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'2.�;;+ � T'�, . � f <br /> ,� •�, • <br /> 1 �'� . r .1� µ . . i.4" <br /> I J .��.y . � 1� . .. . .. n .. . �.J�� . <br /> '� ' y,,,�� _ _ <br /> .. �� �'�� wir�+tu'..�. . . ._, .. .. ... __�. �...'r.-.- . . . ./�_ - _ ._ . <br /> . . . . . .. . -"---."".__�..._'._ _..._.__ <br /> �.h. <br /> ' � ' "'_'.__"" <br /> -�w.w.�-� ._._�..v�r..=.Y„�,.—�,...'..^.'--.._,.__.-•�_-�-------..--- ..._._.—. . ....�._ - ._..._ _._ _��' <br /> � <br /> � 0ortov�er may oure suoh a detautt and roinstate, es provtded tn pamgreDh 18. by aauaing the eation or proanedine to be <br /> 2 p,:. <br /> dismtsaod with a rullnp lhat, In Lenders Ooad fniih dsterminat►on,prtxNdo3�rfoi�Q of�tho�B��i°Bp a�o°$haOPalsoe e in <br /> other meterla�Impalrtnent of the►�en aroacad'oy t��i� 5�:��i •��°�'�•'�"•�. "'._ � i�=' <br /> dotauit It�oROV�or,durinp the Ionn applkatlon process,gnvo matertally latsc�or Inacaurate tnfon►�atlon or statementa to Lendsr(or � <br /> ffitt�d to provtde Lender v�ith eny materlat intormatton) In eonncotl�n wiih Ihe toan evidnnend by tho Noto, h►oNding, but not �:__- <br /> i � <br /> Rm(ted to, reproaentattona ooneem4�g 8orrowa�s�'h�Q,�he p ov�ons�otGth le3 0.p If�OROVeotdnoqultos'teuhls�u� �., <br /> Usuumant Is on a krasehotd, Bortower sha0 compry � �, <br /> � 6�roparty.the lenaehot�an d t ho te�t h t e s h a l l n o t m s r BA unSsss 4ende'}8 �er tt�ils toe Pe p�ho eovennnts and agreem e M a <br /> ?. �ro�AeBlen ef 6e�t��r's R lg h t�i n 4 h e P r o p a r t y. <br /> �'� oontained h thb &e�urfly InsWrttent, ot thore Is a legai procoetltng thut mny eignitkgn'•ly afl;,ct LCnd�rG rbhts � the Propeity ����Y <br /> ,� (suob as e ptooeeding h ban1wptnY�Probate,for condemnatton or fortekure or to entorce 0ara or reguiations),`rt��,$d�tlons � <br /> u <br /> ' '� � do and pay fnr whatever Is neconaary to proteot the valua ot the Praperty end Lendera Nghts in tha Proporty. <br /> may hoiude paYln9 enY sums ss;cured by a Oan whbh has prtoAty over thls Socurity Instrument, aPF�9 � couR, P89�0 � ��" <br /> �- <br />_� reasonnbte attomays' fees and entoring on the Propmty to mske repalrs. AMough Lender may take aotton under this para9►aDh F_ <br /> " _ 7,Lendor does not hnve to do so. h � ghail becoma addttlonal debt ot Sorrower seourc3d by this Sacurity =-- <br /> • Any nmounts disbursed by Lender under paragrep <br /> r <br /> �; �nstrurtrent Untess 8orrower end 4ender agree to other te�ms of payment,Mese amounts shaa bcar interest from the date�f � <br /> �r disbursement at the Note rate and shatl be payabte.wlth interest,upon notke trom lender to Borrower reQ�estin9 Paymen� <br /> 8. Mortgege Inaura�nce. It Lender requked mortgage Insuranae as a cond(tion ot making the toan securod by this <br /> ���n �, • Security inswment,Borrowsr shali pay the premtums requYed to mainffiin tAe moRgage insurenco�n eNsct.It,tot any reason,the _ <br /> �`,5; moRgage Insurance ooYera90�aqutred by Le"de►�ePses or ceases to be N efleot. Borrower shall pay the premiuma�4��to <br />_'•;�r�`,:, obtab ooverage substentfal►Y e0ukatent to tho mortgage Insurance pr�viousy ln eNect. at a cost subatentlally equNatent 4o the <br /> �•^ ;"�;;; eost to 8orrower of the me�"G'7a9a ���ce prev�ousty In ellect. hom en attemate mortgage hsurer apyroved by Lender. It <br /> - subsfantlatly equivalent nior'�a fnsuraneo coveteQe is not avariable�e���wAen they s rance coverage��aPsed or ceasad to • <br />'--�-~� one�twelRh ot the yearry mortgaBo Nsurance premium being paid by _ <br /> .r'�r..�- Fsg in e{(ept. Lender wiU acaept. usa end retaln these PaYmenta es a losa reseive h lieu of mortgage kesurence. Loss reseTMa <br />�J�:�� paymonts may no tongor�e� the opNon�ro�byde�r.d�m�a�8�o������v�tob��edM Bortower shall rpay _. <br /> 41at Lender re4ukes)Pr�'�by a^ �"surer epP <br /> t1+e premiums►equYsd to m�f�tatn mortgage Insurance in befiect�n Borrow�az�d Le der�ePDuCCebte laMr.�iroment for moRgage <br /> .:,+�M hsurenCe ends in aeeordance with enY��8�^t� Lender eha(18hre <br /> =�"_t�.� 9. (DSpECt10O.Lsnder or ks agent msy make rsasonabie�nebe cause tor the�insPeathonProp�• <br /> .Y-:�� 8orrower notbe at the thie ot or prior to an InsPeaHon cpeoHpin9 <br />-_�__-��� 10. Condemnetton.rna proeeeaof ene Pror„erty.or%r oa�ivey�m�'�u of qondemneNon�Iare hereby6ess�q^ed tind <br /> -- -- conds+nnatbn or ath�takhg of eny part <br /> --==��Y�'� shatl be psid to L.9nd�. <br /> ---=�:_::,�e In the event of a to:al takhg of the Property, tP►a proceeds shaL be appaed to tl►e suma secured by thts Ser,�i� <br /> Mstrument.�rhether or noY ttren due.wim e�iy s'�°°°F�ta�n"�w�. b the event of a P���0 a the Property _ <br /> -�----- the{aU ma�ke!value of the property immediQtehr befote the tekin8 b e4uei to or greater than the amount�t��9 the sums <br /> •--�^��- by �(� �ecu�ly InsVumorzq 6nmedlatey before the tatch0. uniess Borrans* e�d Lender otheiwise agree <br /> secured by this Security ir.s4�ument shail be rtiduced by the emount of the proeeeds muftiptled by the 4oibwhp traction: (a)the <br /> =� totat amount of the sums e�ured Mnmedlatey betore tho tatch8. dMded by (b)the ffllt market vaMie af the PtOP�Y�edintety <br /> - - Detore 4he takk�8.Any bata�ra shaii tre Qaid to BoROV,er.In the event of a paAtal taking o}tAe PropeAy b whieh ths ink rtwricet <br /> --� -� vatue oi the Propaly inmodlately betore the 1sk�0�8 orh nless aPAGCabte law oth�taeu provkiostlN pmceeds shail be <br /> ____„ unless Borrower and Lender oMerwtse egrae <br /> - appDed to the sums secured by this SeeurRy instrument whether or eot the sums ere then due. <br /> ___--��= lf the Properly Is ebar+doned by Borrower.or tf,after no�e by lender Ro Bortower Mat the condemnor oHers to make en <br /> --- awerd or seltle e cl�Yn f�'damapes. Borrower fatts to resPond to Lender withh 30 daYs after the date the noti�e 1� Ghren� <br /> .�Y�_ Lender k+ authori�d to coilect and apPb me Pr���at fts optkn. eEher to �estoretlon or rePatr of the ProPery► or M the <br /> --- sums secured by thts Security tnstrument,whether or not th�►due. <br /> Unlass Lender and Bormwar otherwke aD� h writln0. e�Y aF09catbn ot pra�eds to P�aipai shalt not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of fhe mor+U►b paY��retened to in paragraAfis� end 2 or ahan9e the emount of such payrt�ee►ts• <br /> 11. Bonower t��8 Released; Forbearence By 1 ender Not e WaWer. Ext�sbn of the ttne tor paYmer►t a� <br /> ��.� madiNcatfon of amortl�s�'om ot tAe sums secured by this SecurttY Insburnant qranted by lender to any successor tn hterest of <br /> Borrowdr shaii not operuia ta retease t he I i a btl�y ot the o r i ginat Borrower or 8osrower's successore in interesG Lender shati not <br /> pe requked to eortunenee P►eceed1n85 ag�s� e^y au�or h hterest or retuse to eubnd Urt�o tor payment or otherwBe <br /> - rnodity amoRtsetbn ot the surtss socured by this Seaurfty Instrument by reason vf anY demand made by the odghat Bocrowc�r or <br /> - �P Bortov�r�a suecessors � hteresG My fo�bearer►ce b�r Le�de� h��0�y �9ht ot ►artody sAaN not be a wal+►er o?or <br /> preciude the exercise oP anY►i9M or remedy. <br /> -- 12. Succ�asor� �nd Asalgns Beund; lotnt and SeYerai Ltabitiiy; Co�t�ners. n+e co�ennnss ana <br /> aqreements af this SecurilY InsWm�t sheli bad end bensfit the su B�be oht and Ssevera� My 8orrower who c�s this <br /> - provisbns o7 P8re9�aAh 17. Borrowe�'s covenaMs and a9ree�ne�ta <br /> —� SocurRy Inntrument 6ut does not e�mcute the Note: (a)is co-signing th�SecurttY Instrument onry W mortyaye�grert end convey <br /> that Borrowe�s hterost in the Property under th0 tertns ot thts SecuritY Instumen� (b) is nat personaly obligated M pay the <br /> ....��- — sums secured by this SacurtiY Instrumant; and(c)s9rees that tsndar snd any other Bottower may a9�to extend.modiryt. <br /> _.;� forbear or rtietce any accommodatlons wfth rtsgard to the terms ot this SeCUritY �nsWme^t or the Note wkhout Mat Borrowers <br /> consent <br /> _m�°==..`��+� 13. Loan Charges. ��cne �,n securea br cn�s 8ecur�Y Insbument Is BubJect to a (aw whi�h sets mazim�tm loan <br /> ..-----�.^�°� eherges.ertd that taw is ftnalry hterprotad so that 2he inierest ar other ba�►charges coitected or to ba eoUeated tn eonnecUon <br />- --_-`=�'� w@h the ban e�a�od tha permitted itmtts.then: (e)any such toan aha�pa shatl be reduced by the amount n����b <br /> `""���- the Charg9 to the perm�ttad limi� end (b)enY sums g1�adY �o�d�m Bot►ower whkh vxCeeded Perrt� <br /> .'.:a -��...�' <br /> ,,y-.i�1;�� �¢�mded tp Elorrpwer•LonOor may choose to make thts reNnd by naduehg the prinoipal owed under the Noto o tmY�out a gy <br /> r�'=;,'�,?x.- -_ direot paym0nt to Bmrowet. If a refund reduces pnc�pa►�tha reductlon wip be beatad as a P�►P�Y+�^ <br /> -,�+�TM�:��•<.: prepaYment ashet9e und�the Note. <br /> �=„�ti�.;`V��`=" 14. 6t�18�34iCP.s.My notice to Bormwer p►ovided tor in Mis Secur�q!Instrument sha0 be gMen by dalMerYig ft or by maainp K <br /> -�"�."`"�"�� by tust ctass matl untess ePP�le taw requtres use o�enothw. anranoticce tn LEnder shali be 9�ren Yeflrs! c(nss mu��to <br /> : ., _- or eny oMer adQcsss Hortow�er oes�r� ••, ••-•.•� <br /> - ak::yi+�ri�ri Lande�s address sfated hens�or any oth�address Lender desbnates by nodce to Borrower. My noUCe P*��0 ror n ms <br /> ..,.,'""t..'..�.. Security inshument sheil be daemad to have besn 9Nen to Bomower ar lender when 9Nen es Provided h th13 P�9�Ah. <br /> `:.�>:::^�-,.-=- 16. Governing Lew; St3V�1'gbEllty.Thb SecurRy Instru�nent shatt be govemed by tede*at�aw and the tsw of the <br /> ,:,_ <br /> jurtsdicUon in which the Propectf+ ts to�ated• ��t�►e ����y D���on or alause of th(s SoeurrlyY lnsWmant or the ote <br /> _ ' :. �� givon etteat wMout�the confROUr►8 p visEon.To th(s e�nd th provisfons of Nis Sscurny I�nswmen�t e^d the Noie ere dseiared to <br /> �r <br /> > �.. . '� �' be SevCir@biB. <br /> _,. _...�:.. <br /> - � 1G. Bmrrower's Copy.BoROwer shali be gMen one conlortned copy ot the Note end ot thts Secu�3p�nsUums�t <br /> '.�+. <br /> �:-Vw �I-. � ,A � �iii�' <br /> .Y� .y�y.�� � <br /> � Pap�S ot 5 �i.� <br /> � . F�91&LMO(t/B9) <br /> :'.'::'„-'�r�.+ J <br /> pII038 <br />