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<br /> , • TO�LRHER WRN atl the improvements nb�����oemsn nnd addit oh a ahulenlso be oovered bq thts 8eou�i ty anatrumentd. _
<br /> • � ibcturo� nov�or harnattm a part of lhe pro�sryl. -
<br /> - A"n oi a:�o�vr�o�y w•'w"�S'� �"���5���� Inatrumcnt no tNO°Propcfly." ••__:
<br /> BOFStOWER COVENANTB th8t Bortovvc►Is 18wfuCy Belied Ot the est9te hereby oonveyod and has tho rtght to 8►nnt nnd _
<br /> aorney the Propert�r and that the Propefty b unaneumbomd, except tor eriaumbruneoa of rcoord, 8onov�er wartnnto and wlll � � _.:
<br /> detend psnaraly the title to the Propeny oSe�et aU otal�s csnd demanda,subJeot to eny onaumbrances ot reoord. '�.
<br /> YHIS BECURITY INSl6iUM1ENT conbNoa unibrm aovenants for nattannl10uaQ and nort-unNorm covtmanftf w�th Itmited � _�-
<br /> • = varlatlor►a by Judsdlatton to aonBtlWto cs unEfarm oecurtty InaWment ooverinD tsa�D P riY � �'��
<br /> . UNIFORM C01fENANTB. Bortowar ared Lender oavenont and agre9 ea fof��ya: k; , u
<br /> � - � � 9. Peyne�4 04 P�ar�et�at and de�teeeo�; P�@p8yf11@19t 8fld L.tlt@ CQE�tQ@8.8orcowor shn0 promptry pay v+hen
<br /> � due the rinaipal of and hterest on the debt svidenced by ths Note and any prepayrteont c►nd tato oherges due un�lar tiw Nato. �-
<br /> - -� 2. �unda for Taxea and InauPance.SubJeat to uppl'�8bb I�w or to e w�Alen vraivet by Londer,8o►towot BhaN pay _
<br /> � _.._--� to lendsr on the day monthy payments are due under the Note,unUl the Note is paid In tu�i, a aum("Funds")for. (a)yearll► �
<br /> ;G�' taxes and assessments wh�h may attah prlorltY over thta&eaurity Instrument a�s �e Ptemi�ms;p(d�yearN nood tnsuranee
<br /> � paymer►ta or ground renta on the ProgeRy.U an9� (a)Ye�Y hemrd or property
<br />•. , , p��mg�{}any;(8�yearly moRgege ineuran�s premlums. M eny;and(fl any eums PBYae�e by Bortower to Lender�n accordance
<br /> ��' , with the provbtona of para9re9h 8� !n il�u ot the payrteent of moRqaBe Msurance prerofums• These items are ea�►ed "Escrow
<br /> � �. Items." Lender may,at any ttme, eonect end hotd Funds in an en►ount not to exeeed the max�u� an►ount a lender f�r a
<br /> ec
<br /> N tederalry related mortgage loan mey requlre lor Borrower's escrow account undn th�►(ederet Rei+�Estate Sett�ement Procedures
<br />� ..?� Act of 1974 as amsnded from tlme to rine.12 U.S•C•@ 2�0� et s�Q� (���A��� untess another Iaw that epplias to tho Funds `--
<br /> d�`' sets a lesset amount. It eo, Lsndsr may.at eey time,oollaat end hotd Funds �n a+n en'�ount not to excead the lessm emount.
<br />_ � Lender msy estimate the amount of Funds due o i��b�W of eurrent data and reasonable estlmates af e�endltures of future --
<br /> :..��r;� • Escrow Itams or otherwfse in accordance wll� aPP
<br /> •� �"•';' The Funds shatl be hetd in an tnsdtutta�whose depoaks ere inaured by a teder+si eBenaY. hs he Funds�torpay'the�Esarow
<br /> ���'� Lendor,#la+dar is suah en inst�utEan)or h eny Federal Home Loan Bentc• LondBr thall apply
<br /> '�� Items.Lender may not oharge Borrower for holding and applyin8 the Funds,annuaCy enainfi9 tho oscrow exount,or varHyinB .
<br /> �Mt�'`" the Escrow items, untess Lendar ps�s 8ortower Mterest on the Funds end app�ioeble law �ermks Le°de* t° make suoh a
<br /> cherge. Howevor, lendar may requi�o Bartowar to pay a ono-tMne charge (or an indePeadenQ roa� esffite tex rePo�e �e
<br /> ` „�,,� used by Lender in connectfun �vith thls toan, unless apP�toebFa l�W Providas otnenvise. Uoiess an agreement Is made or
<br />_;;:�''
<br /> '� eDPlia9bl� isw requtres Uteres�'ba`D��A���hathettinteetest shedll bappaid�n�the Funds.Lender sehai1�93ve to Bottowe�,
<br /> Bortower end Lendar m�y ag ��
<br />;;:��ta+, wfthout ah�rgs, en ennual exaunting of the Funds.showtng credita end debits to the Funds end the purposa^s�w�h�e�h
<br /> ,:� • debit to tAe Funds was made. Tha �unds are pbdged as addlUonat securily for aA suma secured by lhs Seeurity
<br /> �'"�'�'� ' If the Funds he►d by Lender e�xsiad NB emou�ts Pe►mitted Yo be held by appttceb�e IaW.Lender shall acaouM to Borto�ver
<br />_ �a
<br />.,,.,f., �
<br />�.�;;.,�'.: for the ar�s Funds in acoordenc2►wlth the requkeman�na P�bs�^a��Borrowsr�h�wr BFe�d$to such case Borrawer
<br />�;��i�{� time Is not suN�ient to paY the Escrow Rems when due,
<br /> ���"t'�• shaQ pay to Lender the 8mount necessary to make up the defbienoy. Bortowar s�el mak0 up the deflolencY in�o more thfln
<br /> '���'` twelve monthN payments,at I.ende�s eole dtscretbn.
<br />�''��:,�. e 1_er+dor shdl oromOth�nd to Bartower eny Funds
<br /> ---�" �"�''" �pon payment h tun ot ae sums sva�reu t,� ih� ..�srit�;!nsl�m?ri, _
<br /> .. ..:�,.;,.' .
<br />=="���'' � field by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.lender shaY acqulre or�ell tho PropeRy, L�ender,prior to the aaquisidon or saie ofi
<br /> :-�• ,..�G'�;.J���
<br />��;��,:�;.��s,; Propariy, shflll appry enY Funds hetd by lender at the dmo of acquiskion or sale as a credit agatnst the sums secured by this '
<br />�,�••�Yi� SeCUrUy Instrumen�
<br /> ��}�}� 3. Appiles3�on ot Paymenta un�ess ttpPt�� �'� p�� othetwfse, ali payments receivad 4Y �� under
<br />�_�,�„,,a:� ptuegraphs t and 2 shaU be eApifed: first,to enY OBpalRne�t char9es due undar tfre Note; seaond,to amounts payable unEer
<br /> �---.:+� parpgrePh 2:thtd.W IntereSt due� tantl��►c Pdnalpai due;and k�sL to any late chaTpes due under tho Note.
<br /> ='"�•x.'�!:;,;� $. Charges; Ltene. earrower sAaU pay a�t texes. essessments, charges,Rnes end (mposi�ons etMbB ���sha11
<br /> -��-, ,--,,-�...�
<br /> =�-_,.,;.1� pmperty whbh may attaln Priori►Y over this Security nstrument,and Ieasehotd payments or gtound rfmts, enY•
<br />-■!=�1:•,;:.�:��" pay thase obOgattons In ths menner pro�ided in Para9rePh 2,ot ft not pald In that ma�ner, Borrovler shall pay them on t6na
<br />_.�_=_�----•�,,,� Elreotly to the person owed paymenG Borrower shal► PromPtb t�+mish to lendar aB notk�as of amounta to be p�id under thi9
<br />� -:F--„-- 0�9�Ph. if Borrowsr makes these paymems dVeatN� 8orrower shali promptty Nmish to Lender recaipta evtdenohg tha _
<br /> ----- - payments.
<br /> '" Boaower shHll prompt�r discharoe eny I1en whbh has priority over this Seeurity Inswrrrent untess Borrower. (a)e9rees h
<br /> � wrtthg to the paYment ot the o6ttgatbn secured by the Iler► h a manner acceptable to lsnder (b)�o°��� 6oad ta4th tho
<br />=__�.�.{°:� Uan by, or defends aQatnst erdorcement ot the lien h. Iepai prot�sedhss whlah in the Lenders ophton opetate to preveM tha
<br /> entoaement oi the Oen: or(e)secures Uom the hotder of the lien a�eqreemc+nt sat�fa�tory to Ler►der eubordinating the iten to
<br /> - _ lhis Security Inshument.it Lender determYres lhat any Psrt of the Property Is subject to a Ifen whieh may attein Prfo�tY���
<br />� SecuAty Instrument,i-end�may 8hre Barower a not�e IdentNying the Ifen.Borrower sha0 satisN the ifen o�take one or mo�e of ,,
<br /> -- ---- the actbns set forth ebove wfthh 10 daya of the glvhg oi noNce.
<br /> —�- -��,;°� S..Hezard or Properiy inQauance. 8orrower shslt keep the ImProvemants now mcisttn8 or hereafter erecteE 4n the
<br /> -=_-,.:!:;,� prpperiy Insused agaM►st toss bY �e� hamrds InoNded wtihh the tertn "e�ctsnded Coverege"nnd enY other hazards. IncNding
<br /> --- floods or floodlrtQ,tor whbh Lander requtes hsurence. This insurance sheU be mab�ffifned in the amounts and Por the perlods
<br /> - — that Lender requ6�es. The Insurance cartle� D��dhg tha Insurance shali�e chosen by Borrower sub]eat to Lendeds aPPro�
<br />—
<br />