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<br /> LCnd�r msy, At nny time, aoliaut and hotd Funda In an ereounl not b oxcGSd tho mexMum amnunt a Iender for a tedoraihl rat�tcd moRg�s F.-� =�
<br /> r 4,,,,,,,,,,,,a,,,,k,�n. e�,r.e�uae�o�amow eaaount undor tho tadsrst Roal Gainto Eotti�m=nt Pr000duroa Aot of 1974 uo nmsndad from timg to E,,..,_
<br /> ttms, 12 U.B.C.2801 et seq. ("PIEBPA°), untees anoth¢t lat� tnnt upp��iu�o•°�^��•== = �°ffQa'°mounL�f so,Lander may,at eny ttme, E{'=�.,
<br /> . .;� —
<br /> � � aoltaof and hold Funde U nn amounl eot lo oxccad th� taoao► nmounl. l.ond�r moy onilmato tho emount of funds due on th0 basls of �___
<br /> ourtent date and rpQeonabW estUnatos af oxpendit�roa ol Nture�nerae�Itamo or ot�erv�iso�n a000rdanoe with applbnbb law• __"'��
<br /> � �, � Tho Fundfl shatt bo hold In an NOtttution whoeo Qnpoatlo nrp tnaarad Ay a todern`„8 Funda to pay t o"Eeorow Itnme��Londer maYen' `;='=
<br /> . ":" Lender Is auah nn tnatitutt0n)or M eny �odarol N�n9 Lo�n Danh. Lent�6r ohtR aAPh
<br /> ch:ra� Berrower tor hotdlnp and upplylnfl t�o�und0, enniullty nnatyaa�p Iho Q�orow account, or verYyiny tfie Escrav+ Iterns, unlase Lender
<br /> �� . pays Borrower Intereat on ths Fund1�snd�pplbada��CBrmtto bender to mxke eua{�o��iar8o• Howcvcr,Lcnd�r• m�y requtre Bortowar ro �-r=��
<br /> ,.=:�. pap a one�time oharge tor an {ndep9ndent raal oatete tex reportinp ca►v�s ueed by Lender in aonneatlon wi2h this toen,unkss aPP�be���w -
<br /> provldes otherw�se. Unlesa an aqreement U made or applloaUle la�r raR�►Ue9 Intarest to be patd, Londer ehall not be requUed t� pay
<br /> Bortower sny Mteres!or enrningn on lhe FunQa.�orrow�r wnd Lendar m�y s�ree In v�rqlnp,how�ver,that Intorest ahaU be psid on the Funda.
<br />_ � •.� Lender ahall ptve to BoROwer,without ohsrQe,an ennual eoaounthp nl the Funde,sno�ln0 ored(tc and Cebfta to tho Funds and the purpoae _
<br />� •ry t o r w h b h e a a h d e b i t t o t h e Funds was m�dm. The Pundc are pt�daed a9 edU�tlonal aeaurlty for all suma secured by this Scourlty lnsWmsnt• Y
<br /> i f t h e F u n d a h e l d b y l.e n@ e r oxc�Yd th� amaunto petmtltad tn t�Y ho t t t bY �PD���b b L�t+, t s n d e r e h a u c s c c o u n t t o B o R O war for the _
<br /> � e x c a s a F u n d e I n n e o o r d a n a•w nn tn�ro quk�mQnts ol �ppib�bt�t�w. II thv amounl o l t hs Fun d e h o t d b y L e n d a�a t u n y t l m o i a n o t s u ffbbnt
<br /> to pay the Eearow Itema when due,Lendar miy eo notNy 8ortowYr 4�wrNinQ,�n d,I n euo h o a 8 e 8 o n o w e r s h a l l p n y t o L e n d e r t h o a mount
<br /> _.�:a:,�s.,.,. .
<br /> neoessary to mek�up tA� d�lbNnoy. 8onow�r �hap mak�up the d�tble�►ay h no mor�than twok�monthty payments, at Landefs sote
<br /> �.,��', dlsore2bn.
<br /> "`"'�� Upon psyment h tuil nt tlt aums eoound by this 8eourit�r Inttrumant, LindK�hali promptly Mund to Bortower any Funds hetd Gy
<br /> �`�=���1t� Lendar. It,under Rere.�R'•9h 2�.��ndst eha�l aoquYe or sall tR�Prop�ny.���dn� Prior to lAo 4oqul�Al9n or sat�of the Property,shall appy
<br /> ��-��-��_�?�� eny Funds held by Lander at tAe tYnO o1 noquisttton ar enlN as e aredit��aM��1 tho eumn s�our(a1 0�thf�C:cur�tY�nat►um°�L hg � �d
<br /> ,r'�^:�;�.�] $.Applteetlan ot Payment�. Uateee epp[babte kw provlder oth�nuls�, 41I pitymMt�r�atHod by Lend�x under perapraP
<br />=:'�=+�:�! 2 shall be epp��ed�flmt, to eny prepayment ohnryea duo undor the Noto; eeoond, to amounto pey�bie under paragraph 8: t��d to tnterast
<br /> _ �A;�� due;touR�,to prinotpil due;and kbt,eo anr mte anarpes due undor tho NOt�. Whlah msy
<br /> 4.Charges;Llen�. 0onower ehatl pdy eG tax��,eseoaemonte,oharps�,�k��9 8�d�DD����OnO �ttflbutab�to th0 Pro�oty�
<br />-_'��.�'-_"9� 8tta1n prtor(ry ovar thia 5eeuriqr ineWment, and Nas�hold poymmt� or pround nnt�, N tny. 8ortowa �hail PaY ther�o abllgattona (n the
<br /> -,:.ce� manner provided 1n PanpraPh 2,or If not patd h thtt mannYr, Borrowsr �hn►1 p�y thtm on tim� dlraotM to the person owed payment
<br /> ='-=�s'� BoROwer shtq prompty tumlah�mt h lo Londer 1na�lptd e�r►dmoln t ths p yrt�q�s� thte Par�proph. It Borrower mrJcea those paY��
<br />—__-��- direatry,BoROwer eheU promptry 0
<br /> BoROwer shall prompty dlaoharse any Uin whb�hae prtorky ovu th�� 8�our 41�n�trumw�t unNas Bortowa: (e)aprees h�NithO to the
<br /> :���� paymont ofi the aui'�ti�n �sr�!�.!�"-` 11°" �^��R°°�n�r aCC�AtsbM to L�nGr; (b)nontab In pood I��A th�1Nn by,or dolands apahst
<br /> �f� entorcement of the IMn N, MQ4�9�a��dh�e whb�U1 th�L�nd�re opinbn oponts to ptwmt tR��ntoreemmt oi in��i��Z�l��
<br /> the hotd�x of the Ibn an ayr�smMt 6�Usbatory to t�nda subordinitlnp the INn to thls&raurHy Inittrument• it L+�nd�►detertn��a th4t any
<br /> part ot the Property
<br /> is subJsnt to n INn wh�h rtuY att�ln Prbrity ovK this S�aurlty InttrumYnt�LondM'rtt�1►pNs sortow�r a noUca ider►Nryhq
<br /> the Iien. Bortower ehatl eatlsty the Ibn or uks on�or moro ot ths eatbns oit foRh abov�wNhh 10 d�yd a1 th�pMlnp ot not a.
<br /> ------ S, tlexerd or Property I�w�anee. BonOwor ehtll kNp thtl ImptOV�mMt� nOw sxis�hq Ot h�teldi� K�ot�d on thi Ptoperty
<br /> Insured apahst �oas by tke,h�.vrds baluGd wAhln the t�rtn "sxtm0�d aovan�'�nd �ny otRK hturdf, holudirtp tbods or�toodhp�toc
<br /> whbB IrendK requhs Insuranas. TNts haunnc�ahall be mointahed in t1+s amouatl and lor th�pabd�thtA 1.trtd�r�Mutns• 'R►o In�urence
<br /> � B rrowar tatis to�m4h��covenps daaorb d�bo o��WndorB o�eotet Lmdare oDpon�bUh�O�clr�p�1 to prot�o!�L�nOM's rtBrts H tho
<br /> 0
<br /> — PropeRY h acoord�nca wRh D�9��h 7.
<br /> q0 insurancs pollaies �nd nn�wab sludl Da taa�ptabM to Mndu and ehtll fnol�do�at�nd�Ird mort�tp�oltue�� L�ndar dhiA hAVe the
<br /> �ipht tp hold thi PO���d�BWQIi. it tand�roQutne�B000wa�h�ll promptry pNa to�dN�1!rpcelpt�01 pnfd pnrekcmi�"d�"�+"�I
<br /> nq�g, tn th��vant ot bts, BuRpwor ahail pNe prompt noliae to ths inauntnC�otrrW and benOK• I.MU1�t ma1►m�� proof�b�s��ot
<br /> rr�ade Pro�Pth+by BOrroMr�r.
<br /> Unioss Lsnder u�d 8orcowa othorwls� a�rN h wrkhp, Intur�nce proaMdf �hptl b� appi�d lo rAt20r�tbn or npair o4 tne PeoperiY
<br /> dsmaga0, H ths restontlon or npatr ts 000nantoaJb �wsb� aad lvndK'� v�ou�KY �� npt M��wud� II lM rqtontbn or repa�r b nOt
<br /> eaonomlcaly teasbte ar lend�e II�ou�tt!►would be Nasonad,th� Inatcrancd precMdt sAtll W�Ap�Nd to th��uma s�ouad bY U►b Securkq
<br /> inswrt�nt,whathe�or not than due.wkA any Pxaese ptid to Borrower. I!BonowN ab�ndont lh� PropNty,or do��noi ans+�v�r wi�+In 30
<br /> days a notke trom tAndw that the inaunu�as ourt�r has oN�rod to s�tlN�cittm�lhrn L�ndK n�f► ao���ho h�unno��ocMda• I.end�r
<br /> may use ths proceads to repsk or restoro tho Prop�rtY or to pay euma e�ourod by thb S�outNy inetni�n�fb whNhK or not thln dut.The _
<br /> 3�y period wlll bsptn when the not�a Ia�Ndn•
<br /> Untess Lender and 8orrower oth�wiso a� b wrfthp,nnY aPAltor�tbn o} proCad�to prinapnl�h�N not�xUnd or hoQtA�.�opw y
<br /> date ot the monthry paymonte relprted tp h P�9�Ohs ��d�ar OhtnQ�tho YmOUn! Ot the p1Yrt1M►t�• H urttlt�p���W�A
<br /> ts acqutred by Lender.Borrowei's rl�ht to u+y Ineuronao poiblos and proCY�ds r�tuRinp kom cl�mtp�to th�PrepKiy p�1�►ta th�aaqut�klon
<br /> shaA pasc to Le++dd►to the exte�t of the suma eeaured by this Soeurf�r inetrum�nt lmm�dt�t�ti p�br to th�iwt�ul�NW�•
<br /> ���'`��� 8. Ocer�pancy, Preservatlon� Maintenance and �roteoilon of th� Prop�rty; d�rowmr'�I.o�n APP��a�on;
<br /> - Len8eh01d8. Borrowar shatl ocoupy,estabttsh,and ua�ths PropaAy ee �oROwEr'e prhoqal ntld�c9 wMhfn aEAy d�ys Mlt�r tb�ucutbn
<br /> of thfs Security instrument and ahatl aontinue to oceupy tho PropeAy ae BortotvKa pthoip�li rssldQnCO lot RI N��I niu yM►1�RK Ih��tU°} -.
<br /> ^__����; oecupartap.un1ess Lender othe�wise aprees In wrItinp,whbh oonsent ehall not do unrG�QOnabP��y!lhhe!�,a�nt�f�e axtrnua4lnp ClrCUmsUn6�s �
<br /> -- -- ' exist whiah ere boYond 8orrowefs oontrol. Borrower ehQtl not daUo�,dnmt�or knp�V 1ho Prop�r1Y�N�Ww lhs RropN1Y lo���thtt b
<br /> ':^'�.-�� �s"• Borrower shap bo In detau�t H uny todeftur�aation or procMdbp, whNh�r oNR Or cOrtru�4
<br />_i;;;,;, �,,�,! Commtt waste on the Property
<br /> - '�' �;�e.0 Lendere Oood latth 1ud8r�nt could rosuR In 1oAelturo af tho PropoAy or oth�nvb� m�tsrl�ly YnpYk ih� IE�n CreYt�cl by thk 8�eur�y
<br />--�+��� lnsWmesit or Lendda sc+curity interest. �orrefwor may ou�.o�d��a�R���npQa�����rtt ur� o/rth�60r►ow�`'� �st In th•
<br />';:�'�y��ai.; ar proceedh0 to ds tt�tmisseu wim u n+�ry u�... •• •�•..--_ �--- --
<br />=:�-^�,�•"'�"' property or othsr material ImAalm�e^t ot the Ibn ereated by thls 8uourity Instrument or landu'e asocrNy fnt��AU Qarrow�f tn�e R�eo oc��
<br />,.....,,..��.;... :
<br /> ---• : = - P detaua H Bvnower, duBr►g the toan app��atbn procesa,gave mater��y tatae or Nacournte k+tormut►on or �tatNn�nt�to 6w►�w�or �► o
<br /> �=:-'��xr,;;:�Y' .�
<br /> .�.�,._-��;. provido Lvnder wRh eny material infortnatkn) in aonneattan with the toan avkienaod by the Nots,InatuAinQ.Au1001 IImX�d ta,�aDrasmtaibno
<br /> �" ' •` aonceming �ortor+C�s oCCUP�nor o} the Properiy et► a principal re9ldenco. tl thls Ae�urity Inbtrumont t� qn A Iwte9nokl, Sutrowm �hsN
<br /> ��•:b-aJ�Y^�.:'f� •
<br /> _ '�'� Qpmpq With ell the provislona o! the Ieage. If Bortowor aoqulros tee tqt� to iht Proporty,tn�6fatohol' snd thp f:a t�b Ch�!) f141�p,
<br /> . � t*�
<br /> - ' `� unbss lender e9rees to the metger tn wrfthH•
<br /> - - . ...�•_
<br /> • �.:;�;, ;
<br /> � Vn�m oaz��Qo
<br /> .s..�: •
<br />--����f+1�C Va9�Q ot 6
<br /> :���'' Faooauna po�oel
<br /> .;; .;
<br /> ��.i5'Yi<:.
<br /> " 1031
<br />