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. . � • .�3lY��;•:wy�:. � ,i. . . _ .:1 t��' t..� Y:) <br /> _ ��1�.:::.1 <br /> '1% � ' ' .�! .�td{ � •n � �l:.:f��}l*1 <br /> 5 . A - 13L :P,� •SI : •Fr)�fJ1 . .�.1,'`3^...1 <br /> � �i �1•. ��% ' .�ll�r-�; l <br /> ` ,1 - ' ,��� , .. , 1�-f�1��SJ�JI�i.. .-� . ., h• � ` . « <br /> ��. - . . •.�Il,,• _'i: <br /> _��r .. �� r . . '•�i�' - '� . " . �}1l�Nq{�h�-Y.� <br /> ! � �l`. . .. . <br /> . .��/al�cYU i-3J f_ i;,; t�::� f'�`.� .. _ –.. ..�..... ^���j�� - <br /> .. .. '�_....._.~�ry�.��i....�h,l (1�__.�–�_.__._._ �—�_�._ � . �_......__�--__+. .....""_'"'""`".____...–�..a��y ..,:. <br /> ��.. <br /> . „� �90 (y (� - <br /> � • 7. Protection of tender's Rigbt� fe 4he ProperYy. If Borrower falls to pe�rto���Y�n�and agreoments contahsd in �1_ <br /> -"--- • thl�8ecurity {nalroi�x�i, or ttare �a�^„°!Froce9�!�' ty+et may slpntftcantN nHECt Lendere rlghto in tfio Ptopcfiy(8uoh Bfi G proC:qd1�Q tt1 �_,.._ <br /> b�nkruptoy,probato,tor oondemnatbn or forfotture ar to enforce t�wa or regutattons),then Lendor mny do nnd pny b�what�ver is n�cesury __ <br /> t0 proteot tho va�u�ot the Property and Lenders rights In the PropOrty Lender's aetion8 msy Inoludo ptty�n0 a�Y n�m3 uo0uted by��k0 t-'• <br /> wObA hao prlority ovor thic Seou�iry instrum¢nt,appeerfng In oourt,pay�ng reasonabb a4tomey's teos snd ttntetln8 an tho F�qP�Y E`. <br /> �- �e�lt�, Atthough Lender maY�e aotion under thta paragraph 7.Lnnd�r does not have to do so. <br /> Any umounte dlsburced by Lender under this peragraDh 7 shatl bscome addklonai debt of Borrower asaurod by thls 8eaurtty �nstrumint. <br /> ° �,.� Unksa BoROwer and Lender agree to other tertns of payment,these amounte chnQ bcar Inwrost Nom the dato ot dlnbumamant nt tho Noto r.:_- <br /> tdte flnd 8hell b0 puyabl0,with interest,upon not�e kom lender to Bartawer requestln0 PeYment. <br /> ..,;��� 8. Mertgege Ineurance,. If lsnder requhed mortgefle insursnce as B oondltlon ot making tho t08n seIIOr6d by e heurltt o <br /> r.--�"'�'� UbWment,8ottower shail pay the premiums re9utred to malntain tha mortgage(nsurance In eNoot. If,tor any reason, the mort9aa <br /> `•"�"� oovecnQe required by Lender lepses or ceases to he In efteot, Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to obmin ooveri�s suhdurut e <br /> cqulvatint to tho�nortQage Insuranoe prevbusly 1n eNect,et a oost su6stantfaly oquNalent to the aost to Boi►ow�r of th0 moRgitg� <br /> �� pavlousty h eNeot, from an attemate moRga9e inauer approved by L�ndar. If substanttalry oquMatent moRgaqe heuronaa oovsrtas Is�ot <br /> `:, <br /> avolkbN, Borrower ahalt pay to Lender eaoh month a sum oqual to one�twetfth of the yesrN mort4aQe tnauranea promtum belnp pab by <br /> BoROw�t wh6n the hau�NBUr81nCe8e I.OSS reserve pel�ments may no�tonge ba required,att,the optbn ot�Lender.sllpmo�rt�nBe hsuruico <br /> , n�tvs k► lieu of moRgag vided by an tnsurer epproved by Lender asah becomss avaNtbM�n0 1� <br /> ;. �: •�...•;� <br /> aovar�pe(In tha amount nnd for tha perbd that Lender requlres)pro - <br /> - obtahed. Boaowet ehail pay the premiums requPed to ma�r►teN mORga9e Insurance tn oHeot, or W provlde a loas resene� untn th� <br /> 'T^:•`;','�,' qqutrsmant tor monpepe tnsuranco snda N aacordanca wNh enY wrltten ogreement between Borrower and Lender a�P�bM��tl BQ��� , <br /> '' 8. Intpe�tlore. Lender or its sgent may meke ressc�ebte entdes upon and Inspeottons of tho PropeAy. <br /> `.+�±i��:�'t. notfa��t tha time ot or prlor ro an InspeoGon apeolyhg reasonabfe cause tor the Inspeotton. <br /> 10. Condemnetivn. The prooeeds of any award or elalm for damsges, dUeot or oonssquentia� In oonneotion whh �nY <br /> ;7:q�,�'� Oond�mn4tton or other tak(rtg of any part ot the Propeny, or tor conveyance in Ileu of oondemnation,aro t►ereby asst9ned e�d eh80 ba patd <br /> � �' � � to Lender. <br /> In the avent ot a total tekin8 of tAe Properly, the proceeds shali be applied to the sums securod by thts Security Intstrument,wh4th�r or <br />..-.-yT.:•I "ti <br />-_::,�,,;, ' not then du6,wRh any exaess Pald to Borrower. M�he event of a paAlal taking of the PropeAy In whbh the fatr merlcet valus af th�Propaitlr <br /> „��T`• � immad4lttly biton!h�takin0 is eQuet to o�greQter lhan the amount of the sums secured by thts Secudty Inatrument ImmOd�tefy b6ton th� <br /> �"i���� tikhp,uninA Borrowar and Lendor otherwtse agree In wrfting,the sums secured by this Security Instrumant 6haU be reduced by the�unt <br /> dNidYd by(b)th� <br /> -�-;,y"� of th�proaNds multipii�d by the��ed��n8��b�tore the taking.'Any batance�shall ba p d to Bo w��t the event ot e�parttnl ttkb0 of 1he <br />_ -;��.� hk mtAnt valw of th�PropartY <br />_�;:;�,8.�� Propwqr h whbh th�fslt maAcet value ot the Propeny Unmedlatey benin torun►ess aPPbabte law othenrtse provtdea ho prooeed�s tll b� <br /> -- bMda tr�tucmp,uni�ss Sorrowei a�'++i i.asttsr ailmr:•rlsa sgrQe k� S = <br /> -r�'� epplNd!o th�tum�Nourid by this Seourlty Instrument whether or not tho sums ere then due. <br /> ��_ -- If ths Pto�rty M atrtndonod by eortower,or B,after notiCe by LonQet to Bortovror that the ConOemnor��t�o��o�i0���a <br /> ------ a okYn for d�me���BOnower fails W respond to 4ender w(thin 30 days after tAe date the nottce Is 9Nen. <br /> �--�-� — �ppry tM proawd�,et Rs optton,efther to restoralbn ar rspaf� of the Property or to the sums secured by thLs Seourity tnstrurrunt,wh�thlr <br /> or not tb�n du�. <br /> Unleat lend�t�nd Bortower otherv+ise egree h wr11in9, any appucstion of proceeds to pdnolpal shaFt not exte�►d or po�fpOn�th�dw <br /> dat�Of!h�rttOnthly p�Yt-rNnts rotetred t0 in pera9�Phs i and 2 oc ohenge the amount of suah paymente• <br /> �`_��ty�y� 11. Borrowar NOt ROI�aEEd: Forbearaa�ce 8y Lender Not a Waiver. F.x[ension ot the tirreo ior ptyme►tt ot mOdMlCitbn <br /> —��Q�� of amoRialtfon ot tho sums eeoured by thls Seaurlyl Insuument 9ranted bY Lar+der to any successor In intereat of Bortower shaU not opKaU <br /> - to roMuo tha I{abll'dy of tho orl�inal Bortowe�or eorrower's euccessora in�nterest. Lendar shau not bo requined to oommana�procetdtn8s <br /> tsahst Rny weeutor M Intenst or retuse to exeend time ta payment or otherwiso modty amortlzaUon of the sums seourod by this Sreurky <br /> InsuumYnt by reaton of �ny danand made by the original 8ortower or 8orrowers successors � hteres�A�fl fobearartc4 Dy Lendst in <br /> exuolshp any ripht Or r�m�dy shell not ba a wahrer o4 or prealu0e the exerolse of any right or remedy <br />- ! — 12. Suoaes�r� �nd Asstgna Bownd; Joint and Several Ltability; Co-8ignere. The cmronente an0��Nrmnts ot <br /> this Seourtly IneWment ehdi bind end beneflt the succeasors and assigna df Lender and 8orrower,subjeot to tho Drovbfone ot panqr�h <br /> 17. BorrowYre oovM►tntd and epreaments shall be Joint and se�orai. My Borrower who casigns thiu Seou�r Inatiument but does not <br /> axgoub th�NoU:(U b eatiQnfnp this Seaurfty Inetrument Onry to mortgage,9�ent,end aonvey that Borrowers Yderest h ths ProD�tY�trtd� <br /> tha tKma of thi�8�curky IneWment; (b)ts not pereonaly obligated to pay the sums secured by thts SeeurNy tnstruum9n�e�d(a�a�e�g�t <br /> - -��y�. I.�nMr artd any o1hN Borrowa m�y a4ree to e�dend,modity. forbear or make any acaommodationa�vkfi regnrd to terms ot thh Slcudly <br />— Insuum�n!or tht NOt�wNhout thtt Botrower8 oonsenG <br /> 1$. Loan Chw�es. if th�losn eooured by tl�b Secu�l Instrument Is eubjeot to a la�v whbh sets ma�dmum b8n oharq�s,ond that <br /> M�w I9 ihtlly htMpnt� t0 th�t tAe Interreat or other toen oherses oolteated Or W be aolteoted in aonneattan wdh the ban exc«d th� <br /> - �rtnitt�d IhtR�,tbM�i(a) �1►�u0h ban ahuQes eha0 be reduced by the amount neaessary to redute the cherye to the permil�d Rtnl� Nd <br /> - (b)my wm�at�tdy ootNoUd hom Borrower whBh e�eedod pem►itted �3cnks W�M be retunded to Bortower. Lender may ohoaa�to m�ke <br /> - thl4 ntund by reduGhp th� prholpd ow�d undet the Note or by making a dUeOt p&Yment to Borroiver• �t a retund reduc�s princip�l.t�� <br /> --�� reduottan witl E�trwted�e�D�a�Or�paymtnt wHhout any prepayment charga under t�e Note. <br /> - 14. N011elS. Any nol�e to Barrorver provided tor In this Securily tnsfrument shall be gNen by deWerMB it or by mallinp k py frst <br /> - -_. — ataas mall unNif�pp�baDW i�w�apuaea use of another method. Ths notice ahaU be direoted to the PropeAY Addres� or any oUser tddcssa <br /> .—_—� 8ottowor datqntta by`no^e ea b�notta�o ^a8omowe►• AnYBnoUce provdad or le this�Seourity t suumont sMU dw,rwd�h�or� <br /> -------- oth:r ad6reso I.anNr d^�!� Y <br /> =�-�"_� pMon W 8onowat or 6�fda wh�n pNm a�providad N this p�re9�aph. <br />__,_��=Ly�� 1S. ni OV�rnin� Mw= e�v�rabtlity. Thls SBCUrity Instrutr�nt ehe�l be gOV6med by tederei letw end the I�w o}ttt0 Ju�M�w <br /> '�"�-"�� whbh!h�PrOpOrty It ICOStOd. In tho���tnt that any Droviaton or olauae ot thb Security insWment or the N�to conlliota with apP <br />-_+_-is����}s'�! <br /> r:.;.. <br /> �:_,��.E� auoA o0ntlbt shtQ not nM�ot Other provl�lons ol thb Security Inswment or the Nnte whbh can be given efteot without the aon 0 <br />–:y,1"1y.��.�' . <br /> Otovbbn. To thN�nd th�prtivi�lone ot this SscurltY Inot�ument and the Note are deotared t�be shevere��e.���� <br /> -".°��-,;;-�;� 10. 80f1'OW��'r COpy. eoao�er ennn a en�en one ao�����r��t���..-w�.� -. _.----- - <br /> --�"--3��`� 17.Yrtnst�r of tha Proporty ar s 8enefielal ln4erest in B�vrower. It all or any paR of the Property or ony�se on <br /> T -�'���•, tt Is eotd or trnndtirted (or N A benetbltl Uterest In Bonowor b sotd or Vanst6rted and 8orrower Is not a natural pwson)wRhout Lend�e <br /> --as� :.. . <br /> �::�'�•._��-��"'� ptlor writtm o0nlF9nb L�ndir may,nt fte opllon.�eQutre Imrrtedlate paqment In tuU of all sums seoured by this Seouri4y�nstrumont However, <br /> �'� .��� ` i tAts optlon uhe0 nol b��!cerG�sed Dy I.ender B oxuci�o la yrahibked by tederat taw as ot!he date of thls 3eour�y InsGUmant. <br /> �� �;�- • Y•'-. II Lendqr axarolaos tht�opiton, Lonaor ohat glve 8ortower not�e ot acc�leratbn-The not�e shalt provide a period of not less than 30 <br /> � ' 's dDyb hOm the datQ Ih9 no11�A 13 691Yerod o� mAUed w�thin whbh the Borrower must pay all sums s�cured by thls Securtty instrumen4 U <br /> . .�. Bortower talt�to paY lhase o��mo prlor to the oxp7ation of this pertod,Lendsr mey tnvake any remedles permNted by thls Sacurity tnsWmont <br /> - _��} wtthoul NAh�r notic9 or demnnd on OorroWar. <br /> y;���� -. Form 6D2D ol� <br /> .a. ..,y.�.„ <br /> .M:'�� F1008.�M0(�OIBS) Poye 3 ot 6 <br /> ! '' ° �O�I <br /> � — - <br />