�ed hy fW�ral law m.�J the law of the
<br /> -- . jurisdicNon In w2aich the Pm,pEray is locotod.Iu the event ttl�a.any Provision or clause of t�us 9�curltp Ir+s�rumeat or the Nots
<br /> ---_ oonfiictg wIt2i applicable law.such conflict shall not affect ot3ter�rav�ons of tl�is Securiry T�mtr�t or tlee Nan which can be
<br />_=____ -.�!= 8ivea�fffxt withs�nt the oontlicting ProvL�ion.To tLis e�tti�piotina'sons of this Socw�iry t�.•,r�,��tlao Nou are doclazed
<br /> -—— to be severable.
<br />_°------_ �6.BorroWCr's Copy.�a�rover shall be glv�aas oonform�i aapy of the Note aad off t�i4�itl+i�ua�•*+_nt_
<br /> -----=�°=,' Fam�3a'�8 9ISm
<br /> _ ��:s-.;�:t (�-6it(t`El cs�+x�c� ve�.aeoa �NOwL�v��S.L
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<br /> �.�e..r� . . . � t ^^�..RS• � ro N. c � r�,'�1T'i1a+S75d►.'G - _
<br /> t�1..- .. .. [ ,fS /�.�1�'" '�/ J - . ' �ai`9c"-f�_�A7�ODy.�..-
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