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<br /> • 18_�Bmr�ower'8 Rloht t� Relnst9te. I} Borrov�er mseta oertatn aondftions,Borrower shall have the rtght to have c3n�orCOm�nt ot �:V
<br /> ' '.�._.....+..a . ....nlinahb Law RILV 4DCCIN IO�
<br /> this&eourity �nstrumant dlaoontlnued at any time pr�or to tne earrier oi: iaj b day5 iu� aac� �...�. rw�� -� _r.--- • •
<br /> ro1n9Wtam8nt) beforo snl� of the Proporty pureuant to any power of salo oontained In thls Seaurity Instrumont; or (b�entry of a Judgment
<br /> eMoroing thi3 8eau�ityr fnattumont.Thoso condKlonB nre that Borrower. (a)pays Lender ail sums v�hioh then would be due under this Seourity �.`_,_..
<br /> InaWm�at nnd tho Noto hnd no aacotcmtton 000urted; (b) ouroa any datnuR of any other aovonant o� agreements;(a) DuYS ali e�ansos K.,�-.
<br /> f'__s;�
<br /> � -- hiourr�d tn erlloroing this &sourUy InsWment,inoludfng, but not Ilmlted to, reasonable attomeye' tees:and (d)takos euoh uatSOn ns lsndor _
<br /> m�y�Caoonabty roqulro to natturo that the tlen of this Ss�curit�r Instrument, Londors rh�hts in the Property and 8orroti+cr's obilgflt{on to pay
<br /> the oum8 aeouretl by this Seourity InsWment shnll conllnuo unehangod. Upon relnatatement by Bonower, this SsaurIIy Inatrument and tho �;�
<br /> ., � obtipetlona eeoured hereby ahaq remain tutly sNeative as M no aaaeisratlon had oaaurred. Howaver, this right to teinatate ahaU not apply in :=-_
<br /> � tho caae o}neaeieratlon undsr pamgreph 17• �--_
<br /> � *.�.�� 19. Sele of Note; Change o4 Lo�n 8srvioe�. mo Noce or a part�si �n�erese u, me Noee ttoee�ner wnn in�s aeeunri _�
<br /> � Inshument) may be sotd ons a more times wlthout priar nptho ta 8arcawor. A sate may resuit tn a ehenge In the entUy (known es the G
<br /> ^t� , "I.oan&orviesr")that ooiteots monthy payments duo undsr the Note and thls 3aourity UsVumvnt. T�ere atso may bo one or moro ohan8ea �;_.--
<br /> of tha Loan Servicer unrci�ated to a sale ot the Note. If there Is a chenga of the Loan SenfCer, Bonower wiU be gtven wrltten not�o o!the ``
<br /> �� � oRangs In aaoorCanoe wtth pareB�Ph 14 abova and eppl�abie law. The notke witl state the nams and odcicess of the nov+Lonn ServEcer �
<br /> end ths address to whbh payments should be mada. The not�e wel aiso oontain any other NtortnatlOn res�uired by aDP����w• _.
<br /> " � • 20. Har�rdoua Subatenc�s. Borcower shaN not cause or permk the presence, use, disposa�, atoreQe. or re�saso ot any
<br /> ;p _�� F1esFtrdouD 8ubstanoes on or in the Proparty. 8oaower shali not do, nor allow anYone else to do, anything affeoting the PropeRy that Is in
<br /> ` vlolatbn ot any Hnvironmental lsw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to tho presence, use,or storage on the PropeRy of Gmull
<br /> • quantkles ot Ha:erdous Substences thst sre generaryr reaognized to be appropriate to normat restdential uses and to mainte�ance of tho E:
<br /> -- Ptoperty. .
<br /> 8ortower shall prompty qNe Lenc�er wrNten notke ot any Investipatbn, otaim, demand,lawsuk or other aotlon by any 8ovemmenta ar
<br /> � � " ropulatory apenoy or private pady invoiving the Property and any Hasardous 3ubstance or EnvUonmental Law of whbh Borcower has aotuai .-
<br /> know►adpo. If 8ortower icame, or Is notified by any govemmentai or regutatory authortty, that any removsl or other remedlaUon of any
<br /> � Hosardous Substance aNeotlnB 1he Property Is neaessary, Borcower shall promptty teke all necessary remedial scthns In acaordance with e::._
<br /> � � [nvUOnmentat Lew. -
<br /> �," Aa ueed N this parepraph 20, 'Ha�ardous Substances' are thoee substencea deflned as toxb or harardoaB subatanCes by _
<br /> � Hnvkoamentai Law and the followinp substflnaes: QasolNe, kerosene, other flammabb or roxb polroleum produote, tmcio pestbides and =
<br /> • hotbbides, voktGs eoMents, materla�s oontaB�n9 esbestoa or formaldehyde, and radioactke materiats. As used in thts paragroAh 20�
<br /> ' "Envkonmentnt Law" meana toderal lawa end Iawa vf the jurisdbtlon where the Property Is tooated that relate to heakh. salety or
<br /> ` anvkonmenui proteatton.
<br />_���. .�� . NOP4UNIFORM C�VENANTS. BoROwer and I.ender lurther aovenant and agree as tollows:
<br /> ;."�A�.
<br />--- _ ; �N-. g±, ¢R��4e�atinn; Remediee. Lender ahall give notloe to Borro�erer prtor to eeeelereUon toilowing
<br />:.;,:��• Borrower'e breaeh ot any covenant or agreeme�t in this Security ins'vuii�v��. �ut raat S=S�S !� �
<br /> �;�^• �R;; aeaslereUon under p��a�raph 17 unleas applieabie taw providas otherwisej. The notiee ahell apeelty: (a)
<br />__,�.,, �;��` ths default; (b)the eation requfred to cure the detautt; (e) e date, not less than 30 days irem the d�o the
<br />�._ _� notlee la piven ta Bor�ower,by whiah the detautt muat be cured;and (d)th�t failur� bo cure the deteult on
<br /> �':���°• or botore the dete apecifled i� the notica may reautt in naceleretlan of the suma aecured by this Seourity
<br /> :: _.�+-_��S_+Y
<br /> �_-��r-� InsVument and sate ot tlse Property►. The notice shnll iurther Intorm Bmrouver ot the rtght to reinst8te r
<br /> �_ "-°";�� aoceleration end the �IgM to bring e aou�t acUon t�a aasert the npn�extrtence of e def�a�it �r mfly othmr
<br />-'�'.-:. " � ��� dmtonao ot Botrower to accelcretion and sale. if the defAUlt io not cured on or betore the dete specifled in
<br /> - _�=�� the notiee�Lender et Ite option mey �equfre immedieta qayment in tuli of a11 suma sea�ared by thia Secu��ity
<br /> �"=�� In�trument without turther demand end mey tnvoke itte power of saie and any other re�enadles permitted
<br /> -�__�� by �pptieable lew. Lender s�all bo entitted to aolteet etl expenaes incurred in purauing the remedles
<br /> __�A�,e, provided !n this pera�raph 27, Inoluding, but not Itmited to� roasonable ettomeya' tees and coatt► of Utie
<br /> �.�_,�:�� evidenoe.
<br /> - - -� 14 the potnrer of�ale is invoked, Trustee ehatl record a noUce of deteult in eaeh county In whi i�ble
<br /> ----- - pat of the Propsrty ts loceted and shall mail aopiea ot such nottce In the manner praaoribed by epp
<br /> -- I�w to Borro�re� end to the othe� peraons prescribed by appltcable taw. Atter the ttme requtred by
<br /> _�-�e �ppqoabta law, Y�ustee ehalt give pubiic notica ot ealo to 4he persons and in the mann�r prescribed by
<br /> — -� �ppllo�bt� l�w. Trustee� without domend on Borrower, shall eali the Property at publ�e auctton to tho
<br /> --_�.� hlyhe�t bidder �t ths time and ptace end under the terma designeted tn the notice of eele in ane or more
<br /> -�_.�.�::-� piwrc�b �nd in �ny order 7'ruatee determines. Truotee may pA�P��ousl�'schedu ed aele !p.nd�r or�lf,�
<br /> - --� � P�op�rry by publlo e�nnouncement at the Ume end pl�ae of any p y
<br /> �,�,�,:�� d�W�rtt� m�y purohase the Proper�t at mny eaie.
<br /> _===-�-= Upon ��ottpt of p�yment of the Price bid. Truatee ahali detiver to 4he purchaaer Twatee's deed
<br /> ;_ra� aon�reylnp th� Propsrty. Tl�e rocitata in thm Tr�eatea'e deed shali be p�ima teele evidence of tho Vuth oi
<br /> - th� atatPmenG m��� thdrein. Yruatee aheit appty the proaeede of the eale in the tollowing order. (n) to all
<br /> _-= '�.`���� aasU �nd �xp�nsea ot exerotsinp the power of aete� and the �le, inctuding the payment ot the Yruatee's --
<br /> ��=���=�-=i�. ttte�otualty Inaur►ed,not to exoeed 3__96 ot 4he prinoipei amount of O1ta nate at the Ume ot . _
<br /> =���:.wi{:::, th� dt�lerptton ot deUteit�and rensona4le attorney'a teea es permittod by teva; (b) co sil suma eecured b�y
<br /> a:;�;.s,�; :, ; thh 8�ouPity In�t�ument; ant� (e)en�+ exae�4o the perrton or por�na tagnity entitled to t�
<br /> -_ �' ��. Rea�nwyane0. Upon peymOnt o! op sums eecured by th[a Ssourity �nstrument,Lsnder Shait request Trostee to roconvey lhe
<br /> ` PtopH4y Nd eA�tl aunMidar thls 8eourity Instrument and ali notes evidonatng do5t aeaured by this Seourity Instnimcmt to 7rusteo. Trustee
<br /> � :__ ohl8 reoonwy Iht Prc+p�rty wNhoul werranq and wilhout oAnrge to t he porson or p e r e o n s l o g a i ry e n U t i e d t o ft.S u oh p ereon or peraons eAaH
<br /> � • �• py�anY noordatbn oott�.
<br /> _.�___;
<br /> Y. Z3. Bebstitut� TPU�iee. I.ender, at tta option, may from timo to timo remove Trustoe and eppoint a successar trusto9 to any
<br /> ° Tutsteo ADPo�+tpd rtst�unda by nn M�trummt rQOOrded In the oounty M whbh this 8eourity Inauumont 1s reeordod. Wfthout aonveyanee o!
<br /> �' Ihe Properiy,oucaoaeor tru6too ehpll aucaeed to aA the tkts,power and duttes oonterced upon Tn�steo heretn end by appltaabb tnw. _
<br /> . Z4. R�Qu0�11 40► NOtloes. DOnOwet r87�09te thet CopleO Of tho notiCes of detBUlt tind eei9 be eent to Borrowers flddress whbA _
<br /> 1�tho Nrop:.tty Addreae.
<br /> ° � .�8. Rlder� tc� thti 6eouNry InsVumo�� if o�e o� more ►�aers are e�eo�sea cy eoROwe�a�d reoorded to09ther wRh thb _
<br /> C�ecu�ily Inttrument, th8 QOVantuft0 �nd eQ�481itent6 of eaah auoh rlQer ehnil be lnoorporated Into and ehail emond and supplentent the ;
<br /> � CovaRi�tt9 And 1lproemQnio a!thls C9ourity Intstrumen! ne If the ridor(n)wero a pttR ot tht�Seourity Instrumen� Fom��oz„v/oo �
<br /> .,° t��oo�►�to Horcfl P.p.a o+c ;
<br /> - :' �o»
<br />