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, . i i <br /> . � � � <br /> . � <br /> 1 '::�? <br /> ' .'��' . „ % „ <br /> , . ��,,.. n.. ' ' . . ' � �tl�i'1liYr. <br /> . <br /> .•- � .� . . u , � 1YN111�� <br /> '_ �•. .� . �... .. ., . . .. . _ <br /> . . . �� .,. .. .�,.�. �. <br /> .. _......, <br /> � . ...�v.*r, . .. .. <br /> � � v1y��_�.M '� ..._._ ..... . . ...._M1_`..__� .._.._.......__�.M1__.'..�_..�_��_.__`. _` .. <br /> r...��.��.�-�.�. ...�� __.......t�.�i.._...���....-ir.....�.��_...n-- .. . .. .. �,, <br /> ' ' • 17. Trnn�ter o4 the Property or e �eneflciai Interest in Borrower. If ali or any part of the Property or : <br /> � eny intcrrst�n 4!b sotd or tm�nfc�rrod for It a benotlol�I Utcro�t U Borrower Is aold ar trannicRad and Bonowor la not a notuml �___• <br /> pe�son)v+nnout�.endara prior vrraicn av��a�+�Q,�'�sd�r r.���::9=r'�••�=^.'°'�'-'�"°�"""°dlato onyma+t In luli of nll sumo(tCOUrOd by r��• <br /> ' thtn Saflutity Ins3trumcnt.Houuouer. th�a option ohnll not bo exeralsod by Lendar M oxeroiso is prohiblted by tederut law a6 ot the ` <br /> dato 01 this Scsourity ineWment. � �," <br /> .. it Lendor OxeRSiBms this aptton,LCnder Shall give BoROwor notlo0 af BeGeleratton. Thu notice ohott provido n portod ot not � :� <br /> � tesa then 30 deys hom tho d�to tho nottao Is do�Nerod or mnlled vdihin whlah Borcowor muot pay nit suma oecurod by this e F__'_ <br /> ' g¢curity Insnumsnt.If Bonower fciNS to pay these sums prlor ro the e�tratlon ot thls potiod. Lcnder may Invoko any remedlss � �_— <br /> . permkted by this Seourriy Instrurteont w8hout Nrthor nottco or demnnd on 8onowot. _ � �,:°` <br /> �' 18. BOrrowerb Righ4 to Relnete4e. It 8ortower meets certnln eondlttons, 8ortower shail heve the right to hnvo � �_�-- <br /> ' � ` entorcemont of thia Seourity Inatrumont dlsoontinued at any tMe pdor to the eadler of: (n) b daya (or auoh other pedod as _,,. <br /> j appiloabte Iaw may eRealry far refnstatement)bofore sala of the PropeAy pureuent to any power o}saie contalnod in thfa Saourity �:�: <br /> �� Instrument;or (b)entry of e Judgment entoreing th(s SeouAty Inatrument.Those oondftlons are that BoROwer.(a)pays Lender ati � • <br /> • =�••f�� sums whbh then�vouid be due undet this Sccurity Inatrumsnt and the Note as R no acceleration had acaurred; (b)aures any =. <br /> defauR of eny other covenant or agreementa;(a)pays al►e�enees Incurted In enforoing this 3ecuriiy Instrument, Inaludtng.but — <br /> � � not IUnftod to, reasonabte attomeys'tess;rsnd(d)takea aucN eotion as Lendor may roasonablY require to asaure that tne tier�of �_ <br /> � F thts Ssaurity Insuument, LendePs rights In the PropeRy and Borrowers obllgatlon to pay the sums secured by thfs 3eaudty <br /> � � �nstrumant shail contHus unchanged. Upon relnstatament by Bortower, thb Seaurky Instrument and the obUgatlons socured <br /> ,; hereby shall romain fulN efteoWe as If no a�celeration had oceumed. Howevor,this rlght to retnsffite shatl not appy in ihe oase <br /> � of acceleratlon undet paragreph 17. <br /> � �+ 19. �IB 0� NOt@; Change of Loan 5ervicer.The Note or e a pertisl Interest in the Note (together v+kh thfs <br /> . � Securfty Instrument)�nay be ao►d one or mare times wfthout prlor notice to Borrower.A saie may resuit in a change in the entily <br /> ,� • �known as the"loan Servicer�tflat aotieots monMiy paymsntc duo undsr the Nota end this Security InstrumeM. There also may �_ - <br /> - be one or moro changes of the Loen 3e�' unrelated to a sate of the Note. If there IS 8 Chengo Of Me Loet1 88NICer. <br /> �' Borrowcn wlll bs g*ren written notbe of the cRange In accordence wkh Paragraph 14 above and applbabts taw. The noNce wiU p <br /> smte the neme and address of t�e new Loen Servtcer and tho address to whteb payments should be made. The notke wi►I atso <br /> •4:�f�. , contatn any other hformat[on ro�uYOd by apPticebte law. <br /> ,:,Y 20. Heuerdo�us Su����nees. Borrower shali not cause or permft the presence,use,disposal, atarctge,or reiease ot <br /> - any Hazardous SLbstances an or tn the Property. Bortower shali not do, nor eltow anyono etse to do, enything affecthg the <br /> Property thet is in vEoiatton ot any Envfronmental Law. Tho proceding two sentences shal►not appry to the presence,use,or <br /> storege on the PropeRy of smaii quentkies ot Hesardous SUbstances that are gensrely recognixed to be appropriate to normai <br /> rosidantiat uses end to matnt�nance ot the PropeRy. <br /> " 9arrower ahall prompUy gs�re Lender written notice ot any invesdgadon, alaGn, demand, lawsuk or other acQton by any <br /> =� govammenffit or regutatory eigoncy or prlvate party invoNing the Property end any Hazardoua Substance or EnvironmenffiI taw of <br /> _- which 8ortorvsr na� aotuai i�n'vw�ad�&. M Sas:o�'� l�srsts� at ts notl�! �y any govemmentai or repulatorv�t eny , <br /> ��� <br /> =:� - removal or othar romedtatfon pf any Hazerdous Substanee aHeatinp Property is necessery. Bonower shali promptly take ali <br />'`",''�r:"' necwsseuy remediel8otions In acCOrdance with Environmental Law. <br /> t:we,�;��r <br />_r�r=�� � As used M Mis paragtapA 20. "Hazardous Substances" ere those substances daflned as toxic or harardous substancea by <br /> �"` Environmental Law and the 4olbwhg substences: gasol(ne, kerosene, other flammeble or to�dc petroleum produots. toxtc <br /> �� <br /> -`� Qest�ides end herbtoides.volat[(e SoNents,mflteriaV3 aontafning asbestos or formaldehyde,flnd r8dio8CtNe materiels. Aa used tn _ <br />��-'�: paragraph 20, 'Envkonmental lew" means isderat laws and lewa of the Jurisdbtbn where the Property ts located that relate tu ID' <br />"'�"�~� heaRh.satety or environmentai protectlon. <br /> ,,�;i:'� .���� <br />�'��"�-°� NONdJNiFORNI COVENMITS.Barrower end Lander furthar Covenant end agree as toqowa: <br /> u-"°� 29. Acceteratlon; Ftemedfes. Lender shatl give nottae to �orrower prior to eacelereUon <br />�`_'¢L�f4y+� <br /> tottowing Borrower's breach of eny covenent or agreement in thia Security InsVum�nt (but not <br />=-°�� o_� prior to acce9eret�on under paregraph 17 unleas eppticabte lew provides otherwise). The natice <br /> _.�_���,� shatt speetty: (a)the detnuit;(b)the �eEton requtred to cure the aleteult; (c)a d�IDe, Rot leas tha�n <br />_�::.::Y.�� �m derys trom the date �he rtoUce Is given M Borroarer�by which the defeult must be eured; end <br /> .,�:.� Q�� tteat fepure to eure t0�e detault on or beto7� thc date apecified en the notiae may result U <br /> --- �xx��eration of the suma s�aured by thls Security Inatrument and aale of the Properry.The notica <br />�� a?aalti iu�er inbrm Bonower of the right to reinsfate a�er eceeteretlon and the right to bring a <br /> "--�''"� a�urt action to nssert Ure non-exiatence ot a defaul4 or any other deten�e of Borrower to <br />—� �cceteretion and eate. it the detault ts not cured on or betore the date epecffied tn the nodce, <br />�°�.._.�::,:, 4�nder at {ta option may�equfre Immedtate payn►ent in tuli af�It sums sscured by thts SeeurNy <br /> -- Instrument wtthnut turther demand snd may Invoke the power ot sale and amt oti�er remedtr.s <br /> _,,�,�,;,--_ p�rmitted by eppltcable law.Lender ahatl be entltted ta collect aU expenses incurrod in purauing <br /> — - the remedees proWded in this paregraph 29, inatuding� ba�t not ttmited to, �easonabte ettorneya' <br />-,��:�� tees artd coate o4 titie evidence. <br /> �.;;��,� If the power ot eale is tnvoked, Truatee ahatl �ecord a no4lae ot detautt in e�ch county in <br /> _�-���,���� �nrhtch nny part ot the Froperly ta toceted and ehall mait copiea of auch eo4tce in the mam�er <br />- ������'' preacribed by eppticeble law to Borrower and ts 4he other persons prescrtbed by applicable taw. <br />- ' After the 41ane required by appttaebte lnnr�Trustoe ahali givo pubiic notics of aate to the pereona <br />�"' :�=�--.'; . and in the manner prescribed by appttcable law. Y�ustee�vutthout d�mand on �orroroer,ah�t!seft <br /> _� '� � 46ae Preperty a4 publia suetian to the highest bidder at the time end �lace and under the terma <br />='- -� designated in the notiee of aale tn one or more parcels and tn any order Trustee det�re�lnea <br /> �`" ��."� ' ^, Trustee may posnpone sate of eti or arry parcel ot the Property by publia ennmuneement at the <br />- _ ��. ttme and plece ot any previouoly sehoduled sate. LendQr or ittt dsalgnoe eaoey purchnae the <br />��� property et nny saee. <br />' �-.�"•�� �u..... ����nt et nsvn�e� ot the nNc� bid. Truateo shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> _ . ��.��� .���T'. _ <br /> ' �� ' ` �- deed conveyt�� the Pe�aperiy. The recitela in the Trustee's deed shatl be prima fac e ae ence o <br /> �°���� the Vuti� of t�e statemonto made theretn. Truste� ahnii apply the pro�:eeda of 4he eale in ti� - <br />: J foilohring order: (e) �o att oosts and e�enaes of �xercising 4he power ot eale� end tP�e eaEe� <br /> inctudtng the payment of the 4rustee's tees ecbuetly incuned. not% �e pp����� em�uert ot tho <br /> -- Rote et the tlnr+e ot the deciffiretfon df detautt,and reasana�te ettoroey's teea ns permltted by lavu; <br /> 3�� � (b)to nit sums secured by thfs Securlty Instirument; and (c)any excess t�o the peraon or peisone <br />- • tegalty entitled to it <br /> � � i Pag��01 6 �'�� <br />-• ' . Ft91QlM0(t/OB) <br /> 9903� <br />