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<br />. �3�23-19H8 DF�D OF TRI��T 9����ii��� Pa9e� i :.
<br /> �..oa�Na g9694O (C��i4l�n�8�} [;..
<br /> • SECt�iilYY AQREEIlN�T=FIHANCiN�STATL�MENTB.The fott�Mg Pro'�on�ra!�tlng to thts 08ed ct Yrust us n ceouAiy agraomont nru a par!of F�
<br /> this Osad of Trast. -
<br /> � g���y/�y�eemefl� 4'h(s Irtshumem ehati conaUtuts a sacurlty aSroement to tho oxtert cny at tho Propr,rty consUtutss t�luros or ather �,
<br /> s --
<br /> peraanat prope3ly,nnd Lender ohstl have aIi ot the dyAb of e seoured PeM unQer the Unlfa�n Commerctal Code as amended trom mo 0
<br />-- . , 1 t!me. � ,
<br /> . 8eauflty Itttereat ltpon reQuest by Lendor,Tnistor 6he11 exeeute Unartetng stafomenb nrsd t�ko �vhatever other aclioo l:,rc4u��¢by 1,end�r �_-_
<br /> �� to perfect and condnue l,sndefs seourtty intar9st In the Renis and Peasond Prop�lY• �n s�dltEon to recordtng th►3 Oaad ot Trust In 1Ma�sl -
<br /> f�ts exeooulad couMerparta,coPtes ar roproductlons M
<br /> properly recor��LenOer maY.at eny flme and wfthout tuRher authalaaUon frmm Tnistor, -
<br /> ' �.� thls Deed ot Tnist as a flnancing statemenl. Trustor sheli retmbtuse Lend�r fa ap�enses Inssurrcid in pedecUn9 or contMulr�p thls seaudty ---
<br /> rr
<br /> �� tnte�est. Upon dataut�,Trustor 6he118ssemble the Personalprop�dy in e msnner and at a p�reasonebty conven{ertt to Trustar and Lender
<br /> and make it avatlable to Lendet withtn three(3)days aRer re�Mi of wdtten dernand Mom Lend:r.
<br />—_=��� Addrosaea. 7'ho irta�inO addresses of T�ustor(debtor)artd lender(seoured party)�from rhich Inform�Uon cronoomtn8 tho seourib�nt�st ____
<br />' '. ;; prentsd by ihls Ooed af Y�ust maY be oUtatned(each as rcquhcd by the Unitorm Comm�dal Code),are as statnd on tha first paga ot tt�is Oead
<br /> of Ttu34
<br /> " � FURTFER ASSURANCES;ATTQfUtEY-IN-FACT. The toUOwirtg ProNslons rela4irg to turlher flssurenc�s and altomey-tn-faot ere a part o!this _
<br /> Deed of Ttttst.
<br /> � , FurlPtur Aawrancea At any tlme,and trom time to Umo,upon req8 tl o��t���d b ��e���e ta be fi!d���recordud��afilad,ar -°
<br /> ���,c.,.' made,executad or detivered.to Lender or to lendefa daslgr►ee� 4 1
<br /> rerecordad,as the case may ba�e1 such tlmes end tn such ofl�Ces artd piaae�s as t-ender mt�deem eppropriatd.umr tutd Aq suah mortgages.
<br /> - . �=:%:�� deeds ot trust. securiH doeds.securilY a9�merds�flnandn9 atatemeMa.conttnuation statoma�s,Insbuments of turther ossurance.cerdflcatas.
<br /> � ' and other dxuments as may.in the sole opinlon of tsnd:r,ba �7�����n ardor to effectuate,comP►ete•Petfoct,ao�inus,or _
<br /> �,,...,,I� ' presonre (a)the obllyatioro o4lhistar under the Note,this Deed ot Trust,and 1he Reteted Oxumenffi,and (b)the tfens and securiy{nter��
<br /> ,r..>. created by this Dead otTn�st as�st and pria Uens on the Prope*lY�whether naw owned or�areaflx ac4uired by Trustor. UMpss Prohibitsd bY -
<br /> ' taw or agreed to the contreq►bf►Lender in wr(Urtg,Tn�stor shall relmburse Lender for all c�ls and eo�enses tnour�ed in oonn6cUon w(th the
<br /> mattc�s reterte�b in Ws parapreph. --
<br /> •�y?xir: Attomeyan-�ae4 If Trustor fails to do arry o4 tho things reierred to in tha precedirp psreva.pA�Lendar maY do so for and in the nama af
<br /> Tnu�tor and at Tmstala e�ense. For suah P�p and dT�n8 a I dher thlr�es aisy be�neoesserf�or desl�reblo�neLe d�ar"aDtso�opinl�ose
<br /> {; ��� at msking,eocecuHnp�deilve�inp�RIInO�reco►dln9�
<br /> nL�� aocompfish the mattere rotertod to M the preoedtnB Pe�9��
<br /> �?r: ertprms d the oblipations imposed upon Trwtor under thts
<br /> .„. . •` FIAl PERFORNA3�ICg. ItTntstor pays all the Indabtodnass when due,and oU�tdse P
<br /> .-�: sta�teme°rds o�t term5nstlon of any flnarw�q statsm�nt on�fi e evtd�endn8 fLsnders seCU�ty interest in ihe' R�et►d tha P�e otnal PropertY.i Anv
<br />:;;,�;:;•,. � reconvayance tee requlred by taw shall b0 patd by 7rustar,it permlNed bY ePPDcabte taw.
<br />- ::�'.-�
<br />.-:,;�:j '� �"l�T. �ecn�un t�a�,ai�na o�non m�enaer.shall co�titute an event d detauft('�ve�d t�t0einw'►"�under thts Dead of Trust:
<br />'• .w��,;�� Defeuit on(ndebtedness.Faiiura of Tn�stor W meke anY pamserd when due on the Indebtedn�.
<br /> y��f .
<br /> . j, '�{,.� Oefwtt on Ottiet P�ents. Failure ot Tn�atar wfthin the tlme requlred by ttib Qead of Ynsl to m:�ice any payment ior toxes or nsurance,ot
<br /> -%��� any other PaYr�M�eo�a�Y to prevant 8tlng.ot or to eHect dachar�e of any Uen.
<br />���"'� �eteutt M Fevor of TAird Parties. ShoWd Borrowar or any Tnlsta defaWt under any loan,md�n:ion at eredlt,sacurfty uyreement.purohnse or
<br />"-��:�_��� sales agreerrte�,or any alher a8►eement.tn 1�vor of snY dher a�ditor or per&on that msY mstEeAaLY af4eat enY of Bortowers ProperlY o*
<br />- - °� Barowecs or enyr Tnistor's ebiAtY to rePay the Loans u gradarm thoir resP�e o1�9attaa u�E�thiS Deed of Trusf or any of the Reiated
<br />--Y=="�'�'��� Documents.
<br />-��-- ���1 Compllertee aDatautf. Fallure of Tnutor to compry v�Ilh anY o�her term�abllge�on,cavonad or cond'rtton eontelned In thls Oeed of 7rust,tho.
<br />��=:s•::i-�� Note ar fn any d ti'ee Related Qocuments.
<br /> �.'-�+-•y� Fatao Ste�tcmenta Any wartanty�rePresentatlon or statemetn made a fu��o�i�n+.��''••a:;�x:±'�'-!!et?!+�?tor under thls Deed of Tntsf,
<br />-�����N - the Ncto a the Related Oocumenb Is talse or misleading in eaY materltit resP��nowa at fih9 tlme made or tumished.
<br />`'=`°:E petecllve Co1l�tenNmdlot�. Thfs Oeed ot Trus!or emr of tNe Related Owuments cease�s M tie In tu'J force and afteat Qnoluding taSture ot anY
<br /> coUate�al documer�ls to create a va0d and psAecied seourilY Interest or Iten)at any ttme and�r eny r�9ason.
<br /> �n�p►Yeney. Thg�sotuUon or terminatton of Trustors e�dstertce as a 9dng bustrtess,the Iraot��wy�r�r.iho appm�"eM oi n reoehrcr
<br /> � tor eny Aart at Tra�slors ProP�Y.anf►essignmant tor the bene6t ot creditas,anY b�Pe ol credttor workout.or tho oommencement of 8nY
<br /> � proCetdtng under eny benkruPmY ot trtsotvonoY 18ws Gy or ayainst7rwtor.
<br /> assesslon
<br /> - - Fo�edowre�For[elture�efe. Commanceme�of toredosuro cx tatelture praoeedi���P1��A Howeve�r.thlst-„�tun�c�on aheU rto1
<br />----- or any other rnethad�by en7l credRor of Tnistor or by anY 9orernmenffiI epenoY aQe1
<br /> _-- -__ �APN In the¢sent af a pood falth dlsputa by Tn�OOr as to 1he va4�h/or reesonablene�d tt�a c3eSm whloh Is the basss ot tM foredosure or
<br /> -_-�-_= totsleltu►e pr�teeding, Provtded that Tn�stor 0tues Lender wAiten notice of suah clalm turJ fuud�as t�0ivos Or e suretl►bond for the clafr� _.
<br /> -�`" satistactory tes Lender.
<br /> Breach of Olhet Al�e�n� �Y breaoh b!�Trusta under Ihe terms ot enY ath �rt�nB enY�na�rress Ot other b1�aUan o4'ih�stor
<br /> _�'� � wlthin nnY C�P��provtded the�ein.Ineludlnp without Umttatlon anY aareeme
<br /> to�ender�wt�ethe�e�6sttrg now a tafer. .
<br /> - _ —° EYents Atfeetlnp Quarentor. My ot the preoedlnp eyerds aoa+us w(th respe�t to arry Guamntar of erry ot the tndabtadrress oT enY Guerantor
<br />— --- d',es or becomes tneompetent,u revokes or dtsputes the va�dity of,orilehfUry under,any fivarantY o?t►t�Indebt�dngss. Lender,at Its option,
<br /> -= may.but shsu no!De requtred to,pertntt the t3ueren!ors estate to assume uneondlttonary the obbga�otis culsing under 1he 9uuanty tn a
<br /> N���,� ,�n��y�ctory a I,.ender,and.ln ddng so.cure the EveM of DetaulL _
<br />-"�;g�� Adrerae CPaanpe• A matertal edv�sca change occurs In Ttustcts flnra�ulsl condltton,or lender believ�5'th9 pragpoot of peyment or
<br /> r�r._
<br /> -���5=�^.;-;� Performancs at lha Indebtedn8ss b Impa! .
<br /> ����:rt Inscqtdt�. Lendet In�o0d talth desms tLssli insecure. _
<br /> �-�_. ptrht qo Cu►e. If sucA a faf[ure is curabte and it Tmstor has not been gMen a�otto�of a breach of the samo pmv�ton of tALs Oeed oP Trc�S1
<br /> -•�;-r,.. w[tAfn the qr�oedin8 tvreNe(�2)montt�s.U may be cured(end no Evet�ot OPfsult wftl Aava occur►EiOI ff tn�stor,aP.a LendBr sands wtitlDn
<br />`�,s�ti;-. noUrs dema�n9 cure of 5uch tallure: (e)cwos the taUure wiWn Nfteon (16�daYs�or (D) it lrto curo re4uices moro than fittaen pb�daYs,
<br /><.:,t ,._-:::... fmnx3dfateN in�ates ste�s ssrf�Cter�t W cure the taflura artd Iher�eaRer contlnues end comDe'9s�I reasont�ble and neoessflt!►st�s suffldent to
<br /> .•s: prootuca comyEerma as soo�as teasonably praeUCal.
<br /> .•�`''�:_" iiIQHTB AND RE9►1m1E8 ON OFFAtLT. Upan the aoourrencu of eny Event at Oefault an�eteny Bme theresfte�.Tn,atee or Lender.at Ns optfon,
<br /> .1�;r � mey exen�se enY one or more ot the toUowEng dghb and romedles.ln eddNfon to arqr other dgtdsor remedles provldsd by taw:
<br /> _..n.e w..�a�o n�secu�ed hereby.Lertder rt�ay
<br /> �-��; ACI'�.'le�ltbil UpOt10���nal REIIIM�.. R�ry eveni vi wmw.wi...:o��...-•�__.__. . _
<br />.:�a.. _r,p. ;r� andeottre eD t���ine�td,�pro�testbu eoUo9�ot uny W dto��ernlen�may:d Ne ssmu shau there�Ron become due and pcY�1e w�hout _
<br /> �`-``� . �. n wIM or without brfnyln9 eny actlon a proceetllrtip,or bY a rea+tver appofntcad by a court and without
<br /> .. (a) Ettt�er M persan or by e9e t,
<br /> regeld M the adequaay o![ts 6ecurtty.erder upon artd 18ke Do�7en of the Proped/,or enY Part thereof�In tb own oert►e or In the name
<br /> .. - _ ot Tntstee�and do eny eds wi�ch II deems eeo�sarY or desUebls to p�en�e th�•lelu9.maAcetablUty or reriteAllIty of the Pro&erlf'.or pait
<br /> . ot tho ProPerlfl or tnterest In the ProPerM.�n�ase tRe tncome irom the Pro�erH o*0�Me saourih►of tlw ProAerlY:end.wttn er wueow
<br />: . � tatdng�on of the Prop�r.sue tar or othe�wtse caiect the res�6,tssues wsd P�b of the�Pra�rty�tncludln9 those Past due ead
<br /> ur�yald.end eAP�Y the snme.toss costs end expensas ot cDe�UOn and cori�ctlon.trditdla8 ett tees,to anY Indebtednass Bectuod
<br /> �g �tM oe8lOtiee
<br /> 0y tMt D�d ot TNSL a►1 U such ada 3s Landir msy d�mtns. TR�lntat�uAonui��kklnp po�tlon ot tM P�'oA�r1N
<br /> , ., ot suc19 rer�ts.b3u�and profib,and the�p01bat1on th�reol sha11 not ctw�weNe sirl detwtt a'n°Uoo°f d°4autt undet Uus�'aed of t�st
<br /> or ImraiEd�te Ny tot done tn response fn stsoh detault a piusu�ant to suoh notioe of detaw'�artd,notwtthsSendlrtg th�oonLnttdnae In
<br /> � �every rlght p vfro�a1in tc�No e or the�Relflted O�oc�um�enS�a by�law iipaathe oc�u►ren�t anY v+en1 ol�d�taulL Inctu��the
<br /> � dpht tar ex�ts9 tho pa�6r ot aalu;
<br /> .� � •„ +
<br />