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<br /> .i .. . _
<br /> D�e�D O{�YR�J�T 9�,� ��a�i��.� PaOe 3 �,,v.:
<br /> ^ ���2-198� ..M�..:
<br /> - .o�., u..n�at48 (Ca��nu�d� - F'_�-_'�-
<br /> �.--- -. _- bVte�• •�e�._ .
<br /> to pay,eo long a�Lt3ndo�e lnterest In tho PropaAy Is n��hln Aftse (n iB)days aY�rustor A ottct�of the 6lingps�uro�tho di,ohar$e of!ho `'`
<br /> ha C i:.-�-.
<br /> Flltsan(1B)dsys eR�r tho I.er►urises or,If a Ibn Is fled, - ;,
<br /> Ilan,or It wquc�stod by Landerthe I��pf Wwi n�ycosb dhilttorneysftCt�ar othertcharfie tF¢al ould�aearoe as a resut�t ot�a}oroctosuro or sNo �.<<:�,
<br /> amoum auf�t�s+�to d��r8� ``
<br /> undor Iho 4nn. In any conta�t��nr}ta ohnil dof�n8 P�,eSi and t.�sd�r an4 siw!!cwt�fY nny adus�o lud0�nt before enton�ement aya►nst the . - _-
<br /> • �� P�apeM• Trusta eheU nama lortder es an a6�IUor�.^J oht!g��unQ�r nny surety bond turni,hcsd In tho contest Proceadtrtgs. � -y_.
<br /> ..' , Evldertce ot Payrttea� Tnrstor ehatlupan dem4nd fum►sh to Lender ea t i s f a c tory e v l d enos of Pa Yment of ttw faxes or assassn�enta end sha�i ^��_
<br /> authatlze the approAdate 6a'rer"men�l olHclal to dellver to Lender nt any Uma a wdtten sseterrtent of the tezea ond as3essn'ienta eSe1�the �-�
<br /> �.���
<br /> PropeAy
<br /> "'"'��� �t� �r�s��pt ed t t e�PropeM.alB Y mechnnt�iflen,emeter�fa►a'88Ren,eoi other pen coutd Oe essertedno�n axouet ot the wo�Ac, ---
<br /> "�""*"�''�` ��ice,q�or mate�als.Trsistor w���u�Pon�equesl of Lendor twNsh to lenEor advunoe as;sura�roos saUs�a�°TY to Lender that Tnutor ann and wIU -
<br /> , pay the cost ot such Improvamerds. _ _
<br /> ppppEqTY DAMAQE INSURANCE.The totiowing provisions relatlng to insudng tha Pro6s�Y�e P�ot thls Oead ot Trust _
<br /> �� ' ' Malntenance ot Inaurenee. Tru2tor ehall prooure and malnit�tn polides of flre tnsurareoe with�d�ae�SnC��to avo{d aAplica�on o!any __
<br /> ;; reptacsment basls for the tull Iraurabie velue covt3ring atl ImprovomeMs on the Reai RropertY �
<br /> �a ca�,�uanoe cteuse,and wtti�a standerd mortgaSee ctause In favor of Lender. Tn�stor aha.tl eis�o Procure and melydatn comprehsnsive gsnorei `--
<br /> ttabll►►y tnsuranoe 1� Additio�ry.Tn�stor shsti melr�tafn suych other nsuranoe. Including u1 no9 mtied to h8a=ard.bustness�`enuPUon,�a'nd .�
<br /> _�" � Usurenr.t�vatdes. f
<br /> - �� a' boSier insuranoe�as Lender may reasonabiy tequire. Polidas shatt be wrltten ln tam.am�atnb.coverages and basis reasonabh►eaoe➢tabie to
<br /> Lender end issuod by a campar►y a camDaru�ressonshty eoc�tableto Lendet,irtc1�9 s�P�o��}oov��ags�wUf aot hs�caneNied ar �
<br /> dme to timo tt�e poCdes ar cerUticates ot insurunce In torm satistactory
<br /> �' dimintshed wiUwtit at teast ten(1C)daYg�Pda written noUoe blendar. Faet►i�0^��a�ddQUlt oi Tnator ot anY ethern ers°n�.�Sho�dd thre Ree1
<br /> Ua t
<br /> eovemge In tavor of lender wtli rtot ba impalred tn any waY !►e+�f'a� _
<br /> ; . '� p9rop�ty el any Urt�e become I�taln av�d mair�tain�Federei Ftoyod/�nsurance tor the 4ui�1 w�P P�A�8 0!the l�u to th��me�dmum
<br /> haxerd etea.TtustottSreas
<br /> poQay ttmits set under tha Naflortal Flood Insuranoe Pro9ram.or as othe�wtse�e4�d bY�nder.and to mai�aln such inwrence fa the term o
<br /> ,� ihe toan. Lender may make Proot of tos.s it Trw^tor '
<br /> ��a}p�a�s. Trustor shaEi prompUy notlry tsrtder af any loss a dama8e to 1he Pro��nder may at Its eiectlon.reoeive and retein
<br /> (atis to do so wNhin fiReon(1&)daYs of the casuallY•Whether cr not Lendera sacuritY b knP� � rd of any�Ilen attecUnp the Fropert�►�ar the
<br /> .� . the prooesds of any fnsurence artd ePPh►�P�ds to the rodudton at the Indebtedness,PaY�
<br />-,.,;:` �.�� tt Lender ei�cts to eAPh►�P�ds to �esfw�oo and repair,Tnrstor ehnit rePalr a rap.moe the
<br /> restoratton and neDe�r of the ProPerly- to Lender. Lendet sheli. upon sa�siactaY Proo!o!such e�endfturo, Y a --
<br /> damagsd or destroyed Improwrnenls in a manner sat�actaY
<br /> :;�,�s�: ;'�, tar ttre reasoneble cost of repah o►restaeUon B Tnutor ts not tn detau�t under this Oeed of T AnY
<br /> ";�-� ° :=� , retmburse TNStor irom the pro�
<br /> �;���s lss:s srst h??n disbursed wtthtn 180 days after thar reoefpt end wtdch lender has�COamaxued trde�est.�and the rematnder,/t
<br /> !
<br /> �;,:.,�::�..: , the FroPe fi►sAell be used 8rst to pey arry amount owinD to Lend�und�ii�i3ood a!Ttt�!,tl�n -Y
<br />- .-...,;� enfi.sl�all be ep0lied to the p�tndpa�bafanco of the Indebtedness. !t Lender holds any O�ooeds after paymont tn tu11 ot tha IndebteEness�sucti
<br /> ___��.:,;:.;S, prooes�s shaU be pald to Trustor esTntstors Inte�sts maY ePP�.
<br /> t the purcheset of the Properyl coveted by ihb
<br />- ��N� tl�neuplred�naurance et 8de.Any une�tred Insurance shall Inure to the bene8t of.and pess o. osure sale ot such Propsrly.
<br /> Y�;;?`"'�;.� Deed of Tnist at arry trt�stee s sate a other saie hetd undsr the pravistons ot this Oeed of Tn�t,or et er►y faect
<br /> -�;.`;h;.-�,_,
<br />��-'i�;;��• � Ttustor'e ReD�tR on flnaWantcQ. Upon re4uest ot Lender.however not more Man anca a Y�.7nlstot SheU tumtsh t0 Lender 8 rePort On�SUr�ed�
<br /> _:. •'. �'- • e�dstin9 PoI�Y�insuranca shawing: (a1 the name ot the insurer, (b)the risks insured: (c1 the emourd of the PotloY: (d)the DroP �
<br /> -"'-`�^^� the tMen curreM replacement va�ue m such property,and the maener ot det�mining tfiat vc�tue;and (e)the expiratlon data ot t �olbY. .
<br />_;:�,.�:�;��� Tnu'.or shstl,upan raQuest ot Lender.have an independ8nt appralser�UStactory to lender deteimine tha cash vaiva rePkteemerd Cost of th0
<br />=�a;"" -�v� ��•
<br /> �w��i:� ra+Aslon o!thls Osed of Tnaf,or M ar�y actlon ar prooeedinp ts comrhencad t1►at
<br /> _�;�;;,�,��"�-'a� F�(PEND17tJRES B►L�i�t. tt 7cwtor faik�to compiy Len�on Trustors behatf may,but shel!not b�re4uired to.tAke dnY aatlam that Lertder
<br /> �' fa k
<br /> would matede►hl effect Lender's irteresis tn the ProPe�y� te on demand, b)be added to the balanoe
<br /> "'-`�'��-�� deems eDpnDrtate.My amour�that Lender expends In so doing wip bear Interest at the nte provlGed for ln the Hote trom the da�s tncurrad or pafd
<br /> -_�s:�N.� bY 6snder 4o iha dtte ot yment by Trustor. AII such eaper�.at Lendei's oP�on,
<br /> wlU(a)be PaYeb
<br /> ot the Note and 6e a,AD�ned among and be P�1'�«wtah�trsated as a bolio�on paYmen�h wi9 be d ethind a�yabie at the Not b rtDiatufAyr.
<br /> --_-;_:%� insurance PoBCY a(�)the rematNnB term ot the Note. () h s1�atl be in nd�on to anY other d9hb or any
<br /> - Thb qeed otTrustatso wIU secure D�Y�rd of these emounb. The rlshts Drovlded ta In tNs Pa�eB�A
<br /> --�_� remedles to wh3ch Lender may be ent[Ned on account ot the detautl. AnY such ectlon by Lenc�eraAall not be co�Uuod as auin0 the default so ss W
<br /> - — bar Landor trom eny remaQy that It ott�wise waWd have had. of this Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> - e-�„_:,,�� WARRANTY�DE�t3�OF TITLE. The toAowteO Provistons retaltn9 to ownership of tAe PropeAy ere s part
<br /> l==^�'`�:": qlt�p. Tn�tOr wartanb thax (o)Tntstot hGlds 800d 6nd moAceteble otie�I�ecord�to��RoA�n��tiBe nePort,a RnN Utle apnion�i�ttad in
<br />- .'�``�°� qnaumbrenoes other than thoso set foAA in the Rea�ProPedY d�Pa T I►9s the tull ht, wer.flnd euthmltY to eneeute and -
<br /> ��� t�var'ot�and atxePted bY.Lend�In eonnectlon with this Oead ot'fmst.and (b) n� �ip Pa
<br /> "�.�,:�` deliverthis Oetid otTrWt to Lender.
<br /> ---�__- _ ���n��b�tn��pBon in tAe par��eAh above.Tntstor wartantsand w1U taever detend the tlUe to ths PrcFaAY apa►�� _
<br /> ._ ,-� Iawtul datms ot e�persons. In the eveM ar►y acUon or procee�ln9 ts commer�d���►o�T^�uU°��t^�of'tYustee or
<br />-=-�-� tertder stvie be er►tltled�o P�P�n t�he�p�rooeed��d to b rep�rese��ed�� P��eounsal�nelerb o�wn he�oiee��and
<br /> J3���,�� Lender � trom Ume to time to permit such pa�tici�aUon.
<br /> .�.�� 7n�ta wi[1 detiver�ar cause to be doll�rored, o tenda such tr�sbume�s as�ender iney�e0uast � Iles wHh d9 e�dsUn9 eAAUOOb:e laws,
<br />-W-�~�`-��� and Tn�stor's use ot tt�Property ►nA
<br /> _:-��� -r Y�a �p�l�esse Wtlh l.aNte. Tnutor wartenb that the ProP�Y . -
<br /> 'T� .°'�.�. " orAlnenCOS�end re9ula8ons ot go��emmsnffi18u1horitlAS. .
<br /> `,�1'w...,t-��.
<br />����.., ........�,,..
<br /> ..Y . CpN�riON. The fouowing proNslons relaSng lo condemnsNon proceedtngs aro A pest af thts Deed of T
<br /> '...,%�.!..'�_�1: A9R�leotton o4 NOt Ptoaed9. If�ait or any P�ot the ProP�Y is condemneid b9 eminoM domain Prooeedinps or by anY D����
<br /> purchos9 In f.su of cor�demnatfon,Lender may at Its eiection requtre that aA or a�Y P���of the net proceeds of tho gwe�d bo cjpp�f0d to tho
<br /> ..____ In����«��or resloraUOn ot tNe Proporty. 'fhe n6t Proceeds of 1he arrard she11 mean the sward after paYrtient ot alf reasoneble .
<br /> _�.�,
<br /> -- '- - c�s,expenses,end attomeys'fees rnc�+rted by Tn�stee or Lender in connecrion wilh the condemngtion. _
<br />- ... proaeedtnp�. ��anY P���91n eondsmnaUon is fJed.T�ustor sha8 proniptlY ndifY Lender in wrttlng�en e��roo�eding,�Lender sheli
<br />- � steps as maY�n��O�end the sctton and obtsin tho awerd.Tnutor may b�e ihe nominat PaAY
<br /> ., . . r V � be en6Hed to P��in the proaoeding nnd to be reP��in tha prooegding by caun�i o!its own chWoe.end'1lrustor vvilt 6eUver a
<br /> , ��� � e a u s e to be delivared to Lendei euch In�trumer�ts as may be reslue�ed by it t%tlme�-n��,u e�,a n e o msu v i s t o �a t 1 n 9 t o 6�mental taxes.
<br /> --'� _rir�-�• ��� IIIRPa81Tt0[i CF TAX�PF�B AND CQIARQES B1f(s�ivoa�iRC+�.::.%a:..�......_.. ..� ._._. _. -
<br /> . ' r tees and ehar�8es are e Pe�af this Deed ot Trusk
<br /> � s purtM Taca,Fees a�M t�arpea. �Pon�e9�bY�end�.Tnastor sh�l1 oxecute such dawmerds in ad���on��thisrelrt►bwse��-ender tor ail _
<br /> ,• " whatever otAc�actton b re4vested bY Lender to P���d co�int[e Lende�'s lien an the Reai i�iUnutt�tg�tMs Qeed Ot Ttusf.tndudln9 wilh�l�t _
<br /> taze9,ag describ�d below.to0eth�w(th M e�e�es Inotured�n�tng or registe�n0 Uils Qeed otTnut. _
<br /> _ � timiffiUon e�tr�ces,teee.documenffiry slamPs,and otAer charg�s =
<br /> . tE�ote�. 'ThB toUowing eltsll comt(tute taxes to which this sectton appRes: (e)a speut�iQ�x�Aon tMs typs o!Oc�ed ot Ttu�t or uPon aD or ar►II _-
<br /> part ot the irtdobtednoss secured by tAts Daed of Trus� (b)a sPecifb tax on Tnptor which Tnutor ia authcrfne0 or re4ufred to deduct irom
<br />- payments an tho indebtedrtess cecured b thts tYpe of Oeed of Tn� (c)a tax on Ihls NPe at Qesd of Tn�St cha�0eabte egainst the Lender ar =
<br /> , th�hddwr ot th�Nnir,ond (dl����x on tli ar onY pa�tfon of t�Irtd�n�s or on ptynN�t at p�fnotptt tnd trttuwt rt�d�b� _.
<br /> - Tnuta. _
<br /> .' . � SuDae�uent Tlocea. tf anq tax to wAtch this secllon applles is enaded subsetluontent a aU to�K.g�evaUeb��modtes for an Event ei Deta�dt as
<br /> - s a m e etiect es an EvBat of C�tault(fls deflned betow)�end L,�nQet tna�fncetC[s0 Y
<br /> ., proddcsd beiow unless T�stor ett?ea (s)RaYg t R e t e x b e t o re[t b e c o m e s 6 e l i n q u e n 4�r @)t�nt�b the tax asto LendEd above in tha Tmces ana
<br /> ; Uer�s,�sdlon and deposHs w[th Lendef casb or a sutflctent eorporate suretY bor�d a other secwEty saUs�ectal►
<br /> �• �o�,�
<br /> � • u •
<br />